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(CEEM 222)
















1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Problem Statement 1
1.3 Design Objective 1
2.1 Survey Statement 2
2.2 Need Identification 2
3.1 Information on existing products, patents, standard and codes 7
5.1 Product Contribution to Society 8
6.1 Part List of The Product

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1. Introduction
The specific idea of this project was originally from toys company. We decided to
choose from our mini project nerf gun. Nerf is a toy brand formed by Parker Brothers and
currently owned by Hasbro. We observed the toy closely and we found it was depending on
the type of budget. So, we decided to modify our gun to become nail gun. Our product is to
make easier to everyone. So, several people know how to use hammer. It might be dangerous
to someone who does not know to use it. Our product also light and easy to use. The nail gun
also has torchlight so can nail at night. The price for our product is affordable so everyone
can have it.

1.1. Problem Statement

According to the survey that we've conducted, the problem that always rises
while nailing is the inability to hammer small nail. Another problem occurred when
they accidentally hurt themselves while nailing such as hitting their own fingers
while nailing. Heavy and huge hammer will become a problem when it comes to
store them. Hammer will also become rusty overtime since it's made from steel, and
it consumes energy from the handler. It also becomes a burden to the handler to
hammer in low light scene.
1.1.1. Design Objective
1. To make sure our product is easy to use and safety
2. To make sure our product is convenient
3. To make sure our product long lasting

2. Survey

The specific idea of this project was originally coming from a survey that has been
conduct on several house holder and woodshop. We observed them closely that we found it is
depending on the type of budget or type of woodworking service they provide so that they
could afford a modern machinery for the woodshop. Having to manually drive the nail
through the wood is sometimes will be time consuming depending on the type of nail, if the
nail is big enough for their finger the process will me much quicker, but the problem came
when dealing with small nail. Our product is mainly that nail gun that helps to drive or pre
drive the nail through the wood with a help of only mechanical component. This project is
initiated to help the small woodshop or even DIYer to ease their job when dealing with small
nail at the same time improving their production rate. Part of this product that replace the
power of pneumatic system with a spring tension that will help producing a force for the nail
to drive in. The finding of this project will rebound to the benefits of society considering that
there are several levels of woodshop based on our society but so little choice in the market
2.1. Problem/Need Identification

General need description is the stage in the business purchase process in which
the purchaser describes the characteristic and quantity of the item in question. For
standard items, there are few problems with this process. For complex items,
however, the purchaser may need to work with other engineers, user, consultant to
define the item. The team may want to rank the importance of reliability, durability,
price, and other attributes of the item. At this stage, the alert business marketer can
help buyers define their needs and provide information on the value of different
product characteristics.
The second theme, Open Project – Toward an Innovative Community, was
chosen for the project. A system that helps ease the effort to drive the nail is called
the Mechanical Nail Gun. We did a survey to observe customer’s needs, likes, and

Figure 1: Respondents who think driving the small nail is hard for
woodworker and DIYer
We can see from figure 1 above that we received from the survey, 88.2% of
respondents think driving the small nail can be hard for them. This can increase the
chance of our product to be marketed to the woodworker and DIYer. This is because
the Mechanical Nail Gun not only fully functional with mechanical mechanism, but
its compact form factor will help to better organize the shop.

Figure 2: Respondents who think mechanical nail gun is beneficial for the woodshop
owner and DIYer
We can see from the figure 2 above that we received from the survey, 100% of
the respondents think that the mechanical nail gun can be beneficial for DIYer,
woodworker to help ease their process of production. This can bump up our product
in market by a lot.

Figure 3: Respondent who think mechanical nail gun can help reduce accident when
dealing with nail
We can see form figure 3 that it is obvious most of respondent which is 90%
agreed that mechanical nail gun can reduce a chance of accident when dealing with
nail. This is because the mechanical nail gun works fully using mechanical
mechanism without user needs to align the nail at the drive spot.

Figure 4: Respondent who think if they are a woodworker of DIYer, they would
prefer to drive nail mechanically of manually
As shown in figure 4, 60.8% of respondent thought if they were a store owner,
they would prefer having to mechanically drive a nail. This is because the factor of a
nail that is small, that can slow down the worker and will affect the production rate.
With mechanical nail gun, the factor of nail can be eliminated easily.

Figure 5: Respondent who think mechanical nail gun can increase the productivity of
woodworker and DIYer
As shown in figure 5, almost all the respondents are agreed that if the
woodworker and DIYer have a proper tool to work with the job, they can be more
productive as the tools can help them finish the job in ease. This can help our product
to be more reliable to the consumer

Figure 6: Respondent who think mechanical nail gun can help reduce cost when
compared to pneumatic nail gun
As shown in figure 6, 98% of respondent think that mechanical nail gun can
help reduce cost when compared to a compressed air nail gun because the
compressor nail gun needs the air to be refiled. A compressor is also expensive in a
market hence the mechanical nail gun is more reliable compared to compressed air
nail gun.

Figure 7: Price range people think is affordable for mechanical nail gun
Figure 7 shows that majority of respondent which is 60% think the affordable price
range for mechanical nail gun is around RM 80 – Rm 200. This is a suitable price
range as the product is mainly focusses on helping the woodworker to upgrade their
tools without breaking a bank.

3. Innovations made on the product

The product is a mechanical nail gun which the design of the gun is inspired from a
nerf gun (toy dart gun). The modification that will be added into the design is by changing the
bullet of the nerf gun into nails. This product will be much more convenient as it does not
require electricity and it is lightweight unlike the compressed air nail gun.
Design before Design after
Toy gun Essential use
Fires foams, darts, discs, or foam balls Fires nails
No pointing laser Pointing laser available

The design of the nerf gun that will be used for this project
3.1. First modification

The original design of nerf gun is for children and young adults to play
together but for this project, the design of the gun can be considered the same except
for the type of ammunition. This changes the purpose of the gun from a toy gun to an
essential tool especially for people who always working in constructions that
involves wood.
3.2. Second modification

The type of ammunition that is used for the original design is foams, darts,
discs, or foam balls. As the main purpose of this product is as a mechanical nail gun,
this newly modified design will change the ammunition into nails.
3.3. Third modification

The most obvious difference in this product than the original design is in this
product, there will be a pointing laser to ensure accuracy when shooting the nail
while in the original design does not have any sort of light source.

4. Product Contribution

The regular Nail Guns are large and heavy, making them are difficult to be taken
anywhere. As a result, we improvised a nail gun out of a nerf gun of similar size and
appearance. It will be lighter than the standard Nail Guns, but due to the limited spaces in the
gun, it will not be able to hold many nails.

1. More Powerful
The Mech Nail Gun are more powerful than a hammer. These Nail Guns drive nails
with a constant amount of pressurized force, unlike how we apply force with our hands. The
job can be done simply by pulling the trigger. A nail gun will always outpower a hammer in
terms of power if the nail is positioned at the right angle. The increased strength of the nail
gun is part of what makes it so accurate and the reason why users can complete the jobs

2. More Accurate
When hammering by our hands, it is easy to miss the target or hammer crooked nails.
So, when using the Mech Nail Gun, the nail will be driven precisely where the tip of the nail
is placed. The only thing users must do is ensure that the tip of the nail held at the right angle.

3. Saves Time
When using a hammer, it is impossible to match the speed of a nail gun. It is because
the nail's gun power is greater than hands. A nail gun can drive many nails quickly and easily,
but it takes just a few nails to drive in by using hands.

4. Safety
Nail Guns can be safer than using a hammer and nails. It can save a lot of fingers and
hands while doing the nail jobs. Because the nail must be gripped by the fingers and thumb
when driving a nail by hand. One miscalculated swing can seriously injure the fingers
holding the nail. A single erroneous swing might badly harm the fingers that grasp the nail.

5. Part List


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