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“ With time leaders learn to speak to people’s heart; that’s why they are
Ask any person who is successful in whatever he or she is doing what motivates him/her, and
very likely the answer will be “GOALS”. Goal setting is extremely important to motivation and

So what motivates you? Why are you in office? If you are in office because that’s what your
parents want, you may find it difficult to motivate yourself. Sure, it’s possible to succeed with
someone else providing the motivation for you. “If you achieve your targets, you will get
incentives.” Or worse “If you don’t achieve your targets, you won’t get incentives.”

But motivation that comes from within really makes the difference. You need to believe
yourself first.

Certainly, you need some intelligence, Knowledge Base, Study Skill, and Time management
skills, but if you don’t have motivation, you won’t get far. Think about this analogy. You have a
car with a full tank of petrol, a well-tuned engine, good set of tyres, quadraphonic CD system,
and a sleek, polished exterior. There it sits. This car has incredible potential. However, until a
driver sits inside, puts the key in the ignition, and starts it, the car doesn’t function; the KEY is

Interest is an important motivator for everyone. So is a desire to learn. When you link thee two
things together, you create success. Often success in an endeavor leads to more interest and a
greater desire to learn, creating an upward spiral of motivation toward a goal you have

So be honest with yourself. Are you genuinely interested in being in office? Have you set
realistic goals for yourself ? How can you develop the internal motivation that really counts?
When it comes to motivation, KNOWING is not as important as DOING.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

We all know about the five hierarchy levels of motivational theory given by the Maslow. In
general, a person’s motivation lies in the level of the hierarchy that they are currently
pursuing. So let’s talk about some example to understand this theory.

For example,

If a person is lost in the woods, they are likely looking to fulfill their physiological needs. They
may be hungry, thirsty, lacking shelter, or cold. This individual would probably not be concerned
with their financial security or their need to belong in a group. They are looking to fulfill the
conditions for their immediate survival.

Conversely, we can consider a senior financial analyst. This is someone who has a secure, high-
paying job, a spouse, family, and house. This person is in a well-respected position at their
company and among their peers. It is unlikely that this person’s motivation focuses on their
physiological or safety needs, as these are clearly fulfilled. Instead, they would be looking to
strive for personal growth and happiness. They would be looking to fulfill their self-actualization
needs and discover what else the world has to offer, and what they have to offer the world.

“ With one eye fixed on the destination, there is only one left to guide you
along the journey.”

Excuses resulting in Procrastination of inaction:-

Get them in writing.

It’s critical that you get them in writing. Not goals or ambitions. No we’re not talking about
creating a clear target. Instead, we’re talking about uncovering a clear obstacle.

What’s Your Excuse?

Whether it’s packed schedule ot the fact of kids still in school, people will reach for anything that
gets them out of the hot water of fear or sacrifice.

It’s not that you’re afraid to break free of your dead-end job and find something truly rewarding;
it’s simply that you don’t have the time right now.

Obviously, with excuses covering up the truth, nothing ever changes. And even more clear is the
fact that you need to break free of these destructive traps of illusion.

Where to Begin

Because these little nuggets of falsehood have enjoyed so much use in the past, it’s difficult to
call them out the moment they rise to the surface; they’ve become so ingrained that using an
excuse is more of reflex than rational thought.

This problem is solved with a pen and paper.

By writing out, word for word, the excuses you’ve used in the past to avoid doing things that
scare you or things that require sacrifice, you’ll shine the light on your rationalizations.

You can even ask friends or family the typical ‘reasons’ you’ve offered to explain your inaction.

A New Take on an Old Idea
Take it one step at a time. You’ve heard this before. It’s good advice, but we need to take it a
step further.

You need to do more than take your goals one step at a time - You need to take them one act at a

Millions of goals and dreams are put off and then lost forever because people become
overwhelmed with the road ahead. They never take a single step.

By looking only at the first action required of your dream, you’ll overcome that obstacle. Such
an easy task won’t be put off, helping you to not only take the first step but also trigger the
momentum that will take you to the end of the goal.

The Power of Self Motivation

You can achieve everything you have ever wanted to have, experience, or become. The power
has and always will be within you, but nothing will happen until you get and stay motivated to
make something happen, to change your life and achieve your desires.

Unlocking Your Inner Power

“Your time is limits, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma –
which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions
drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and
intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is
secondary.” – Steve Jobs

Become A Positive Person
To empower and motivate your employees, customers, your suppliers, your bankers and so on,
you simply need to be a genuine, positive and cheerful person. You develop a positive mental
attitude. You be the kind of person who would never use discouraging words, who is easy going,
friendly, patient, tolerant and open minded. You make people around you feel comfortable.

Law of Expectations
Whatever you expect with confidence, it becomes your reality. If you confidently expect to
succeed, if you confidently expect to learn something from every experience, if you confidently
expect to become wealthy as a result of applying your talents and abilities to your opportunities
and you maintain that attitude of confident expectations long enough, it will become your reality.
It will give you a positive optimistic cheerful attitude that will cause people to want to help and
will cause people to want to help you and will cause things to happen the way you want them to

Motivation is an important concept that has been receiving considerable attention from
academicians, researchers and practicing HR managers. In its essence,motivation comprises
important elements such as the need or content, search and choice of strategies, goal-directed
behavior, social comparison of rewards, reinforcement, and performance-satisfaction.The
increasing attention paid towards motivation is justified because of several reasons. Motivated
employees come out with new ways of doing jobs. They are quality oriented. They are more
productive. Any technology needs motivated employees to adopt it successfully.

“If you really want something, the entire Universe conspires to help you
achieve it.”

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