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Mecha Woreda Rural Water,

Sanitation and Hygiene Program

3 Year Strategic Plan

January, 2018
Mecha Woreda Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Program

Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms 3
7. Information and data frame work 7
8. Program Planning Framework 11
9. Community project cycle 17
10 Work Breakdown Structure 19
11. Program Organizational Chart 20
12. Action responsibility chart 22
13. Program time schedule 23
14. Program budget 29
15. Performance Monitoring Frame Work 32
16. Communication Matrix 35

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List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

CFT Community Facilitator Team
WaSH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
WaSHCO Woreda Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Consultant
WWC Woreda Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Committee
WWT Woreda Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Team

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Table 6: stakeholders’ analysis

S.N Stakeholder Stakeholders’ contributions Benefits for stakeholders Treats/Risks Indicator

1 Community  Labour  enough and sustainable drinking  The programa muy nota be High
 Material clean water and sanitation will implemente
 Budget be accessed for facilities  No trust foro futuro activistas
 Consultation  communicable diseases will be  No sense of ownership
 Leading the program reduced through keeping  Absense of good governence and
 Administrating the program personal and environmental political unstability
hygiene  No enabling environment for
 conducive environment will be development
created for development
 the participation and leadership
roles of women will be
2 Women  Labour  Reduced the time and labor  The program may not be succesful High
 Material wasted for fetching clean  No trust for future activities
 Budget water  No gender equality
 educating  suitable and conducive  Absense of good governence
 Leading environment will be created  Political unstability
 Administrating through personnel and
environment hygiene
 leadership roles will be
increased through high
3 WASH  Labour  the facility will provide  The program may not be implemented High
committee  Material sustainable service  No trust for future activities
 Budget  communicable diseases will be  No sense of ownership
 Coordination reduced by using good  No confidence and moral failure
 Leading sanitation and hygiene
 Consultation practices
 educating  self-confidence, skills and
popularity will be gained

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S.N Stakeholder Stakeholders’ Benefits for stakeholders Treats/Risks Indicator

contributions High/Medium/Low
5 WASH volunteer  In addition to obtaining  No confidence Medium
service providers  Initiating income, community’s  No trust in the future endavours
 Conducting dialogue exemplariness, confidence and  No conducive environment for
 educating skills improved development
 Obtains popularity and
satisfaction in the
implemented work
6 Kebele cabinet  Coordination  The request of the  Absence of political stability Medium
 creating enabling community will be addressed  No good governence
environment  Good governance will be  No conducive environment for
ensured development
8 Technical  Build quality drinking  Obtain job opportunity  Unable to build quality High
service water and sanitation  Improve skills construction
providers facilities  Economic empowerment  Absence of competent suppliers
 Supply building who can supply quality and many
materials and raw materials for construction
equipment  Unemployment will not be
 Train technical and reduced
maintenance experts
 Supply spare parts
9  Implementes the  Improve leadership skills  The community will not be High
Woreda WASH program at moreda leve  Increase technical knowledge beneficiary of clean drinking
committee  Consultas cabinet on through different trainings water
technical issues  Communicable diseases won’t be
 Prepare 3 year and reduced
anual plans  The participation of the
 Collect and document community on development
data won’t be ensured
 Control and ensure the  There will be negative
budget usage based on consequences on the
the objective at moreda implementation of the program
 Work on awarness
creation, advocacy and
follow up activities

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S.N Stakeholder Stakeholders’ Benefits for stakeholders Treats/Risks Indicator

contributions High/Medium/Low
10 Sector offices  Promotion, educating and  Development  There will no enabling High
consultation environment for development
 General awareness creation 

13 Woreda cabinet  Facilitate conditions for  The community will be  No good governence High
WASH committee benefiting from development  No enabling environment for
 Provide budget and and good governence development
political support
 Work on education and
initiation activities
 Monitoring and
evaluation activities
14 Woreda support  Consult, train and  Job opportunity  The program may not be High
provider group support WASH  Satisfaction on the result of implmented based on the planned
committee the program period and quality
 Provide training for  Improvement of self
community support confidence and skills
group and technical
service providers
 Provide technical support

15 Federal and  Provide training for  The health of the community  There will be negative High
regional woreda support will be improved and consequence on the
coordinators providers benefited from the implementation of the program
 Select and consult development and good
woredas governences
 Budget follow up and
 Overall monitoring and
16  Provide budget support  The community will be  The program may not be High
Donners productive through clean implemented
drinking water and keeping
personnel and environmental

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7. Information and data frame work

Background of the project is one of critical part of project planning that depicts the
direction and how to achieve the goal. In this part, the communities’ awareness about
drinking water and sanitation facilities and personnel and environmental hygiene will be
Dring water supply
There are 544 hand dug wells, 59 springs, 54 medium deep wells, 107 rope pump and 4 deep
wells in the woreda which were built with support of government and NGOs. The coverage of
water is 49.68% as shown in table 2.
Improving community’s facility usage practice

Since North Mecha woreda lacked moisture, many drinking water facilities were built to reduce
the time and labor wastage of community in searching drinking water. Though most of the
construction were built through donners support, studies confirmed that the absence of
community’s participation in supplying sand, stone and hand dug activities will no be
sustainable. In general, among the constructed facilities, 63 hand dug wells, 6 springs, 8 medium
deep wells and 3 rope pumps are not functional and hence, the care and awareness of
communities for drinking water is low.
Shortage of drinking water supply is not only a problem of health but also it has negative
consequences for development as it takes much time and labor/effort. Thus, to address water
facilities, it needs to construct and improve clean water supplies in rural areas. In accordance
with the living standard of the society, it was planed to have 25 liter/second within 1.5 km
distance for rural areas in GTP 2. To reach from the present 49.68% water coverage to 85%,
based on national direction it is planed to construct 136 hand dug wells, 22 spring development,
159 medium deep wells, 12 deep well and 328 rope pump in the woreda.
Women participation in the facilities
Though fetching water, caring the children, keeping environmental hygiene etc are left for
women, their participation in drinking water and toilet facilities are very low. Clean drinking
water shortage is a major problem for women. However, the problem couldn’t be solved in a
sustainable manner as men participated and took solution for the problem. The participation of
women in WaSH committee is 50.33% in the woreda. In reality, women’s participation in

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decision making and lesdership is low though they were selected and registered as membership
in the woreda.
Technical service providers
There are –males, ---females with a total of---- experts/artisians who took construction training in
the woreda and received vocational certificate through zone Water Development Department.
Though these experts have short term experiences and low financial capacity, it is believed that
they will properly implement their works by encouraging and providing training on water facility
and toilet construction through upgrading experienced artisans not to participate in rural drinking
water construction.
Health facility situation
It is believed that most communicable diseases are occurred in our woredas due to water born. In
order to prevent communicable diseases, the woreda has been executing different diseases
prevention strategies. Based on this, in the last consecutive fiscal years, around 24,276
households constructed toilets in the woreda. The toilet coverage is 43.94% and usage of
temporary solid and liquid waste pit practices have been improved.
In general, the spread of the aforementioned diseases was high due to unable to strengthen the
hygiene and environmental health service work in the woreda. Therefore, the woreda rural
hygiene and environmental sanitation is weak. To prevent from 75-80% communicable diseases,
achieving healthy and productive community is critical through strengthening the coordination
and awareness creation for effective and sustainable growth. For this, both the sector and
concerned bodies should support and give due emphasis.
To increase and sustain the woreda households who remove wastes properly from ---to –
 Educate the community about water, sanitation and higiene using awarness creation
methods in the next 3 years.
 Intiate the community to bring practical change by constructing models. 31 model toilets
will be constructed in different villages in next three years and hold campaigning on
water, sanitation and hygiene.
 The women should participate in water, sanitation and hygiene activities.
Major problems of the woreda on sanitation and hygiene

A. The awarness and thinking of the community about health is low.

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B. Sanitation education was not provided for the community to bring behaivoural change.
A. Awarnness of the community about sanitation is unimproved
Due to low awarness of the rural community on sanitation and hygiene, most communities have
been practicing many harmful traditional practices in the moreda. Some of these:
1. Practicing open defication instead of using toilets.
2. Absence of hand washing after toilet.
3. Prefering curative medicine instead of disease prevention.
4. The community are exposed/vulnerable to comunicable diseases due to unable to keep
personal and environmental higiene.
As a consequence:
 There will be high burden on their economy
 There is high negative impact on their incomes and productivity as they are absent
from work for medicine.
 Lives will be endangered due to high expenditure for medicine purchase.
 High burden on health facilities
B. Absence of sanitation education for behavioural change
The community didn’t receive education on modern techniques of comunicable diseases
prevention. As a result, they are exposed to comunicable diseases. The community removed both
solid and liquid wastes every where. They drink river water and don’t wash their hands after
The consequences of removing solid and liquid wastes every where on health:
1. It will serve for breading and hiding for different vectors
2. The environment will be polluted with worest disease
3. It will cause dangerous for eye and also pollutes the water sources through flood and

Therefore, continous and wide education based on holistic principle approach that initiates for
practical implementation should be provided for community on personel and environment
hygiene and other comunicable disease prevention strategies.

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Table 7: Rural sanitation and hygiene information in North Mecha woreda

S.N Kebele Population Nomber of Health Toilet

Households toilets coverage coverage
1 Abiyot Fana 11088 1445 135 80 9.3
2 Deremeni 6386 1790 1401 65 78.3
3 Addis Amba 5623 1448 1407 80 97.2
4 Addis Lidet 3693 2027 840 57 41.4
5 Bachima 12321 1595 723 73 45.3
6 Berta Geberie 5614 1258 542 92 43.1
7 Birakat 5323 1975 570 59 28.9
8 Degi Abit 11959 2113 372 55 17.6
9 Dil Betigil 9995 1399 91 83 6.5
10 Ediget Behibret 7555 813 648 100 79.7
11 Enamrit 7694 2106 1387 55 65.9
12 Enashenifalen 11417 1659 1120 70 67.5
13 Eneguti 7772 2370 1315 49 55.5
14 Gora Got 7914 1575 1448 94 91.9
15 Kudmi 11212 1575 52 74 3.3
16 Mekeni warka 8009 1978 1478 59 74.7
17 Taringa 4462 2103 2106 55 100.1
18 Agamina 4462 1575 832 74 52.8
19 Dagali Addis Alem 13230 1832 121 63 6.6
20 Teleta 7593 1343 365 82 27.2
21 Tekle Dib 7593 1690 392 69 23.2
22 Ambo Mseke 10268 2529 535 46 21.2
23 Aweta 10556 1544 420 75 27.2
24 Kolela 5345 1539 489 75 31.8
25 Felege Berehan 9490 1713 53 68 3.1
26 Kurt Bahir 8505 1489 1345 68 90.3
27 Memdere Genet 7086 1432 1308 81 91.3
28 Rim 7330 2429 1310 48 53.9
29 Tatek Gebere 7432 1920 455 60 23.7
30 Tatek Lesera 7622 1299 148 89 11.4
31 Wetet Ber 8342 1118 540 100 48.3
32 Zemene Hiwot 11719 1118 144 100 12.9
33 Total in the moreda 10 1428 184 81 12.9

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Please see health center and health posts information in table 3 and 4.

8. Program Planning Framework

Program planning framework is one of the techniques of strategic plan that comprises objectives,
scope, results, activities, indicators, resources and risks.


 Constructing and ensuring WaSH service supply through encouraging and involving the
community, women and private sectors in planning and decision making at all stages of the


 Results are expected changes in the community and social facilities and categorized into 3
main parts. These are short, medium and long term results.

Short Term Results

 The community contributed financial, labour and material support.

 The awareness of the community to construct and manage the water and sanitation facilities
sustainably increased;
 Gender based rural drinking water, sanitation and hygiene committee established.
 Water facilities constructed;
 Selection of proper places for water facilities done;
 The participation of the community in decision making increased;
 Good budget utilization system seen;
 The participation of the community from planning to maintenance increased;
 Supply of pump spare parts facilitated by organized youth association;

Medium Term Results

 Community became beneficiary of drinking water;
 The community participated on maintenance material support;
 The leadership and decision making role of women increased;
 The community brought behavioural change on sanitation and hygiene;

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 The coverage of drinking water increased.

Long Term Results

 Healthy and productive citizen created;
 Productivity increased.


Activities are actions taken at each process to change the program into result.
 Promote the overall situation of the program to the community;
 Establish rural drinking water, sanitation and hygiene committees;
 Provide training to partners;
 Recruit and hire technical service providers and community volunteer teams;
 Involve women in WaSH committee and increase their leadership roles by 50 percent;
 Facilitate the community to contribute financial, labour and material supply and support;
 Procure required equipment and material and deliver service;
 Construct facilities timely;
 Create ownership of the community to maintain and repair;
 Handover completed facilities;
 Conduct monitoring and evaluation.

 Budget- since budget is tha main input to implement any developmental activity, it is
necessary for implementation.
 Manpower - the role of partners who involved on rural drinking water, sanitation and
hygiene program is high and hence, manpower contributes a lot for the implementation of
the program.
 Material- it indicates fixed and non-durable equipment used for the implementation of
rural drinking water, sanitation and hygiene.
 Time- to achive any developmental outcomes, time is critical.

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 Organizational resources and information- To sustain the program, environmental

conditions and information have great role. It includes plans, guidelines, laws and

Things/data that show the achievement of the expected outcome. These are:
 Sense of ownership of the program by the community achieved;
 Leadership role of women in rural drinking water, sanitation and hygiene program increased;
 The awareness of the community on water, sanitation and hygiene increased;
 The community participated at any part of rural drinking water, sanitation and hygiene
 The community began user of toilet.
 The awareness of the community on clean drinking water, sanitation and hygiene usage

 It explains who are the beneficiaries, how many, where to implement the program and
how many of facilities will be constructed.
 In the three years, by excavating 290 new and 122 (repaired) water facilities, 30,951
households’ toilet and 55,227 solid and liquid waste pits, 230,355 woreda people will be
benefited in rural drinking water, sanitation and hygiene program.
Objectve- to enable and make the program beneficiary (community) user of clean water,
sanitation and hygiene.

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Table 8: Program planning framework

Activity Short term outcome 1 Medium term outcome 1
These are major activities to achieve  The awareness of the community on the  Sense of ownership of
the expected results. construction and management of water and community on WASH
 Create enough awareness for the sanitation facilities increased program increased
community on the program  Rural water, sanitation and hygiene
 Establish gender based WaSH committee with active participation of
committees and volunteers women established
 Organize beneficiary community  The community involved on the type and
 Promote and coordinate the selection of places
communities to contribute labour,  The community contributed supports
financial and material supports interms of labour, money and material

Short term outcome indicators

 Participation of communities on the Medium term outcome
construction and management of water and indicators
sanitation facilities  Sustainable management
 Participation of women in rural drinking of facilities through
water, sanitation and hygiene committee contribution of fund for
 Participation of the community on the maintenance and repair
contribution of money, labour and material
Activity Short term outcome 2 Medium term outcome 2
 Select and train technical service Maintanace experts/technicians repaired  Quality drinking water
facilities timely
providers supply increased
 Drinking water facilties constructed
 Construct water facilities/schems  Facilities constructed on suitable places
 Necessary inputs/materials for facility
that have enough amount and
construction supplied
 Select places that have ground Short term outcome indicators Medium term outcome
water in selected communities  Avalability of technical experts who repair indicators
 Ensure the supply of spare parts the facility  The number of water born

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for constructed facilities  Construction of enough and quality water illness reduced
 The community are users
facilities in the appropriate places
of clean drinking water
 Necessary spare parts are available in near
by areas
Activity Short term outcome 3 Medium term outcome 3
 Establish and train WaSH volunteers  The awareness of the community on  The community brought
WaSH increased behavioural change on
 Educate the community to have
 Sanitation service provider facilities WaSH
enough awareness about the WaSH constructed
Medium term outcome
and support them to construct their
Short term outcome indicators indicators
own facilities
 Environmental hygien kept  Number of communicable
 Users of toilet increased diseases due to lack of
hygiene reduced
 The awareness of the
community increased
Activity Short term outcome 4 Medium term outcome 4
 Work to increase the leadership  The participation of women in the  the decision making role
role of women on WaSH program committee increased of women increased
 Involve women in the activities of
Short term outcome indicators Medium term
the program by 50%
 The participatation of women in the outcome indicators
committee by 50% achieved  women participated in
 women worked in the
committee on leadership
 It explains who are the beneficiaries, how many, where to implement the program and how many of
facilities will be constructed.
 In the next five years, by excavating 108 water facilities, 5,000 household toilets and --- solid and liquid
waste pits, ----- woreda people will be benefited in rural drinking water, sanitation and hygiene program.

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 Resources are tools used for implementing actions.
For instance- manpower, organizational places, material, fanancial, etc
 Budget- from government, donners and community
 Government 10%
 Donners 80%
 Community 5% finance
 Community 5% labour and material
 Material- construction materials, spare parts, pumps and others
 Manpower/trained manpower-
 Woreda cabinet
 Woreda WaSH team
 Woreda WaSH committee
 Technical service providers
 community

 the allocated budget might not be released on time
 shortage of vehicles
 climate changes
 low participation of the community (labour and financial)
 turnover of manpower
 The WWT may be busy in regular tasks
 inflation of materials

 Inform concerned bodies to release budget timely
 Use the available vehicle in a coordinated manner
 Create sense of ownership to increase the participation of the community
 Continue and sustain the WaSH program as a regular work

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9. Community project cycle

This part depicts the objective of the program especially water and sanitation facilties and
activities that will be implemented by community and woreda level to improve the hygiene
Table 9: community project cycle

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Step Required time (period) for

I Program orientation and 3 months
II Organizing, training and planning 6 months
III Implementation 24 months
IV Monitoring 3 months

2nd year 3rd year

1st year
1st 2nd Q 3rd 4th 1st 2nd Q 3rd 4th 1st 2nd Q 3rd 4th


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10 Work Breakdown Structure

This is a structure in which actions and activities are put with timeframe to achieve the
outcomes of the program. Thus, it is attempted to list all activities to achieve major results.

Major results
 The community became users of sustainable and reliable clean drinking water
 The participation and leadership role of women increased
 The community brought behavioural change on sanitation and hygiene activities.

Table 10: Work breakdown structure

Major results
Major outcome 1 Major outcome 2 Major outcome 3
 The community became users of  The participation  The community brought
sustainable and reliable clean and leadership role behavioural change on
drinking water in nearby area of women increased sanitation and hygiene

 Select relevant technology and place  Establish gender based  Provide awareness creation
 Facilitate the community to contribute WaSH committee activities for community
financial, labour and material supports  Involve women in  Establish and train WaSH
 Recruit and train artisians and sign contract leadership role of WASH volunteers
agreement with them committee and volunteer  Construct model toilets for
 Supply construction materials service providers community and make each to
 Confirm whether the construction has been  Encourage women to construct their own
done based on the design and work attend and participate in  Improve the awareness on
breakdown meetings sanitation and hygiene and usage
 Select and train caretakers/ keepers of facilities practice
 Hold quality drinking water assessment
 Support community to manage the facility
 Conduct continious M&E activities

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11. Program Organizational Chart

Program organizational chart indicates the responsibility, line of management/command and
collaboration relations of concerned bodies for the program. As a result, it is attempted to
continue the relation of stakeholders involved in the program. Civic associations, religious
leaders and private sectors play collaboration roles but not supervisory.

Table 11: The responsibiolity, line of management and partnership realations among stakeholders
No Stakeholder Responsibility Line of management Collaboration/partnership with
1 Community  Contribute 5% labour and material  Kebele cabiniet  WaSH committee
supply and 5% financial  WaSH committee  Technical service provider
 Woreda WaSH team
payment during construction
 Volunteer service providers
 Manage the facilities through  Caregivers
 Kebele cabiniet
covering completely the expenses
 Religious leaders
of maintenance/repair  Civic associations
 Sector offices
 Construct private toilet
 Woreda kabiniet
2 Artisians  Protect and maintain/repair  Community  Community
/caregivers facilities timely  WaSH committee  WaSH committee
 Undertake urgent maintenance
when there is damage through
preparatory activity for

3 WaSH  Provide request, suggession and  Community  Community
committee information by representing the  Woreda WaSH  Volunteer service providers
community team  Caregivers
 Make the community contribute  Kebele cabinet  Woreda rural drinking water,
financial, labour and material sanitation and hygiene team
supports  Kabele kabinet
 Manage constructed facilities  Sector offices
 Educate, promote and encourage  Civic associations
to improve the participation of  Woreda cabinet
women on WaSH  Health extension work
4 Kebele kabinet  Coordination  Woreda cabiniet  Community
 Creating enabling environment  Sector offices  Volunteer service provider
 Caregivers
 Sector offices
 Civic associations
 Woreda rural drinking
water, sanitation and
hygiene team
 WaSH committee

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No Stakeholder Responsibility Line of management Collaboration/partnership with

5 Technical  Implement  Woreda rural  Community
service constructions based drinking water,  Rural drinking water, sanitation
providers on the timeframe and sanitation and and hygiene committee
expected quality hygiene team  Woreda cabinet
 Woreda cabinet  Woreda support provider team
 Community  Private sector
support team
6 Woreda  Execute the program  Woreda cabinet  Rural drinking water,
rural at woreda level sanitation and hygiene
drinking  Implement committee
water, monitoring and  Religious leaders
sanitation control activities  Sector offices
and  Civic associations
hygiene  Woreda support provider
team team
 Private sector
 Woreda cabinet
 Kebele cabinet
 Religious coordination unit
7 Sector  Initiate, educate,  Woreda cabinet  Rural drinking water,
offices coordinate and provide sanitation and hygiene
technical support to committee
achieve the program  Kebele cabinet
 Rural drinking water,
sanitation and hygiene
 Woreda cabinet

8 private  Supply enough and  WaSH committee

sector quality raw  Technical service providers
materials/inputs  WaSH team
 Woreda cabinet
9 Woreda  Create enabling  Regional water  WaSH committee
cabinet environment for the resource  WaSH team
work as it is development  Technical service
implementing body bureau providers
 Religious leaders
 Private sector
 Woreda support provider
 Regional coordination unit
 Sector offices
10 Woreda  Coordinate, train and  Regional  Technical service providers
support provide technical coordination unit  WaSH team
provider support at woreda  Woreda cabinet
team level  Regional and federal
coordination unit

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12. Action responsibility chart

This part shows the resbonsible body who implements activities to achieve major results and
helps for monitoring and control system.
Table 12: Action responsibility chart
No Activities Resbonsible body
1 Major outcome 1
The community became users of sustainable and
reliable clean drinking water in nearby area
1.1 Select the required technology and place Community, WaSH technical service providers
1.2 Facilitate the community to contribute financial, labour WaSH committee, community participation
and material support
1.3 Recruit and train artisians and sign contract agreement WaSH team, woreda cabinet and woreda support
1.4 Supply the required materials (gravel, stone, sand, etc) WaSH team, regional coordinator, technical
service providers and experts
1.5 Undertake construction activities technical service providers
1.6 Ensure/confirm the construction has been done based on Representatives of the community, community,
the design and work breakdown WaSH committee, WaSH team, woreda cabinet
and woreda support provider workers
1.7 Select and train caregivers/keepers Representatives of the community, WaSH
committee, technical service providers, and WaSH
1.8 Assess the quality of drinking water The community, WaSH team and sector offices
1.9 Conduct continuous M&E The community, WaSH committee, community
representative, WaSH team and woreda cabiniet
2 Major outcome 2
The participation and leadership role of women
Actions The community, WaSH team representative,
2.1 Establish gender based WaSH committee Woreda cabinet Women affair, sector offices
2.2 Involve women in leadership roles on WaSH committee
and volunteer service providers
2.3 Encourage women to attend and participate in meetings
3 Major outcome 3
The community brought behavioural change on sanitation
and hygiene
Actions WaSH volunteers, WaSH committee, WaSH team,
3.1 Underate awareness creation activities for the community woreda cabinet, women affair, sector offices and
civic associations
3.2 Establish and train WaSH volunteer service providers WaSH committee
3.3 Facilitate and support the community to construct their WaSH committee
own toilets through construction of model toilets

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Mecha Woreda Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Program

3.4 Improve the community’s usage of saniatation and The community, WaSH committee, WaSH team,
hygiene practices woreda cabinet, women affair, sector offices

13. Program time schedule

The program schedule explains planned activities and implementation time. In this part, activities are put
with time frame and how many of them will be implemented in each year. Thus, it has similarity with
physical plan.

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Mecha Woreda Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Program

Table 13: Time schedule

1st year 2nd year 3rd year
No Activities st
1 2nd
3 rd th
4 1st nd
2 3rd th
4 st
1 2nd 3rd 4th
1 Promotion and pre-selection
1.1 Promote the participation of the community on the
program and establish temporary community based
WaSH commuttiee
2 Prepare plan
2.1 Prepare annual plan
3 Capacity building
3.1 Provide education for the community about rural
drinking water, sanitation and hygiene
3.2 Establish WaSH committee and service providers
3.3 Train WaSH committee and service providers
3.4 Provide training for kebele cabinet, Agriculture
development workers, health extension workers,
religious leaders and teachers on how to promote
and educate the community

3.6 Provide training for project accountant

3.7 Provide training for rural drinking water, sanitation
and hygiene woreda cabinet
3.9 Conduct WaSH committees experience sharing
meetings among kebeles
3.10 Organize coordination meeting for rural drinking
water, sanitation and hygiene team and woreda
3.11 Conduct experience sharing workshop for rural
drinking water, sanitation and hygiene team,
community facilitators team and woreda cabinet
among woredas
3.12 Provide training about computer, motor bick and
GPS usage to rural drinking water, sanitation and
hygiene team and community facilitator team
3.13 Recruit and provide training to technical service

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3.14 Facilitate higher level education opportunity for
those people who contribute a lot for the success of
the project
4 Promotion and awareness creation
4.1 Provide education together with artists and other
facilities by using different awareness creation
4.2 Dessiminate through radio and television about the
4.3 Prepare annual news letter

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1st year 2nd year 3rd year

No Activities 1st nd
2 3rd th
4 st
1 2nd rd
3 th
4 st
1 nd
2 3rd 4th
5 Construction
5.1 Selection of construction places
5.2 Construction of hand dug wells
5.3 Building springs
5.4 Medium deep well
5.5 Deep well
5.6 Expansion of tap lines
5.7 Construction of tap water (Bono construction)
5.8 Water tanker/reservoir/
5.9 Construction of facilities’ toilet
5.10 Construction of model toilets together with hand washing
5.11 Construction of household toilets together with hand washing
5.12 Prepare solid waste pit/well
6 Different procurements
6.1 Stationery purchase
6.2 Field utilities purchase
6.3 Office utility purchase
6.4 Education materials purchase
6.5 Motor bicke procurement
6.6 Vehicle procurement
6.7 Procurement of construction materials
6.8 Procurement of water quality controlling equipment
6.9 Fuel and oil
6.10 Plastic mold and iron mold for toilet construction /60 X 60/
7 Monitoring and evaluation
7.1 Monitor and evaluate the activities done by WaSH team,
woreda cabinet, community support team and community
7.2 Handover

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Table 14: Physical plan

1st 2nd 3rd
No Activities Unit 3 year plan
year year year
1 Promotion and pre-selection
1.1 Promote the community to involve in the # of 107000 30000 28000 31000
program people
1.2 Establish temporary WaSH committee # of 3500 700 700 700
and volunteer service providers people
2 Plan preparation
2.1 Prepare 3 years starategic plan session 1 1
2.2 Prepare annual plan session 5 1 1 1
3 Capacity building
3.1 Provide education for the community # of 5000 1000 1000 1000
about rural drinking water, sanitation and people
3.2 Establish WaSH committee and # of 1400 280 280 280
volunteer service providers people
3.3 Train WaSH committees and volunteer session 1400/ 3 round 280 280 280
service providers
3.4 Provide training for kebele cabiniet, # of 430 86 86 86
Agriculture development workers, health people
extension workers, religious leaders and
teachers on how to promote and educate
the community
3.5 Recruit and hire community support team # of 30 6 6 6
3.6 Provide training for project accountant # of 15 5 5 5
3.7 Provide training for rural drinking water, # of 30 10 10 10
sanitation and hygiene team and woreda people
3.8 Provide training for community support session 18/3 round 6 6 6
3.9 Conduct WaSH committees and # of 2400 280 280 280
volunteer service providers experience people
sharing meetings among kebeles
3.10 Organize coordination workshop for rural # of 90 30 30 30
drinking water, sanitation and hygiene people
team, community facilitator team and
woreda cabinet
3.11 Conduct experience sharing workshop # of 90 30 30 30
for rural drinking water, sanitation and people
hygiene team, community facilitators
team and woreda cabiniet among
3.12 Provide training about computer, motor # of 30 10 10 10
bick and GPS usage to rural drinking people
water, sanitation and hygiene team and
community facilitator team
3.13 Recruit and provide training to technical # of 30 10 10 10
service providers people

3.14 Facilitate higher level education # of 1 - 1 -

opportunity for those people who people

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contribute a lot for the success of the

1st 2nd 3rd
No Activities Unit 3 year plan
year year year
4 Promotion and awareness creation
4.1 Provide education for the community # of 3000/3round 1000 1000 1000
together with artists and other facilities people
by using different awareness creation
4.2 Dessiminate through radio and television Round 6 2 2 2
about the program
4.3 Prapare annual news letter Round 3 1 1 1
5 Constructions
5.1 Selection of construction places Number 290 90 100 100
5.2 Construction of hand dug wells Number 140 40 50 50
5.3 Building springs Number 23 4 5 6
5.4 Medium deep well Number 29 9 10 10
5.5 Deep well Number 3 1 1 1
5/6 Manual driling Number 108 18 30 30
5.6 Expansion of tap lines Number 26.3 4.8 6.2 5.7
5.7 Construction of tap water (Bono Number 28 6 5 6
5.8 Water tanker/reservoir/ Number 14 3 2 3
5.9 Construction of facilities’ toilet Number 122 22 50 50
5.10 Construction of model toilets together Number 31 5 13 13
with hand washing
5.11 Construction of household toilets Number 5000 1000 1000 1000
together with hand washing
5.12 Prepare solid waste pit/well Number 5000 1000 1000 1000
6 Different procurements
6.1 Stationery purchase Lump 5 1 1 1
6.2 Field use/utilities purchase Lump 2 1 - 1
6.3 Office utility purchase Lump 2 1 1 -
6.4 Education materials purchase Lump 2 1 - 1
6.5 Motor bicke procurement Number 3 3 - -
6.6 Vehicle procurement Number 1 - 1 -
6.7 Procurement of construction materials Lump 3 1 1 -
6.8 Procurement of water quality controlling Lump 2 1 1 -
equipment sum
6.9 Fuel and oil Lump 5 1 1 1
6.10 Plastic mold and iron mold for toilet Number 10 10 - -
construction /60 X 60/
7 Monitoring and evaluation
7.1 Monitor and evaluate the activities done Time 60 10 25- 25
by WaSH team, woreda cabinet,
community support team and community
7.2 Handover Time 30 10 10 10

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Mecha Woreda Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Program

14. Program budget

Budget is one of the critical things that takes the largest share to implement one program. Accordingly, to
implement the rural dringking water, sanitation and hygiene program, 60 % from donners, 40 % from the
woreda government, 40 from user community (10 % finacial and 30 % labor and material supply) will be
Table 17: Program budget
3 year
No Activities Unit 2010 2011 2012
1 Promotion and pre-selection
1.1 Promote the participation of the Birr 64,916 12,600 13,860 15,246
community on the program

1.2 Establish temporary community based

WaSH commuttiee
Sub total 64,916 12,600 13,860 15,246
2 Plan preparation
2.1 Prepare 3 years strategic plan Birr
2.2 Prepare annual plan Birr 6,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Sub total 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000
3 Capacity building
3.1 Esatablish and train WaSH committee and Birr 47,400 15,800 15,800 15,800
service providers
3.2 Provide training for kebele cabinet,
Agriculture development workers, health
extension workers, religious leaders and Birr 167,670 55,890 55,890 55,890
teachers on how to promote and educate
the community
3.4 Provide training for project accountant Birr 15,000 5,000 5000 5,000
3.5 Provide training for rural drinking water, Birr 66,900 13,380 13,380 13,380
sanitation and hygiene team and woreda
3.6 Conduct WaSH committees and water Birr 75,000 255,000 25,000 25,000
office experts’ experience sharing
3.8 Conduct experience sharing workshop for Birr 55,000 11,000 11,000 11,000
rural drinking water, sanitation and
hygiene team, community facilitators
team and woreda cabinet among woredas
3.9 Provide training about computer, Birr 40,080 13,630 13,630 13,630-
motorcycle and GPS usage for rural
drinking water, sanitation and hygiene
team and woreda water office experts
3.10 Provide training for Artisians (drinking Birr 90,000 30,000 30,000- 30,000
water facility construction experts)

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Mecha Woreda Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Program

No Activities Unit 3 year budget 2010 2011 2012

3.11 Training for toilet construction experts Birr 120,000 40,000 40,000 40,000
3.12 Higher education opportunity for those Birr 240,000 80,000 - 80,000 80,000
who contribute a lot for the success of
the project
Sub total 917,050 305,684 305,684 305,684
4 Promotion and awareness creation
4.1 Provide education for the community Birr 30,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
together with artists and other facilities
by using different awareness creation
Sub total 30,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
5 Constructions
5.1 Selection of construction places (per Birr
diem and transport costs for experts) 91,000 14,000 17,500 21,000
5.2 Drinking water supply for the Birr
5.2.1 Birr 6,300,000.0 2,100,000.0
Hand dug well (New) 2,100,000 2,100,000.0
0 0
5.2.2 Birr 990,000.0 300,000.0 330,000. 360,000.0
Hand dug well maintenance
0 0 00 0
5.2.3 Birr 1,044,000.0 348,000.0 348,000. 348,000.0
Producing springs (New)
0 0 00 0
5.2.4 Birr 290,000.0 50,000.0 120,000. 120,000.0
Producing springs (Maintenance)
0 0 00 0
5.2.5 Birr 3,549,600.0 1,183,200.0
Medium deep hand well /New/ 1,183,200. 1,183,200.0
0 0
5.2.6 Medium deep hand well (New and Birr 80,000.0 20,000.0 40,000. 20,000.0
maintenance) 0 0 00 0
5.2.7 Birr 4,320,000.0 1,440,000.0
Manual drilling 1,440,000. 1,440,000.0
0 0
5.2.8 Birr 630,000.0 210,000.0 210,000. 210,000.0
New community rope pump
0 0 00 0
5.2.9 Birr 40,000.0 10,000.0 15,000. 15,000.0
Community rope pump maintenance
0 0 00 0
7,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 2,500,000. 2,500,000.0

Sub total 8,161,200.00 8,286,200.00

Birr 24,743,600 8,296,200.0
5.3 For school Birr
5.3.1 Hand dug well Birr 2,355,000.00 780,000.00 765,000.00 810,000.00
5.3.2 Hand dug well maintanance Birr 30,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00

5.3.3 Toilet with 4 seats Birr 11,500,000.0 3,750,000.0 3,875,000.

0 0 3.875,000

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Sub total 13,885,000.0 4,545,000.0 4,655,000. 4,685,000.0

0 0
5.4 Health
5.4.1 1,845,000.0 585,000.0 630,000. 630,000.0
Hand well
0 0 00 0
5.4.2 1,230,000.0 390,000.0 420,000. 420,000.0
0 0 00 0
5.4.3 1,845,000.0 585,000.0 630,000. 630,000.0
Placenta Pit
0 0 00 0
5.4.4 Construction of model toilets with 675,000.0 225,000.0 225,000. 225,000.0
hand washing 0 0 00 0
5.4.5 6,000,000.0 2,000,000.0 2,000,000.
VIPL one Block –Toilet with 4 seats 2,000,000.0
0 0 00
Sub total 11,595,000.0 3,785,00 3,905,000. 3,905,000.0
0 0.00 00
6 Procurments
6.1 Stationery procurement Birr 75,000 25,000 25,000 25,000
6.2 Field utility equipment purchase Birr 60,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
6.3 Office utility material purchase Birr 300,000 100,000 100,000
6.4 Teaching/education material Birr 167,000 83,500 83,500
6.5 Motorbicke procurement Birr 250,000 125,000 125,000
6.6 Vehicle procurement Birr 1,000,000 - 1,000,000
Sub total 1,852,000 228,500 1,270,000 253,500
Grand total 39,208,566.0 12,508,984.0 13,796,744.0 12,791,630.

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15. Performance Monitoring Frame Work

Performace monitoring framework provides an integrated system for monitoring as it comprises
outcomes, outcome indicators, strategies for data collection, data collection frequencies and
responsible bodies and sector offices for data collection.

 Field visit and monitoring is one of the key methods that helps to achieve success of rural
drinking water, sanitation and hygiene program.
 Since field visit confirms whether activities were accomplished or not based on plan, it is the
most realiable monitoring methods of all to achieve the expected outcomes.
Thus, the Woreda Water Sanitation and Hygiene Team together with woreda cabiniet will
hold monitoring activity per month in selected communities of program implementing

 Evaluation plays a great role in both implementation and plan preparation. Therefore, it is
important to design a system so as to evaluate the performance of rural drinking water, sanitation
and hygiene implementation. The main types of evaluation assess the program are report
evaluation, joint performance evaluation, field visit and coordination meetings among woredas.
Based on this, there will be an evaluation per quarter with beneficiary community residents. This
performance monitoring frame work is shown as follows:

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Mecha Woreda Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Program

Table 16: Program performace monitoring framework

No Data collection Data collection
Results Accompleshment indicators Data source Responsibility
method/technique frequency
Major outcomes
1 The community has  The community managed  Community  Through preparing  6 month
been users of facilities sustainablly through  Kebele questionnaire (half year)  Woreda WaSH
sustainable and maintening representatives  observing the places team and
reliable clean water in  The community contributed  Woreda cabinet and evaluate the leadership
the nearby money timely for construction  Woreda WaSH situation  Woreda health
sorrounding and maintenance team office
 Woreda water

2 The participation and  The women had leadership  Woreda cabinet  Through preparing  quarterly
leadership roles of positions in rural drinking,  Woreda women questionnaire  Woreda WaSH
women increased sanitation and hygiene affair office  observing the places team and
program  Woreda WaSH and evaluate the leadership
 The women participated in team situation  Woreda women
leadership positions  Observing the affair office
3 The community  The community reduced work  Woreda WaSH  Through preparing  6 month
brought behavioural hygiene and related diseases team questionnaire  Woreda WaSH
change on sanitation  The awareness and oulook of  Woreda cabinet  observing the places team and
and hygiene the community about  Woreda health and evaluate the leadership
sanitation and hygiene office situation  Woreda health
increased  Observing the office
reports  Woreda water

Sub outcomes 1
1 The awareness of the  The community was ready to  Community  Observing the quarterly  Community
community to build contribute finacial, labour and  WaSH committee places support team
and manage its own material support  WaSH team
WaSH facilities

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No Data collection Data collection

Results Accompleshment indicators Data source Responsibility
method/technique frequency
2 The community  The committee held  Community  Through preparing quarterly  Community
participated on the discussion with the facilitator team questionnaire support team
type of facilities, community and planned  WaSH committee  WaSH team
selection of places, together
planning, construction
and maintenance
3 Good money collection  Contributed payment for  Community  Through preparing  quarterly  Community
and management construction and mainatanace  WaSH committee questionnaire support team
system established  Observing the  WaSH team
places and evaluate
the situation

2.2 Pump spare parts supply  Damaged water facilities  Community  Through preparing quarterly  Community
system installed repaired timely  WaSH committee questionnaire support team
 Observing the  WaSH team
places and evaluate
the situation
Sub outcome 2 quarterly
2.1 Gneder based rural  The participation of women in  Community  Observing report and quarterly  Community
WaSH committee decision making increased  WaSH committee different documents support team
established  The participation of women in  Interview  WaSH team
WaSH committee is 50 % and  Woreda cabinet
Sub outcome 3 quarterly
3.1 Sanitation facilities  The culture of hand wash and  Community  Observing the quarterly  Community
constructed waste management improved  WaSH committee places, reports and support team
different documents  WaSH team
 Woreda cabinet
3.2 The awareness of the  The environment is seen free  Community  Observing report and quarterly  Community
community increased from feces and other bad  WaSH committee different documents support team
things  Interview and  WaSH team
observing  Woreda cabinet

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16. Communication Matrix

The communication matrix will enable to deliver performance report of rural drinking water, sanitation
and hygiene program regularly through suitable response of the how, who, what and when questions.

Communication matrix report

 Report is a technique that passes analysed data or idea to the concerned body.
 It is a tool that the implementing body informs the concerned body about process and
performance of the work. Thus, the report of rural drinking water, sanitation and hygiene
program will be as follows:
1. The WWT sends monthly report to woreda cabinet/leadership.
2. The woreda cabinet/leadership sends monthly report to regional Bureau of Water Resource
3. Woreda rural drinking water, sanitation and hygiene team together with woreda leadership will
hold quarterly coordination meetings.
4. Community WaSH committee will send monthly report to the community
5. Community volunteers will send biweekly reports to community support team and WaSH

Table 17: Reporting framwork

Reporting Reporting
Report to Report content Reporting body
approach frequency
Regular written WWT Accomplished activities in the
report community within two weeks Biweekly
Regular written Woreda Council Accomplished activities in the
report woreda during the month Monthly
Regular written Regional Major WaSH activities Monthly
report cooperation unit accomplished by woreda during Woreda
the month administartion
Collecting from Woreda Kabinet Accomplished activities and
concerned bodies and other sector problems encountered in the
offices woreda during the month Quarterly WWT
Regular report Community support Accomplished activities in the
team community within two weeks Biweekly Community water,
sanitation and
hygiene committee
Community WaSH Accomplished WaSH activities in
Regular report committee and 16 households within two weeks Biweekly
Community support WaSH volunteers

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Mecha Woreda Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Program

Rural WASH Map

Regional Coordinating Office

Woreda cabinet

Woreda WASH
team (WWT)

service WaSHCO User community

Three years strategic plan Page 36

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