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Justin Nori P.


In terms of Economy, the United States of America (USA) and China rises from different
statistics. The US is at the top in terms of Nominal, which refers to the money that they earn.
However, the China is at the top in terms of PPP (Purchasing power parity), which refers to the
financial ability of its consumers to buy products and services. This is the strength of the China
because of its population. It may also mean that the China has a good standard of living because
its consumer can afford to buy for itself and lesser poverty. In US, because of its industries and
large companies its Nominal value are high that gives greater development in their country.

The type of political government that China have is called Unitary one-party socialist
republic. This means that there is only one political party has the right to form the government.
The type of government in US is constitutional federal republic but also categorized as a
democracy. Their states are indivisible sovereign states which are considered as governments
and part of the national government.
Socio Cultural
The social culture of China is bounded in their traditional cultural values. As being part
of the Eastern Culture, they are collectivists and respect the hierarchy. They are united and loyal
to their government. In US, there are vast types of socio-cultural traditions because of different
races who live in US. Most of the socio-culture traits and traditions varies from different states in
In terms of Technology, these two countries have their own strength. In terms of
gasoline-powered cars, China is the largest automotive market. Most of the cars from Korean,
Japan or even other Western countries are made in China. The US are now innovating electric-
automated cars or also known as Tesla. A new type of car that can drive on its own and can
operate without using gasoline. There are also issues in terms of smartphone where the US
banned the production of Huawei in their country because they saw it as a threat to their
smartphone which is Apple.
The military of America are more focused on technological advancements. A lot of
weapons and machineries are made for preparation in case of wars. While the China have greater
power in terms of man power. Because of their population they have a lot of soldiers. The China
also dominates the islands near it to create military bases.

What drives Globalization?

Globalization occur because every country needs a development. For us to develop, we
also need to cooperate to other countries and have a good relationship for each country to cope
up in the innovation and advancement that occurs through time. The eager to develop is what
drives the countries to participate in Globalization.

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