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A Brief on Exploration for

Chromite in India - 2020

Government of India
Ministry of Mines
Geological Survey of India
Mission Natural Resources Assessment, Nagpur
September, 2020
A Brief on Exploration for
Chromite in India - 2020

Page No.
Abstract 1
1 Introduction 2
2 Geology 3-7
Mineralogy 3
Genetic Aspects 3-4
Deposit Types 5-6
Age Range 6-7
Geochemistry 7
3 Resources & Production in India 8-23
Exploration Efforts 8-10
Exploration Trend 11
Prospects 11-15
Occurrences 15-21
Associated Commodities 21
Resources 21-22
Planning for Next Five Years 22-23
4 Exploration Opportunities 24-26
5 Challenges 27
Extraction 27
Processing and Analysis 27
Beneficiation 28-29
Future Research & Development 29-30
References 31
A Brief on Exploration for

Chromite in India - 2020


This special issue is focused on chromite mineralization and its exploration

strategy from India. This publication includes results of studies mainly carried
out by the Geological Survey of India and some of the published literatures on
chromite. Collectively, results of this cumulative work by GSI provide a new
insight into the geological, geochemical, and temporal characteristics of
chromite and affiliated Ni-PGE deposits, leading to enhanced understanding of
diverse orthomagmatic systems, and refining of exploration strategies for such
deposits, within different terrain of the India. Because of poor surface
outcrops of the host ultramafic rocks which are more prone to deep
weathering leading to intense lateritisation, its explorationis a key challenge.
Exploration of deep seated chromite ore bodies needs to be intensified for
augmentation of its resource in the country.Efforts should be made to explore
all the layered mafic-ultramafic rocks beneath the deep laterite cover through
appropriate exploration strategies. This publication provides geochemical
frameworks, genetic aspects, future exploration strategy and summarizes
exploration history in a brief.

I - Introduction

Chromite is an important spinel group mineral and is the only commercial

source for chromium. It is an oxide of chromium and iron (FeO Cr2O3, or
FeCr2O4). In its purest form of the chromite, chromium oxide content is 68%
with Cr:Fe ratio at 1.8:1. It is mainly used in the production of stainless steel
and high temperature alloys such as ferro-chrome, charge-chrome having
numerous industrial and defence applications. It also finds use in the
manufacture of refractories and chemicals. For ferro-chrome, Cr: Fe should be
2.8:1; Cr2O3=48% (min) and for charge chrome Cr: Fe should be 1.6: 1; Cr2O3 =
44% (min.).The Indian ferro-alloys industry consumes more than 85 percent of
chromite for metal alloys and are alloyed with iron, nickel and tungsten to
produce super alloys used in making tools, armour-plating and for jet engines.
The remainder is used in the chemical industry, refractory and foundry
End uses of Chromite ore and concentrate:

Now it is time to intensify exploration programmes for this metal primarily

through search for concealed deep-seated ores for sustainable growth of the
Infrastructure industry as majority of surface exposed deposits have already
been discovered.

Ultramafic-mafic rocks are significant sources of chromite. Although many

ultramafic-mafic rock sequences like other parts of the world exists in the
country but, proved chromite occurrences are limited to few mineral belts.
Out of the total updated OGP area of 23305 sq km area, a geological resource
of 344 MT of chrome ore in 2015 (IMYB-2015)exists in the country against
world chromite resources of over 12 billion tonnes.Out of total Indian
resources, 102 million tonnes occur as Reserves (30%) and 241 million tonnes
as Remaining Resources (70%). The lion’s share about 96% is mostly

concentrated in the Sukinda Ultramafic belt, Odisha. The balance is distributed
in several other Indian states such as Karnataka, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh,
Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Goa and Nagaland. Kashmir and Manipur have small
pockets of Chromite deposits. At the current level of production, the Indian
recoverable chrome ores will last for only 40 years and hence the strategic
importance for intensification of exploration programmes throughout the
country and converting the remaining resources into reserves.

The typical examples of the Indian ultramafic-mafic rocks are within the
Archean greenstone belts such as in the Singhbhum, Dharwar and Aravalli
Bundelkhand cratons and the Proterozoic ultramafic-mafic bodies within these
cratons (e.g., Proterozoic Dhanjori-Dalma-Simlipal-Jagannathpur-Malangtoli
igneous provinces in the Singhbhum craton). Besides, the younger ultramafic-
mafic intrusions within the adjacent mobile belts and the vast basaltic piles of
the Deccan Traps and its syn-volcanic intrusives such as feeder dikes, sills and
conduits are notable examples for targeting exploration for chromite.
The chromite deposits may have associated occurrences or deposits of PGE,
Au, Ni, Cu, Ti-V ores, iron ore (magnetite) etc. thereby enhancing the economic
aspects of the chromite exploitation.

II –Geology
The mineral chromite belongs to the spinel group. In its purest form the
chromite ore contains 67.9% chromium oxide, 32.1% FeO and Cr:Fe ratio is
1.8:1. Chromites of economic interest have Cr2O3 content of 25 to 65%, though
the revised threshold value for this ore is 10% Cr2O3. Predominantly, Cr2O3
ores range from 30 to 60%.Various gangues occurring within the ores are
generally orthopyroxene, olivine, calcic plagioclase and their alteration
products, serpentine, chlorites and talc. In fact, the hydrous altered magnesian
silicates are probably more commonly present than the original
minerals.Other less common gangue minerals that have been found in various
deposits, include dolomite, magnesite, brucite, uvarovite (chrome garnet),
Kammererite (chromium chlorite), kaolinite, pyrite, mica, magnetite-hematite,
goethite and opaline & crystaline silica.

Genetic Aspects

All chromite deposits are believed to have formed by early crystal settling or
by late gravitative liquid accumulation from magma. These processes aid in
understanding how layered deposits form, but where differential pressures

exist, liquid injection is more likely to form podiform deposits. Many authors
believe existence of late magmatic as well as early magmatic formation of
chromite. The basic principles of crystallization ensure that the first formed
spinellids would be relatively rich in MgO and Cr2O3, and would be most stable.
This principle of crystallization completely nullifies the theory of late magmatic
formation of chromite. Based on the study of the structural relations of
chromite with the associated minerals, it is evident that chromite is the
earliest to crystallize or it crystallised only in part simultaneous with olivine
showing cumulate texture. These processes can be briefly described below:
1. Early magmatic segregation deposits - Chromite is believed to be formed
earlier than olivine or contemporaneous with it and partly included in the
grains in olivine. This genetic type includes the layer like segregations of
chromite in the stratiform layered intrusions of platform areas such as
Bushveld, the great dykes of Rhodesia, Skaergaard of New Foundland and
Sukinda-Baula of India.
2. Late magmatic deposits - Chromite is formed at a late magmatic stage and
crystallizing with the last truly magmatic silicates, commonly either bronzite or
plagioclase. In this genetic type, two types are recognized: one occurring as
syngenetic with the surrounding rocks and second injected and developed
during the intrusion of residual ore silicate melts from the lower zones in the
intrusive body. In Bushveld igneous complex, wherein layers of chromite show
relations to the anorthosite indicate late magmatic association. The
Sitampundi Chromite deposits of India also show relations to the anorthosites
indicating late magmatic association.
3. Hydrothermal deposits –Though of less important as deposits, the chromite
is formed from hydrothermal solutions, for the most part immediately
preceding to or contemporaneous with serpentinization. Chromite of such
origin form nests and veins.
Though it is difficult to determine any definite process or stage of formation of
different chromite deposits, it is evident that segregation and crystallization of
chromite might have taken place in the early magmatic stage and its
emplacement in the present position may be attributed to either in the late
magmatic or hydrothermal stage. Multiple injection of magmas drawn
periodically from a deeper magma as it differentiates, the mechanism of filter
pressing, magma mixing etc., are plausible explanations for various origin of
However, all the early magmatic chromite deposits are of sufficient size to be
of economic interest.

Deposit Types

Chromite deposits are generally of two types viz., a) stratiform and b)

podiform. The major economic ones are associated with magmatic layered
complexes dominantly comprising dunite, peridotite and pyroxenite, some of
which are chromitite and chromite bearing. The other type is a podiform
chromite associated with ophiolitic sequences in orogenic belts as in indo-
Burma arc and in the Himalayas. Podiform deposits are confined to younger
orogenic belts and they are smaller than stratiform type shaped as pods,
lenses & slabs and the deposits show irregular form and erratic distribution. In
Sukinda and Baula-Nausahi belts of Odisha, the chromiferous ultramafics are
of layered or stratiform type associated with dunite and peridotite. The minor
occurrences known in Kashmir and Manipur-Nagaland Himalayas and in
Andaman Islands are of podiform type.

High concentrations of ores very rich in chrome are confined to the most
differentiated massive bodies represented by the dunite-troctolite-
harzburgite, and dunite-harzburgite formations. Besides these natural modes
of occurrence, chromite in varying concentrations occurs in the form of placer
deposits when it is sometimes called “Black Sands”. The placer chromite
deposits along the southern part of Oregon coast, USA, constitute one of the
largest known reserves of chromite in that country. Similarly, the placer
deposits along streams in Maryland, Pennsylvania and North Carolina have
been worked economically. In Japan, sizeable quantity of the country’s
reserves is estimated to be available in the stream placers northern Hokkaido.
The Oregon sands, and for that matter all the placer deposits, are found mixed
up with ilmenite and magnetite in varying proportions. Lateritic iron ores
formed by the weathering of ultrabasic rocks contain an appreciable amount
of chromium in the form of chromite. The Cuban lateritic ores range from 1 to
3 percent Cr, probably, mostly in the form of chromite. This low percentage of
chromite in the laterite added to the costly and complicated method of
extraction of chromium from laterite, may apparently lead one to regard the
lateritic deposits as uneconomic. But the tonnage of ore available is so vast
that they constitute a major proportion of the world reserve. The amount of
chromium in the Cuban laterites alone is believed to be eight to ten times the
reserves of entire deposits in North America.The Indian lateritesaround no
chromite zones of Sukinda area have also analysed Cr of 9900ppm which
signifies its importance like the Cuban laterites.

Types of Ore:
 Massive Ore: It occur as mono-mineralic chromite bodies, devoid of
any primary/hydrothermal silicates in the matrix. It is hard and lumpy
in aggregates.
 Friable ore: The material is extremely friable and crumbles to a fine
granular mass, even when mild pressure is exerted through fingers.
Such ore is quarriable with the aid of crowbars only. These are called
brown ores. Sukinda chromites are mainly of this category.
 Banded ore: Typical banded ores with alternations of chromite-rich and
silicate rich layers occurring generally at the wall rocks of the chromite
deposits are banded type.
 Spotted ore: In this variety, silicates (Olivine). occur as oval or rounded
spots within chromite (Cumulous structure). Friable ore bodies are
spotted in nature.
Age Range:
The Indian chromite deposits occur with different stratigraphic horizons of
different geological ages. However, The economically important chromite
deposits are mainly restricted within the Archaean greenstone belts.
Archaean Greenstone association: Sukinda and Baula-Nausahi (3.1 Ga) in
Odisha. Sinduvalli and Byrapur in Karnataka, Bhandara and Ratnagiri in
Maharashtra, Roroand Jojohatu in Jharkhand and Ponda-Dudsagar area in Goa.
Auge et al. (2003) determined a zircon age of 3123±5 from the Bangur gabbro
intruding the chromiferrous Baula-Nausahi ultramafics and similar 3123±7 and
3119±6 Ma from the PGE mineralised gabbro matrix of the breccia. Sm-Nd data
on gabbro associated in the Baula ultramafic complex yielded a similar age of
3205±280 Ma.
Neo-Archaean to Proterozoic Granulite association: Sitampundi complex of
Southern Granulite belt in Tamil Nadu and Kondapalli Layered complex in
Andhra Pradesh associated with EGMB rocks.
The co-magmatic rocks of the Sittampundi Complex have a whole rock Sm–Nd
isochron age of ca.2935 ± 60 Ma interpreted as the time of first
metamorphism soon after its emplacement (Bhaskar Rao et al., 1996).
Mesozoic Ophiolite association: Ophiolites of Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
Ophiolite sequences of Manipur, Nagaland and Ladakh sectors of Himalayan
belt. The age of the Naga Hill Ophiolites (NHO) has previously been estimated
based on the ages of fossils in associated sedimentary strata. Recent reports of
LA-ICP-MS, U/Pb ages for zircons from plagiogranites within the ophiolite

(Singh, Chung, et al., 2017) indicate Early Cretaceous (mid-Aptian) ages that
suggest the ophiolitic mélange requires further investigation in order to
resolve its complexity. Two samples analyzed using SHRIMP yielded similar late
Early Cretaceous (mid-Aptian) ages of 116.63 ± 0.30 Ma and 117.55 ± 0.35 Ma.
Maheo et al. (2003) suggested the South Ladakh ophiolites are relics of an
intra-oceanic arc and according to 39Ar/40Ar dating on amphiboles from both
Spontang and Nidar mafic rocks, this arc developed at around 110 – 130 Ma.
Worldwide, chromiferous mafic-ultramafic intrusions are Mesoproterozoic and
older (USGS, Zientek, 2012). The chromite resources also occur in
Paleoproterozoic and Neoarchean intrusions viz: The Bushveld, Great Dyke,
and Stillwater and with the Tertiary intrusions viz: La Perouse in Alaska and
Skaerga ard in Greenland.
The behavior of Cr, Ni and Co during fractional crystallization of non-felspathic,
accumulative type layered magmatic rocks is fairly well known from
geochemical studies carried out by various workers. In such bodies, Cr
crystallizes dominantly in the spinel phase, besides entering the early
pyroxenes. Nickel usually occurs in magnesian olivine and pyroxene grains, the
amount of Ni increasing with increase in Mg/Fe ratio, and Co enters in to the
same minerals as Ni.

In thickly covered areas, geochemical exploration methods are employed

successfully for locating concealed chromite, nickel and cobalt deposits lying
beneath laterite and soil within zones of mafic-ultramafic parent rocks. Study
of vertical variation in metal contents across the weathered profile in the
existing quarries and pits is very much necessary. Orientation survey involving
collection of representative samples of various types of mafic-ultramafic rocks
along with their weathered mantle should be carried out for identifying the
nature and extent of geochemical anomalies of Cr, Ni and Co. The information
on the dispersion pattern of these elements is obtained from the analytical
data of all the samples collected from the area which falls under two
categories: a) Primary dispersion, including hydrothermal dispersion, and b)
Secondary dispersion during the formation of the weathered mantle.
Secondary dispersion pattern of chrome-nickel can be classified into following
i) Mechanical chemical dispersion in weathered mantle.
ii) Biochemical dispersion in plants.
iii) Hydro-geochemical dispersion in the wells and drainage system.

III -Resources & Production in India

Exploration Efforts:
Out of world’s total chromium resources of over 12 billion tonnes, 95% is
geographically concentrated in South Africa, Zimbabwe & Kazakhstan. Indian
chromite resources account to about 2% of the total world resources.

India’s efforts in Mineral Exploration are evident by discovery of large nos. of

mineral deposits spreading all over the sub-continent. Exploration being a
high-risk venture, policy initiative by Ministry of Mines has helped in
establishing a NMET fund through MEMC Rules (2015), which is expected to
encourage greater involvement of private sector in survey and exploration of
minerals. National Mineral Exploration Policy (NMEP), 2016 has made involved
all mineral exploration agencies viz., government, public, private and
academia. It provided sharing of scientific data & knowledge for mineral
targeting and free access to fundamental geoscience data generated by GSI on
geospatial platform.
GSI, DGMs of various states, public sector companies like MECL in freehold
areas, and the lessees themselves within their leaseholds continued their
efforts in respect of surveying, mapping and sub-surface exploration of new
deposits and reassessment of old deposits/mines.
In India, stratiform chromites are found in ultramafic suites intrusive into
Archaean greenstone litho-sequences. Stratiform complexes were emplaced
in the low-grade greenstone sequences in Odisha, Jharkhand and Karnataka
and in high grade granulite litho-packages in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
Cretaceous ophiolite sequences having ultramafic rocks and podiform
chromite are known to occur in Manipur, Nagaland and Ladakh sectors of
Himalayan belt and in Andaman Islands of Indo-Burma arc.
The Geological potential areas for chromite, PGE, Ni and associated metals
within the host mafic-ultramafic complexes of the country offer opportunity
for further detailed exploration and revisit. (Please refer prospects map of
chromite and map showing distribution of mafic ultramafic rocks and OGP

State-wise Distribution of Geological Potential Areas (in sq. km) for Chromite

Odisha 7418.9
Jharkhand 5434.9
Manipur 1775.9
Maharashtra 1366.1
Uttar Pradesh 1355.2
Karnataka 1326.8
Nagaland 1304.5
Tamil Nadu 916.5
Madhya Pradesh 856.5
Andhra Pradesh 612.5
Telangana 512.9
Chhattisgarh 398.9
Goa 24.9
All India OGP-2020 for Chromite 23304.98 sq. km

Map OGP-2020: Geological Potential Areas of Chromite
Geology Index for the Chromite, OGP-2020

Exploration Trend:

Chromite exploration projects


2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Graph of Number of Mineral Exploration Projects by GSI since 2012.

The layered mafic-ultramafic sequences exposed/concealed under thick
laterite or soil cover in the greenstone belts of the country offers excellent
scope for prospecting of chromite. The ophiolite associa on of chromite in
Himalyan belts and Andaman & Nicobar Islands also offer opportunity for
exploration. The economically important chromite deposits are mainly
restricted within the mafic-ultramafic belts and occur as massive, disseminated
and granular types. However, the chromites in ophiolites mostly occur as
nodular types.
The distribution of the mafic-ultramafic rocks in various parts of the country
being the target areas for prospecting of the chromite and associated Ni, PGE
and vanadium bearing magnetite are given in the map.

Map: Distribution of mafic-ultramafic rocks (please refer next page for index)

Geology Index for the mafic-ultramafic rocks

Some of the prospective areas for chromite and associated Ni, PGE and
vanadiferrous magnetites in various mafic-ultramafic belts of the country are:
western extensions of Sukinda-Kathapal-Asurbandh and eastern extensions of
Sukinda- Baula- Nausahi-Nilgiri in Odisha, Roroand Jojohatu in Jharkhand,
Sinduvalli and Byrapur in Karnataka, Bhandara and Ratnagiri in Maharashtra,
Ponda-Dudsagar area in Goa, Kondapalli in Andhra Pradesh, Sittampundi
complex in Tamil Nadu.
In Aravali-Delhi fold belt of Rajasthan and parts of Gujrat, several ultramafic
suite of rocks occur along NE-SW trend right from Rikhabdev-Kherwara in
south within Aravalis, Phulad in central within SDFB and Bidasar-Udaipurwati
in north within NDFB. In view of the similar litho-tectonic set up, these three
ultramafic suites of rocks are important prospects for possible chromite and
PGE occurrence. In Rikhabdev, dismembered bodies of serpentinised
ultramafics, meta-gabbro along with chert and probable plagiogranite are
present. The ultramafics occur as isolated lensoid bodies. A major lensoid body
extend for about 10Km length with variable width from a few meters to 3Km.
The ultramafic body around Masaron-ki-Obri around Rikhabdeb shows avg. Ni
content of 1927ppm and Cr-2457ppm. Raghunandan and Chattopadhyay
(1972) collected ultramafic and associated bed rock samples from Rikhabdev
area, which gave Ni, Co, and Cr content from 700 to 3000 ppm, 50 to 600 ppm
and 8.11 to 0.27% respectively. GSI during 2015-16 identified several grains of
Ni-sulphide such as millerite, heazlewoodite and polydymite through EPMA
Ophiolite association of chromite occurrences in Manipur, Nagaland, Andaman
& Nicobar Islands and Jammu & Kashmir are also prospects for more detailed

On a cursory glance on the chromite resource map of India (Fig. 3) five clusters
of deposits/ occurrences can be visualized.
visualized These are: 1.Jharkhand and Odisha,
2. Andhra Pradesh, 3. Tamil Nadu,
adu, 4.
4 Karnataka and Goa, and 5. Maharashtra.
In the first cluster, Odisha has the largest resource, Jharkhand contributing a
small percentage. In the second and third clusters, the chromiferous
ultramafics have been emplaced into granulite litho-package
litho and are
associated with anorthosite and pyroxenite.
pyroxenite In the fourth and fifth clusters,
the host ultramafics are intrusive into a granite-greenstone
granite litho-ensemble of
low metamorphic grade.

Chromite Resource map of India

Major share (98.6%) of chromite resources in the country is located in Odisha.
The major chromite deposits associated with ultramafic complexes are in
Sukinda and Baula Nausahi region. Minor occurrences have been reported in
ultramafic rocks at Bhalukasoni and Ramgiri respectively in Balasore and
Koraput districts.

1. Kathpal, Jajpur district: The ultramafic body covers an area of 0.4 sq km
with lenses of lumpy chromite within serpentinised dunite and unaltered
orthopyroxenite. The chromiferous ultramafic body occurs as xenolith within
granophyre in the WSW of main Sukinda valley. A total of 1.12 m.t. of lumpy
chromite reserve has been established up to 60 m depth. The area was earlier
mined by FACOR and OMC.
2. Birasal, Dhenkanal district: At about 2.5 km NNE of Birasal, lenses of
chromite ore body occur within altered serpentinised dunite. The altered
chromiferous ultramafic body also possibly occurs as a xenolith within the
3. Maulabhanj Parbat, Dhenkanal district : At about 1.5 km SSE of
Maulabhanj hill near Bhuban several lenses of lumpy chromite ore occurs
within altered dunite alternating with bands of pyroxenite and secondary silica
derived from leached ultramafics in a set up similar to that seen in Sukinda
valley. Extension of such pockets is seen over more than 1 km.
4. Asurbandh - Dhenkanal district: About 6 km ESE of Maulabhanj chromite,
low grade chromite occurs as pockets associated with ultramafic bodies which
have been extensively lateritised. Concentration of pockets of chromite is seen
within chert bands.
5. Ghotringa - Dhenkanal district: North of the village along the western foot
hills of quartzite hill, occurrences of chromite are reported in form of thin
bands and layers within greenish quartzite. This occurrence is thought to be
sedimentary type.
6. Kendragadia - Jajpur district: Low grade chromite ore of irregular
disposition is seen enclosed in silicified and lateritised ultramafic rocks
occurring SW of Kathpal.


7. Bhalukasuni – Nilgiri Chromite: Bhalukasuni chromiferrous ultramafic body
forms a small segment falling on the eastern extremity of 50 km long ENE-
WSW trending Baula-Nausahi–Nilgiri ultramafic belt. Several mafic-ultramafic
bodies in the form of bands/lenses of varying dimensions occur in this belt
intruding into the pre-existing Iron Ore Super Group of rocks. Prominent
among these are Bhalukasuni, Ambajhor, Chandrapur, Brahmihulli, Nuasahi,
Bareipala, Baghuri and Hatikholia occurrences. Bhalukasuni ultramafics is the
only ultramafic body in the entire belt which is chromite bearing. An
abandoned pit (5m x 4m) exists here, amidst the paddy fields, with rubbles and

scree of dunite, serpentinite, chromite strewn around it. Chromite occurs
within the altered dunite and peridotite in form of sugary disseminations and
massive laminae. From the drill hole data, a narrow zone of ultramafic rocks
comprising serpentinised dunite, peridotite, pyroxenite interspersed with thin
zones of gabbroic rocks has been encountered with cumulative thickness
varying from 10.85 m to 11.75 m. This zone thins out westward and occurs as
detached bodies.
The DGM, Orissa identified two small lodes – a western lode having a
dimension of 50 m x 3.5 m x 4.5 m and a very small eastern lode with a
dimension of 5.5 m x 2 m x 3.3 m. The DGM, Orissa estimated a total reserve
of the order of 1550 tonnes for both massive and spotted variety of chromite
with Cr2O3 content from 25.77 to 54.76%.
The ultramafic body at Brahmahuli is lensoidal spreading over an area of
1.5km x 0.5km in a NE-SW trend.
8. Ramagiri Chromite:
Located in Jeypore of Koraput district, the country rock is granite gneiss with
thin bands and lenses of hornblende schist and chlorite-sericite-quartz schist.
These lithounits form isolated outcrops in an otherwise soil covered area.
Several chromiferous altered ultrabasics (at present an aggregate of talc and
tremolite and/or talc-schist) are exposed occurring as intrusives into the
country rocks. The chromiferous bodies are not continuous in outcrops and
are mostly patchy, bouldery type in soil covered area. Largest individual body
exposed in a nala section has a dimension of 10 m x 4 m.

Detailed mapping reveal that the chromite bearing altered ultrabasics occur as
discontinuous patches over a length of 200 mtrs. in N-S direction. Chromite
forms neither distinct bands nor pockets but is distributed throughout the
altered ultrabasics as disseminated grains.

Chromite mineralisation is lithologically controlled occurring as disseminated

grains within altered ultrabasic rocks. Channel samples collected from pits
showed the following analytical results Cr2O3 - 24.07 to 27.49%; Fe (t) - 8.10 to

Chromite deposits of erstwhile Bihar had a pioneering role in the early history
of chromite exploitation in India. Small deposits of chromite ore are confined
to the southern part of Singhbhum district of Jharkhand. Such deposits are
exposed around Jojohatu, Hatmagariya, Keshargariya, Roroburu, Chitungburu,
Kimsiburu, Kittaburu. Small occurrences of chromite are also found at Kusmita
(22o05’: 85 o45’), Gurgaon (22 o25’: 85o10’03"), Tonto (22 o20’: 85 o35’) and
Janoa-Ranjrakocha (22 o31’: 85o38’) areas. Many of the deposits have been
prospected by private parties but abandoned afterwards. The deposits are
rather small, scattered, and the grade is generally inferior (30-40% Cr2O3).
Total chromite reserve of Jharkhand is 0.736 million tones (IMYB, 2015).
Bhandara – Nagpur, Sindhudurg and Chandrapur are three important chromite
producing belts of Maharashtra.


In this State, chromite deposits occur as lenses and pods of small dimension in
two distinct geological environments viz. (1) associated with the ultramafics of
the metamorphosed, layered Chimalpad gabbro-anorthosite complex,
intrusive into the Archaean high grade schists and gneisses in Khammam
district, and (2) as lenses and disseminations in orthpyroxenite emplaced
within charnockite and quartzo-feldspathic gneisses of the Proterozoic Eastern
Ghats Supergroup in Kondapalli Hills of Krishna district. The chromite of
Khammam district is of low grade with average Cr2O3 content less than 40%,
the other oxides being within the permissible limits of refractory grades. The
Kondapalli chromite ore has high Cr2O3 content (upto 52%) as also high Fe2O3
(about 18-35%).


Chromite occurs in the state in altered ultramafic rocks (Serpentinised

peridotites) forming regular veins, lenses, and segregated pockets of various
dimensions. Workable deposits of various grades and of varying extent are
found in the districts of Mysore, Hassan, Chikmagalur and Shimoga. Of these,
the deposits of Mysore and Hassan districts are the most important from the
commercial point of view. There are several ultramafic belts in the state, of
which Nuggihalli schist belt, Hassan district and Sindhuvalli – Talur ultramafic
belt of Mysore district are the most important from the point of chromite
mineralization. The major occurrences are at Byrapur, Bhaktarhalli, Jambur,

Chikkonahalli and Tagadur.

6. GOA
Large ultramafic pluton in Dudhsagar belt near Ponda has been recently
confirmed to be chromiferous, though ore deposits are yet to be discovered in
this Archaean greenstone association.
Chromite occurs in Salem and Coimbatore districts in Tamil Nadu associated
with high grade metamorphic rocks hosted in ultramafic complexes.
Chromite occurs in Brown Hill at Dras, Kargil District and Kyun Tso-Shurok
Sumdo, Leh District and Kyun Tso-Shurok Sumdo, Leh District.
Ophiolitic ultramafics occurring in a broadly N-S trend along the Indo-
Myanmar frontier coinciding with Arakan Yoma suture line down to the
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, are studied for chromites and their incidences
to form ore deposits in areas such as Nagaland, Manipur and the Andaman.
Chromite occurs in Manipur as small pockets, lenses and pods in Ukhrul and
Chandel districts and is similar to those of Alpine type in its mode of
occurrence, physical and chemical characters. They are associated with the
meta-ultramafic rocks of the ophiolite suite. The host rocks are harzburgite,
dunite, serpentinite and combination of these. Physically the chromites are of
massive, granular, inter-banded and podiform types. Besides, chromite is
disseminated in dunite and peridotite in which it occurs as highly fractured,
granulated and very rarely as idomorphic grains in serpentinised and bastitised
pyroxenite. Important occurrences have been observed at Sirohi-Gamnom
areas of Ukhrul district, and Moreh area of Chandel district. Although no large
deposit has been found so far, small occurrences of up to a few meters in
extent have been prospected and worked by surface pitting. The chromite is of
high grade with Cr2O3content varying from 44 to 59%. Chemically, these are
comparable with Alpine type chromite in high Cr2O3 content (44-59%) and low
TiO2 (trace), Cr/Cr+Al (0.59 to 0.88) and Mg/Mg+Fe2 (0.46 to 0.74) content.

Minor chromite occurrences are located in the ophiolite belt in Reguri and
Washello areas of Phek district and Pang, Pokphu and Wui areas of Tuensang
district. PGE concentration in ophiolite suite of Naga Hills is likely to be of low
in view of the absence of massive chromite or chromitite.

12. Andaman Islands

Chromitites are found sporadically within the ultramafics in the entire
Andaman Island. It occurs as massive pods of different sizes and shapes in
Nabagram area, North Andaman, having sharp contact relationship with the
harzburgite host and restricted within a narrow zone (Roy et al., 2015).Massive
chromites are occurring within the ultramafic rocks in North Andaman, Middle
Andaman and South Andaman. Chromites are reported sporadically from
different parts of Andaman Islands and Rutland as pods, stringers, veins and as
beach placer as well. Though these are mostly reported as allochthonous
bodies but the extent of these chromite bodies and its host is not well
documented. Comprehensive study has not been done particularly for these
different massive chromites and their hosts in different sector of Andaman
Islands except few sporadic and localised studies carried out for both massive
chromitites and mantle section of Andaman ophiolite by GSI.
Associated Commodities: PGE, Ni, Cu, Co, Au, Se, Te, V, Ti, Bi and Ag.
As per NMI database based on UNFC system, the total reserves/resources of
chromite in the country as on 1.4.2015 have been estimated at 344 million
tonnes with 102 million tonnes as Reserves (30%) and 241 million tonnes as
Remaining Resources (70%). More than 96% resources of chromite are located
in Odisha, mostly in Jajpur, Kendujhar and Dhenkanal districts. Minor deposits
are scattered over Manipur, Nagaland, Karnataka, Jharkhand, Maharashtra,
Tamil Nadu, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Grade wise, Charge chrome grade
accounts for 31% resources followed by Beneficiable grade (25%),
Ferrochrome grade (18%), and Refractory grade (14%). Low, Others,
Unclassified and Not-known grades together account for 12%.
The production of chromite was 3,728 thousand tonnes during 2016-17. Major
deposits of chromite in India are in Odisha. Morethan 95% resources of
chromite are located in Sukinda in Cuttack and Jajpur districts of Odisha. The
remaining 5% reserves of the country are scattered over Jharkhand,
Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Manipur. Economically, proven
reserves for chromite ore in India are reported to be around 2 percent of total
global reserves, but the country produces nearly 20 % of the world’s output

and accounts for 30 per cent share in the global trade in chromite ore.
ore With
the recent increase in world demand for chromite, India has stepped up its
production to become third largest chromite producer in the world. In India,
97% of the total chromite deposits occur in association with Iron Ore Group
and other 3% deposits belong to Proterozoic Eastern Ghat Group and Tertiary
Ophiolite formation. About 95% of the total chromite resources i.e.
i 203 MT is
located in Sukinda and Boula-Nuasahi
uasahi belt in Odisha.
Odisha Against this resource
base, and at annual rate of production of chrome ore of around 3.73 MT,the
resources are expected to last for several years.

Cumulative graph of Chromite & Mn ore augmented by GSI.

Planning for Next Five Years:

 The economically important chromite deposits are mainly restricted
within the Archean greenstone belts. The distribution of the
chromitites is very irregular and they occur as massive, pinch and swell
nature, disseminated, granular and nodular types, the latter being
characteristic of chromites in ophiolites.
ophiolites Hence exploration strategies
should be planned accordingly keeping in mind with the genetic
aspects and considering the new updated OGP-2020 OGP map of the
 Since bulk of the chromite resources
r of the country is confined to the
Sukinda Belt, more number
umber of exploration programmes need to be
intensified specially in the eastern and western extensions within
soil/laterite covered areas.

 Chromite mines at Sukinda Valley are going deeper with opencast
mines already reached up to a depth of about 120m down from the
surface. The six chromite ore bands are sub-vertical (about 700-800
dips) in nature and the exploration carried out by the lessee has proved
chromite up to 250m depth. Hence, underground mining technology
needs to be promoted for exploring the deep seated ore bodies.
 Exploration of deep-seated ore bodies needs to be carried out and
efforts need to be intensified to identify more deposits of chromite in
the country.
 Besides taking up exploration programmes in the known deposits for
assessing strike and depth continuity, thrust should be given in other
mafic-ultramafic belts of the country.
 In India there is no reported occurrence of large chromite deposit of
typical ‘Bushveld type’. Though the occurrence of stratiform
chromitites in Archean greenstone belts (e.g., Nuggihalli, Nuasahi,
Sukinda) and in high-grade terrains (e.g., Sittampundi, Kondapalli) are
presumably genetically linked with high-Mg parent melts that
characterized the Archaean magmatism, search for their potentiality
for Bushveld type deposit need to be intensified.
 Suitable technology needs to be developed for beneficiation of low-
grade, friable chromite ore (30% Cr2O3) fines which are available in
sizeable quantity in India. R & D is required for development of suitable
technology for extraction of nickel from the laterite/latsols which are
available in huge quantity as overburden during mining of chromite
 The Sittampundi Complex of Salem district is a major source of
chromite in Tamil Nadu. Further investigations can be planned in this
 In Karnataka, chromite rich belts show presence of layered complexes
in association with greenstone belts represented by Sargurs. More
exploration programmes can be planned with integrated approach.
 In Singhbhum district, Jharkhand along Jojohatu-Roro belt, small
chromite ore bodies occur as bands in altered ultramafics, intrusive
into the Precambrian Iron Ore Group. These areas can be revisited
using the modern exploration techniques for finding a good deposit.
 Chromite deposits in Maharashtra occur in Bhandara-Nagpur belt,
Sindhudurg belt and Chandrapur belt in association with the
ultramafics of Sakoli and older Groups. These areas also need further
exploration using the modern exploration techniques
 Vast resources/reserves of chromite are confined to leasehold areas
and therefore, a proper re-assessment has to be carried out by the
exploring agency.

IV - Exploration Opportunities
 Chromite resources are located to the extent of 95% in Odisha,
predominantly in Sukinda Valley. There is immense scope for search of
this mineral in the eastern extensions between Sukinda and Baula-
Nuasahi and further east which are mostly covered with thick laterites.
Presently GSI is carrying out G4 stage explora on between the gap
areas of Sukinda and Baula and the field work has shown existence of
ultramafic rocks beneath the lateri c cover in a deep nala sec on.
Hence more nos. of systema c explora on coupled with high end
explora on techniques, MT survey, DSRS etc. need to be intensified in
this large gap areas. The western extensions of the Sukinda deposit,
though patchy occurrence of chromite bodies and magne te (possibly
with Ti & V) are found up to Bhuban-Asurbandh area and beyond,
there is immense scope for detailed explora on for assesing depth and
strike con nuity of chromite and proving other important associated
commodi es viz.: PGE, Ni, Ti and vanadium.
 Exploration of deep seated ore bodies needs to be carried out through
multidisciplinary surveys keeping in tune with the modern trends of
mineral exploration. The proving of chromite beyond 250m depth in
the Sukinda belt and re-assessment of resource need to be carried out.
 The Multi-sensor Aero-geophysical Survey of the Geological Potential
Area is in progress since 2017in the selected sectors of the country by
GSI with close (300m) line spacing and 80m flight height. The data
generated shall have a great impact on mineral search.
 The ongoing ambitious programmes like RMT and Project: Uncover
(India) taken up by GSI shall generate potential mineralised blocks for
further detailed exploration.
 The small deposits in Sittampundi complex, Tamil Nadu, Sargur schist
belt, Karnataka, Bhandara-Nagpur belt, Sindhudurg belt and
Chandrapur belt, Maharashtra, Jojohatu-Roro belt, Jharkhand need
reappraisal and revisit in the light of new scientific developments in
latest sophisticated analytical instruments to prove major chromite
bodies in the extensions and other affiliated commodities.
 All the mafic-ultramafic complexes of the country whether with known
occurrences or not yet reported or under explored, need continued
checking and revisit.
 The enormous extent and thickness of Deccan flood basalts having
picritic composition at the basal flows need detailed and extensive

exploration, R & D activities for search for many important
commodities including chromite. The Muscox intrusion of Canada is an
excellent example of having layered chromite deposits underneath a
thick pile of basaltic lava at top (copper mine flood basalt, Mackenzie
large igneous province, Day et al., 2013). The funnel shaped feeder
dykes contain picrite which has given rise to a layered complex in the
upper parts of the magma chamber. These layered complexes are in
turn overlain by the thick basaltic flows.
 The following target areas of mafic-ultramafic complexes offer
opportunity for further detailed exploration and revisit. (Please refer
prospects map of chromite)
i. Sittampundi and Mettuppalaiyam M-UM complex, TN
ii. Satyamangalam-Attapadi area, Kerala
iii. Hanumalpura and Nuggihali schist belt, Karanataka
iv. Usagaon Complex, Goa
v. Gondipipri and Heti, Maharastra
vi. Kondapalle layered UM complex
vii. Noto pahar Gabbro-anorthosite complex, Odisha
viii. Dibang valley, Arunachal Pradesh
ix. Ophiolite belts of Ladakh
x. Phulad Ophiolite Suite, Rajasthan
xi. Rikhabdeb UM belt, Rajasthan
xii. Bidasar Ophiolites, Rajasthan
xiii. Naga Hill Ophiolite Complex, Nagaland
xiv. Andaman ophiolites, A & N Island.

Appraisal of the Indian laterites in the ultramafic fields of the country can be
an opportunity for exploration for low grade chromite in line with the
occurrence of chromite in Cuban laterite.

V - Challenges
 The India is endowed with good mineral wealth, and there may be
many mineral deposits, which are yet to be discovered .There is also a
great need to develop intensive and extensive integrated methods of
exploration in conjunction with geological, geophysical and
geochemical techniques for discovering world-class concealed
Chromite deposits which might have remained undetected so far by
conventional methods of exploration.
 Though emphasis was given for the need of detailed exploration in all
the potential areas with a view to estimate resources to a depth of
500m in Sukinda belt and estimation of resources in all other potential
areas of the country, exploration efforts need intensification to identify
more deposits of chromite in the country.
 omite orehr Because of friable nature of cin Sukinda Valley at shallow
levels, exploration of deep seated ore bodies needs to be carried out
on priority basis.
 Structurally, all the chromite fields are highly complex .Transverse and
dip faults of various trends and magnitude, with numerous folding and
intrusions of various dykes in chromite ore bodies are common
features, posing difficulty in mining, development and exploration at
 R & D is required for development of suitable technology for extraction
of Nickel from the Chromite overburden from the Sukinda area of
 Appropriate exploration techniques to be adopted based on their
genetic types. In stratiformiden fica on of the layered nature ,type
and cumulate por ons of the intrusions is important for targe ng the
ultramafic complexes of -not reported chromite occurrences in mafic
,For podiform type .the countryall dunitic portions of Alpine-type
peridotites )Harzburgite Dunite components of ophiolite complexes (
.need careful and detailed study

Processing and Analysis:

Geochemical sampling involves the collection and analysis of various earth
materials such as rocks, soils, sediments and water. Appropriate samples such
as bedrocks, sediments, soils, drill-core and water samples have to be
collected depending upon the type of study required. One must remember
that correct interpretation also depends on the quality of the samples and
non-representative samples will not yield a valid interpretation no matter how
good the subsequent chemical analysis will be.

Chromite ore is a combination of chromite minerals and gangue minerals that
are separated through the beneficiation process after mining. Gangue minerals
affect the performance of chromite products, because beneficiation does not
completely separate them from chromite ore. Metamorphosis of ore can
result in the Cr2O3 reporting to the gangue minerals stream (tailings) during
beneficiation (Greico, 2010).
Mineral beneficiation of chromite ore is the exploitation of physical properties,
such as density and chemical, magnetic, and surface characteristics, to
produce concentrates. Current chromite ore beneficiation practice is to
separate chromite ore from gangue minerals via dense media separation or
gravity separation, which take advantage of the higher density of chromite
minerals [4.3 to 4.5 grams per cubic centimeter(g/cm3)] compared to that of
silicates (the gangue minerals) (2.6 to 4.0 g/cm3). The purpose of beneficiation
is to render the ore physically (granulometry) and chemically suitable for
subsequent treatments. Operations typically serve to separate and
concentrate mineral values from waste materials, remove the impurities or
prepare the ore for further refinement. Beneficiation activities do not change
the mineral values themselves other than by reducing (crushing and grinding)
or enlarging (pelletising and briquetting) particle size to facilitate further
processes. Chromite ore is beneficiated for processing using several methods.

Though gravity techniques are well established and widely accepted for the
concentration of chromite ore, such techniques become inefficient and
complex while treating fine size particles of less than 75 µm. Recovery is a
concern particularly in finely disseminated ores due to its inherent
complexities. Each gravity separation technique delivers its maximum
efficiency under specific operating conditions and particle size range (Murthy
et al., 2011). Heavy medium and gravity concentration methods are the most
commonly used beneficiation processes. Heavy medium separation is the most
economical method when coarse particles ranging between 10-100 mm need
to be treated. In the case of finer particles, jigs, spirals and shaking tables are
used. Spirals are, however, the most important among gravity concentrator
sand are currently the preferred choice.
All chromites are paramagnetic at room temperature. Their magnetic capacity
is dependent on the Fe2+content (Owada & Harada, 1985). It has been
speculated that this ferromagnetism is predominantly present in the sections
more concentrated with Fe2+because of the non-uniform distribution of
magnetic ions in the crystalline structure. Low-intensity magnetic separation
(about 0.1 T) is used to reject the magnetite from paramagnetic chromite
material, but is inefficient in separating the chromites that are present in fine

intergrowths with other materials. In a high-intensity magnetic field (about 1
T) chromite can be extracted as a magnetic product from the gangue material
(Gu & Wills, 1988; Nafziger, 1982).

Future Research & Development:

The ortho-magmatic mineral deposits offer excellent opportunities for fruitful

research because of fractional crystallization of the invading magma leading to
magmatic stratification. The crystallization and accumulation of cumulates of
various mineral phases, including the ore metals, in the layered mafic-
ultramafic igneous complexes being guided by several factors within the
magma chamber and the external factors of the host rock to which the magma
is invading affecting its cooling history need to be understood through R & D
work of the specific mafic-ultramafic belt for adopting different exploration

Since the host rock for chromite is a store house of many other affiliated Cu-
Ni-PGE, magnetite, V, Ti etc. metals, more research need to be carried out
through experimental petrology, EPMA, SEM studies in respect of their genetic
aspects and accumulation at the critical phase of the fractional crystallization,
critical temperature of sulphide immiscibility phase, sulphide saturation etc.
for targeting the exploration methodology for all associated commodities
along with chromite.

An integrated mineral exploration programme can be formulated targeting a

particular mafic-ultramafic belt comprising a team of exploration
Geologists/Geophysicists with an aim to search for all the possible associated
commodities through field and research work and laboratory studies under
effective supervision of a domain expert.

Generalized Geological map of the Sukinda Ultramafic Complex, Odisha

 Serpentinised dunite-peridotite with chromite bands
 Emplaced in to IOSG, thick laterite cover
 6 chromite seams, strike length: 200m to 2km (up to 7km)
 Depth continuity: 250m. Thickness: 1 to 40m
 Mostly friable ores except the southern Mahagiri band.

Photos: Chromite (friable ore) seams at different mine sections, Sukinda

Significant Contributors:
1 Pradeep Kumar Jena, Director, Regional Mission-II, GSI, ER
2 Smt. Sradhanjali Subhadarshini, Sr. Geologist, SU: Odisha, GSI, ER
3 Director of Mission-II, GSI Nagpur for editing, formatting.

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