All About Cleansing

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All About Cleansing

All About Cleansing

Greetings and welcome!

Thank you for your interest in these natural ways of clearing toxins from your
body. The following is a compilation of our personal experience. We have
suggested an order which progresses from gentle to strong. Remember, each
body is different, what we classify as gentle may be strong for you.

It is best to start gentle and go slowly so as to reduce / minimise any

unnecessary discomforts. These activities release toxins from the body which
need to be eliminated. If your body is unable to cope with the toxic overload,
you may go into a healing crisis, where you will feel worse before getting
 Lymph Cleanse
 Blood Cleanse
 Lung Cleanse
 Stomach / Large Intestine Flush
 Pancreas Flush
 Parasite Cleanse
 Liver Cleanse
 Gall Bladder Flush
 Kidney / Bladder Cleanse

This is shared for the purpose of education only. We do not make any claims
or guarantees regarding any results. Further more, we do not know your
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All About Cleansing

constitution. Please consult a health practitioner before engaging any of these


 Lukewarm water – 1 glass
 Lemon – 1 wedge (per day of flush)
 Lemon Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil
 Himalayan mountain salt – 1 pinch

This activity should be incorporated into every body’s daily lifestyle. Every
morning when you first wake up, prepare a glass of lukewarm water with a
pinch of Himalayan Mountain salt. Squeeze in the juice from a fresh lemon
wedge. Add 3 drops of Lemon essential oil. Drink slowly.

You may replace the Himalayan Mountain Salt with a good quality sea salt.
You may replace the lemon with lime or grapefruit. You can replace the citrus
fruit entirely with Lemon Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil.

Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine theory (TCM), at 1-3 AM, your liver
energy is the strongest; this is followed by 3-5AM, where the lung energy is
strongest. Finally at 5-7AM, large intestine energy is strongest. All these 3
organs have a major focus on elimination and hence detoxification.

In TCM, sour has a astringent / constricting action, while salt has a descending
action. These two actions combined assist in removing the unwanted
energy/toxins from your body.

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All About Cleansing

Lymph Cleanse
The lymphatic system is one of the most efficient ways the body has to
remove toxins. The blood deposits toxins into the lymph to be eliminated
from the body through the urinary tract, the sweat glands or the skin.

When we invert our body (upside down), the lymph is given a chance to
reduce pressure and balance itself. The best way to do this is getting on a
slant board. The slant board is a bench that is at a 45 degree angle. Often, a

weight bench or an old table with legs on one side works well. Headstands,
handstands, gravity boots and inversion swings are all excellent methods of

Bouncing up and down is a great exercise. While it may not be as efficient as
15 of minutes of daily inversion, it is still beneficial.

When the organs of eliminations are overtaxed, the body tends to eliminate
toxins through the skin as acne and other skin eruptions. Our skin is a good
guide to the health of our organs and how well they are functioning.
 Dry skin brushing and exfoliation are ideal for removing old dead skin cells
and toxins.
 Hot showers / baths that open up the pores are also appropriate.
 Get some morning sunshine before it turns hot!

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Blood Cleanse (Coconut water)

Blood is primarily plasma, a clear substance that transports all our different
blood cells and nutrients. Young coconut water, being completely sterile and
sealed in an organic container is one of nature’s best gifts.

This is only to be done for one day. Prolonged intake of large amounts of
coconut water introduces too much yin to the body. Coconut water is easily
balanced by coconut meat, which is quite yang energetically.

 Coconuts – Fresh coconut water
 Young Living Multigreen supplement

Start with 1 litre of coconut water first thing in the morning.

Then drink about half a litre of coconut water every hour for about one to four
hours until your body is rapidly urinating.

At this point, open 11 capsules of Multigreen and pour into half a litre of
coconut water. Stir well.

Whenever you feel hungry or thirsty, drink this mixture.

NOTE: Do this cleanse once and for only one day only!

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All About Cleansing

Lung Cleanse
The lungs are the largest organ of detoxification. Through respiration, we
exhale thousands of toxins per minute. By cleansing the lungs, we increase the
capacity for respiratory intake (Qi / Prana etc) and open space for cellular

Any type of deep breathing or focused breath work will assist the lungs in
doing their job more efficiently. Singing, chanting and toning can open up
new areas of the lungs and help us let go of old toxic build-up.

Toning the musical scales (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do) in odd numbered sets
is easy and effective. When toning, the focus is on the abdomen, the sound
volume is generated there and not at the throat. Project your tone upwards
and outwards. For each breath, tone one scale completely. Fill the room
completely with the vibration.

The musical scales correlate from the base chgkra to the eighth chakra (about
10 cm above the head). You may find a particular scale challenging – always
feel like coughing, out of breath or just itchiness in the throat. These are
indications of imbalance in that chakra.

Increases in our respiration by aerobic activities also move toxins out of the
lungs at a more rapid rate.

Breath is life, so breathe well and live well.

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All About Cleansing

Stomach / Large Intestine Flush (Himalayan Mountain Salt)

 Lukewarm water – about 1.5 to 2 litre
 Lemon – half (per day of flush)
 Lemon Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil
 Himalayan mountain salt – about 1 tablespoon
 Young Living 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse
 Young Living Life 5
 Young Living Core Supplements (optional)

 Alarm clock
 Toilet Paper & Direct access to toilet (very important!!!)

 Set up alarm clock for 7am or earlier.
 After you wake up, squeeze the lemon in lukewarm water
 Add 1 tablespoon of Himalayan Mountain salt
 Add 9 drops of Lemon essential oil.
 Stir with a non metallic utensil

This mixture may taste like commercial isotonic drinks. Adjust the
quantity/volume in the recipe to suit your taste.

Try to drink the mixture progressively over 1 hour. Between drinking, keep
moving while doing your morning routine. If you feel nauseas, drink slower
and reduce the intake quantity. If no bowel movements occur, top up with
more mixture / water. Your initial bowel movements may be solid. However
subsequent ones will be softer or even liquid.

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All About Cleansing

When the bowel movements have stopped, take Young Living Life 5 and
Young Living NingXia Red first. This replenishes the probiotics and the
nutrients in your body. Himalayan Mountain Salt has 84 minerals in it, so it is
not necessary to introduce a mineral supplement. Take your breakfast after
about half an hour.

 Eliminate (if you can) / reduce alcohol, spicy foods, fried foods and

anything rich or heavy during the 5 day flush.

 Reduce intake of protein and carbohydrates.
 Try to have more fresh fruits and vegetables instead.
 In view of a busy lifestyle, perform the Himalayan Salt Water Flush on
Saturday and Sunday so that you will not be pressed for time.
 You can start the Young Living 5-Nutritive cleanse on Monday after the
 Follow the diet plan as indicated in the Young Living 5-Day Nutritive

If you are performing the Himalayan Salt Water Flush for more than 3 days,
please include the Young Living Core Supplements daily during the flush.

This flush provides an internal bath for the alimentary canal, drawing out
toxins as it cleanses the entire intestinal tract. Customary colonics and enemas
usually reach the large intestine or a small part of it.

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All About Cleansing

The large intestine (1.5m long) is connected below the smaller intestine;
through it all solid waste leaves the body. It is said the average person has 5
pounds (2 kg) of undigested waste (usually of animal origin) in the large

Anyone who has eaten meat / dairy products is likely to have impacted faecal
matter on the intestinal walls. This problem is worsened with saturated fats,
excess protein, refined / processed foods, drugs, artificial additives and
chemicals that we consume.

Often we hold traumatic experiences in our body which can be released with
the flush. Some people have had spontaneous emotional releases while
cleansing. Find a quiet place to rest and recover with the essential oils of the
Feelings Kit should this occur.

This flush is recommended prior to spiritual consultations, meditation groups

and retreats. Before starting a new healing program, taking a new
herb/supplement, fasting or changing diet, you should rid your body of build-
up toxins. Only by clearing the old stuff will you make way for the new
program to take effect. How else will you know that a healing program is
working if you are just putting new things on top of the old?

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All About Cleansing

Pancreas Cleanse
Through over-consumption of processed food and high glycemic index foods,
the pancreas is overworked.

Simply by reducing refined sugar from the diet, we can begin to balance the
insulin production in the body.

Through daily exercise of minimum 30 minutes, we reduce our body’s

resistance to insulin.

If we move into a diet higher in leafy greens and sprouts, we allow our body
to regain its ability to balance blood sugar on its own.

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Parasite Cleanse
Everyone has parasites, the food we eat, water we drink or bathe in, the
clothes we wear and the bed we sleep in. A parasite is an organism (animal or
plant) that lives on or inside a larger animal or plant, and gets its food from it.
It is ironic that as we move to a raw plant based diet, we tend to accumulate
more parasites.

While garlic has been traditionally used to help cleanse parasites, it is our
humble opinion that garlic dulls the energetic body. We offer an alternative


 Young Living Parafree supplement
 Ocotea Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil
 Digize Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil Blend
 V6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil

Follow the instructions on the label of Parafree. Take Parafree for 3 cycles of
21 days. In between each cycle, rest for 1 week before starting the next cycle.

Both Ocotea and Digize are great essential oils for supporting the body
against parasites. Throughout this cleanse, take 3 drops of ocotea under your
tongue 3 times a day. Take Digize in a vegetable capsules at night before
sleeping. For the first cycle, start with 3 drops of Digize. During the second
cycle, increase it to 5. Finally for the third and final cycle, increase it to 9.
During the first cycle, you may want to add V6 Enhanced Vegetable oil in your
vegetable capsule to minimize any strong cleansing actions on your digestive
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All About Cleansing

Liver Cleanse
The liver is responsible for cleansing the blood; it removes toxins and stores
them safely until they can be removed. The liver is also in charge of glycogen
storage as converted from sugar. Many people have enlarged and toxic liver.

Begin by reducing fried foods, overly processed foods and all high glycemic
index foods,

Eliminate heavy toxins like alcohol, cigarettes, intoxicants, synthetic chemicals


Fasting on watermelon including the rinds (peeled) is helpful.

Dandelion greens and parsley are also beneficial.

It is good to combine a liver cleanse with a gall bladder flush.

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Gall Bladder Flush

The gall bladder is responsible storing bile. Most people produce hundreds of
gallstones every year. These gallstones are made of rancid fats, oils and
calcified minerals. Gallstones can be released naturally if you have a healthy
lifestyle, however most gallstones get stuck and are stored in the gall bladder
itself. A gall bladder flush can remove blockages and expel stones.

This is a strong activity and if the energetic shift is too rapid / strong, it may
result in a healing crisis.

 25 fresh apples – organic if possible (green preferred)
 Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulphate)
 Extra virgin organic olive oil or flaxseed oil
 1 Grapefruit (tastes better) or 3 Lemons
 Young Living Essential Oil Blend JuvaCleanse
 Castor Oil or V6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil
 Hot Water Bottle

For the first five days, consume 5 apples daily. You can choose to eat the
apple or blend it. Juicing is discouraged as it removes the fibre. The malic acid
in the apple softens the gallstones.

During the five days, eat normally. However, try to reduce fatty food and
animal protein.

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Apply Young Living Essential Oil Blend JuvaCleanse over your liver area (below
right rib cage) every night.

On the fifth day, take no dinner. At 6 PM, take a teaspoon of Epsom salt with a
glass of warm water. Magnesium sulphate opens the gallbladder ducts. At 8
PM, take a teaspoon of Epsom salt with a glass of warm water.

At 10 PM, JuvaCleanse over your liver area followed by an oil pack of castor oil
or V6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil. Prepare your hot water bottle.

Take half cup olive oil with half cup fresh grapefruit juice. Mix it well and drink
it. Immediately lie down and curl up your legs. Put the hot water bottle over
your liver area.

After 30 minutes, you sleep in any position you prefer. Bowel movement is
expected the next morning.

Gall stones are greenish yellow to orange-brown and will float in the water.
You may pass your bowel movement through a colander. After a thorough
rinsing, you have your fresh gall stone to share with other people!

Experienced flushers may replace olive oil with flaxseed oil.

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Kidney / Bladder Cleanse

The kidneys and bladder rule over the water element within the body. The
kidneys are responsible for filtering the blood. By offering our body extremely
high quality water, we help the kidneys do their job more effectively. Organic
water from fruits, vegetables and coconuts are ideal.

The kidneys are affected by salt balance in the body. When the body contains
organic sodium or pure salts, it gains the ability to store water in our cells and
can help the kidneys.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory, it is said that the kidneys stores the
life essence. By cleansing the kidneys, we can create the ability to store more

The kidney and bladder are cleansed by drinking large amounts of coconut
water and vegetable juices high in organic sodium like celery, cucumber and

Cranberries are extremely helpful in the dissolving of kidney stones.

Try to remove all inorganic water and processed salt from the diet during this

Nancy Sanderson Kidney Stone Experience

While I was in Ecuador I had kidney stone attack and Gary had me take 15
drops lemon and 15 drops of frankincense every hour. I used up both bottles
of oil and dissolve the stones. When they did the sonogram all they could see

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was sand in the kidneys. So if you know you have them follow that protocol. I
just added the oils in some water and drank them. Also in order not to get
them back keep your body in an alkaline condition and steer away from red
meat as they have to
much protein which causes kidney stones. Below is what I did before I learned
about lemon and frankincense.

Kidney Stone Compress

 10 drops Eucalyptus Radiata Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil

 10 drops Geranium Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil
 10 drops Juniper Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil
 1 Tbsp. V6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil

Mix and 6-10 drops apply over the kidney with a hot compress 1-2 times a
day and Vita Flex massage 2-3 drops on kidney Vita Flex points on the feet. Or
you can massage either Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils of
Juniper or Geranium on bottom of the feet twice a day.

Kidney Stone Drink

 5 drops Rosemary Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil
 5 drops Geranium Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil
 5 drops Juniper Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil
 1 Tablespoon Young Living Blue Agave
 Juice from 1/2 lemon
 8 oz warm distilled water

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Mix the essential oils in the agave than add to the lemon juice
and water and drink on an empty stomach. Do this 3 times a day
until stones are passed.

Young Living K&B liquid supplement contains herbal extracts traditionally

used to support kidney and bladder health. It is enhanced with pure clove,
Roman Chamomile and other essential oils.

The information provided here is for education only and is NOT intended to
replace proper medical advice. It is not provided to diagnose, prescribe, or treat
any condition, illness or disease. Every individual is different, thus what may
work for one may not work for another person.

Consult with the professional health authorities of your choice. Remember,

taking responsibility for your health is your own personal decision: Do your
research and choose wisely.

We are required by law to state, “These statements have not been evaluated by
the FDA. Products and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat,
cure or prevent any diseases.

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