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Assessment 1

Operations & Supply Chain Management

- Submitted by
Aviral Tiwari
Batch - PGPMex Mar21_B
Question 1 - A set of four jobs A, B C & D have the machining time of 5, 25, 20 and
10 hours and are due at 20, 35, 40 and 25 hours respectively. The four priority
rules to be assessed for deciding the scheduling are recommended to be EDD,
SPT, LPT and CR.

1(a). Compute and analyze the set of critical performance metrics for each
scheduling process.

1(b). Identify the best priority rule. Support your answer with justifications.

1(c). Comment on the outcomes from other than the best priority rules.

Answer -

The given situation states that there are four jobs having different machining time and
due time, that needs to be done as per the table given below -

Jobs Processing Time Due Time

A 5 20
B 25 35
C 20 40
D 10 25

The four priority rules recommended for scheduling are EDD, LPT, SPT, CR.

1. EDD (Earliest Due Date) - Prioritises the jobs on the basis of their due dates.

In our case, the scheduling as per EDD will be, A - D - B - C

2. LPT (Longest Processing Time) - Prioritises the jobs having the longest machining

In our case, the scheduling as per LPT will be, B - C - D - A

3. SPT (Shortest Processing Time) - Prioritises the jobs having the shortest machining

In our case, the scheduling as per SPT will be, A - D - C - B

4. CR - Prioritises the job based on its criticality ratio. The criticality ratio explains how
critical a job is and, hence, it is defined as the ratio between Due time by Processing
time. The job with the lowest CR value is the most critical.

CR Ratio of the given jobs -

Jobs Machine Time Due Time CR Ratio

A 5 20 4
B 25 35 1.4
C 20 40 2
D 10 25 2.5

In our case, the scheduling as per CR will be, B - C - D - A

The four critical performance metrics that are required to measure the most efficient
scheduling process are -

1. Average completion time

2. Average Job lateness
3. Utilization metric
4. Average number of jobs

Average completion time

This is derived by the ratio of total job flow time by the number of jobs

Job flow time -

The time taken by a job from start to end (arrival to completion) stage is called Job flow
time. This includes time taken for machining and also the idle waiting time for the job.

Average Job lateness -

This is derived by the ratio of total job lateness by the number of jobs
Job lateness -
The extra time which the job incurs beyond its estimated completion time is called Job

Utilization metric -
This is derived by the ratio of total job processing time by total flow time

Average number of Jobs -

This is derived by the ratio of total flow time by total job processing time

(1.a) To find out the performance metrics for the given four scheduling processes, we
would need to calculate the Average completion time, Average Job lateness, Utilization
metric, Average number of jobs using the given formulas.

1. Earliest Due Date (EDD) Scheduling

As per the EDD scheduling, following are the metric numbers that are calculated -

Jobs Machine Time Flow time Due Time Job Lateness

A 5 5 20 0
D 10 15 25 0
B 25 40 35 5
C 20 60 40 20
Total 60 120 25
2. Longest Processing Time (LPT) Scheduling

Jobs Machine Time Flow time Due Time Job Lateness

B 25 25 35 0
LPT C 20 45 40 5
D 10 55 25 30
A 5 60 20 40
Total 60 185 75
3. Shortest Processing Time (SPT) Scheduling

Jobs Machine Time Flow time Due Time Job Lateness

A 5 5 20 0
SPT D 10 15 25 0
C 20 35 40 0
B 25 60 35 25
Total 60 115 25

4. Critical Ratio (CR) Scheduling

Jobs Machine Time Flow time Due Time Job Lateness

B 25 25 35 0
CR C 20 45 40 5
D 10 55 25 30
A 5 60 20 40
Total 60 185 75
After taking out all the performance metrics, we arrive at the following summary -

Average completion time 30 46.25 28.75 46.25
Average Job lateness 6.25 18.75 6.25 18.75
Utilization metric 50% 32% 52% 32%
Average number of jobs 2 3.08 1.92 3.08

The above summary table shows how different scheduling processes are performing
based on the decided performance metrics.

(1.b) As we can see from the above table, the scheduling process SPT has performed
well stating -

● Lowest Average completion time - 28.75

● Lowest Job lateness - 6.25
● Highest Utilization metric - 52%
● Lowest average number of jobs - 1.92

Hence, the scheduling process SPT (Shortest Processing Time) is the best priority rule
for the jobs A, B, C & D.
(1.c) As per the given table, there are several other observations that can be noted for
the given set of priority rules

● The average job lateness for both EDD and SPT are the same and the lowest
compared to the other priority rules
● The metrics for LPT and CR matches which signifies that the longer processing
time a job has, the more critical it is.
● LPT and CR having similar metrics is the worst performing priority rule having
highest average completion time, highest job lateness, lowest utilization metric
and the highest number of jobs
● EDD is very close to SPT in terms of all the performance metrics showing very
little deviation and can be considered as the best alternative to SPT.

Question 2 Titan produces from their manufacturing units two brands of watches
– Sonata and Nebula. Sonata is targeted for a mass market while Nebula is
targeted at a premium segment.

2(a). Should Titan produce & manage both brands with the same operational
supply chains? Why?

2(b). Should they share the manufacturing facilities, production process, and
quality assurance systems?

2(c). Should the packaging, warehousing, transportation, customer relationship

management be different for both? Support your answers with reasons.

Answer -

Titan launched in 1984 as the Joint venture between Tata Group and the Tamil Nadu
Industrial Development Corporation. It is one of the largest integrated watch
manufacturers in India, while holding the sixth largest position globally.

They have a main watch plant in Hosur, Karnataka and a watch assembly plant in
Dehradun, having an investment of over 130 million US dollars with a 450,000 sq ft
state of art facility. They have more than 50% share of the watch market in India with
products ranging from lower middle class people to higher class individuals.
In order to understand the differences between Sonata and Nebula, we should first be
aware of the watch production process.

1. Designing

The process starts with finalising a design of the watch which can be based on the
customer’s need, latest trends or anything that is suggested by the brand management
team. This can be done by any 3D modeling software such as CAD.

2. Pre production

This step involves the planning process, where the raw materials, inventories, logistics
and the manufacturing processes are decided and arranged. The process helps to
understand the complexity and the time taken by the given project and it often takes 4
weeks to finish.
3. Production

Upon the finalization of process, acquiring raw materials and sorting the logistics and
other factors, the project is finally taken to action. The raw materials that are used for
the watch such as copper, leather, stainless steel etc are moulded into parts by a
number of processes under machining such as

a. Stamping
The process requires the cutting and folding the parts of metal sheets
which are then transferred to a series of stamping tools that are mounted
into presses which helps to make several parts such as base plate of the
watch etc

b. Machining
In this process the raw material is transformed into various parts as per
the desired shape such as the dial or body etc, by several machining
processes. This is done keeping in mind of the specific precision as per
the design of the watches
c. Inspection
The parts are then inspected for any defects or any deviation from the
specific measurements they are expected to be produced. This is a very
crucial process as it acts as a checkpoint to avoid the faulty watches in
between the process.

d. Marking/Engraving (Laser Machine)

The parts are then sent to certain sets of laser machines which adds the
required write ups such as product ID, brand name etc on the watch as
shown below
4. Assembly
This process requires assembling all the parts together from dials to base plates
to outer covering and straps etc to form the final product.

5. Quality Assurance
The final products are then inspected in terms of their designs, durability, and
other metrics to ensure the correct product is sent to the warehouse which in turn
is sent to the retails shops

To proceed with this question, we would first need to understand the key differences
between the two brands of watches by Titan, which are Sonata and Nebula.

Sonata watches are made to provide their customers a wide variety of watches with
great value as per the prices they offer with their latest trendy design and superior
quality standards. Sonata watches have a wider target audience as it is made for people
who can wear it for daily use while still looking the best.
The target audience ranges from Mens, Ladies and kids. The usage of their watch
ranges for all occasions, be it workwear, fashion, casual, festive or wedding etc.
They have different shapes and sizes for the dials which are complemented with long
lasting, leather, metal or silicon straps. The material is durable, high grade and lasts
longer. The strap ranges from a wider number of materials such as bimetal, metal,
leather, PU, plastic and stainless steel. The watch function has a wider range with
watches which are analog, analog with date and time, digital and multifunction.

Nebula watches, however, are positioned as the luxury or premium products which are
offered by the wide ranges of Titan watches. The watches are made with 18K and 22K
gold with over 100 models for men and women ranging from Rs.29,000 to Rs.6.25
lakhs. The watches are made considering the elegant and rich heritage of Indian
jewellery with the fine craftsmanship of watch making.

The Nebula watches come with two different straps - Gold and leather and have a
variety of traditional styles such as Calligraphy, Lusture, Rajputana, Lotus etc. Nebula
watches are pure gold watches that can be a major investment for your future as an

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