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ID:__________________ Date:__________

Review #1

Topic 1

• Write a one-page script of a job interview. Write ten important questions and answers that
would help you make a hiring decision. Example: What languages do you speak? Why do
you want this job? What type of experience do you have analyzing sales data? The context
of the interview is your choice. Use Present Simple, Past Simple and Present Continuous

Topic 2

• Consult the phrasal verbs chart in Topic 2 and write a three-paragraph essay with tips for a
new employee at your organization. Use a minimum of 6 phrasal verbs
Topic 3

• Express a like or dislike about each of the following topics. Use a variety of examples from
the like/dislike chart, paired with verbs of your choice.
Use a variety of examples from the like/dislike chart, paired with verbs of your choice.

traffic new people new food my luggage jetlag

delays passport the office frequent flyer making

miles friends

Example: I like getting stamps on my passport when I enter a new country.

I don’t like carrying around my passport because I am scared of losing it.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________________________
9. ___________________________________________________________________________
10. ___________________________________________________________________________

Topic 4
• Use a term from the office vocabulary chart to complete the sentence.

1. Jack is out of the office today, but I can ____________________ to his voicemail.
2. Our boss will ____________________ a part of this project to each team member.
3. The meeting begins at 9 AM promptly. Make sure to call and let us know if you’re
4. Carl ____________________ the English test, and he’s upset because he studied very
5. I forgot to ____________________ my sales report, so I need to return to the office.
6. Will you please ____________________ a brochure for the new product so I can get a
better idea of how you want to pitch it?
7. Marie has a new phone number. Make sure to ____________________ her contact info.
8. I’m not sure if Susan is here, but I’m sure your call is important to her. May I
____________________ while I look for her?
Topic 5

• Read the following article and complete the concepts below with the words from the box.

Patton, M. (2015, April 28). Five Basics You Should Definitely Know About The Stock
Market. Retrieved from:

fall/ plunging/ rise/stock market / investors / decision/

a. The people that are involved in trading, selling, and buying of shares are called
b. The _______________________ is a system where shares of companies are
issued, bought or sold.
c. When making the ______________ to buy or sell, the investor will often compare a
stock’s actual price to its fair value.
d. When a big investor makes a move in the stock market, the share prices may
_________ or _________.
e. The ___________ prices of the Mexican peso are affecting the economy of the

• On this topic, you reviewed the structure of conditionals. Complete the following sentences.
Pay attention to the information, as they very in the verb tense.

a. Unless the flight is late, we ______________ (miss) out trip.

b. Provided that the meeting is cancelled, we _______________ (schedule) another
next week.
c. If she had known how expensive the trip would be, she _______________ (save)
more money.
d. As long as she agrees, we _________________ (go) to her birthday party.
e. If the price of the diesel keeps rising, the economy _____________ (go through)
drastic changes.

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