Api 510 Open 3

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1. Following four new seamless standard Torispherical heads are available for use under following
design conditions. Choose the correct one.

Design pressure = 235 psi

Head I.D. = 72" and
S = 20000 psi
No Corrosion Allowance

a. Design thk = 0.9882". Provided thk after forming = 1.0"

b. Design thk = 0.4886". Provided thk after forming = 0.5"
c. Design thk = 0.6184". Provided thk after forming = 0.625"
d. Design thk = 0.7496". Provided thk after forming = 0.75"

2. Following four new seamless (2: 1) ellipsoidal heads are available for the following design conditions.
Choose the correct one.

Design pr = 332 ps
Head I .D.= 60" and
S = 20000 psi with
No Corrosion Allowance

a. Design thk = 0.7382". Provided thk after forming = 0.75"

b. Design thk = 0.9788". Provided thk after forming = 1.0"
c. Design thk = 0.4988". Provided thk after forming = 0.5"
d. Design thk = 0.7377". Provided thk after forming = 0.75"

3. Head in question 1 (Torisph. Head-A) is to be analysed according to API 510, after placing the vessel in
service for 10 years. For the purpose of API 510 analysis, value of crown whose radius can be taken

a. 72"
b. 60"
c. 48"
d. 54"

4. For head in question 2 (Ellip. Head - B) value of crown radius for API 510 analysis can be taken as:

a. 72"
b. 60”
c. 48”
d. 54”
5. The crown portion of head A in question 3 may be considered as the portion lying entirely within a circle
whose centre will be same as head centre and diameter will be:

a. 68.5"
b. 36.4"
c. 57.6"
d. 54.0"

6. For The crown portion of head B in question 3 may be considered as the portion lying entirely within a
circle whose centre will be same as head centre and diameter will be:

a. 60"
b. 30"
c. 54"
d. 48"

7. The required minimum thickness of crown portion for analysis as per API 510 for head A shall be:

a. 0.3695
b. 0.4075"
c. 0.4235"
d. 0.4825"

8. Required minimum thickness for crown portion for head B as per API 510 shall be:

a. 0.4490"
b. 0.4262"
c. 0.3652"
d. 0.4863"

9. The minimum nominal thickness of new cylindrical shell with Design pr = 555 psi, I.D. = 58", S= 20000
psi and E = 0.85 with corrosion allowance of 1/8" [C.A. for expected life of 20 years] will be:

a. 1.0”
b. 0.75”
c. 1.125”
d. 1.25”

10. After 10 years of service, extensive corrosion was observed on the shell over a patch lying entirely
beyond 6 inches from weld for the vessel in question 9 above. Thinning as measured on this area was
3/16", while on weld area the corrosion was within expected limits. What is you assessment?

a. Safe for design conditions

b. Unsafe for design conditions
c. Safe only if welds are fully radio graphed and ok
d. Safe only if welds are UT checked and OK
11. According to API 510, for vessels with I.D. = 48" corrosion averaging along most critical element can
be done over a length not exceeding:

a. 12 inches
b. 16 inches
c. 20 inches
d. 24 inches

12. If diameter of vessel above in Q. 11 is changed to 72", the length for corrosion averaging will be:

a. 36 inches
b. 24 inches
c. 40 inches
d. 18 inches

13. A cluster of scattered of pits was observed on exterior of vessel shell. The description of pits is as

Nominal Vessel Thk. = 5/8"

Corrosion allowance = 1/8 inch
Total area of pits = 5/8” sq. inch
Pit of largest depth: 0.5 inch dia., 0.20" deep
All pits could be enclosed in a circle of 8 inch dia. and maximum cumulative length is 1. 75 inch
within the circle.

a. Pits may be ignored as per API 510

b. Pits are unsafe as the total area pf the pits is beyond acceptable limits
c. The cluster is unsafe as depth of deepest pit is beyond limits
d. The cluster is unsafe; the pit are exceeding cumulative length criteria

14. Referring to question13 above, if the depth of deepest pit was 0.15", cumulative length was 2.3 inch
and all other data remains the same your analysis would be:

a. The cluster is still safe

b. Cluster is unsafe as depth is still beyond limit
c. Unsafe as cumulative length is beyond limit
d. b and c

15. Referring to question 13 again; if total area of cluster is 8 sq inch and all other data remains same
what would your evaluation be?

a. Cluster is unsafe due to increased cluster area

b. Cluster is unsafe due to pit depth still being unsafe
c. Cluster is unsafe due to a and b
d. Cluster is safe

1. Thickness of new torispherical head is given by ASME formula,

t = 0.8885 PL
SE - 0.1 P

L = Crown Radius
L = Diameter of Head
E = 1 (Seamless)

= 0,885 X 235 X 72
20000-0, l X 235

= 14974.2

= 0.7496 mm

Provided thk of 0.75" is ok. Correct Answer: D

2. Thickness of new Ellipsoidal head (2:1) is given by ASME formula:

t = PD

= 332 x 60
2 x 20000 x 1 - 0.2 x 332

= 19920

= 0.4988"

Provided thk = 0.5" (OK) Correct Answer: C

3. Torisph head D = 72", for API 510 analysis

Crown Radius = Diameter = 72" Correct Answer: A

4. For 2:1 Ellip head, for API 510 analysis

Crown radius = 0.9 D = 54" Correct Answer: D

5. Crown Portion lies in circle of diameter equal to 0.8D = 0.8 x 72 = 57.6" Correct answer: C

6. Crown Portion lies in circle of diameter equal to 0.8D = 0.8 x 60 = 48" Correct answer: D
7. For torisph head, for crown portion, use hemisphere formula using R = D

t = PR use R = D = 72"
2SE - 0.2P S = 20000 PSI
t = 235 x 72 P = 235
2SE - 0.2P

t = 16920

= 0.4235" Correct Answer: C

8. Again use hemispherical head formula for crown part:

t = PR for Hemispherical head, use R = 0.9 D

2SE - 02P S = 20000 psi
t = 332 x 0.9 x 60 P = 332
2SE - 0.2P

t = 332 x 54

= 0.4489 Correct Answer: A

9. t = P X R
SE - 0.6P

t = 555 X 29.125 (R = 29.125" (Half of diameter)

20,000 x 0.85 - 0.6 x 555

t = 16164

t = 0.967” + 0.125” = 1.09” Correct Answer: C

10. Thickness away from weld (required thk)

t = PR
SE – 0.6P Take E = 1
t = 555 X 30
20,000 – 333

= 0.8465

Available shell thickness

= 1.125 - 0.1875 (3/16" = 0.1875)

= 0.9375 > 0.8465... (Safe) Correct Answer: A
11. ID or 20" use smaller value (ID or = 60")

24" or 20” - - - - - - - - 20"

Correct Answer: C

12. ID or 40" use smaller value (ID> 60")


72 or 40"

24” or 40" . . . . 24"

Correct Answer: B

13. Area within 8" diameter circle = 5.8 sq. in. (OK)

Length along straight line in circle = 1.75 (OK)

Depth 5/8" - 1/8" 0.25" (OK)

Correct Answer: A

14. Length 2.3 inch > 2" (NOT OK)

Correct Answer: C

15. Area 8 sq. in > 7 sq. in (NOT OK)

Correct Answer: A

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