Evaluating Test: Result

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Date of preparation: August 20th, 2019 Period: 2

Date of teaching: August 29st, 2019 Week: 1

I. Objectives:
- Evaluate Ss’ level.
II. Preparation: Handouts.
IV. Test and Key: (Handouts)
* Test:
I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others :(1m)
1. a. looked b. noticed c. turned d. helped
2. a. chairs b. desks c. maps d. plants
II. Fill in the blanks with the correct article (a or an or the): (1.5ms)
1. Most countries in _____________ world celebrate New Year’s Day.
2. I like to watch tennis on the television. It is __________ very good game.
3. I bought __________ umbrella to go out in the rain.
III. Write a sentence with if for each situation: (3ms)
1. He didn’t prepare for the lesson, so he didn’t get good marks.
-> ..................................................................................................................................................................
2. He came home from school early because he was tired.
-> ...................................................................................................................................................................
3. I couldn’t take much exercise because I didn’t have enough free time.
-> ...................................................................................................................................................................
IV. Use non-defining or defining relative clauses to combine the following sentences: (3ms)
1. I remember the day. I bought my new computer on that day
-> ..................................................................................................................................................................
2. I work in a school. In my school, the software changes frequently.
-> ..................................................................................................................................................................
3. The girl can give you the information. She sits at the first desk on the right.
-> ..................................................................................................................................................................
V. Using the correct tense of the verb in brackets: (1.5ms)
1. I (not mind)____________ living in Sapa if the weather were better.
2. If Mr. Hai (be)_________ still a teacher, he wouldn’t permit such a bad behavior.
3. We would be fine if we (leave) _________ in the next ten minutes.
* Key:
I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others :( 1m)
1. c. turned 2. a. chairs
II. Fill in the blanks with the correct article (a or an or the): (1.5ms)
1. the. 2. a. 3. an.
III. Write a sentence with if for each situation: (3ms)
1. If he had prepared for the lesson, he would have got good marks.
2. If he hadn’t been tired, he wouldn’t have come home from school early.
3. If I had had enough free time, I could have taken much exercise.
IV. Use non-defining or defining relative clauses to combine the following sentences: (3ms)
1. I remember the day which I bought my new computer on.
2. I work in a school in which the software changes frequently.
3. The girl who sits at the first desk on the right can give you the information..
V. Using the correct tense of the verb in brackets: (1.5ms)
1. wouldn’t mind 2. were. 3. left.
* Result
Class/ marks 8 -> 10 6,5 -> 7,9 5 -> 6,4 3,5 -> 4,9 2 -> 3,4 0 -> 1,9 5 -> 10
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Slide shown
A. WARM-UP : Listen and answer.
Ask questions :
1. What time do you often go to
2. What are you doing? What am I
3. How long have you learnt
English? Listen.
Write the answers on BB. Write the lesson down.  I.Choose the word that has the
underlined part pronounced
B. TEST: differently from that of the others
 1. a. looked b. noticed
I. Choose the word that has the underlined Work in pairs c. turned d. helped
 2. a. chairs b. desks
part pronounced differently from that of Suggested answer c. maps d. plants

the others :(1m) I. Choose the word that has

3. a. looked b. noticed c. turned the underlined part
d. helped pronounced differently
4. a. chairs b. desks c. maps from that of the others :
d. plants ( 1m)
2. c. turned 2. a. chairs

Work in pairs
II. Fill in the blanks with the correct Suggested answer II. Fill in the blanks with the correct

article (a or an or the)
article (a or an or the): (1.5ms) the
1. Most countries in _____________

world celebrate New Year’s Day.
1. Most countries in _____________ world II. Fill in the blanks with 2. I like to watch tennis on the

celebrate New Year’s Day. the correct article (a or an game.

television. It is _________ very good

2. I like to watch tennis on the television. It or the): (1.5ms)

3. I bought an
go out in the rain.
umbrella to

is __________ very good game. 1. the. 2. a. 3. an.

3. I bought __________ umbrella to go out
in the rain.
III. Write a sentence with if for each Work in pairs
situation: (3ms)
Suggested answer
4. He didn’t prepare for the lesson, so he
III. Write a sentence with
didn’t get good marks. III. Write a sentence with if for each
if for each situation: (3ms)

-> ..................................................................................................................................................................
1. He didn’t prepare for the lesson, so he
4. If he had prepared for didn’t get good marks.
5. He came home from school early because ->
the lesson, he would 2. He came home from school early
he was tired. because he was tired.
have got good marks.
-> ...................................................................................................................................................................
5. If he hadn’t been 3. I couldn’t take much exercise because I
6. I couldn’t take much exercise because I didn’t have enough free time.
tired, he wouldn’t ->

didn’t have enough free time.

have come home
-> ...................................................................................................................................................................
from school early.
IV. Use non-defining or defining relative
6. If I had had enough
clauses to combine the following
free time, I could
sentences: (3ms)
have taken much
4. I remember the day. I bought my new
computer on that day
-> ..................................................................................................................................................................
5. I work in a school. In my school, the Work in pairs
software changes frequently. Suggested answer
-> ..................................................................................................................................................................
6. The girl can give you the information. IV. Use non-defining or
She sits at the first desk on the right. defining relative clauses to
combine the following
-> ..................................................................................................................................................................
V. Using the correct tense of the verb in sentences: (3ms)
brackets: (1.5ms) 1. I remember the day which
4. I (not mind)____________ living in Sapa I bought my new computer
if the weather were better. on.
5. If Mr. Hai (be)_________ still a teacher, 2. I work in a school in
he wouldn’t permit such a bad behavior. which the software changes IV. Use non-defining or defining relative
clauses to combine the following
6. We would be fine if we (leave) frequently. sentences
1. I remember the day. I bought my new
_________ in the next ten minutes. 3. The girl who sits at the computer on that day
first desk on the right can 2. I work in a school. In my school, the
software changes frequently.
Ask Ss to work in groups of six to give the give you the information.. ->

correct forms of the verbs. V. Using the correct tense 3. The girl can give you the information.
She sits at the first desk on the right.
Go around the class and give help if of the verb in brackets: ->

necessary. (1.5ms)
Ask Ss to write the answers on BB. 1. wouldn’t mind 2.
Give comments and suggested answers. were. 3. left.

V. Using the correct tense of the

verb in brackets: (1.5ms)
Do the task. 1. I (not mind)___________living in
Sapa if the weather were better.
2. If Mr. Hai (be)_________ still a
teacher, he wouldn’t permit such
D. HOMEWORK : Review the lesson. Correct the answers. a bad behavior.
3. We would be fine if we (leave)
_________ in the next ten minutes.

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