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Group 4 : 1.

Finka Alzi Kaizariani 1911060315

2. Riska Gusti Yani 1911060416

3. Roniawati 1911060421

Class : Biologi E/4

Study Program : Biology Education

Courses : English For Biology

Lecturer : Wiwik Febriani, M.Si.

Subtropical Fruits

These fruits are the fruits of subtropical climates. The name of fruit are blueberries, raspberries, cherry, plums, kiwi
fruit, and cranberries.
These fruits have an unusual appearance for several reasons, namely the fruit does not come from Indonesia and
differs for agriculture with climate, temperature and humidity.
The way to find all of these fruits is to use climate engineering techniques, where the fruit is grown on the ground in
a large greenhouse.
We hypothesize that this subtropical fruit could be found using a due greenhouse because, green house is construction
building with a transparent roof that functions to manipulate environmental conditions so that the plants in it can
develop optimally.
Cultivation of plants using soil media is carried out in a greenhouse to maintain optimal plant growth and is fully
protected from the influence of external elements such as rain, pests, climate, and others.
By using a green house in the cultivation of subtropical fruits is one way to provide an environment closer to optimal
conditions for plant growth, so that the use of a green house for the tropics is very possible and has many advantages
in the production of subtropical plant cultivation.
Investigation design to prove whether the implementation of green house technology on subtropical plants is correct or
not, namely Greenhouse structures in the tropics often use their sides to protect and control temperature by using
natural or controlled ventilation with nets or layered screens that reduce insect and pest infestation.
Greenhouses were developed for the first time and are generally used in subtropical climates. The use of greenhouses
is primarily intended to protect plants from too low temperatures in winter.
With greenhouses the following environmental conditions can be avoided, including:
a. Fluctuating temperature and humidity changes,
b. Bad consequences caused by solar radiation types of ultraviolet rays and infrared rays,
c. Lack of water in the dry season and excess water in the rainy season,
d. Pests and pests and plant diseases such as fungi and bacteria,
e. Wind gusts and insects that can thwart the flower pollination process,
f. Strong winds that can knock down plants and damage leaves,
g. Bad consequences of air pollution.
Environmental conditions that can be created with a green house are:
1.) Weather conditions that support plant growth,
2.) Temperature, humidity and sunlight intensity can be adjusted as needed,
3.) Plant watering can be arranged periodically,
4.) Environmental cleanliness can be maintained properly so as to avoid plant diseases,
5.) Convenience of production activities and quality control,
6.) The air is clean from pollutants,
7.) Inclusion (protected) against disturbance by animals or pests and insects.
So that in the end it can be concluded that the use of greenhouse technology using soil media is a tried and tested
method in the cultivation of subtropical plants.

Picture 1 : Green House Picture 2 : Plants in the green house

This fruit is difficult to find in Indonesia because this fruit is a fruit that grows in subtropical climates while Indonesia has
a tropical climate. So that subtropical fruit is difficult to cultivate in tropical climates like Indonesia.

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