Students Are Raising Their Hands

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Detailed Region XI Grade Level 7

Lesson Learning MATHEMATICS

Plan Area
Date and 7:45-8:45 Quarter 4TH

A. Content Standard  The learner demonstrates understanding of key
concepts, uses and importance of Statistics, data
collection/gathering and the different forms of data
representation, measures of central tendency, measures
of variability, and probability.
B. Performance  The learner is able to collect and organize data
Standard systematically and compute accurately measures of
central tendency and variability and apply these
appropriately in data analysis and interpretation in
different fields.
C. Learning  The learner calculates the measures of central
Competency tendency of ungrouped and grouped data. (M7SP-IVf-
D. Specific Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. enumerate the steps in calculating the mean;
b. solve for the mean of grouped data; and
c. describe the importance of mean in real-life situation
II. CONTENT The Mean of Grouped Data
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
B. Other Learning  Orines, F. B, Jose – Dilao, S., Bernabe, J.G. Advanced
Resources Algebra Trigonometry and Statistcs IV. Pp. 270 – 275
 Introduction to Statistics page 39 – 49 by: Francisco A.
Febre, Jr.
C. Values  patience
 center of life
D. Integration to  English – reading skills and comprehension
 ESP – valuing the importance of God in our lives
 ICT – application of power point presentation


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Daily Routine
May we all stand for the prayer? (A student lead the prayer)
Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am Mugas.
Before we start our class for today. Kindly
arrange your chairs properly and make sure (Students follow the instructions properly)
that your places are well organized.
Maria, kindly check our attendance for today? “Okay Ma’am”
“Before we formally start our lesson this (Students are raising their hands)
morning, let’s have first a review. What are the
three measures of central tendency?”
“Yes Japhet?” “The measures of central tendency are: Mean,
Median, and Mode”
“Very good Japhet.”
“To refresh your knowledge about calculating
the mean of ungrouped data, do this short
activity in your seats.”

Calculate the mean of the ungrouped data. (Students will answer in their notebook)
2, 2, 6, 5, 9, 8, 9, 5, 3, 1
“What is the mean of our data? (Students will raise their hands)
“Yes Rica?” “The mean is 5 Ma’am.”
“Very Good! Do you still have any clarifications “None, Ma’am!”
in computing the mean for the ungrouped
“We’re done discussing about the calculation “Yes Ma’am.”
of the mean for the ungrouped data. Since
there is an ungrouped data, do you know that
there is also a grouped data?”
“How will you find the mean of the given data if (Students will raise their hands)
the number of data is very large?”
“Yes Cyrill?” (Answers may vary.)
“Do you know how to calculate the mean for No Ma’am!
the grouped data?”

And now, let us read our lesson objectives for

this morning.
Altogether. At the end of the lesson, the students should be
able to:
a.enumerate the steps in calculating the
b.solve for the mean of grouped data; and
c. describe the importance of mean in real-
life situation
“Before we proceed in calculating the mean for Grouped data are the data or scored that are
the grouped data, I would like all of you to read arranged in a frequency distribution.
what is the meaning of grouped data.”

“Now, what is mean for grouped data? Mean (also known as the arithmetic mean) is the
Everybody read.” most commonly used measure of central
position. It is used to describe a set of data
where the measures cluster or concentrate at a
“Thank you so much for reading.”
It may be obtained in almost the same way as
the mean of ungrouped data is computed. All
the scores included in a class interval are
represented by the midpoint or class mark of
that class interval. This class mark is
multiplied by its corresponding frequency; the
product is summed, and divided by n.
Σf X m

x́ - mean
f – frequency
X m - classmark
n – sum of frequency
“So, I have here a sample of a grouped data.”
0–4 2
5–9 6
10 –14 9
15 – 19 10
20 – 24 12
25 – 29 7
30 – 34 4

“In this given set of grouped data, the class

interval and the frequency are already given.
So, to get its mean, we have to obtain the
things in the formula.”

“To get the class mark of each class interval, we CLASS FRE- Class
will just get the midpoint of the lower limit and INTERVA QUENCY Mark f Xm
upper limit; we will just add the lower limit and L (f ) ( X m)
upper limit and divide the sum by 2.” 0–4 2 2 4
5–9 6 7 42
10 –14 9 12 108
15 – 19 10 17 170
20 – 24 12 22 264
25 – 29 7 27 189
30 – 34 4 32 128
Σf X m =
n = 50
“Since we already have the necessary
information to calculate the mean for our
grouped data, we can now use the formula in
finding our mean.”
Σf X m
x́= =18.1
x́ = 18.1 is the mean of our given grouped data.
“From the frequency distribution, based on the (Students are raising their hands)
formula, what are the things that we need to
have to calculate the mean?”
“Yes Adrian?” “Ma’am, we have to obtain the class mark of
each class interval.”

“Very Good! Aside from class mark, what else?” (Students are raising their hands)
“Yes Maria?” “We also need the product of the frequency and
the class mark.”
“That’s great, Maria.”
“What do we do if we already solve for the (Students are raising their hands)
product of the frequencies and the class
“Yes, Jhonriel?” “Ma’am, we have to get the sum of the product
of the frequency and the class mark.”
“Very well said, Jhonriel.”
“What will we do with the product of the (Students are raising their hands)
frequencies and the class marks to finally get
the mean of the given grouped data?”

“Yes Angel?” “Ma’am, we will divide the product of the

frequencies and the class marks by the size of
the given data (n).”
“Absolutely right Angel.”
“As we all know mean is one of the measures of
central tendency. It simply means that it is a
single value which can represent the whole
quality of the given data. The smaller the mean,
the smaller are the data.”
“Do you have any clarifications or questions?” “None Ma’am”
“Since you do not have any questions, we will
have a group activity. I will group you into 4
groups and each group will do the same task.
The first group who can finish before the
allotted time and has the correct answer will be
the winner for this activity.”
“Each group will receive a big paper and a
marker. With that, complete the table by
finding the class mark and the product of
frequency and class mark. Afterwards,
calculate the mean for the given grouped data.
Your allotted time is 10 minutes only. Choose 1
representative from the group to explain your

“Any clarifications or questions before we start “None Ma’am”

our activity?”
“Are you ready?” “Yes Ma’am!”

“Your time starts now!” (Students do as told)

Directions: Calculate the mean of the grouped
data. Expected output from the groups
Class Interval Frequency Class
Class Frequency
1–5 7 mark f Xm
Interval ¿)
6 – 10 5 ¿
11 – 15 3 1–5 7 3 21
16 – 20 2 6 – 10 5 8 40
21 – 25 3 11 – 15 3 13 39
26 – 30 1 16 – 20 2 18 36
31 – 35 3 21 – 25 3 23 69
36 – 40 1 26 – 30 1 28 28
41 – 45 3 31 – 35 3 33 99
46 – 50 2 36 – 40 1 38 38
41 – 45 3 43 129
46 – 50 2 48 96
Σf X m =
n = 30
Σf X m
x́= =19.83
x́ = 19.83 is the mean of our given grouped

“Time’s up! Paste all your works in the board.” (Students do as told)

“First group, explain your work.” (Student will explain their outputs.)
“Next group please.” (Student will explain their outputs.)
“It’s your turn, third group.” (Student will explain their outputs.)

“And the last but not the least group, it’s your (Student will explain their outputs.)
time to shine.”
“What is the size of the sample or the total of (Students are raising their hands.)
our frequency?”
“Yes Shania?” “The size of our sample is 30 Ma’am.”
“Very Good Shania!”
“Next, what is the sum of the product of the (Students are raising their hands
frequency and the class mark or class
“Yes John?” “The sum of the product of the frequency and
the class mark or class midpoint is 595,
“Very Good, John.”
“And now, what is our mean?” (Students are raising their hands.)
“Yes Nestor?” “Ma’am, the mean is 19.83”
“Very Good, Nestor!”
“I know you’ve learned a lot from this (Students are raising their hands.)
discussion, so how can we find the mean of
grouped data?”
“Yes Mary Joy?” “Ma’am, to find the mean of grouped data, first,
we have to make an additional column for class
marks, then we will find or solve for the class
marks by adding the two intervals and dividing
it by two, second, we will add another column
for the product of frequency and the class
marks, then we will get the sum of the product
of the frequencies and class marks (or the total
of the last column), and lastly, we will divide it
by the size of the sample.”
“Thank you for your precise answer, Mary Joy.”

“Finding the mean of grouped data is like our

lives. Even if we are facing many problems in
life or even if we are so comfortable in our lives,
we must seek God. We cannot conquer and do
everything without Him. Just like in our
discussion earlier, we will not able to find the
mean if we didn’t seek for the class marks.”

Directions: Read, analyze and solve the
problem below.
The distribution of the hourly rates of 70
professors from different schools who attended
a convention is indicated below. Calculate the
mean. (Answer in a 1 whole sheet of paper)
Hourly Rate No. of Professors
$20 - $27 12
$28 - $35 18
$36 - $43 11
$44 - $51 9
$52 – 59 8
$60 - $67 6
$68 - $75 3
$76 - $83 3

Study in advance the Median of Grouped Data.

Prepared by:



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