CNT Dec 2016

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WI-2-60-1-6 JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2016/2017 SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING AND BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRONIC AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING EEE 2208; CIRCUIT AND NETWORK THEORY I DATE: DECEMBER 2016 TIME: 2 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS 1. This paper consists of five questions. Auswer QUESTION ONE end ANY OT) TWO questions 2. All workings must be clearly shown. QUESTION ONE[30 MARKS] a) Differentiate between a sinusoid and a phasor. State four reasons why study of sinusoids is significant in electrical engineering. [2 marks] b) Find the sinusoids corresponding to these phasors i) I=j(5j12) ii) V=j8e-3 [2 marks] c) Given a sinusoid v(t)=V;nsinwt,determine the effective value over one period [4 marks] e of 6 Q and an inductance of 0.03H is connected across a 50 V, ) A coil having a re 60 Hz supply Calculate : (i) the current; ii) the phase angle between the current and the applied voltage; (iii) the apparent power; (iv) the active power. [4 marks] terms of line voltage ©) Derive the total average power for a balanced three phase system in and line current, oe £) A series -connected circuit has R=39 and L=1 mH. 4) Calculate the value of C that will produce a quality factor of 25. ii) Find wy 02 and B. iii) Determine the average power dissipated at w=upvs and watake Vn= 10V. [6 marks] 8) For the eireuit in figure Qi(g),find v(t) and i(t) for t>0 when R =42 Figure 1: Ql(g) [6 marks] QUESTION TWO[20 MARKS] a) Define the following terms i) Transient response ii) Steady state response iii) Time constant [3 marks] b) The voltage across the two conducting plates of a capacitor is given by veg / iat Assuming the voltage is Vicos(wt + 6),Derive the current-vollage relationship of the eax acitor in Froquency domain - [3 marks] ¢) A series RLC circuit has R=802, L=240 mH, and mF. If the input voltage is » Mprtdees 2, find the current flowing through the eat and sketch the phasor diag ‘Ya marks} 2st yk 3? wet d) At t=0,switch 1 in figure Q2(d) is closed and switch 2 is closed 4s later.Pind i(t) for t> 0. and t=6s. Calculate i for ° =o 6a rs |: ov 20 ou 10v aa % = Figure 2: Q2(d) [10 marks] QUESTION THREE[20 MARKS] a) Define the following terms i) Frequency response ii) Complex power iii) Power factor co: iv) Quality factor b) A resistance of 10 2 is connected in series with an inductive reactance of 5 9 across a 100 [2 marks] V, 50Hz power supply.Determine i) the impedance of the load circuit; ii) the current drawn from the supply; iii) the power factor and state whether its lagging or leading; iv) the real power drawn from the supply; v) the reactive power drawn from the supply; vi) the apparent power; vii) the complex power; viii) Draw the phasor diagram and power triangle for the circuit [10 marks] in Q3(b) above that would be required of capacito c) Calculate the i) to correct. power factor to unity ii) to correct to a pf of 0.96 lagging [smarks] QUESTION FOUR|20 MARKS] a) Define the following terms i Phase sequence ) Balanced load ili) Phase voltage iv) Line current [4 marks] ency 50 Half b) When a two -clement parallel cirenit is connected across an ac source Q ee it of fers an impedance of Z=(10-{10). Determine the value of the two element aries] 301 per phase ©) AY -connected balanced three -phase generator with an impedance of 0.4 0S per phase ie comected to @ Y-connected balanced load with an impedance of 24++)19 © per Piast te joining the generator and the load has an impedance of 0.6 eee pe ing a postive sequence for the source voltages and that Van = 120230" V-Pin i) The line voltage ii) the line currents. {8 marks] d) An industrial heater has a name plate that reads: 210V, 60 Hz, 12kVA, 0.78 pf lagging. Determine: ') the apparent power and the complex power; ii) the impedance of the heater [4 marks} QUESTION FIVE[20 MARKS} a) Define the following terms i) Impedance ii) Susceptance 2 marks| b) Given that V.(t)=20 sin (100t-40°)in figure Q5(b ),determine é,(t). eel 102 300 60 & Figure 3: Q5(b) 8 mark c) A capacitor of 8 F takes a current of 1 A when altemating voltage applied acto mpl V. Calculate oh eY i) the frequency of the applied voltage; ii) the resistance to be connected in series with the capacitor to reduce the current in the circuit to 0.5 A at the same frequency; iii) the phase angle of the resulting circuit. (6 marks] * 1) The bandwidth of a series resonant circuit is 400 Hz. i) If the resonant frequency is 4000 Hz, what is the value of Q. ii) If R=10 Q,what is the value of X;, at resonance. iii) Find the inductance L and the capacitance C of the circuit [4 marks]

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