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Biocatalysis and Biotransformation

ISSN: 1024-2422 (Print) 1029-2446 (Online) Journal homepage:

Application of immobilized enzyme technologies

for the textile industry: a review

José C. Soares, Patrícia R. Moreira, A. Catarina Queiroga, José Morgado, F.

Xavier Malcata & Manuela E. Pintado

To cite this article: José C. Soares, Patrícia R. Moreira, A. Catarina Queiroga, José Morgado,
F. Xavier Malcata & Manuela E. Pintado (2011) Application of immobilized enzyme technologies
for the textile industry: a review, Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 29:6, 223-237, DOI:

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Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, November–December 2011; 29(6): 223–237


Application of immobilized enzyme technologies for the

textile industry: a review


1CBQF/Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Rua Dr. António Bernardino
de Almeida, Porto, Portugal and 2CITEVE - Centro Tecnológico das Indústrias Têxtil e do Vestuário de Portugal,
Quinta da Maia – Rua Fernando Mesquita, Famalicão, Portugal

A number of enzymes have applications in the textile sector, as several natural fibres (e.g. cotton, wool and flax) can be
subjected to processing using such natural biocatalysts. In the latest two decades, demand for industrial enzymes has
increased considerably; however, the textile industry requires highly stable enzymes, and good performance at extreme
values of pH and temperature. New strategies are continuously emerging for the immobilization of enzymes with superior
efficiency and usage. Enzymatic immobilization can stabilize enzymes and extend their useful life. Additionally, reduction
in effluent treatment costs and improvement of efficiency is possible. This paper briefly reviews the most recent research
efforts pertaining to immobilization of enzymes with potential application in the textile industry.

Keywords: Cotton, effluent treatment, enzyme immobilization, dye, textile, wool

Enzymes as industrial catalysts

et al. 2007). Enzymatic treatment of cotton fibres is
Most of the recent scientific developments in the a non-toxic, environmentally benign process used for
textile industry have focused on biotechnological a large variety of cotton processing conditions. Such
tools – with particular emphasis on enzymology. applications includes: desizing or removal of starch
Enzymes have a long history in textile processing and size with amylases; bioscouring or dissolution of
fibre modification, and one of the most important waxes, proteins, pectins and natural fats from the sur-
criteria for specific application at industrial scale is face of cotton fibres with pectinase, lipase and cellu-
resistance to high temperature, alkaline pH and the lase solutions; bleaching cleanup or effluent treatment
presence of denaturing agents normally employed to remove residual H2O2 with catalases; biofinishing
during bleaching, washing or dyeing (Tzanov et al. which improves the appearance of cotton fabrics and
2003). Utilization of highly specific enzymes for garments by removal of fibre fuzz and pills from the
various textile-processing applications is becoming substrate surface with cellulases; biostoning or ‘stone-
increasingly accepted because of their ability to washing’ of denim fabrics to produce the fashionable
replace harsh chemicals currently used in the indus- aged appearance with cellulases; laundering of gar-
try, and consequent reduction of water, chemicals ments or removal of various types of stain with mix-
and energy usage (Yachmenev et al. 2002). Enzymes tures of enzymes (Yachmenev et al. 2002); and
can be applied to virtually all manufacturing steps in biobleaching or in situ generation of H2O2 for cotton
textile processing, from fibre and fabric processing, to bleaching with glucose oxidase. In the case of wool
laundry detergents and effluent treatment (Queiroga fibre, there are efforts to substitute the conventional

*These authors had equal contributions to the work.

§Current addresses: ISMAI – Instituto Superior da Maia, Avenida Carlos Oliveira Campos, P-4475-690 Avioso S. Pedro, Portugal & Instituto de Tecnologia

Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Avenida da República, P-2780-157, Oeiras, Portugal.
Correspondence: Manuela E. Pintado, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia - Universidade Católica Portuguesa, CBQF, Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida,
Porto, 4200-072 Portugal. Tel: ⫹ 351-225580097. E-mail:

(Received 26 January 2011; revised 19 July 2011; accepted 22 October 2011)

ISSN 1024-2422 print/ISSN 1029-2446 online © 2011 Informa UK, Ltd.
DOI: 10.3109/10242422.2011.635301
224 J. C. Soares et al.

chlorine treatment by an enzymatic process with pro- and easy control of the reaction. Thus, immobiliza-
teases capable of providing the fabric with the same tion is typically a requirement for the use of an
characteristics, like anti-shrinking and anti-pilling enzyme as a realistic industrial biocatalyst (Mateo
behaviour (Silva et al. 2005). et al. 2007). Thus, several of the enzyme-mediated
Furthermore, textile and several other industries process limitations may be dramatically alleviated by
also generate a number of visual pollutants, which enzyme immobilization (Takahashi et al. 2001; Durán
they discharge to the surrounding environment with- et al. 2002; Yachmenev et al. 2002), essentially due
out any further treatment. These pollutants not only to tailor-made improvements in enzyme performance
add colour to water but they also cause extensive (Sheldon et al. 2005). Enzyme immobilization can be
toxicity to the aquatic and other forms of life. There- defined as the attachment of soluble enzymes to dif-
fore, the treatment of industrial effluents containing ferent types of support resulting in reduction or loss
aromatic compounds becomes necessary prior to of mobility of the enzyme (Khan & Alzohairy 2010).
their final discharge to the environment. Several per- Many methods of immobilization, coupled to a wide
oxidases and/or phenoloxidases (laccases and tyrosi- spectrum of supports have been tested, and are well-
nases) have been used for the treatment of documented in the literature (Viswanath et al. 1998;
wastewater containing dyes (Duran & Esposito 2000; Costa et al. 2001; Peralta-Zamora et al. 2003; Tzanov
Opwis et al. 2004b). et al. 2002; Krajewska 2004; Delanoy et al. 2005;
Opwis et al. 2005). Support materials play an impor-
tant role in the usefulness of an immobilized enzyme
Enzymes from extremophiles as it should be low-cost and provide adequate large
surface area together with the least diffusion limita-
The industrial application of enzymes that can with-
tion in the transport of substrate and product
stand the harsh environments prevailing in textile
(Krajewska 2004).
processing has greatly increased over the past
Enzyme orientation on the support surface may
decades. This is mainly a result of the discovery of
be critical if the active centre needs to be in appropri-
novel enzymes from extremophilic microorganisms
ate association with the support. Thus, in many
which have found the most practical commercial use
examples, the combined use of site-directed muta-
because of their overall intrinsic stability (Paar et al.
genesis and immobilization has been used to control
2001). Extremophilic microorganisms are adapted
the orientation of the protein on the support surface.
to survive in ecological niches such as at high tem-
There are several reports showing the advantages of
peratures, extremes of pH, high salt concentrations
site-directed mutagenesis to improve enzyme proper-
and high pressure (Demirjian et al. 2001). Therefore,
ties directly, and how enzyme immobilization can be
technical applications of enzymes in the industry are
a powerful tool to improve the properties of biocata-
feasible only if such biocatalysts are stabilized against
lysts (Turková 1999; Camarero 2008; Hernandez &
temperature (e.g. washing from 60 to 70°C, textile
Fernandez-Lafuente 2011).
desizing from 80 to 90°C, etc.), pH (e.g. bleaching
Another complex problem is the stabilization of
at pH 10 or even more) and in the presence of salts,
multimeric proteins (e.g. catalases), where dissocia-
alkalis and surfactants usually employed in the tex-
tion of the subunits produces enzyme inactivation
tile processing conditions (Iyer & Ananthanarayan
and even product contamination. Moreover, in the
2008). Thus, the increase in the number of newly
case of multimeric enzymes, not all the subunits may
isolated extremophiles and related enzymes docu-
be covalently bound to the support, and thus, they
ment the enormous potential within this scientific
are free to dissociate under certain circumstances
field. Furthermore, modern techniques like site-di-
promoting enzyme inactivation. These unbound sub-
rected mutagenesis will lead to in vitro tailored
units may be prevented from dissociating using
enzymes that are highly specific for numerous indus-
defined experimental conditions that assist in the
trial applications.
handling of enzymes (ions, polymers, etc.) or by
genetic tools that might be used to crosslink (via
disulfide bonds) or reinforce the subunit–subunit
Immobilization of enzymes
interactions (Mateo et al. 2007).
Besides the benefits of selecting enzymes from extre- Additionally, rational application of immobilized
mophiles, it seems rational to consider enzyme immo- enzymes specifically to textile processing conditions
bilization to improve stabilization. The industrial should focus on interactions between the enzyme
application of enzymes requires, in many instances, protein, textile chemicals and additives – which often
its recovery and reuse to make an economically fea- destabilize the enzyme, and hence reduce its activity
sible process. Moreover, the use of an immobilized (Tzanov et al. 2003). This review critically updates
enzyme permits simplification of the reactor design advances in basic and applied science covering this
Immobilized enzyme technologies 225

important field of biotechnology – with a focus on negatively charged sulphonic groups and positively
textile processing, and referring mainly to hydrolases charged amino acid residues (Matulis et al. 1999).
and oxidoreductases. The extremely heterogeneous character of textile
fibres requires surfactants as auxiliary agents in tex-
tile processing – in which they serve as wetting, anti-
Advantages of soluble bioconjugates over insoluble forms foaming, dispersing, washing or level-dyeing agents
In several textile processing conditions, enzymes (Opwis et al. 1999). Ionic surfactants undergo a
need to act on macromolecular (insoluble) substrates strong hydrophobic interaction with globular pro-
particularly in fibre processing viz. starch, cellulose, teins in aqueous solution (Morén et al. 1997; Tzanov
protein and pectins. Thus, poor contact between the et al. 2003). Unfortunately, inconsistent findings
insoluble substrate and the immobilized enzyme, as have been reported in the literature regarding the use
well as incomplete separation of the immobilized of surfactants (Mozhaev et al. 1989; El-Batal et al.
enzyme from unreacted solid substrates is a common 2005). Vasconcelos et al. (2006) and Zhang et al.
problem in heterogeneous reaction systems. There- (2006) demonstrated that the biological activity of
fore, when enzymes are to be used with macromo- immobilized proteases was not affected by exposure
lecular substrates, the use of smart polymers as to anionic or non-ionic surfactants. Conversely,
carriers has been suggested as a good solution to Costa et al. (2001) reported a notable reduction in
these problems (Dourado et al. 2002). Enzymes activity of catalase immobilized on alumina during
linked to smart polymers combine the benefits of treatment of textile bleaching effluents with anionic
using soluble carriers (reduced mass transfer con- and non-ionic surfactants; such a reduction reached
straints) with the advantage of reusability. Smart 96%, and the type and size of the carbon chain were
materials respond to chemical or physical changes in two important factors affecting enzyme stability.
their environment in a predictable fashion and can The solution ionic strength is also an important
be used to design reversible soluble-insoluble bio- factor for biocatalyst behaviour (Zille et al. 2003). Salt
catalysts. Stimuli that are used to recover smart addition affects the prevailing electrostatic interac-
polymer-enzyme conjugates for reuse include tions in solution, and operations in textile mills are
changes in pH, temperature, ionic strength and addi- usually performed at salt concentrations above 0.5 M.
tion of chemical species. End-group conjugation and Zille et al. (2003) observed a higher stability of laccase
site-specific conjugation are further strategies to to in the presence of relatively high levels of salt in the
obtain catalysts with improved design. Such poly- dyeing bath, probably due to enhancement of electro-
mers occur naturally (e.g. alginate and chitosan), but static coupling of anionic dyes, and consequent for-
can also be synthesized chemically (e.g. methyl mation of stable aggregates between positively charged
methacrylate polymers, hydroxypropyl methylcellu- enzyme and dyes. Nevertheless, the degree of stabili-
lose phthalate and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose zation/destabilization by salts depends to a great
acetate succinate). These smart biocatalysts have extent on the protein:salt ratio (Tzanov et al. 2003).
already been used in the bioconversion of starch, Another important issue in textile baths is the
cellulose, chitin/chitosan, hydrolysis of xylan and for influence of bleaching stabilizers. Costa et al. (2001)
protein hydrolysates (Roy et al. 2004). Hence, the concluded that such stabilizers exert some degree of
potential of smart polymers for employment in tex- inhibition upon immobilized catalase. Finally, the issue
tile fibre processing establishes them as very attrac- of interaction with organic solvents has been gaining
tive carriers. importance, since wet treatment of textile materials is
carried out using several of these solvents. Increasing
the concentration of organic solvents leads to faster
Effect of enzyme immobilization on interaction with the inactivation of enzymes due to reversible changes in
surrounding medium their protein structure, while longer incubation pro-
motes irreversible inactivation (Azevedo et al. 2001).
In wet processing conditions many interactions occur
between immobilized enzymes, dyes, chemical addi-
tives and processing aids, which may be of a great
Current and potential applications of enzyme
importance. Therefore, a balance between stabilizing
immobilization for textile processing
and destabilizing interactions should be attained.
Stability of laccases in immobilized form depends Several techniques may be applied to immobilize
both on the composition of the dyeing liquor and the enzymes on solid supports. The basic aspects of
chemical structure of the dye itself (Zille et al. 2003). enzyme immobilization in respect to their potential
Anionic sulphonic dyes are known to protect enzymes applications for the textile processing conditions are
from inactivation by forming ionic pairs between summarized in Table I.
Table I. Enzyme immobilization for textile industry applications.

Enzyme Origin Support Immobilization Comments References

Cellulase Aspergillus niger Polyvinyl alcohol coated chitosan beads Epichlorohydrin- Acid cellulase became a neutral cellulase Dinçer and Telefoncu (2006)
Commercial acid Chemically modified pumices particles Zr OCl2 - Adsorption Immobilized cellulase can efficiently Pazarlioglu et al. (2005)
cellulase abrade indigo dyed denim fabrics
Pectinase Aspergillus niger Sodium bis-2-ethylhexysulpho-succinate Encapsulation Good efectiveness in terms of cotton Sawada and Ueda (2001)
J. C. Soares et al.

Amylase Aspergillus niger Alkylamine glass beads coated with Adsorption followed Immobilized enzymes with better washing Dhingra et al. (2006)
(Diastase) zirconia by GLUTAL properties and used 100 times without
any considerable loss of activity
Non specified Fe3O4/Poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride) Covalent binding Excellent operational stability and bound Qiu et al. (2005)
Magnetic composite microspheres enzyme was separated from reaction
medium by an magnetic field
Protease Subtilisin Eudragit S-100 Covalent linked by Shift in optimum pH to alkaline side, Silva et al. (2006)
(Novozymes) carbodiimide reduction of weight and fibre tensile
coupling strength losses with immobilized
Subtilisin Eudragit S-100 and L-100, Kollicoat Covalent linked by Less fibre damage was observed for all six Smith et al. (2010)
(Novozymes) MAE 100P, HPMCP-55, cellulose carbodiimide modified enzymes and was less than
acetate phthalate and AQOAT AS-LG coupling native enzyme of a similar activity level
Subtilisin (Sigma) PEG Covalent binding Diffusion of proteses into wool is Silva et al. (2005)
dependent on the size of the protease
Subtilisin (Sigma) Eudragit S-100 Covalent linked by Enzyme immobilization enable the Shen et al. (2006)
carbodiimide reaction of the enzyme with wool to be
coupling controlled, and the dyeing properties
appear to be unaffected
Subtilisin (Sigma) Eudragit S-100 Covalent linked by An anionic and non-ionic surfactant was Zhang et al. (2006)
carbodiimide compatible with immobilized proteases
coupling in the wool treatment
Glucose Aspergillus niger Alumina and glass Covalent binding Sufficient bleaching levels with low Tzanov et al. (2002)
oxidase enzyme concentration; good operational
stability of alumina support
Commercial Cotton Covalent binding Recycling of desizing liquors into Opwis et al. (1999)
(Serva GmbH) bleaching liquors
Catalase Bacillus SF Alumina pellets Covalent-GLUTAL Higher stabilities and surfactant Costa et al. (2001)
Bacillus SF Alumina pellets Covalent-GLUTAL 93% protein bound and 87% activity Paar et al. (2001)
Catalase Bacillus SF α- and γ-Alumina balls, Novalox saddles Covalent-GLUTAL Porosity and shape of the carriers Fruhwirth et al. (2002)
and Raschigrings
Bovine liver Cotton fabric or Nylon 6 Adsorption and Low cost and flexible construction Opwis et al. (2004)
Bovine liver Poly(ethylene terephthalate) or Covalent -Photo After 20 applications, the immobilized Opwis et al. (2005)
polyamide 6.6 chemical enzyme showed a integral activity
around 3.5 higher than free catalase
Bovine liver Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Chemical and Enzyme modification before the Opwis et al. (2007)
Covalent- immobilization; photochemical
Photochemical technique may be able to compete with
conventional immobilization procedures
Peroxidase Horseradish Ion exchange resins Covalent binding Amberlite IRA-400 ion exchange resin Peralta-Zamora et al. (1998)
showed the best results for enzyme
Horseradish Eupergit®C Covalent binding High degrees of phenol removal using Pramparo et al. (2010)
about one hundredth of the enzyme
used in the soluble form
Momordica Con A-Sephadex Adsorption Higher TOC and color removal with Akhtar et al. (2005)
charantia immobilized enzyme
Momordica Con A-layered calcium aginate-starch Adsortion followed by Immobilized peroxidase decolorized more Matto and Husain (2009)
charantia beads GLUTAL than 90% effluent after 3 h of
incubation in a batch process
Saccharum Polyethylene Covalent-GLUTAL Reusabilty was studied for 15 cycles and Shaffiqu et al. (2002)
spontaneum the half-life was found to be 60 h
Laccase Myceliophthora Sepabeads EC-EP3 and Dilbeads NK Covalent binding Very attractive for their application on the Kunamneni et al. (2008)
thermophila decolorization of dyes in batch and
continuous fixed-bed reactors
Rhus Vernificera PEG Covalent binding Activity of modified laccases on fibre Schroeder et al. (2006)
bound was reduced preventing dye
Sclerotium rolfsii Alumina Covalent-APTES- Acid stable and potential for wool dye Ryan et al. (2003)
GLUTAL decolorization
Sclerotium rolfsii Alumina Covalent-APTES- Potential for the treatment of dyeing Campos et al. (2001)
and GLUTAL effluents and to obtain
Trametes hirsuta various bleaching appearances in denim
Laccase Trametes hirsuta Alumina Covalent-APTES- T reated effluents could be used for Abadulla et al. (2000)
GLUTAL re-dyeing
Trametes hirsuta Alumina Covalent-GLUTAL Laccase activity of the coated laccase was Rodríguez Couto et al.
followed by coating higher than that of the non-coated one (2007)
with polyelectrolytes
Trametes hirsuta poly amide 6,6 Cross linking- Potential for application in the continuous Silva et al. (2007)
GLUTAL and decolorization of textile effluents, where
spacer it can be applied into a membrane
Trametes pubescens Alumina Covalent-APTES- The decolorization of a simulated textile Osma et al. (2010)
GLUTAL effluent was achieved using different
laboratory-scale bioreactors
Immobilized enzyme technologies

228 J. C. Soares et al.

Textile fibre processing

Peralta-Zamora et al. (2002)

Khan and Husain (2007)

Bayramoglu et al. (2010)
Cellulases. Cellulases constitute a group of enzymes
References that are able to catalyze cellulose hydrolysis via de-
grading β-(1-4) linkages of the biopolymer, and

Zille et al. (2003)

concomitantly release reducing sugars (Sinegani et
al. 2005; Dinçer & Telefoncu 2006). In nature, cel-
lulolytic systems belong to three major classes, which
act in a synergistic fashion: endoglucanases, exog-
lucanases and β-glucosidases (Azevedo et al. 2002).
These enzymes achieved worldwide success in textile
large-scale biotechnological applications processing because of their ability to modify cellulosic
Reusability of the magnetic beads can

Treatment of wastewater/dye effluent,

fibres in a controlled manner, producing better qual-

immobilized tyrosinase wa s more

effective than soluble counterpart
provide economic advantages for

Decolorization of Reactive Black 5

ity fabrics without excessive inner structural damage
(Cavaco-Paulo 1998; Pazarlioglu et al. 2005). The
Photochemical pre-treatment

multicomponent nature of the cellulase system finds


major application in biopolishing (removal of fluffy

industrial effluent

and protruding fibres from cotton fabrics resulting

in clear fabric surface), as well as in denim garment
treatment to achieve the desired stonewashed final
look (Gusakov et al. 2001).
Various methods and supports have been reported
to date for immobilization of cellulases for different
purposes (Kajiuchi & Park 1992; Dourado et al.
2002; Wu et al. 2005; Mao et al. 2006; Tu et al.
2006). Pazarlioglu et al. (2005) used a commercial



cellulase immobilized onto ZrOCl2-activated (pum-


ice) particles for denim washing. They concluded





that such immobilized enzymes could efficiently

abrade indigo-dyed denim fabrics, and because
strongly bound enzymes remained on the pumice,
staining was detected at lower levels after the second
usage with immobilized cellulase than its free coun-
Silica, amberlite IRA-400, glass ceramic

terpart. Dinçer & Telefoncu (2006) improved the

Poly(4-VP) grafted and/or Cu(II) ions

stability of an acidic cellulase in the neutral pH range

by immobilizing it on chitosan beads coated with
maleic anhydride-modified polyvinyl alcohol. The
chelated magnetic beads

major reason behind replacing acid cellulases with


and montmorillonite

neutral ones is that the former are more aggressive

and produce more abrasion that reduces the tensile
strength of the fabric.
The applications of cellulases in immobilized
Celite 545

form for textile fibre processing (Table I) are still


scarce, probably because of substantial constraints

associated with limited substrate diffusion, as dis-
cussed above (Taniguchi et al. 1992; Zhang et al.
Solatium tuberosum

2010). Eudragit L-100 a soluble–insoluble reversible

Trametes versicolor

Trametes versicolor

Trametes villosa

polymer was successfully used for cellulase immobi-


lization and could be an alternative to apply in bio-

polishing and/or bioscouring (Dourado et al. 2002).
Table I. Continued

Pectinases. Pectinases are enzymes able to breakdown

complex pectins, which occur as structural polysac-

charides in plant tissues, into simpler molecules, viz.


galacturonic acids. They include polygalacturonases,

pectin esterases, pectin lyases and pectate lyases,
Immobilized enzyme technologies 229

depending on their mode of action (Kashyap et al. actitivity is usually reduced, so practical applications
2001; Hoondal et al. 2002). Various reviews are avail- of immobilized amylases in textile desizing are rare,
able on the production and application of pectinases since they act upon macromolecular substrates. Nev-
(Sakai et al. 1993; Naidu & Panda 1998; Kashyap et ertheless, Qiu et al. (2005) reported the immobiliza-
al. 2001; Hoondal et al. 2002), but these enzymes are tion of α-amylase on magnetic composite microspheres.
still mainly used in the food industry and in wood Owing to easy separation under a magnetic field for
preservation, and only recently employed in textile repeated use, a potential for a wide range of industrial
fibre processing (Gummadi & Panda 2003). applications was claimed – including textiles. Further-
Many non-cellulosic impurities are found in the more, an amylase from Aspergillus niger was immobi-
cellulose matrix of the primary wall, and to a lesser lized via glutaraldehyde-mediated coupling onto
extent the secondary wall of a cotton fibre. This bar- zirconia-coated alkylamine glass beads. The useful-
rier limits the dyeing and finishing processes (Hoondal ness in removal of starch stains from cotton was tested
et al. 2002). Hence, scouring, which remove the using various detergents. The immobilized enzyme
cuticle and the primary wall compounds from the was used in removal of starch stain from cotton clothes
cotton fibre is essential to achieve satisfactory wet- along with detergents. All the detergents gave better
tability. Bioscouring has become a feasible alternative washing in presence of immobilized amylase than that
to classic chemical scouring, because of the far better with detergent alone (Dhingra et al. 2006).
eco-friendliness of the former. Besides pectinases,
several other types of enzyme can be used for bio- Proteases. Proteases are a class of enzymes which
scouring – viz. lipases, proteases, cellulases, xylanases bring about protein degradation via hydrolysis of the
and cutinases (Wang et al. 2007). peptide bonds in the polypeptide backbone (Singh
Despite several advantages of using pectinases in et al. 2001; Gupta et al. 2002). The conventional wool
immobilized form, relatively little research has been processing techniques to achieve shrink-resistant
performed specifically on this topic (Roy & Gupta wool uses chlorination steps which pose ecological
2003; Lei & Bi 2007a,b). However, Sawada & Ueda problems. Replacing these harsh chemicals with pro-
(2001) successfully attempted to expose cotton to teases for processes such as shrink-resistance, while
scouring via a pectinase immobilized in a reverse simultaneously improving whiteness, dyeability and
micellar system (Table I). The effectiveness of scour- handle are well recognised (Smith et al. 2010). How-
ing was equivalent or better than that achieved by ever, despite some beneficial effects, such enzymatic
conventional alkaline processes or bioscouring in treatments may cause excessive damage to the fibre
aqueous media. The enzyme demonstrated excellent cuticle, with a consequent high degree of weight and
activity, even in organic media. strength losses of the wool fibres (Cortez et al. 2004;
Silva et al. 2005; Queiroga et al. 2007).
Amylases. Amylases are enzymes that cleave starch Table I tabulates some of the latest references for
molecules and related compounds, by hydrolysing α- different immobilized proteases with potential appli-
1,4- and/or α-1,6-glucosidic linkages, in either endo- cation in the textile industry. Immobilization of pro-
or exo-locations (Hamilton et al. 2000). Several re- teases (or chemical modification thereof) typically
views are available covering these enzymes, which increases their molecular size, constraining prote-
discuss their sources, applications, catalytic perfor- olytic attack to the cuticle and thus reducing the
mance and biochemical properties (Pandey et al. problem. To elucidate the pattern of diffusion of ser-
2000; van der Maarel et al. 2002; Gupta et al. 2003; ine proteases into wool fabrics and yarns, free sub-
Sivaramakrishnan et al. 2006). Modern production tilisin and subtilisin covalently linked to polyethylene
processes for textiles introduce a considerable strain glycol (PEG) were studied (Silva et al. 2005). The
on the warp during weaving. The yarn must, there- modified protease remained on the surface of the
fore, be prevented from breaking. For this purpose cuticle layer region (hydrolyzing just the cuticle layer
a removable protective layer (size) is applied to the of wool), hence producing a higher tensile strength
threads. Starch is a very attractive size, because it is and a lower felting of the fibres. Silva et al. (2006)
cheap, easily available in most regions of the world, used a commercial protease (Esperase) covalently
and it can be removed quite easily. Good desizing of linked to Eudragit S-100. This novel approach is a
starch sized textiles is achieved by the application of promising alternative for wool shrink-resist finishing,
amylases, which selectively remove the size and do replacing the conventional chlorine treatments.
not attack the fibres (Gupta et al. 2003). Under optimised conditions (Eudragit, 2.5% w/v,
Despite the various forms, and many studies on carbodiimide, 0.2% w/v, coupling time, 1 h and
immobilized amylases (Tümtürk et al. 1999; Chang blocking agent concentration, 0.05%), the conjugate
& Juang 2005; Kara et al. 2005; Pandya et al. 2005; activity yield was about 45% and its operational sta-
Kahraman et al. 2006), the general enzymatic bility at 60°C was increased by 1.7 times. These data
230 J. C. Soares et al.

agreed with those by Shen et al. (2006), and the been considered to be a possible method for produc-
dyeing properties of the wool fabric appeared to be ing H2O2 for biobleaching, aimed at improving fibre
unaffected by treatment with immobilized Esperase. performance before dyeing, and destroying pigments
Zhang et al. (2006) also used Eudragit S-100 via initially present in the fibres that account for cotton
carbodiimide coupling; their results made it appar- greyness. Implementation of this enzymatic system
ent that the ethoxylated alkyl phosphate (i.e. an in cotton pretreatment is beneficial for reusing the
anionic surfactant) acts synergistically with the desizing waste baths as an additional source for glu-
immobilized enzyme, in the bioscouring processes. cose, and to decrease waste water pollution and water
More recently, Smith et al. (2010) demonstrated that consumption (Tzanov et al. 2001, 2002). As reported
different enteric polymers can also be successfully previously by Tzanov et al. (2001), higher quantities
coupled with Esperase using carbodiimide coupling. of enzymatically-produced peroxide were needed to
Treatment on wool showed that such enzymes mod- accomplish the same bleaching effect as in the stan-
ified with Kollicoat, hypromellose acetate succinate, dard procedure. Probably, the added glucose protects
hydroxylpropyl methylcellulose phthalate or cellu- the cotton from being bleached, acting as a substrate
lose acetate phthalate produced effects similar to for bleaching and oxidation, thereby consuming the
those of Esperase modified with Eudragit S-100 and peroxide, or as a stabilizer. On the other hand, in-
L-100, in terms of improved shrink-resistance, but creasing the bleaching temperature causes the protein
with less fibre damage in terms of weight loss and to denaturate and deposit on the fabric surface, due to
tensile strength. hydrophobic fabric/enzyme interactions. These prob-
lems could be overcome by using immobilized instead
of free enzyme. The stability of glucose oxidase has
Textile bleaching and treatment of the bleaching liquor
been improved via several immobilization procedures
Hydrogen peroxide is a substrate (catalase and per- on various supports (Quinto et al. 1998; Tzanov
oxidase) or product (glucose oxidase) of several et al. 2002; Blin et al. 2005; Betancor et al. 2006;
interesting industrial textile enzymes. These biocata- Godjevergova et al. 2006). The first textile application
lysts may have to act in the presence of high H2O2 (Table I) was reported by Opwis et al. (1999), with
concentrations during textile bleaching or in the cyanuric chloride-mediated attachment to cotton –
treatment of the bleaching liquor. Under these con- with subsequent release of H2O2 at levels high enough
ditions, such enzymes may be sensitive to H2O2, to support adequate bleaching. This biotechnological
because it can oxidize some residues in the proteins approach allowed important economic and ecological
and denature them. Hence, an increase in the resis- savings – in terms of water and chemicals, as desiz-
tance to this chemical reagent has major practical ing liquors include glucose from cotton pre-treatment
relevance. This might be addressed from different with amyloglycosidase. Glucose oxidase from Asper-
perspectives: (i) multipoint and multisubunit cova- gillus niger was also covalent immobilized on two in-
lent immobilization, which reduces any conforma- expensive and commercially available supports, viz.
tional change involved in enzyme inactivation and alumina and glass (Tzanov et al. 2002). High protein
greatly increase the enzyme stability. Supports like immobilization yields, as well as sufficient bleaching
agarose beads, zeolites, porous glass, epoxy resins, levels were attained. Glass permitted a higher rate of
offer large areas for enzyme-support interactions generation of H2O2 (0.35 g/L) due to its more porous
(Betancor et al. 2003, 2006; Mateo et al. 2007); (ii) morphology and thus bound more protein, however,
immobilization on porous supports with large inter- alumina produced a higher operational stability and
nal surface areas stabilizes the enzyme against inter- permitted reuse for at least three consecutive cycles.
action with molecules from the surrounding medium;
and (iii) chemical modification by crosslinking with Catalases. Catalases are ubiquitous enzymes in aero-
polyfunctional-polymers, which could reduce the bic organisms, in which they catalyze breakdown of
effective concentration of H2O2 in the proximity of H2O2 into water and oxygen (Chelikani et al. 2005).
the enzyme (Iyer & Ananthanarayan 2008). Several studies covering the main aspects of catalase
function and properties are described in the litera-
Glucose oxidase. Glucose oxidase is a dimeric glycosy- ture (Loewen 1996; Jouve et al. 1997; Zámocky &
lated flavoprotein – which is able to catalyze oxidation Koller 1999; Hersleth et al. 2006).
of glucose to glucolactone, which in turn spontane- As a strong oxidizing agent, H2O2 oxidizes reac-
ously yields gluconic acid, as well as H2O2 as a side- tive dyes – which constitute a major reason for dye
product (Betancor et al. 2006). In the last decade, loss and non-uniformity in dyeing. Consequently,
due its biodegradability, H2O2 has almost entirely re- residual H2O2 in bleaching baths must be removed
placed conventional chlorine treatments in the textile from the fabric prior to dyeing (Thompson et al.
bleaching processes. Therefore, glucose oxidase has 2003). A critical problem is that bleaching is carried
Immobilized enzyme technologies 231

out at temperatures above 60°C and under alkaline organic and inorganic chemicals, including a large va-
conditions (pH 9 and above), so most commercial riety of aromatic compounds. Several studies covering
catalases cannot withstand these harsh conditions general properties, biochemical and molecular char-
(Spiro & Griffith 1997; Paar et al. 2001; Oluoch acterization, as well as industrial and environmental
et al. 2006). An alternative is to use catalases from applications have been discussed and reviewed else-
alkalothermophilic and thermophilic microorganisms where (Durán & Esposito 2000; Moreira et al. 2001;
(Kagawa et al. 1999; Gudelj et al. 2001; Fruthwirth Barceló & Pomar 2002; Conesa et al. 2002; Azevedo
et al. 2002; Hidalgo et al. 2003; Thompson et al. et al. 2003; Moreira et al. 2005; Atack & Kelly 2006;
2003; Oluoch et al. 2006). However, direct applica- Matto & Husain 2006; Moreira et al. 2006).
tion of free catalase promotes interaction between the As mentioned before, huge volumes of potentially
protein and the dye, which in turn reduces dye uptake hazardous compounds are released at various stages
by the fabric (Paar et al. 2001). of textile manufacturing including dyes, alkalis, chro-
Immobilization of catalase overcomes this con- mium, phenol, oils and waxes (Asamudo et al. 2005).
straint, and concomitantly enables reuse of the Therefore, transformation of such potential toxic
enzyme. Recycling bleaching baths, pre-treated with compounds is essential, prior to their disposal. Most
immobilized catalase, for subsequent dyeing leads to of the physico-chemical methods currently used have
savings up to 50% in overall water consumption. technical and economic restrictions, since they are
Catalase immobilization has been attempted by sev- expensive, produce large amounts of sludge and are
eral authors (Emine & Leman 1995; Cetinus & inefficient for some soluble dyes. Therefore, white-rot
Öztop 2000; Costa et al. 2001; Betancor et al. 2003; fungal peroxidases have attracted particular interest
Opwis et al. 2004b; Wang & Caruso 2005; Jürghen- due to the low yield and high cost of production of
Lohmann & Legge 2006), using organic and inor- plant peroxidases (Shaffiqu et al. 2002; Khan &
ganic materials such as porous glass, cellulose, Husain 2007; Blánquez et al. 2008) and since they
alumina, silica gel and hydrogels. Some natural poly- participate in the degradation of a broad range of
mers – e.g. gelatin and chitosan, as well as some substrates.
synthetic polymers – e.g. polyacrylamide, were found Peroxidase immobilization, for wastewater treat-
not to be appropriate for bleaching treatments ment, was successfully achieved on various natural
(Fruhwirth et al. 2002). and synthetic carriers (Duran & Esposito 2000;
Several authors employed alumina-based supports, Duran et al. 2002; Torres et al. 2003). However, only
due to their greater mechanical stability at high pH a few reports have been linked with direct decon-
and temperatures, for immobilization of catalase tamination of textile industry effluents. The funda-
obtained from Bacillus SF for the treatment of textile mental features of peroxidase immobilization with
bleaching effluents (Costa et al. 2001; Paar et al. 2001; regard to potential applications for the textile indus-
Fruhwirth et al. 2002). The treated liquid was reused try are summarized in TableI.
for dyeing fabrics with various dyes, resulting in accept- The majority of the matrices currently used for
able colour differences for all the dyes used. the immobilization of enzymes such silica, controlled
However, Costa et al. (2001) confirmed that pore glass, polyvinyl alcohol, polyacrylamide and
immobilized catalase could be inhibited by anionic chitosan beads were not suitable, because of dye
stabilizers or surfactants added to the H2O2 substrate adsorption onto the matrices, probably inactivating
solution. Opwis et al. (2004a, 2005 and 2007) used the enzyme (Shaffiqu et al. 2002). Therefore, immo-
low-cost synthetic textile fabrics as alternative carrier bilization of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) on vari-
materials for covalent catalase immobilization by a ous supports, and application in treatment of textile
photochemical process (UV light) in the presence of effluents, was assessed by Peralta-Zamora et al.
different cross-linking agents. The great advantage of (1998). Among them, Amberlite IRA-400 ion
using fabrics as carriers is that they can be removed exchange resin produced the best results for enzyme
very quickly from the reactor without a filtration step immobilization, efficiency of colour removal and
and without protein residues after the enzymatic reac- degradation of phenol species. The decolorization
tion. Even after 20 (Opwis et al. 2005) or 30 (Opwis process was more efficient with combined photo-
et al. 2007) applications the immobilized enzyme still enzymatic procedures which appear to be an efficient
showed a distinct activity, and the integral activity was decontamination method for industrial effluent
higher by a factor of 3.5 and 1.5, respectively. treatment. Moreover, the peroxidase from the plant
Saccharum spontaneum can be used as an alternative
to the commercial HRP and soybean peroxidase
Decolorization of dyes and effluent treatment
for the decolorization of textile dyes. Four textile
Peroxidases. Peroxidases are oxidoreductases that con- dyes at initial concentration of 50 mg/L were com-
sume H2O2 to catalyze oxidation of a wide variety of pletely degraded within 6–8 h at pH 3 by the enzyme
232 J. C. Soares et al.

immobilized on a modified polyethylene matrix. The in the food, pulp and paper industries, as as well as
immobilized enzyme was also used in a batch reactor the textile industry. The use of laccase in this sector
and the reusabilility was studied for 15 cycles, is growing fast, since besides decolorization of tex-
demonstating a half-life of around 60 h (equivalent tile effluents, laccase is used to bleach textiles and
to 10 cycles) (Shaffiqu et al. 2002). even to synthetise dyes (Setti et al. 1999; Rodríguez-
Bioaffinity-based immobilization can be exploited Couto & Herrera 2006). Applied aspects of immo-
for the direct immobilization of enzymes from par- bilized laccases, using a wide range of methods and
tially purified preparation or even from crude homo- substrates, have been described (Lante et al. 2000;
genates. Simplicity of immobilization, lack of chemical Durán et al. 2002; Peralta-Zamora et al. 2003). The
modification and an enhancement in stability is usu- basic aspects of laccase immobilization with respect
ally achieved (Akhtar et al. 2005). In this way, Matto to potential applications for textile processing condi-
& Husain (2009) immobilized bitter gourd peroxidase tions are summarized in Table I.
on concanavalin A layered calcium alginate-starch Most laccases that are efficient in decolorization
beads for the effective decolorization of textile indus- of dyeing effluents are produced by white-rot fungi
trial effluents. They evaluated its efficiency at large (Kandelbauer et al. 2004). Therefore, laccases from
scale by using a continuous two-reactor system, one Trametes hirsuta, Sclerotium rolfsii, T. villosa, T. modesta
reactor containing immobilized enzyme and the other, and T. pubescens have been successfully immobilized
activated silica. Immobilized enzyme could remove on alumina pellets, and could efficiently decolorize
more than 90% of the colored compounds over 10 several synthetic dyes (Abadulla et al. 2000; Campos
days of operation. The reactor was capable of remov- et al. 2001; Ryan et al. 2003; Zille et al. 2003;
ing 40% of the color from the textile effluent even Kandelbauer et al. 2004; Rodriguez-Couto et al.
after 60 days of operation. An enhancement in decol- 2007; Osma et al. 2010). Research has shown that the
orization was probably due to increased adsorption subsequent coating of the alumina-immobilised lac-
on adsorbent activated silica. case with polyelectrolyte layers considerably increased
Nevertheless, amongst the large number of sup- laccase stability (Osma et al. 2010). However, although
ports available for enzyme immobilization, epoxy- studies have been performed with immobilized lac-
activated carriers are being widely used and have case at laboratory-scale using reactors with small vol-
received great attention for large scale applications umes, these have not addressed the large wastewater
such as textile industry effluents. One of the most volumes generated by the textile industry.
interesting epoxy-activated supports is Eupergit®C, Peralta-Zamora et al. (2003) immobilized laccase
because it is commercially available, resistant to from T. versicolor on various supports viz. silica,
mechanical and chemical stress and adaptable to a amberlite IRA-400, glass-ceramic and montmoril-
variety of configurations and specific processes car- lonite. Imidazole modified silica (SiIm) allowed
ried out in reactors. Pramparo et al. (2010) reported almost total laccase immobilization. In the initial
direct HRP binding on Eupergit®C as an effective stages, decolorization was mainly due to adsorption
method for the preparation of stable biocatalysts in of the dyes onto the support surface, but later the
removing phenol compounds from wastewater. In support became saturated and enzymatic decoloriza-
this case, a maximum immobilised enzyme activity tion was apparent. The use of a brief photochemical
of 127 U/g support was found using an enzyme load- pre-treatment permitted a significant increase in the
ing on the support of 35.2 mg/g support. efficiency of the enzymatic decolorization process.
For the treatment of wool dyeing effluents at low
Laccases. Laccases are copper-containing oxidoredu- pH, an acid stable laccase would be desirable. Ryan
ctases, which belong to the group of small blue oxi- et al. (2003) confirmed that an acidic laccase could
dases. They are widely distributed in higher plants, be used for continuous decolorization of wool dyeing
fungi and bacteria (Thurston 1994; Karam & Nicell effluents which allowed water recycling. Eighty-three
1997; Alexandre & Zhulin 2000; Durán et al. 2002). percent of the protein was bound to the carrier (0.13
Such enzymes are able to oxidize various aromatic mg/g alumina) and 72% of the laccase activity was
compounds (particularly phenols) and inorganic retained on that carrier material.
compounds, with concomitant reduction of oxygen Silva et al. (2007) demonstrated the potential of
to water (Durán et al. 2002). Laccases have been woven nylon (polyamide 6,6) as a carrier for laccase
extensively studied, and fundamental aspects have immobilization and application in a membrane reac-
been duly reviewed (Burton 1994; Giardina et al. tor. Woven nylon offers several advantages such as
1996; Xu 1996; Gianfreda et al. 1999; Durán & low cost, chemical inertness, non-toxicity, mechani-
Esposito 2000; Durán et al. 2002; Wesenberg et al. cal stability, insolubility in water, ready availability
2003; Rodríguez-Couto & Herrera 2006). They have and availability in a number of forms. Thus, it seems
found industrial and biotechnological applications to be a promising system about future application.
Immobilized enzyme technologies 233

Recently, Kunamneni et al. (2008) investigated effluents is considered, as only molecular oxygen is
decolorization of synthetic dyes by laccase from required as oxidant (Khan & Husain 2007).
Myceliophthora thermophila covalently immobilized The use of tyrosinases in immobilized form is
on polymethacrylate-based polymers activated with well documented in the literature, particularly for
epoxy-groups. The enzyme immobilized in Sepa- phenol removal from synthetic and industrial efflu-
beads EC-EP3 exhibited notable activity (203 U/g) ents, using a wide range of methods and with various
and retained 41% of its activity in the decolorization supports, e.g. chitosan, chitosan with alginate-filled
of methyl green in a fixed-bed reactor after five pore space sodium and calcium aluminosilicates,
cycles. As mentioned before, high mechanical stabil- silica gel, polysulfone capillary membrane and poly-
ity and the absence of swelling in water make them clar (Wada et al. 1993; Edwards et al. 1999; Krastanov
very interesting alternative carriers for dye degrada- 2000; Seetharam & Saville 2003; Ensuncho et al.
tion in both batch and continuous fixed-bed bioreac- 2005). Khan & Husain (2007) took advantage of a
tors. Interesting findings were also reported by tyrosinase preparation from Solanum tuberosum,
Bayramo lu et al. (2010) using magnetic beads for immobilized on Celite in view of its high stability
laccase immobilization. Magnetic particles have and cost of preparation, for treatment of wastewater/
gained significant attention for large-scale applica- dye effluents contaminated with reactive textile and
tions due to their potential for rapid separation in a non-textile dyes; this was more effective in terms of
magnetic field. The immobilized laccase was more decolorization efficiency, pH tolerance and total
stable during operation (degradation of three indi- organic carbon removal than the corresponding free
vidual dyes in batch systems) and storage compared form, for treatment of either individual or complex
to the free enzyme. mixtures of dyes. The maximum decolorization was
Besides their potential for detoxification of textile found between pH 3.0 and 4.0. These observations
effluents, laccases are also effective in preventing dye suggested that industrial effluents could be success-
redeposition on fabrics and garments – during wash- fully treated with immobilized tyrosinase.
ing and finishing processes, by degradation of the
solubilized dye. However, the action of those enzymes
Concluding remarks
must be restricted to solubilized dyes to avoid decol-
orization of fabrics. In order to prevent dye redepo- The moderate stability of enzymes is one of the main
sition on already dyed fabrics, laccases have been drawbacks that hinder general implementation of
covalently attached to PEG; this led to enhanced these interesting biocatalysts on an industrial scale.
stability and limited adsorption onto fibres and gar- Nevertheless, enzymes have already a long history in
ments, thus preventing their enzyme-mediated textile processing. Regulatory enforcement of pollu-
decolorization (Schroeder et al. 2006). tion reduction directives upon textile manufacturers
has led them to expand the use of enzymes in actual
Tyrosinases. Tyrosinases also known as polyphenol processing of fibres and textiles; this trend has rap-
oxidases or catecholases, catalyze two sequential idly gained wide recognition, because of their non-
oxygen-dependent reactions (Burton 1994; Durán toxic and eco-friendly characteristics.
et al. 2002): the o-hydroxylation of monophenols to Immobilized enzymes have attracted particular
o-diphenols (i.e. a cresolase activity), and the subse- interest since this area has continued to develop
quent oxidation to o-quinones (i.e. a catecholase ac- into an ever-expanding and multidisciplinary field
tivity) which undergo spontaneous (non-enzymatic) over recent years, especially, because it permits
polymerization to yield water-insoluble substances recovery of enzymes and increases their stability,
(Karam & Nicell 1997). Aspects of the molecular both of which contribute to lower operational costs.
mechanisms of tyrosinases have been reviewed and Recent advances in the design of immobilization
discussed elsewhere (Decker et al. 2000; Decker & supporting materials with tailorable pore size and
Tuczek 2000; Fenoll et al. 2000; Durán et al. 2002). surface functionality has enabled more precise
At present, several peroxidases and laccases are control of immobilization enzymes. New simula-
used specifically for the treatment of textile dyeing tions of the surface characteristics of the target
effluents – but decolorization promoted by the former enzymes can be used to aid in the design of appro-
adds considerably to the costs of industrial process- priate support materials. However, no single
ing, because of the (expensive) H2O2 required as co- method and support is best for all enzymes and
substrate (Akhtar et al. 2005). Furthermore, the their applications. This is because of the widely dif-
limited availability and high purification cost of lac- ferent chemical characteristics and composition of
cases constrains their use for this purpose.Tyrosinases, enzymes, the different properties of substrates and
mainly extracted from plants, are simpler to use, and products and the different uses to which the prod-
less expensive when decolorization of aromatic-rich uct can be applied.
234 J. C. Soares et al.

The future prospects for enzyme immobilization Bayramoğlu G, Yilmaz M, Arica MY. 2010. Reversible immobili-
procedures could involve site-directed mutagenesis. zation of laccase to polbioresouy(4-vinylpyridine) grafted and
Cu(II) chelated magnetic beads: biodegradation of reactive
There are several reports showing that the use of dyes. Bioresour Technol 101: 6615–6621.
site-directed mutagenesis can improve how enzymes Betancor L, Hidalgo A, Fernández-Lorente G, Mateo C,
are immobilized on a support, and can be a powerful Fernández-Lafuente R, Guisán JM. 2003. Preparation of a sta-
tool to improve the properties of immobilized ble biocatalyst of bovine liver catalase using immobilization and
biomolecules. Therefore, perfectly oriented and very postimmobilization techniques. Biotechnol Prog 19:763–767.
Betancor L, López-Gallego F, Hidalgo A, Alonso-Morales N,
rigid enzyme molecules could be prepared. Exten- Dellamora-Ortiz G, Guisán JM, Fernández-Lafuente R. 2006.
sive scientific research is still needed, that should Preparation of a very stable immobilized biocatalyst of glucose
focus on process integration. oxidase from Aspergillus niger. J Biotechnol 121:284–289.
Blánquez P, Sarrà M, Vicent T. 2008. Development of a continu-
ous process to adapt the textile wastewater treatment by fungi
to industrial conditions. Process Biochem 43:1–7.
Acknowledgements Blin JL, Gèrardin C, Carteret C, Rodeüser L, Selve C, Stébé MJ.
2005. Direct one-step immobilization of glucose oxidase in
This work was supported by the project GOBLUE – well-ordered mesostructured silica using a nonionic fluorinated
Biotecnology applied to textile processing financed surfactant. Chem Mater 17:1479–1486.
by ADI– Agência de Inovação, S.A., and by a doc- Burton SG. 1994. Biocatalysis with polyphenol oxidase: a review.
toral fellowship granted to author A. C. Queiroga Catal Today 22:459–487.
(SFRH/BD/19212/2004) and a post-doctoral fellow- Camarero JA. 2008. Recent developments in the site-specific
immobilization of proteins onto solid supports. Biopolymers
ship granted to author P. R. Moreira (SFRH/ 90:450–458.
BPD/26527/2005), both fellowships were granted by Campos R, Kandelbauer A, Robra KH, Cavaco-Paulo A, Guebitz
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal). GM. 2001. Indigo degradation with purified laccase from Tram-
etes hirsuta and Sclerotium rolfsii. J Biotechnol 89:131–139.
Cavaco-Paulo A. 1998. Mechanism of cellulase action in textile
Declaration of interest: The authors report no processes. Carbohydr Polym 37:273–277.
conflicts of interest. The authors alone are respon- Cetinus SA, Öztop HN. 2000. Immobilization of catalase on chi-
tosan film. Enzyme Microb Technol 26:497–501.
sible for the content and writing of the paper. Chang MY, Juang RS. 2005. Activities, stabilities, and reaction
kinetics of three free and chitosan-clay composite immobilized
enzymes. Enzyme Microb Technol 36:75–82.
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