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Al-Wady Language Schools for Girls

English (A. L)
Primary 6

First Term-Revision Sheet

Family & Friends (Units 1 to 4)
Reader (Chapters 1 to 3)

(2020 / 2021)

Name: …………………………………………….
Class: 6/

Sample Test 1 on Unit 1
A – Language Functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Sandra: Hi, Dylan.
Dylan : Hi, Sandra.
Sandra: …………………………………………..……..?
Dylan : Yes, I've been to a festival.
Sandra: ………………………………………………….....?
Dylan : It took place in New York.
Sandra: When did you go there?
Dylan : …………………………………………………………....
Sandra: What was the best thing about the festival?
Dylan : …………………………………………………………….
B – Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:

1. We saw many paintings at the (aviary – art gallery – theatre – stadium).

2. The (murals – galleries – sculpture – statues) painted on the walls were amazing.
3. This film was very (boring – interesting – uninteresting – patient). I enjoyed
watching it.
4. Mary is (unpopular – popular – immature – mature). She behaves like an adult.
5. You need oars to (splash – hit – row – float) a boat.
6. Look! This boy is going to (falling –falls – fell – fall) off his bike.
7. My brother (will be – am going to be – am being – was) ten next April.
8. The sky is getting dark. It (is raining – is going to rain – will rain – rains).
9. I (visited – visit – going to visit – am visiting) my aunt tomorrow at 5 o'clock.
10. A: It is hot.
B: I ('ll turn – 'm going to turn –'m turning – 've turned) on the fan.

3. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets:

1- The manager arranged to have a meeting tomorrow at 9 a.m. (having)

2- Did you arrange to go to the party tonight? (Are…..?)
3- James has planned to spend the weekend on his farm. (going)
4- I've just decided to go out. (will)
5- Peter intends to visit Rome . (…is…)

C – Reading Comprehension
4. Read the following and answer the questions below:
The British group "The Beatles" may have been the most famous and
popular rock group of all time. The Beatles were great song writers. Many of
their songs are still popular today. There were four members in the group:
John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. John started
the group in 1956 and called it The Quarrymen. Paul joined the group in 1957.
Paul and George were friends and had been practicing the guitar together for
some time. George joined the group in 1958. In 1960, the group changed its
name to The Beatles. In 1970, the group broke up.

a) Answer the following questions:

1. When did the group change its name?
2. Who was the last to join the group?
3. What does the underlined word it refer to ?

b) Choose the correct answer:

4. (John Lennon – Paul McCartney – George Harrison) started the group.
5. The Beatles' songs are (unpopular – famous – infamous).
6. The group (changed its name – started – broke up) in 1970.

D – The Link Reader

“I'd love to help you but, I've got no money right now.”

1. Who was the speaker?


2. Why didn't the speaker have money?


3. What did Bassanio need to borrow money from the speaker?


(b) Complete the following sentences:

4. The first man to choose the box which has ………………………..
inside it could marry Portia.
5. The African prince chose the golden box and found a picture of a …………… in

E – Writing

6. Write an email of five sentences to your friend 'Noha' telling her about
'your school Sports Day'. Tell her when and where the Sports Day took
place. Tell her about the sports you played. Tell her about the competitions
you had. Your name is 'Sara' and your email address is
Your friend's email address is


7. Write questions:

1- We are going to spend the holiday in Dubai.


2- I’m travelling to Luxor in January.


3- Yes, he‟s going to have a party at his house.


Sample Test 2 on Unit 2
A – Language Functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Adam and Jessie are talking about sports.
Adam: Would you like to try diving?
Jessie : (1)……………………………………………..
Adam: Why not?
Jessie : (2)……………………………………………….
Adam: (3)…………………………………………….?
Jessie : My favourite sport is football.
Adam: (4)…………………………………………….?
Jessie : I would like to try basketball.

B – Vocabulary & Structure

2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:
1. We fly through the air when we go (skiing – caving – paragliding – snorkelling).
2. We go to the (wildlife – lifestyle – freedom – life) park to see animals.
3. Mary is a very (talented – honest– sensitive – generous) musician. She can play any
4. We should protect the (transport – environment – equipment – sport) for a better
5. You don't need to bring any food to the camp. They (protect – provide – borrow –
lend) all the meals.
6. If you (study – studied – have studied – had studied) hard, you'll succeed.
7. If I had ten friends, we (will – would – can – would have) become a football team.
8. What would you do if you (have – had – have had – are having) a lot of money?
9. I'd learn German if I (live – lives – lived – would live) in Germany.
10. (Does – Will – Would – Has) Ricky build a tree house if his dad helps him?
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets:
1. Jane eats many sweets. That's why she has a toothache. (…if…)
2. Don't make noise or mum will punish you. (If….)
3. Tom won’t buy the watch because he doesn’t have money. (…if….)
4. Emmy is too short to join the basketball team. (If…)
5. Pete doesn’t have enough money to buy a new car. (If………)

C – Reading Comprehension
4. Read the following and answer the questions below:
A king wished to teach the people of his country a lesson. He put a large stone,
in the middle of the road and hid a short distance away to watch what would
happen. Many people stepped over it and others passed round it. All complained
but continued on their way.
The king then brought them all back, and ordered one of them to move the
stone. When he did this, a bag of gold fell from the inside of the stone. On the bag
was a note which said that the man who removed the stone could have the gold.

a) Answer the following questions:

1. Why did the king hide at a short distance?

2. Why did the people complain?


3. What does the underlined word it refer to?


b) Choose the correct answer:

4. After the king had put the stone, he (went on his way - called all the people -
hid a short distance away).
5. The king put a large stone in the middle of the (palace – road – river).
6. A bag of (diamonds – gold – silver) was inside the stone.
D – The Reader
5. (a) Read the following quote then answer the questions:
“My face frightens many people.”
1. Who said these words and to whom?

2. Why did the speaker say these words?


3. Which box did the speaker choose? Why?


(b) Complete the following sentences:

4. Antonio wished he didn’t sign the …………….
5. Antonio couldn’t pay Shylock back, so he was put in …………..

E – Writing
6. Write an email of five sentences to your friend 'Basma' telling her about 'a
school trip'.Tell her when and where you went on the trip. Tell her about the
places you visited and the things you did during the trip.
Your name is 'Lara' and your email address is Your friend's
email address is

7. Write questions:

1. I will go to the beach if it is sunny.


2. No, we won‟t have a picnic if it rains.


3. Yes, I would buy a new car if I had money.


Sample Test 3 on Unit 3
A – Language Functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Mindy: Hi, Sophie.
Sophie: Hi, Mindy.
Mindy: (1)……………………………….…………?
Sophie: I'm reading an article about food festivals around the world.
Mindy: (2)……………………………………….………….?
Sophie: I'd like to go to Italy.
Mindy: Which food from the festivals would you like to eat?
Sophie: (3)……………………………………..……………...
Mindy: What other kind of food festival would you like to go to?
Sophie: (4)……………………………………………………
Mindy: Why?
Sophie: Because I like pizza.
B – Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:
1. They live in a(n) (hazardous –luxurious –adventurous –delicious) house. It's amazing.
2. This pasta is (original – adventurous – disgusting – traditional). I can't eat it.
3. The wet floor is a safety (hazard – mystery – fury – mystery). Someone might slip
and fall.
4. The streets were (original – adventurous – deserted – famous) because there was a
strong storm.
5. The chef gave a cooking (communication – demonstration – decoration – invention)
in front of the audience.
6. They (has walked – have walked – are walking – has been walking) for three hours.
7. I (go – went – have gone – will go) to the museum three days ago. It was amazing.
8. She's been here (for – all – since – ago) nine o'clock.
9. The meeting has (yet – before – already – since) finished.
10. Have you (did – doing – done – do) your chores?
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets:
1. I have known Tom for seven years. (since)
2. I haven't been to Cairo since January. Now it’s May. (for)
3. It's his first time to play this sport. (never)
4. The match started a moment ago. (just)
5. I have just met Jason. (…a short time ago.)

C – Reading Comprehension
4. Read the following and answer the questions below:
Chinese New Year is a very special time for Chinese families. It begins at
midnight on the day of the new moon at the end of January or beginning of
February. The New Year celebrations last for fifteen days. Everything is done to
make sure that the new year will be a lucky one. Houses are completely cleaned.
All debts are paid back. Everyone wears new clothes and red is the luckiest colour
to wear. Families gather together to eat delicious feasts. People dance through the
streets. Everyone is kind and polite so that the new year will be a happy one.

a) Answer the following questions:

1. How long do the New Year celebrations last?
2. What do the Chinese do in the new year?
3. What does the underlined word it refer to?

b) Choose the correct answer:

4. The Chinese New Year begins at the (beginning of January - end of January -
end of February).
5. People pay back their (bills – debts – taxes).
6. People are (rude – impolite – polite) in the new year.
D – The Reader
5. (a) Read the following quotation then answer the questions:

“My father‟s so mean! I wish to be free of him. You have a kind face. Can
you rescue me?”
1. Who said these words and to whom?

2. How was the speaker’s father mean to her?


3. How could the speaker be rescued?


(b) Complete the following sentences:

4. ………………… couldn’t leave even when her father left the house because
he closed the front door with a key.
5. Jessica took her ………………..jewellery and bag of coins with her.

E – Writing
6. Write an email of five sentences to your pen friend 'Judy' telling her
about 'your birthday'. Tell her when your birthday is. Tell her where you
celebrated your last birthday and with whom. Tell her about the things you
did for your birthday and the presents you got.
Your name is 'Sally' and your email address is Your
friend's email address is


7. Write questions:

1. Peter has been ill for two weeks.


2. No, Jane has never been to the countryside.


3. Yes, I've been to a museum.


Sample Test 4 on Unit 4

A – Language Functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
John : Can you play the guitar, David?
David: (1)……………………………..………………………..
John : (2)……………………..…………………………..…..?
David: I have been playing the guitar for three years.
John : (3)…………………………………..…………..……..?
David: I usually practise four days a week.
John : Do you play any other musical instruments?
David: (4)……………………………………………………..
B – Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:
1. A (submarine – helicopter – barge – lorry) carries goods along canals and rivers.
2. One or two people can ride on a (motorbike – submarine – yacht – plane).
3. Can you look (forward – round – up – forward to) this word in the dictionary,
4. Helen can't go out because she's looking (forward to–round –after –up) her little
5. Camels can carry heavy (loads – canals – bridges – barges).
6. Mark is wet because he (have been swimming –has been swimming –swam –
7. Joe's hands are dirty. He (does – has done – has been doing – will do) the gardening
all morning.
8. Sally (is painting – was painting – has been painting – will paint) a picture for two
hours. She has just finished it.
9. What have you been (done – did – doing – do) all day?
10. Martin (have been exercising – has been exercising – exercises – will exercise) for
the last ten minutes.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets:
1. Karim has been living in Germany for five years. (since)
2. She has been sleeping since two o’clock. Now it's five o'clock. (for)
3. The engineers started designing the bridge last month. (been)
4. I started looking for my keys two hours ago and I haven't found them yet. (for)
5. It started snowing last night and it's still snowing. (been)

C – Reading Comprehension
4. Read the following and answer the questions below:
Last Tuesday afternoon, Tom's mum asked him to go shopping for her.
His mum wrote the things she needed on a piece of paper. He had to buy soap,
biscuits, flour and vegetables. He got off the bus at the corner of the street and
walked past the cinema. There was a new film on with a famous actor. Tom
forgot about his mum's shopping and went into the cinema. When he came out
of the cinema, all the shops were closed. Tom went home with no money and no
shopping. His mum was very angry.

a) Answer the following questions:

1. What did Tom's mum ask him to buy?

2. When did Tom go to the cinema?


3. Why was Tom's mum angry?


b) Choose the correct answer:

4. Tom went to the cinema (by taxi - by bike - by bus).
5. A famous (singer – actor – player) acted in the film.
6. Tom went (home – to the cinema – to the market) with no money.
D – The Reader
5. (a) Read the following quote then answer the questions:

“Lead is a heavy metal, and this is a heavy choice in front of me.”

1. Who said these words and to whom?


2. Why did the speaker choose the lead box instead of the gold and silver boxes?

3. What did the speaker find inside the lead box?


(b) Complete the following sentences:

4. Portia gave Bassanio a ……………… and asked him to wear it and never
give it away.
5. The Spanish prince chose the silver box and found a picture of a ……………
in it.

E - Writing
6. Write a paragraph of five sentences about 'the weekend' using the
guiding words:
(weekend – get up – chores – free time – watch TV – activities – go out – visit)


7. Write questions:

1. Adam has been walking for an hour.


2. Lina has been living in Alexandria.


3. Yes, I've been swimming all morning.


Sample Test 5
A – Language Functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Susan: What are you interested in, Mary?
Mary : (1).............................................................. and now I'm sending an email to my
key pal, Diana.
Susan: How long have you been sending emails to her?
Mary : (2)............................................................................... .
Susan: (3)……………………………………………………?
Mary: She's from Jordan.
Susan: (4)……………………………………………………?
Mary: Yes, she sent me her photo.
B – Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:
1. Joe looked (round– into– forward to– up) the laptop to discover why it stopped
2. Lina looks (up to – up – forward to – round) Dr. Magdi Jacob and hopes to be a
surgeon one day.
3. The mid-year holiday (lasts – ages – dates – ends) for two weeks.
4. I don’t know how to make an apple pie. I need its (receipt – recipe – receptor –
5. There are flowers in the (playground – forehead – ground – foreground) of the
6. I haven't seen Jane (since – yet – for – already) November.
7. Diana (hasn't visited – didn't visit – haven't visited – won’t visit) her aunt since she
was 7 years old.
8. It (rains – rained – has been raining – rain) for a long time. The roads are still wet.
9. We'll celebrate if you (win – won – have won – had won) the competition.
10. The boys are cold because they (had swum – have been swimming – has swum –
has been swimming) in the sea all day.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets:
1. I won't get the job because I don't speak French. (....if….)
2. Sara has never visited Paris before. (…didn't…)
3. Thomas doesn’t have a passport, so he won’t travel abroad. (If…)
4. Daisy has been driving since 2010. (…for…)
5. Lucy has just eaten the cake. (…a moment ago.)

C – Reading Comprehension
4. Read the following and answer the questions below:
Last Tuesday, Betty woke up at eleven o'clock. She was upset as she
didn't want to be late for her math exam. She got dressed quickly and ran to
catch the bus. It was foggy and the traffic was very slow. Betty waited for a
quarter of an hour but the bus didn't arrive. She decided to take a taxi. Betty
arrived at school at twelve o'clock. She thought she had missed the exam, but her
teacher told her that it was the next day.

a) Answer the following questions:

1. Why was the traffic slow?

2. How did Betty get to school?


3. What does the underlined word it refer to ?


b) Choose the correct answer:

4. Betty's math exam was on (Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday).

5. Betty (woke up – took a taxi – arrived at school) at 11 o'clock.
6. Betty arrived at school (early – on time – late).

D – The Reader
5. (a) Read the following quote then answer the questions:
“A bad man can‟t become good from one day to the next. Let‟s see
what happens in three months‟ time.”
a) Who said these words and to whom?

b) What was the speaker worried about?


c) How did Antonio think he could pay back Shylock’s money?


(b) Complete the following sentences:

4. Bassanio found a……………………….inside the lead box.
5. Shylock wanted to take a pound of flesh from near Antonio’s ………………..

E – Writing
6. Write a paragraph of five sentences about „your school‟. Use the guiding

(school – bus – favourite – subjects – classrooms – labs – playground – exams)



7. Write questions:

1. Patrick has lived in California for seven years.


2. No, we have never climbed a mountain.


3. Yes, we will go out if the weather is good.


Sample Test 6
A – Language Functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Tom : Hello, Mike. How are you?
Mike: I'm fine, thanks.
Tom : (1)………………………………………………….…...?
Mike: I spent my mid-year holiday in Paris.
Tom : Wonderful! (2)………………………..………………..?
Mike: I've stayed there for three months.
Tom : (3)………………………..……………………………..?
Mike: I visited Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum.
Tom : Did you enjoy your holiday?
Mike: (4)………………………………………………………..
B – Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:
1. (Snorkelling – Paragliding – Skiing – Skating) is a sport where you swim under the sea
wearing a mask and a breathing tube.
2. We are trying to look (ahead – up – after – up to) and see how we can use solar energy.
3. After eating chicken and rice, I ordered a cake as a (desert– dessert– dish – snack).
4. We're looking (round – after – forward to – up) the picnic tomorrow.
5. Roads are (poisonous – luxurious – famous – hazardous) in bad weather.
6. You have got a sore-throat because (you – you're – you've – you’d) been shouting.
7. Will we go out if Dad (give – gives – gave – had given) us permission?
8. I would buy the watch if it (isn't – wasn't – hasn't been – wouldn’t be) expensive.
9. They have been (play – played – playing – plays) football all afternoon.
10. Paul hasn't seen his family (since – for – ago – yet) he left London.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets:

1. Sally started learning French two months ago. (been)

2. Ask for help or you'll get lost. (If….)
3. She started playing the piano an hour ago: and she’s still playing. (for)
4. They are still painting the room. (yet)
5. Pete has lived in Berlin for seven years. (since)

C – Reading Comprehension
4. Read the following and answer the questions below:
In the summer, the Johnson family swims a lot. Mrs. Johnson loves the
water, and she can swim for hours. Mr. Johnson likes to swim. Then he likes to rest in
the sun. Last Sunday, he rested a long time in the sun. Mrs. Johnson was very busy in
the pool giving swimming lessons to her children. The children had a swimming race,
and they both went very fast. "What's Dad doing?" asked Diana. "Why doesn't he
swim with us?" "Look at Dad!" said Johnny. "His eyes are closed." "Oh, no! Look at
his face! Look at his chest! Look at his arms and legs! Look at his feet!" "Poor Dad!
His body is all red!"

a) Answer the following questions:

1. What happened to Mr. Johnson last Sunday?

2. What did Mrs. Johnson teach her children?


3. What does the underlined word he refer to ?


b) Choose the correct answer:

4. The Johnson family swims in (spring - autumn - summer).
5. Mr. Johnson likes to (give swimming lessons- rest in the sun – swim for hours).
6. Mrs. Johnson loves to (be in the water - rest in the sun - win swimming races).
D – The Reader
5. (a) Read the following quote then answer the questions:

“Wear this ring always,……….., and never give it away.”

1. Who said these words and to whom?

2. What did the speaker’s fiancé promise her?
3. How was the speaker’s husband chosen?

(b) Complete the following sentences:

4. The ………..…… of Venice said that Shylock could have a pound of flesh from
5. Shylock didn't feel sorry for ……………..

E – Writing
6. Write a paragraph of five sentences about 'A day on the beach'. Use the
guiding words:

(Yesterday – beach – sandcastles – swim – collect – shells – play – ice cream –




7. Write questions:

1. Fred spent the holiday in Paris.


2. Lucy bought this dress a week ago.


3. Yes, I went out at the weekend.



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