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Name- Akshra Gole

Roll no- 21MBAOPE015

PRN no – 1062210162
1)In first case she exercised Unity of Command righteously which was considered by Carol in
order to not let it create conflicts and confusion in employees. In this she cited the principal
correctly but before applying the same she could have taken the employees under consideration
and also directly denying Phil Hampton was not right according to company ethics when he was
ready to ask the same to the Vice President for the permission. She could have instead waited
for the Vice president to act on it and consult him for betterment of the company and then take
Carols second decision could have brought conflicts or also may have reduced morale of other
workers out of her department. But her denial also contradicts that she had denied a
responsibility put up by the management even though management cited her to be the best to
put out bottlenecks
The third decision which she combining two jobs could have led pressure, bad working
environment which may have led to less efficiency which would have affected the organization
itself. This decision was taken correctly by Carol considering the principles of management.
2)Importance of Management Principles
Improves Understanding - From the knowledge of principles managers get indication on how to
manage an organization. The principles enable managers to decide what should be done to
accomplish given tasks and to handle situations which may arise in management. These
principles make managers more efficient.
Direction for Training of Managers - Principles of management provide understanding of
management process what managers would do to accomplish what. Thus, these are helpful in
identifying the areas of management in which existing & future managers should be trained.
Role of Management - Management principles makes the role of manager’s concrete.
Therefore, these principles act as ready reference to the managers to check whether their
decisions are appropriate. Besides these principles define managerial activities in practical
terms. They tell what a manager is expected to do in specific situation.
Guide to Research in Management - The body of management principles indicate lines along
which research should be undertaken to make management practical and more effective. The
principles guide managers in decision making and action. The researchers can examine
whether the guidelines are useful or not. Anything which makes management research more
exact & pointed will help improve management practice.
Limitations of Management Principles
1. Failure to Teach the Philosophy: As simple as MBO may seem, managers who are to put it
into practice must understand and appreciate a good deal about it. They must explain to
subordinates what it is, how it works, why it is being done, what role it will play in appraising
performance, and above all, how all will get benefits from it.

2. Problems of Goal Setting: MBO, like any other kind of planning, cannot work if those who are
expected to set goals are not given needed guidelines. Truly verifiable goals are difficult to set.
Name- Akshra Gole
Roll no- 21MBAOPE015
PRN no – 1062210162
MBO sets verifiable goals so that person responsible for attaining them is quite clear in his
3. The Short Run Nature of Goals: In almost all systems of operating under MBO, managers set
goals for the short- term, seldom for more than a year and often for a quarter or less. There is
clearly the danger of over-emphasizing the short run, at the cost of the long range. This means
that superiors must always assure themselves that current objectives, like any other short-run
plan, are designed to serve long range goals.
4. Dangers of Inflexibility: Managers often hesitate to change objectives. In a dynamic society, a
particular goal may no longer be valid. Goals may cease to be meaningful and it will be foolish
to expect a manager to strive for a goal that has been made obsolete by revised corporate
objectives, changed premises, or modified policies.
5. Other Dangers: Besides the above mentioned limitations, MBO also contain certain other
limitations. Sometimes, managers in order to quantify the objectives may ignore qualitative
aspects of objectives.
Inspire of these limitations in MBO, it continues to be a better way for most of the managers.
MBO (as a management approach) is a departure from the emphasis on human relations which
was prevalent in U.S.A. in the fifties.
Carol doesn’t fully appreciate both but moreover follows the values and not the limitations.
I feel Fayols 14 management principles are perfect but are to be implemented also considering
the limitations for profit of organization and personal development.

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