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Ejemplos de ejercicios de evaluación

Activity 1: Idioms

 What is the main translation problem associated with idiomatic expressions?

 Make use of adequate translation strategies to translate the following idiomatic
expressions into Spanish, taking into account naturalness in context.
 Identify the strategy you have used in each text.

a. Idiomatic expression = “burn the bridges”

"If David Cameron is serious about reform in the EU, he should start by rebuilding the bridges he's
burnt down in the past," said Glenis Willmott, Leader of Labour's MEPs, responding from Brussels
to David Cameron's speech this morning.

b. Idiomatic expression = “put all (one's) eggs in one basket”

Should the Swiss Roger Federer put all his eggs in one basket? One possibility to stop losing to
other top players in the quarter or semifinal of bigger tournaments would be to put all his eggs in
one basket; that is, to take aim at one particular tournament.

Activity 2: Culture

 Read the following text. Identify the cultural element in it.

 Would you use a note, addition or gloss in your translation of this expression? Why? Why
 Provide a rendering into Spanish of the following text, introducing a concise addition for
the translation of the cultural expression to make it clear for the readers.

What makes Philadelphia so memorable is its unique blend of experiences that you have to
discover in person. By day, explore four centuries of history and architecture, beautiful
neighborhoods, remarkable museum collections and endless shopping. After the sun sets, the city
heats up with acclaimed performing arts, amazing dining and vibrant nightlife.
Many visitors associate Philly food with Philly cheesesteaks. They are right! - Here in Philly,
cheesesteaks are a civic icon, a tourist draw and a cultural obsession.

Activity 3

Gaza crisis
Jon Donnison, war journalist

BBC News, Gaza City

In Gaza City this morning, the normally bustling and traffic filled streets are once again
quiet. People are staying indoors following the news on TV and trying to keep safe.
On the city's main tree line boulevard known to locals as "the Champs Elysee of Gaza"
shops have their shutters down, closed for business. People are complaining of rising fuel
and food prices.
Deep large craters can be seen, the product of
almost a week of violence.
The constant sound of Israeli drones can be
heard above. In Arabic they're known as
Zananna, literally "whining child". For Gazans
they're an irritation but also a worry.
Occasionally Israeli warplanes zoom overhead.
It feels quieter today with Israel's attacks less
intense. The relative quiet should continue
during a short visit by Arab League foreign
ministers today. The push for a ceasefire continues. Everyone in Gaza is asking if and when
it will come.

20 November 2012 Last updated at 10:55 GMT

Complete the following questions in relation to text above:

a) Find one case of intertextuality in the text below. Justify your choice with a brief
b) Can you think of a false cognate of “locals” in Spanish? What is the correct
c) What is “it” making reference to in the final sentence “Everyone in Gaza is asking if
and when it will come”?
Activity 4
The following text in English has been translated into Spanish using machine translation.
Identify three (3) relevant problems in the Spanish version and provide your own accurate
rendering into Spanish.

Television helps children study in Gaza

Two hundred-and-forty-five schools in Gaza have been closed as a result of the ongoing
conflict. The UN Relief and Works Agency has developed a distance learning TV channel so
that Arabic, mathematics and English classes are able to go out and every single day
throughout this conflict, children who can't make it to UNRWA schools have been able to
tune in and carry on with their education as best they
can in this terrible circumstance.

Televisión estudio ayuda a los niños en Gaza

Dos de ciento cuarenta y cinco escuelas en Gaza se

han cerrado como resultado del conflicto en curso. La
Agencia de Obras Públicas y Socorro de las Naciones
Unidas ha desarrollado un canal de TV de educación a distancia para que en árabe,
matemáticas y clases de inglés son capaces de salir todos los días a lo largo de este
conflicto, los niños que no puedan asistir a escuelas de la UNRWA han sido capaces de
sintonizar y continuar con su educación lo mejor posible en estas circunstancias terribles.

Activity 5: Skopos Theory

Given the following pictures that were taken inside the bus station in the city of Córdoba:

 Discuss what a communicative/functional approach to translation has to offer before the

translation of the text and as a therotical body for translation criticism of these two
 Were the coherence and fidelity rules in the Skopos theory followed? How? Could the
translation be improved according to this theory if we keep in mind the circumstances of
production and reception and the context of situation? Explain.

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