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The strategies explained in this section are:

1. Making your own main idea.

Ask three key questions:

 What is the topic?

 What is listed about the topic?
 What do the major details have in common?

Locating the Stated Main Idea Multiple-Choice Exercise

(See related pages)

Directions: Read each paragraph. Mentally determine its topic. Then identify its stated main idea
sentence by asking yourself, "What is the one most important point the author wants
me to understand about the topic?" The sentence that answers that question is the
paragraph's stated main idea sentence.

Tsunamis, large ocean waves caused by underwater earthquakes, can be deadly and
destructive. For example, in December 2004, an underwater earthquake triggered a massive
tsunami throughout the Indian Ocean. The tsunami killed more than 200,000 people and
caused billions of dollars of damage to the coasts of numerous Southeast Asian countries.

The stated main idea sentence is

Tsunamis, large ocean waves caused by underwater earthquakes, can be deadly and
B) destructive.
The tsunami killed more than 200,000 people and caused billions of dollars of damage
C) to the coasts of numerous Southeast Asian countries.

Even today, the U.S. Supreme Court does not reflect the U.S. population. It was 1967 before
the first black justice was appointed. It was 1981 before the first woman was appointed to
the Court. It was 1986 before the Court had its first justice of Italian descent. No person of
Hispanic or Asian descent has yet been appointed as a member of the Court.

The stated main idea sentence is

Even today, the U.S. Supreme Court does not reflect the U.S. population.

It was 1967 before the first black justice was appointed.

No person of Hispanic or Asian descent has yet been appointed as a member of the
C) Court.

In Africa, music is usually performed outdoors. There is spontaneous music making as well
as performances by social and music groups at ceremonies and feasts. There is no musical
notation (written music). African music tradition, like folklore and history, is transmitted
orally. Music is a social activity in which almost everyone participates. Clearly, African music
has several interesting characteristics.

The stated main idea sentence is

In Africa, music is usually performed outdoors.


There is no musical notation (written music).


Clearly, African music has several interesting characteristics.


High achievement motivation affects people's choice of occupation and job success. (High
achievement motivation refers to the psychological need for success in school, sports,
occupations, or other competitive situations.) People with high achievement motivation often
go into occupations that provide rewards for individual achievement, such as sales,
engineering, architecture, or law. Moreover, people with high achievement motivation tend
to go into occupations that realistically match their abilities. For this reason, they have little
anxiety or fear of failure. And when success is achieved, they enjoy the fruit of their labor
more than the average person.

The stated main idea sentence is

High achievement motivation affects people's choice of occupation and job success.
Moreover, people with high achievement motivation tend to go into occupations that
B) realistically match their abilities.

For this reason, they have little anxiety or fear of failure.


Democracy comes from the Greek word demos, which means "the people,"
and kratia, meaning "to rule." The term democracy refers to a form of government in which
the people govern, either directly or through elected representatives. In other words, it is a
set of rules for determining who will exercise the authority of government.

The stated main idea sentence is

The term democracy refers to a form of government in which the people govern, either
A) directly or through elected representatives.

the meaning of the term democracy

In other words, it is a set of rules for determining who will exercise the authority of
C) government.

Some believe that Americans have become merely consumers of material goods who no
longer care about helping others. This image is false, however. An estimated 90 million
Americans volunteer, and the monetary value of their volunteer time is estimated at $200
billion a year. Many of these volunteers serve on committees, baby-sit, sing in church choirs,
coach, and lead scout troops. More than 1.5 million of these volunteers provide fire
protection and ambulance service without pay.

The stated main idea sentence is

Some believe that Americans have become merely consumers of material goods who no
A) longer care about helping others.

This image is false, however.

An estimated 90 million Americans volunteer, and the monetary value of their volunteer
C) time is estimated at $200 billion a year.

Is it an ant, you wonder, or a termite? Ants resemble termites, but they are quite different
and can be easily distinguished. In contrast to termites, ants are usually dark in color, are
hard bodied, and have constriction between the thorax and abdomen. Also, ants and
termites belong to different orders.

The stated main idea sentence is

Is it an ant, you wonder, or a termite?


Ants resemble termites, but they are quite different and can be easily distinguished.

Also, ants and termites belong to different orders.


Adolescents tend to choose friends who are like them, and friends influence each other to
become even more alike. Friends are usually the same race and have similar status within
the peer group. Male adolescents tend to have many friends, but the friendships are rarely
close ones. Among teenage girls, friendships are fewer but much closer, and they provide a
great deal of emotional support.

The stated main idea sentence is

Adolescents tend to choose friends who are like them, and friends influence each other
A) to become even more alike.

Friends are usually the same race, and have similar status within the peer group.

Male adolescents tend to have many friends, but the friendships are rarely close ones.

An individual with the eating disorder bulimia first eats secretly, consuming an enormous
amount of food in one sitting. The large quantity of food is clearly beyond simple hunger.
Then, after the eating binge comes the purge. In this phase, the person vomits or uses
laxatives to make sure the food does not stay in the body and produce weight gain. With
bulimia, there is always a distinct "binge and purge" pattern.

The stated main idea sentence is

An individual with the eating disorder bulimia first eats secretly, consuming an
A) enormous amount food in one sitting.

Then, after the eating binge comes the purge.


With bulimia, there is always a distinct "binge and purge" pattern.



When you listen to a speech, can it help you to focus on the speaker's strengths and
weaknesses? By closely observing and listening to people when they give speeches, you can
learn a great deal that will make you a more successful speaker. If the speaker is not
effective, try to determine why. If he or she is effective, try to pick out techniques you can
use in your own speeches. If the speaker is ineffective, avoid the errors the person made.

The stated main idea sentence is

When you listen to a speech, can it help you to focus on the speaker's strengths and
A) weaknesses?
By closely observing and listening to people when they give speeches, you can learn a
B) great deal that will make you a more successful speaker.

If the speaker is ineffective, avoid the errors the person made.


Before clocks were made, people kept track of time by other means. In ancient Egypt, people
used a water clock. Water dripped slowly from one clay pot into another. People measured
time according to how long it took one pot to empty and the other one to fill. Candle clocks
were common during the Middle Ages. As such, when a candle burned, marks on its side
showed about how much time had passed. A final ancient way to measure time was the
sundial, which used the movement of the sun across the sky. The shadows moving across
the face of the sundial showed the current time.What is the main idea?

a. As such, when a candle burned, marks on its side showed about how much time had passed.

b. Before clocks were made, people kept track by other means.

c. In ancient Egypt, people used a water clock.

d. All the above.

Check Answ er

1 One common example of instinct is the spider's spinning of its intricate web. 2 No one
teaches a spider how to spin: its inborn instinct allows it to accomplish the task. 3 Another
example of instinctive behavior is the salmon's struggle to swim upstream to lay eggs. 4 It
would be much easier for the salmon to follow the current downstream, but instinct overrides
all other considerations. 5 Instinct is clearly a strong influence on animal behavior.What is
the main idea?

a. Sentence 1

b. Sentence 2

c. Sentence 3

d. Sentence 5

Caffeine is a natural ingredient in coffee, cocoa, tea, and chocolate, and is added to some
prescription and non-prescription drugs. 2. Despite being "natural," caffeine is also a
powerful drug which greatly affects the body. 3. In healthy, rested people, a dose of 100
milligrams (about one cup of coffee) increases alertness, banishes drowsiness, quickens
reaction time, it enhances intellectual and muscular effort, and increases heart and
respiratory rates. 4. Drinking one to two cups of coffee an hour before exercise encourages
the body to preserve glycogen and burn fat -----something that results in greater endurance.
5. In addition, caffeine masks fatigue. 6. In doses above 300 milligrams, caffeine can produce
sleeplessness, nervousness, irritability, headaches, heart palpitations, and muscle twitches.
7. Caffeine is also habit-forming, and those who try to suddenly stop after heavy use may
experience such withdrawal symptoms as headaches, lethargy, irritability, and difficulty in
concentrating. The main idea of this passage is that caffeine

a. is a powerful drug that affects the body in numerous ways.

b. is good to drink before working out.

c. is linked to various health concerns.

d. is a strong drug that only enhances the body when used.

Though fun to watch, chimpanzees should not be kept as pets. 2. They are dangerously
stronger that any NFL lineman. 3. Adult chimps weigh only 100 to 160 pounds, but have been
measured pulling six to nine times their own weight-----with one hand. 4. Thus, to match the
strength of an average chimp, a human being would have to be able to register a two-handed
pull of about a ton it takes a very strong man to pull a quarter of that. 5. Combined with this
strength is the fact that a chimp is capable of losing its temper -----for reasons known only to
the chimp. 6. Chimps signal their feelings with subtle cues of behavior that aren't apparent to
most humans. 7. It is quite possible for a chimp to be on the verge of violence while its owner
sits unaware or even unknowingly continuous to provoke. 8. Furthermore, it's not wise to
keep a cute young chimp and release it into the wild when it becomes dangerous. 9. Wild-
raised chimps will routinely gang up on and kill those raised in captivity. The main idea of
this passage is that

a. chimpanzees are not as reliable as dogs.

b. chimpanzees should not be kept as pets for a variety of reasons.

c. keeping chimpanzees as pets and then releasing them into the wild is a danger to the pet

d. no man is as strong as a chimpanzee.

Human beings have always polluted their environment, but in the past it was easier for them
to move on and live somewhere else. 2.They knew that given time, the environment would
take care of pollution they left behind and they relied on the "out of sight, out of mind"
philosophy. 3. Today, an increasing human population, which uses an increasing amount of
energy sources, no longer has the luxury to ignore pollution. 4. The human population is
approximately 7 billion. 5. Our overall energy consumption has gone up by a hundredfold
from 2,000 per/person/day to 230,000 per/person/day in modern industrial nations like the
United States. 6. This high energy consumption allows us to mass produce many useful and
economically affordable organic products that pollute the atmosphere and groundwater
damage forests and lakes causing global warming, and even deplete the ozone layer.
(Borrowed from a biology textbook) The main idea of this passage is that

a. pollution is difficult on the environment regardless of your location.

b. due to growth in the human population, humans can no longer ignore pollution.

c. pollution is destroying our environment.

d. modern nations like the United States should find ways to reduce the rapid growth of their
1. If you are feeling sad, you can make yourself feel better by doing a few simple
things. You can take a walk (or get another form of exercise), you can talk to a
friend, or you can write down your feelings. Writing down the good things in your
life will help too. Doing something good for someone else will also help you feel
better. If you still feel a little sad, act happy. It works like magic to make you feel
What is the main idea?

Sometimes people feel sad.

You should do good things for others.
We're not always happy.
There are many ways to make yourself feel better.

5. Soccer players learn many skills when playing soccer. Soccer players learn
how to dribble and pass the ball. They also learn how to control the ball so they
can eventually score. Most importantly, soccer players learn how to work
together with their teammates.
What is the main idea?

They also learn how to control the ball so they can eventually score.
Soccer players learn how to dribble.
They learn how to work together as teammates.
Soccer players learn many skills when playing soccer.

See also

Main Idea
 1. Sailing is an exciting sport. People love to sail their boats in sunny, breezy weather. It is important
that all onboard know safety rules and how to behave when there is a problem. One day, Jill and her
father were caught in a storm. Jill helped her father. She put on her life vest and stayed inside the
cabin. Luckily, the storm passed quickly. It had been an exciting and safe trip because Jill had known
what to do. What is the main idea?

A) Sailing is not a very safe sport.

B) Jill's father taught her how to steer a boat in stormy weather.
C) For boating safety it is important to know what to do before a problem happens.
D) Storms can come up quickly when sailboats are near.

 2. When hot air rises and mixes with cold air, tiny little drops of water form and appear like clouds.
The four main types of clouds are: cirrus, stratus, nimbus, and cumulus. It is possible for you to
forecast the weather by looking at clouds. When cumulus clouds appear, it may mean that there will
be fair weather for a few days. Large, black nimbus clouds usually appear before a thunderstorm.
What is the main idea?

A) Clouds are made from little drops of water that float in the sky.
B) Cumulus clouds mean fair weather.
C) Big, dark clouds may mean a thunderstorm in coming.
D) Clouds can be used to forecast the weather.

 3. Jack was alone on the lake fishing. Suddenly, foggy weather began to creep across the lake. "I
wonder if monsters really do attack in the fog," Jack said out loud. Suddenly, there was a loud noise
that came from the forest. Jack jumped and nearly knocked over his boat. "Oh, I guess I'll go back
home now," said Jack quickly to himself. He got ready to row home in a real hurry. What is the main

A) Jack should know not to fish alone.

B) Jack learns to fish in good weather but not in foggy weather.
C) Jack becomes frightened while fishing on a lake in the fog.
D) Jack heard a monster in the forest.

 4. Hurricanes are storms with strong winds of about 74 miles per hour. They begin over water and
rotate around an "eye" or center of the hurricane. Hurricanes can cause a lot of damage. Trees can
become uprooted. Buildings can be destroyed. People have died in some of the worst hurricanes.
Property damage can be in the millions of dollars. What is the main idea?

A) Hurricanes can destroy life and property.

B) Hurricanes have eyes.
C) Hurricanes are storms that start over land.
D) People find safe places to go during the worst hurricanes.

 5. Constellations are groupings of the stars in the sky. Long ago, people gave names to these
grouping of stars. They even made up stories about them. The names of some of the stars are Cancer
the Crab, Leo the Lion, Taurus the Bull, Orion the Hunter, the Big Dipper, and the Little Dipper. Not
all constellations can be seen at all times from most places on Earth. What is the main idea?

A) Constellations are grouping or stars in the sky.

B) Coyote made constellations in the sky.
C) All constellations can be seen from the equator.
D) The Big Dipper is the most famous constellation.

 6. The most important idea of a passage or reading selection is called ____________.

A) the main idea

B) a supporting detail
C) a sentence fragment
D) the reading story

 7. The following sentences are not in order. Read the sentences to determine which one is the main
idea. Flour, beans, and coffee are in the wagon. A chuck wagon holds many things. The trail boss
keeps papers and maps there. There is a place for tin plates, cups, and forks.

A) There is a place for tin plates, cups, and forks.

B) The trail boss keeps papers and maps there.
C) Flour, beans, and coffee are in the wagon.
D) A chuck wagon holds many things.

 8. The following sentences are not in order. Which of the following is the main idea? Years ago, mail
was carried on horseback. Horses can pull wagons and carts. People ride horses. Horses are useful

A) Horses can pull wagons and carts.

B) Years ago, mail was carried on horseback.
C) Horses are useful animals.
D) People ride horses.

 9. Sometimes, the main idea is not stated. You will have to infer or read between the lines to find out
what the main idea is. Read the three details that support the main idea. (1) Shells, pebbles, and beads
have been used as money in some places. (2) So have cows and horses. (3) People have even used
dog's teeth as money. After reading the three supporting details, what could be the main idea?

A) Money is fun to have.

B) People have used different things for money.
C) Everyone likes money.
D) Money is cash only.

 10. Which of the following answer choices would NOT help to give more information about the
main idea?

A) closing sentences
B) fragmented sentences
C) supporting details
D) topic sentences
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6th Grade Language Arts 2009

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Answer Key
1.C 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.B
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