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Jose Manuel Sáez López
C.R.A. Laguna de Pétrola (SPAIN)

The teacher's role in today's society should promote, among other tasks, digital competence of
students in order to be able to use ICT in our information society and for this we must facilitate the
integration of activities across the curriculum through various tools.
The term Blogging is the use of a Blog on the Internet, which has undeniable educational benefits that
enable dynamic activities, creativity, enriching and innovative tasks and communicative learning.
Responsibility as teachers to implement technology in classroom practice, involves an oriented
commitment to reflective practice that allows improvement as professionals in the use of tools of the
importance of Blogs. It opens up a range of possibilities from its benefits regarding motivation and
The qualitative study presented analyzes data recorded on 14 interviews and 5 open questions in a
questionnaire, and based on the information encoded; there is a very pessimistic and negative
assessment on the use of Blogs, including teachers who use ICT generally. Teachers interviewed
claim to have difficulties in training, techniques of group organization and difficulties concerning the
need of time and effort to prepare activities with ICT.
In short, it seeks to inquire and understand the problems raised by teachers to deal with them,
assessing and analyzing causes or factors that influence negatively in this tool, which has many
benefits and possibilities.
Keywords: Blogging, Teacher Training, Teaching Practices, Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT), qualitative research.

Blogs have an important presence on the Internet and they are known by users. Teachers know about
this tool, but they barely appreciate it as an educational tool. A minority of teachers have used the web
design, which can enable the use of Webquest, however, the process of designing a website is
complicated, because we should upload files to servers, there are problems with links, frames, buttons
and we a need to know how to use html code in some cases.

Moreover, Blogs take full advantage of a website and it is really easy to design it, once we have an
account, we can easily add image and text without any problem. We recognize various pedagogical
possibilities concerning use of Blogs through file management, use of video, images and all kind of
benefits relating interaction and communication. We therefore developed an analysis of their use by
teachers, taking into account teacher’s attitudes about technologies, and ICT tools, comparing all
these with the implementation of Blogs.

This research compares different ICT tools in educational settings, looking particularly at the
educational use of Blogs, from a methodological complementarity, comprising a questionnaire as
instrument with open and closed questions, and the use of an interview, which provide information and
opinions of 14 teachers.

We have data to be analyzed in a study with 55 elementary teachers answering 46-item questionnaire
with 7 dimensions; therefore, this paper presents descriptive Analysis concerning the second
dimension, a Crosstabs Analysis and Factor Analysis.

Proceedings of INTED2011 Conference. ISBN:978-84-614-7423-3

7-9 March 2011, Valencia, Spain. 003760
Wikipedia defines Blog as a type of website or part of a website; they are usually maintained by an
individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as
graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. Most blogs are
interactive, allowing visitors to leave comments and even message each other via widgets on the
Blogs and it is this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites.

Blogging has emerged among a variety of web-based instructional possibilities as a leader, in part
because it allows students the ability to interact in a more public venue, sharing their thoughts, ideas,
interpretations, hopes, and fears with anyone willing to spend time looking on the internet [1]

The recent emergence of this tool using the Internet, means that we are beginning to understand and
appreciate its possibilities, which are numerous and very advantageous. The possibility of designing
your own site without having to upload files via file transfer protocol (FTP), simply inserting images
and text enables students themselves can have a blog for its ease of creation.

Some researches [2] note on the design characteristics of Weblogs, which are hypertext, dynamism,
creativity and originality. The hypertext refers to the ability to read through links, it differs from a sense
of linearity from classic textbooks. We access to the information requested through hyperlinks, it is
noteworthy that dynamism is determined by the ability to change and update the Blog, including new
issues, or updates to existing topics. With regard to creativity and originality of the Blog, they are
determined by the idea of creating something new, without falling into the routine.

We appreciated educational and training benefits from several researches, including promotion of
cooperative learning, motivation and tools concerning literacy and ability to manage information. Even
from other perspectives, they have a certain application, as Torres [3] assure "Blogs can be means to
attract a few users to do homework and to support academic activities outside the classroom, the
exception can be found when a teacher uses a referenced Blog to support his classroom", although
this author acknowledges that they are not very used to learn.

There are several Standars given by NETS for students (2007) [4], they are a reference in
pedagogical use of technologies in relation to students abilities in ICT, i.e. what students should be
able to do to learn effectively and live productively in an increasingly digital world.

1. Creativity and innovation

2. Communication and Collaboration
3. Research and Information Fluency
4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making
5. Digital Citizenship
6. Technology Operarions and Concepts

It is noteworthy that the use of Blogs enhances creativity, innovation, communication, collaboration,
digital citizenship and concepts of ICT, so we get an idea of the great advantages and opportunities
presented by this tool.

As many authors highlight [5], the relative advantages from Blogs regarding collaborative aspects and
literacy learning. Their results indicate that collaborative benefits from this tool improved student
attitudes toward writing, their motivation, their skills at the time of writing, and other skills relevant to
literacy. The ICT skills and visual literacy also showed improvements, creating content from a topic (a
blog of Native Americans) and by integrating technology into the existing curriculum from a
constructivist approach, the students worked and shared their answers.

As some researches [6] argue, it is indeed ironic that while the students in this study enjoy reading
views expressed by other bloggers, they exhibit a lack of a sense of belonging to a community of
learners by not contributing their own views freely. Clearly, this may have implications on individual
reflective learning and collaboration with others. These student behaviors in the virtual realm are
worthy of further investigation, after all Blogs may bring new learning or unlearning habits, as well as
varying degrees of satisfaction from the learning experience

There are therefore many advantages concerning teaching language and literature, which enhance
reading comprehension and writing. In this sense Amorós [2] found that through this tool it is possible
to access to literary text, even with manipulation of the text, with access to multiple resources such as
libraries or dictionaries.

The disadvantages can be given when creating the Blog, the complexity and need to be familiar in
these environments, because there we need to use other options (Divshare ...) to add or embed
sound, videos or presentations. There is some evidence highlighted by Gonzalez-Serna [7], in relation
to the basis of communication in educational contexts, and indicates that it is not appropriate for some
resources and implies a certain disorder.

Another possible disadvantage suggest that you must be careful with activities that require students to
answer on the Blog, as claimed Brescia [8], perhaps the biggest challenge to Blogging is when
instructors take away the voluntary nature of participation and begin requiring postings and responses
to other postings. Although the contact can still promote intellectual development, the temptation for
students is to respond simply for the sake of responding and to finish the requirement rather than
processing information and learning. In this regard, Goh, J.W.P.[6] concludes that one of the major
challenges for educators using Blogging as a pedagogical tool for teaching is to get students to
express their views and opinions more freely.

This study shows two options when designing activities Blogs, providing tools for children to design
their own Blog, or creating a classroom Blog (by teacher) in which students participate. Clearly the
second option is more appropriate for lower levels, and it is advisable to introduce this approach
because it is considerably easier. To enable optimal development of the activities of this nature, it is
necessary that children have access to the Internet and sufficient skill to connect. The current context
is favorable in this regard because of the growing number of Internet users at homes, networks and

Each type of task can be approached from activities that the teacher uploads to the Blog, which
enables children working with them at home or at school. They can use several options, as pictures,
audio or video, and take advantages of communication possibilities, language development and
students’ participation by interacting through comments giving opinions and discussing topics.
Examples of contact between more remote locations at home and abroad soon came to light. As the
availability and reliability of the equipment increased so did the opportunities for teachers to try out
new communications-based activities”. [9]

Brescia [10] assures that “There is, however, no indication that blogs are effective supplements to the
teaching-learning process”, and certainly not intended to supplant the teaching and learning processes
that occur at present, however exploit the fact the advantages provided by this tool and to strengthen
the commitment in its use, an application will enable best practice in the classroom.

The report on the implementation and use of ICT in primary and secondary schools [11] shows that
there are some differences in the perceived competition for boys and girls, especially in more technical
activities. They say that boys know better how to install and start programs or designing a Web page,
while a higher percentage of girls are competent in participating in chats, forums and Blogs, they use
email or the use of information existing on the Internet.

Graph 1: Tasks which kids know how to use with a computer (%)

Marques [12] found that one of the main features of ICT in educational settings is the virtual
communication channel that facilitates collaborative work and exchanges, mentoring, sharing,
negotiate meaning and information. These occur in messaging, forums, Weblog, Wikis and e-center
platforms. Their ease of use and advantages relating user interaction enable communication and
participation, which should be borne in mind by teachers to design and develop of rich activities.

This research has seven dimensions, the information contained in the data analysis and conclusions
correspond to the second dimension, they also take into account the contribution of the open
questions of the questionnaire and interviews.

Table 1: Level of management of ICT tools applicable to education.

2.- Level of management of ICT tools applicable to
education 1 2 3 4
- +

2.1.-I use of word processor. 1,8 9,1 43,6 45,5

2.2.-I search and browse on the Internet. 3,6 10,9 32,7 52,7

2.3.- I use e-mail address 10,9 16,4 25,5 47,3

2.6.- I use educational software and educational applications

5,5 27,3 38,2 29,1
(Pipo, Trampolin, Jclic, hot potatoes…)

2.7.- I handle presentation software or slide shows (Power Point) 18,2 32,7 34,5 14,5

2.8.- I use image editing software (Photoshop ... ) to design and

29,1 47,3 18,2 5,5
develop educational activities

2.4.- I work with Web design pages, Webquests or Blogs 38,2 43,6 14,5 3,6

2.5.- I manage Linux operating system 76,4 18,2 3,6 3,6

Graph 2: Management level of ICT tools applicable to education.

In general, we can see that the subjects of the sample say that they use a set of basic applications,
highlighting the successful tools like word processing (2.1), Internet use (2.2) and educational
programs (2.6). The use of multimedia presentations (2.7) has more modest results; moreover,
Blogging, Web design (2.4), image editing (2.8) and Linux management (2.5), presents low results,
possibly due to the greater difficulty they present concerning its use. Approximately 1 out of 5 teachers
are able to develop web design or Blogging, which is a very small number due to the immense
possibilities provided by these tools.

3.1 Crosstabs
Regarding gender, tables 1 and 2 show data which confirms that this item is significant in relation to
gender, therefore we can see clearly that women have more negative attitude to these tools for

Gender Total
Female Male
2.4.- I work with Web design pages, Webquests or Blogs Negative
37 8 45
4 6 10
Total 41 14 55
Table 2: Crosstabs, gender/item 2.4

Asimp. Sig. Exact. Sig. Exact. Sig.

Value df (2-sidedl) (2-sided) (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 7,687(b) 1 ,006 ,012 ,012
Yates’ Chi-Square (a) 5,623 1 ,018
Likelihood ratio 6,819 1 ,009 ,012 ,012
Fisher exact test ,012 ,012
Linear- by- linear Association 7,547(c) 1 ,006 ,012 ,012
N of Valid Cases 55
a Calculated only for a 2x2 table.
b 1 cell (25.0%) have an expected frequency below 5. The minimum expected frequency is 2.55.
c Statistic established is 2.747.

Table 3: Chi-Square tests, gender/item 2.4

3.2 Factor Analysis

Factorial analysis shows a cumulative percentage of 58,922 % with 2 factors. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin

(KMO) test value is 0, 527 and Barlett’s Test of Sphericity is 29,980. (0,012 sig.)

Extraction Sums of Squared Rotation Sums of Squared

Inicial Eigenvalues Loadings Loadings
% % %
Componen ofvarian Cumulative ofvarian Cumulative ofvarian Cumulative
t Total ce % Total ce % Total ce %
1 3,693 46,160 46,160 3,693 46,160 46,160 3,054 38,181 38,181
2 1,021 12,762 58,922 1,021 12,762 58,922 1,659 20,741 58,922
3 ,971 12,139 71,061
4 ,701 8,760 79,821
5 ,609 7,613 87,434
6 ,469 5,865 93,299
7 ,334 4,181 97,479
8 ,202 2,521 100,000
Tabla 4: Total variance explained. Extraction: Principal axis factoring, dimension 2

The factor 1 is named: ICT tools used occasionally. Within this factor we can consider word
processing, presentation software, Internet use, management of email and the use of software
applications in classroom. These tools are known by teachers in the sample, they can potentially be
applied in teaching-learning process when teachers deem it appropriate.

Factor II is named: ICT tools rarely used. This factor includes working with Web design, Webquest,
Blogs and image editing software to design and develop educational activities. These tools are not
well known by teachers in the sample, so they can hardly be applied in the teaching and learning
processes. Despite the possibilities offered by these applications, this factor recognizes the fact that
they are not applied in teaching.

1 2
2.1.-I use of word processor. ,852
2.2.-I search and browse on the Internet. ,705 ,314
2.3.- I use e-mail address ,751
Trabajo con diseño web para páginas, Webquest o blogs.
,325 ,752
2.6. - I use educational software and educational applications (Pipo, Trampolin,
Jclic, hot potatoes…) ,707

2.7.- I handle presentation software or slide shows (Power Point)


2.8.- I use image editing software (Photoshop ... ) to design and develop
educational activities ,874

Tabla 5: Rotated Factor Matriz. Extraction: Principal axis factoring, dimension 2. Rotación Method:
Normal, Varimax with Kaiser.

3.3 Interviews
The use of interactive whiteboard (IWB), Internet and applications, have a large presence in the sample
(17), reinforcing the importance given by teachers to these tools. Other tool get worse results, as Blogs
(2) and word processors (1), and presentations (2), which obtained low values despite the opportunities
they provide. A few teachers (5) use games and educational applications.

Graph 3: Code frequency in interviews, program HyperResearch

From the information collected in the study, in relation to the analyzed dimension, we reach to
conclusions, which intend to assess the use of ICT in pedagogical practice, identifying the tools that
teachers know how to use and those that they actually use in classroom.

1. The vast majority of teachers are able to use word processor, so we can ensure that teachers have
sufficient skills to promote activities using this application in classroom (table 1_2.1). Although
interviews did not consider this tool as important.

2. We can appreciate that a good number of teachers know how to use educational software and
applications, enabling interactive activities through variety of programs. (Table 1_2.6)

3. Most teachers are able to browse on the Internet and handle e-mail, so we can ensure that teachers
have sufficient skills to promote activities using these applications in classroom. (Table 1_2.2) (Table

4. The data shows that half of the teachers are able to take advantage of multimedia presentations
(Power Point) (table 1_2.7). In this sense, from the interviews, we see an interest in using the
whiteboard, hardware and other applications

5. There is no handling of Linux operating system or image editing (Gimp, Photoshop ... etc), despite
the potential to create didactic materials and project development. (Table 1_2.5)

6. There is hardly any use of the advantages of Web design, Webquest, or the immense possibilities
of using blog for teaching purposes, so the possibility of interaction from digital and Web-based
communication activities are reduced. (Table 1_2.4)

7. Male teachers use educational software, educational applications, web design and Blogs in greater
proportion that female teachers. In addition, men keep a reflective practice so they usually search for
better inclusion of technology in practice. Moreover, female teachers consider, in a greater proportion
than men, that there is cooperation and collaborative culture among teachers to apply ICT. (3.1)

8. Word processing, presentation software, Internet use, management of email and the use of
software applications in classroom are used occasionally, whereas, Web design, Webquest, Blogs
and image editing software are rarely used (3.2)

9. Only a minority of teachers use Webquest, Blogs, image editing programs or Linux system. By
contrast, the interactive whiteboard and Internet use have positive reviews from the sample. (3.3)

We assure, therefore, that there are some tools that are used occasionally, such as word processing,
the Internet use and educational software, whereas, Web design, Webquest, image editing and Blogs
are hardly used. In short, there are tools that are used moderately or very little, while others are hardly
used, so the balance on the use of technology by teachers has to be improved. The use of Blogs has
a great potential for communication, great possibilities for written language, interaction, motivation,
interactivity, creativity and participation. Taking into account all these benefits, it is essential to train
teachers to enable the use of Blogs in educational contexts and take advantage of its many

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