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Sand replacement by Glass powder in concrete


Bachelor of Technology
Civil Engineering

Session 2014-2015

Submitted to:
submitted by:
Mr. Mohit Samat
Asst. Professor CE (Department) DIVYA (8CE57)


Guided by:
Ms. Geetika Triwadi
Asst. Professor CE (Department)

Department of Civil Engineering


This is to certify that WAQUAR KHAN and DIVYA student of B.Tech (Civil Engineering)
8th Semester has submitted their project report entitled “SAND REPLACEMENT BY
GLASS POWDER IN CONCRETE” under our guidance.

Submitted to: Guided by:

Mr. Mohit Samat Ms. Geetika


An endeavor over a period can be successful only with the advice and support of well-
wishers. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation to all those
who encouraged me to complete this project.

I am deeply indebted to Asst. Prof. Geetika who has guided me for my successful
completion of this project.

I would like to express special thanks of gratitude to my Head of Department Prof. P.N.
Darde who gave me this golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic

I express my profound and sincere thanks to my Mentor Mr.Mohit Samat who acted as a
mariner’s compass and steered me throughout my project voyage through her excellent
guidance and constant inspiration.

I shall be failing in my project if I don’t acknowledge my department to all the Faculties

of Civil Department for their valuable guidance and support, which helped me in giving a
shape to my study.

Lastly, but not the least, I want to thank to all my friends who have helped me and gave
their valuable support for proper guidance in coming through the project.

 Abstract
 Introduction
 Use of waste product in concrete
 Crushed rock flour
 Sheet glass powder
 Crushed granite fine (CGF)
 Incinerated sewage sludge ash (ISSA)
 Ground waste glass
 Introduction of glass in concrete
 Concrete composite material
 Water
 Cement
 Aggregate
 Waste Glass
 Use of recycled glass bottles as fine aggregates in concrete mixture
 Concrete Mix Design
 Result and discussion
 Conclusion
 References

Disposal of more than 300 tonnes waste glass daily derived from post-consumer
beverage bottles is one of the major environmental challenges for Indiia, and this
challenge continues to escalate as limited recycling channels can be identified and the
capacity of valuable landfill space is going to be saturated at an alarming rate. For this
reason, in the past ten years, a major research effort has been carried out to find
practical ways to recycle waste glass for the production of different concrete products
such as concrete blocks, self-compacting concrete and architectural mortar.

Some of these specialty glass-concrete products have been successfully

commercialized and are gaining wider acceptance. This paper gives an overview of the
current management and recycling situation of waste glass and the experience of using
recycled waste glass in concrete productsin India.

Glass is widely used in our lives through manufactured products such as sheet glass,
bottles, glassware, and vacuum tubing. Glass is an ideal material for recycling. The use
of recycled glass helps in energy saving.

The increasing awareness of glass recycling speeds up inspections on the use of waste
glass with different forms in various fields. One of its significant contributions is to the
construction field where the waste glass was reused for concrete production. The
application of glass in architectural concrete still needs improvement.

Laboratory experiments were conducted to further explore the use of waste glass as
coarse and fine aggregates for both ASR (Alkali-Silica-Reaction) alleviation as well as
the decorative purpose in concrete. The study indicated that waste glass can effectively
be used as fine aggregate replacement (up to 40%) without substantial change in

Laboratory investigations were carried out to assess the potential of the crushed
recycled glass as natural sand replacement using ratios of 30%, 45% and 60%.
Replacement of cementitious materials in concrete was also considered using cement
replacement ratios of 7.5%, 15% and 25% of powder glass. The effects of glass sand
replacement and cementitious materials replacement with powder glass on fresh and
hardened concrete properties were assessed. It was concluded that with the
incorporation of 45% of crushed glass as a natural sand replacement, the compressive
and flexural strengths have marginally increased, while the indirect tensile strength
marginally decreased. The concrete with glass as the natural sand replacement had
lower shrinkage and significant lower chloride diffusion coefficient. Concretes with
powder glass as cementitious materials replacement showed lower compressive
strength and marginally higher drying shrinkage than the control mix, but meeting the
concrete mix design requirements.

Glass is a transparent material produced by melting a mixture of materials such as

silica, soda ash, and CaCO3 at high temperature followed by cooling where
solidification occurs without crystallization. Glass is widely used in our lives through
manufactured products such as sheet glass, bottles, glassware, and vacuum tubing.
Glass is an ideal material for recycling. The use of recycled glass saves lot of energy
and the increasing awareness of glass recycling speeds up focus on the use of waste
glass with different forms in various fields.

One of its significant contributions is the construction field where the waste glass was
reused for concrete production. The application of glass in architectural concrete still
needs improvement. Several study have shown that waste glass that is crushed and
screened is a strong, safe and economical alternative to sand used in concrete. During
the last decade, it has been recognized that sheet glass waste is of large volume and is
increasing year by year in the shops, construction areas and factories. Using waste
glass in the concrete construction sector is advantageous, as the production cost of
concrete will go down.

The amount of waste glass is gradually increased over the years due to an ever-
growing use of glass products. Most of the waste glasses have been dumped into
landfill sites. The land filling of waste glasses is undesirable because they are not
biodegradable, which makes them environmentally less friendly. There is huge potential
for using waste glass in the concrete construction sector. When waste glasses are
reused in making concrete products, the production cost of concrete will go down
(Topcu and Canbuz, 2004). Crushed glass or cullet, if properly sized and processed,
can exhibit characteristics similar to that of gravel or sand. When used in construction
applications, waste glass must be crushed and screened to produce an appropriate
design gradation. Glass crushing equipment normally used to produce a cullet is similar
to rock crushing equipment.

However, the applications are limited due to the damaging expansion in the concrete
caused by ASR between high-alkali pore water in cement paste and reactive silica in the
waste glasses. The chemical reaction between the alkali in Portland cement and the
silica in aggregates forms silica gel that not only causes crack upon expansion, but also
weakens the concrete and shortens its life (Swamy, 2003). Ground waste glass was
used as aggregate for mortars and no reaction was detected with fine particle size, thus
indicating the feasibility of the waste glass reuse as fine aggregate in mortars and
concrete. Estimated cost for housing is more and some construction materials like
natural sand are also becoming rare. Waste glasses are used as aggregates for
concrete. In this study, an extensive experimental work was carried out to find the
suitability of use of waste glass in concrete with the
following objectives:

1. To study the workability of concrete mode using glass waste as partial replacement of
fine aggregate.

2. To study the compressive strength of concrete mode using glass waste as partial
replacement of fineaggregate.


Numerous waste materials are generated from manufacturing processes, service

industries and municipal solid wastes. The increasing awareness about the environment
has tremendously contributed to the concerns related with disposal ofthe generated
wastes. Solid waste management is one of the major environmental concerns in the
world. With the scarcity of space for land filling and due to its ever increasing cost,
waste utilization has become an attractive alternative to disposal. Research is being
carried out on the utilization of waste products in concrete as a replacement of natural
sand. Such waste products include discarded tires, plastic, glass, burnt foundry sand,
and coal combustion by products(CCBs). Each of these waste products has provided a
specific effect on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete. The use of waste
products in concrete not only makes it economical, but also helps in reducing disposal
problems. Reuse of bulky wastes is considered the best environmental alternative for
solving the problem of disposal.

One such waste is plastic, which could be used in various applications. However, efforts
have also been made to explore its use in concrete/asphalt concrete. The development
of new construction materials using recycled plastics is important to both the
construction and the plastic recycling industries. This paper presents a detailed review
about waste and recycled materials that can be effectively used in concrete as a sand
replacement. Waste management options, and research published on the effect of
waste materials on the fresh and hardened properties of concrete.


Nearly 20% of rock is converted into rock flour while crushing rock into aggregate at
stone crushing plants. In ceramic insulator industry, there is a mass failure of about 30
to 50% of the total production due to improper mixing of raw materials, excess water
improper drying and too much of heating. No work has been reported using stone dust
and ceramic scrap together in concrete so far.


This paper examines the possibility of using SGP as a replacement in fine aggregate for
a new concrete. Natural sand was partially replaced (10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%)
with SGP. Compressive strength, Tensile strength (cubes and cylinders) and Flexural
strength up to 180 days of age were compared with those of concrete made with natural
fine aggregates. Fineness modulus, specific gravity, moisture content, water absorption,
bulk density, %voids, % porosity (loose and compact) state for sand (S) and SDA were
also studied. The test results indicate that it is possible to manufacture concrete
containing Sheet glass powder (SGP) with characteristics similar to those of natural
sand aggregate concrete provided that the percentage of SGP as fine aggregate is
limited to 10-20%, respectively. Attempts have been made for a long time to use waste
glasses as an aggregate in concrete, but it seems that the concrete with waste glasses
always cracks .Very limited work has been conducted for the use of ground glass as a
concrete replacement. The raw materials, used for this study are natural coarse
aggregate, fine aggregate, Sheet glass Powder (SGP) aggregate and 53 grades
Portland cement.

Waste sheet glass is collected from shops. Collected glass sheets are broken into
pieces manually by small weights fed into crushing machine or compression machine
and manually sieved below 1.18 mm Sieved &graded ( as shown in fig.1)

Sheet Glass Crushed Sheet Glass Sheet Glass Powder


The SG (Sheet Glass) was collected from shops in Chidambaram and its properties
were tested. Analysis was carried out in Concrete mixtures with 7 levels of SGP (Sheet
Glass Powder) replacement ranging from 10% to 50% and 100%.
The specimens were cast and tested to study the possibility of using SGP as a
substitute material for sand in concrete.
The control mix, utilizing SGP, replaced as the fine aggregate, was designed for the
cube, cylinder and beam. Based on the laboratory trials, the mix proportion of the
control mix (M20) was finalized and investigated to determine the effect on compressive
and tensile strength in cubes and cylinder. The mixture were 0%,10%,20%,30%,
40%,50% and 100% with different Sheet glass powder (SGP) replacement in fine
aggregate is analysed. It is also used to investigate the effect of SGP replacement on
Flexural strength.Tests to determine specific gravity, moisture content , water
absorption, Bulk density, Compressive and Tensile strength of cubes and cylinders,
SGP was used to replace 0 to 50% and 100% of the sand by weight. For compressive
and tensile strength tests 150 x 150mm cubes and 150 x 300mm cylinders specimens
were used. A total of 500 specimens were cast and cured in water at room temperature
in the laboratory for 28,45,60,90,180 days. At the end of each curing period, three
specimens for each mixture were tested for Compressive, Tensile and Flexural strength
and the average was recorded.

Based on their testing draw several conclusions regarding the fresh and hardened
concrete properties as follows:

1) The SGP is suitable for use in concrete making. The fineness modulus, specific
gravity, moisture content, uncompacted bulk density and compacted bulk density at
10% Sheet glass powder (SGP) were found to be 2.25,3.27,2.57%,1510kg/m3 and

2) For a given mix, the water requirement decreases as the SGP content increases. The
compressive strength of cubes and cylinders of the concrete for all mix increases as the
% of SGP increases but decreases as the age of curing increases due to alkali silica

3) The Tensile strength of cubes and cylinders of the concrete for all mix increases than
that of conventional concrete age of curing and decreases as the SGP content
4) The Flexural strength of the beam of concrete for all mix increases with age of curing
and decreases as the SGP content increases. 100% replacement of SGP in concrete
showed better results than that of conventional concrete at 28days and 45 days curing
but later it started to decrease its strength because of its alkali silica reactions.

5) The density of SGP concrete is more that of conventional concrete. SGP is available
in significant quantities as a waste and can be utilized for making concrete. This will go
a long way to reduce the quantity of waste in our environment. The optimum
replacement level in fine aggregate with SGP is 10%.


The maximum size of the gravel used as coarse aggregate was 37.50mm, with a unit
weight of 1540kg/m3 and a specific gravity of 2.65. Particle size distribution of the
coarse aggregate used. Naturally occurring clean sand used was obtained from River
Benue and CGF was obtained from the quarry site. Aggregate Impact and Crushing
values of the coarse aggregate were also carried out.


ISSA is an inorganic ash derived from the incineration of the residual stream of fine
organic and inorganic solids (sewage sludge). This arises from municipal wastewater
treatment works. The incineration process thermally destroys the organic matter. In
functional terms, ISSA produced from a fluidised bed incinerator is a free-flowing
silt/sand. It participates chemically when incorporated in the brick firing process and
also has pozzolanic (reactive silica) properties which make it potentially useful in
manufactured concrete products. ISSA is widely available, non-hazardous. Heavy
metals may be present in some cases. The greatest barrier to the utilisation of ISSA is
probably public perception of sewage sludge and its derivatives. No standards exist for
ISSA for use in construction. However, standards have been written for pulverised fuel
ash (pfa). Aerated concrete product producers also provide a compositional “envelope”
for acceptable raw materials. A quality protocol is currently being produced for pfa. This
defines compositional and quality requirements and sources of pfa that meet its
requirements are expected to be regarded as “by-products” rather than “waste”. No
such scheme is yet developed or is being considered for ISSA.


This paper examines the possibility of using finely ground waste glass as partial natural
sand replacement in concrete. The reduction of waste glass particle size was
accomplished in the laboratory by crushing and grinding the waste glass in a jar mill.
The compressive strength at 7, 28 and 90 days, was determined for different ground
waste glass sand percentage replacement in concrete. Emphasizes on the possibility of
using finely ground waste glass as partial natural sand replacement in concrete. Using
waste glass, as coarse aggregate in concrete, did not have a marked effect on the
workability of concrete, but the compressive strength decrease in proportion to an
increase in waste glass. The increase in the content of waste glass fine aggregate on
concrete showed a slump decrease tendency influenced by the grain shape and the
fineness modulus of the waste glass aggregates. These authors observed a decreasing
compressive strength along with an increase in the mixing ratio of the waste glass
aggregate. They found the highest compressive strength in concrete containing 30% of
waste glass aggregates. Thus, taking in account the influence of the waste glass as fine
aggregate on the concrete workability an additive was used to maintain the same slump
for all mixtures tested in this work. A basic experimental study on the mechanical and
durability properties of concrete containing waste glass.


Glass is one of the oldest man-made materials. It is produced in many forms such as
packaging or container glass, flat glass, and bulb glass, all of which have a limited life in
their manufactured forms and therefore need to be recycled so as to be reusable in
order to avoid environmental problems that would be created if they were to be
stockpiled or sent to landfills. The construction industry has shown great gains in the
recycling of industrial by-products and waste, including waste glass materials.

Quantities of waste glass have been rising rapidly during the recent decades due to the
high increase in industrialization and the considerable improvement in the standards of
living, but unfortunately, the majority of these waste quantities are not being recycled
but rather abandoned causing certain serious problems such as the waste of natural
resources and environmental pollution.

Recycling of this waste by converting it to aggregate components could save landfill

space and also reduce the demand for extraction of natural raw material for construction
activities. Herein is a quick review for some of the previous research studies concerned
with the waste glass as an aggregate material, but from different points of view and


This section summarizes the properties of all the components used in the various
concrete mixes. Concrete is a structural material that contains some simple elements
but when mixed with water would form a rock like material. Concrete mix is comprised
of coarse aggregates usually gravel, fine aggregates usually sand, cement, water, and
any necessary additives. Concrete possesses many favorable properties as a structural
material, among which are its high compressive strength and its property as a fire-
resistant element to a considerable extent.

The unfavorable properties include a relatively weak tensile strength as compared to its
compressive strength and the ability to form cracks in unpredictable areas. With steel
bars as internal reinforcement, the cracks can be controlled to some degree. Unlike
other building materials such as steel and plastic, concrete is not a uniform material due
to the fact that it contains a ratio of gravel and sand, thus failure mode or location of the
failure is unpredictable.
Due the nature of concrete, concrete has an ability to have its recipe changed or altered
to meet situational needs. Thus, if a job calls for high strength, lightweight or weather
resistant concrete, its recipe is available or a custom one can be devised. Concrete has
three main components when it's freshly mixed and they are water, cement and
aggregates. Water is needed to begin the hydration process for the concrete and after
four weeks of curing until full potential strength of the concrete can be achieved [10].


Water is one of the most important elements in concrete production. Water is needed to
begin the hydration process by reacting with the cement to produce concrete. There has
to be a sufficient amount of water available so that the reaction can take its full course
but if too much water is added, this will in fact decrease the strength of the concrete.
The water-cement ratio is an important concept because other than the recipe for the
concrete mix, the amount of water used would also determine its finial strength .
In more details, if too little water were added, there would not be enough water available
to finish the reaction, thus some of the cement would harden and bond with other dry
cement shorting the hydration process. On the other hand, if too much water were
added then while the cement is undergoing hydration the cement would be in a slurry
solution, and the probability of cement bonding with aggregates would decrease. And as
a result, when the hydration process is completed, the cement content would still be in a
slurry solution and with no strength. The type of water that can be used to mix concrete
must be potable which is essentially has neither noticeable taste nor odor. Basically,
water containing less than 2000 ppm of total 7 dissolved solids can be used. Thus the
type of water that was used to mix concrete throughout the testing program was normal
tap water with attention paid for not including impurities.


There are currently more than eight types of cement that are used under specific
conditions. Cement is a very important part of the concrete because it is the cement,
which gives the concrete its strengths. Because of the importance of cement, the ASTM
has set guide lines to follow for the make-up of cement. For experimental program of
this research study, normal Portland Cements Type I was used.
Water is the element that is used to begin the hydration reaction where cement reacts
with the water to produce a rock like substance. The reaction is also exothermic, where
heat is released in the chemical reactions. This is an important fact because in very
large structure like concrete dams, the heat released can pose a potential problem.
When the chemical reaction has reached the end, the initial cement past is transformed
into a substance, which has tremendous strength. But using too much cement in
concrete is expensive, and thus aggregates would take the place of cement without
reducing its strength and reduce the cost. In the engineering practice in Palestine, the
dominating range of water-cement ratios in the concrete mix process is between 0.4 up
to 0.6. For this research, three different categories for water-cement ratios were used
during testing phase: 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6.


Aggregates are broken down into two main categories, which are coarse and fine
aggregates. Coarse aggregates in general are larger than 2 mm in diameter and fine
aggregates are defined to be smaller than 2 mm. Aggregates that are used in concrete
have to pass the standards set in ASTM. The economics part of concrete is to use as
little cement as possible and still obtain the required strength. Thus, when concrete is
formed, the coarse aggregates with its large volume would make up a large portion of
the concrete. The fine aggregates would fill in the voids created form the coarse
aggregate and reduce the amount of cement required.

If only coarse aggregates are used then there would be voids between the particles and
the voids created would be filled with cement paste. Thus fine aggregates are used to
fill those voids. In essence, the goal is to produce a concrete mixture that has the least
amount of void spaces thus using less cement paste to fill the voids between the
particles. When fresh aggregates are used to mix concrete, the aggregates themselves
also contain some moisture either from water condensing on the particles or the
aggregates was washed in some way with water. Accordingly, there are four distinct
states that the aggregates can be in .

Oven dry aggregates would absorb water to fill its own internal voids and in doing so
would reduce the water cement ratio. If this occurs, then the hydration process is not
permitted to continue and the strength of the concrete mix would be reduced by a
considerable amount. Air dry aggregates would absorb some water but not to an
extraneous degree like the oven dry aggregates. The surface would appear dry and
thus some water is absorbed and reduces the water cement ratio. Thus the strength of
the concrete is reduced by a small amount. Saturated dry surface aggregates have their
internal voids fill with water and thus cannot absorb any more water. These aggregates
would keep the water cement ratio constant and the concrete would retain its full

Aggregates have their internal voids and surface area saturated with water. Instead of
absorbing water, the aggregates would add water to the mixture and in doing so; the
water cement ratio is increased, decreasing the strength of the concrete. For this
research the water content for the aggregates was prepared under the saturated
surface dried (SSD) condition in order to avoid any possible over or under estimation of
water content due to moisture absorption by the mixed aggregates, and also to
guarantee the true efficiency of the different water-cement ratios used for preparing the
concrete mix.

Waste Glass

Theoretically, glass is a fully recyclable material; it can be recycled without any loss of
quality. There are many examples of successful recycling of waste glass: as a cullet in
glass production, as raw material for the production of abrasives, in sand-blasting, as a
pozzolanic additive, in road beds, pavement and parking lots, as raw materials to
produce glass pellets or 9 beads used in reflective paint for highways, to produce
fiberglass, and as fractionators for lighting matches and firing ammunition. Waste glass
can also be produced from empty glass bottles and pots, and come in several distinct
colors containing common liquids and other substances. This waste glass is usually
crushed into small pieces that resemble the sizes of gravels and sands. Therefore - as
an alternative - there is a potential to partially replace the concrete mix aggregate with
waste glass due to the lack of natural recourses in Gaza Strip.

In its original form, glass comes as a balanced combination from three main raw natural
materials: sand, silica, and limestone, in addition to a certain percentage of recycled
waste glass utilized in the manufacturing process. The glass recycling process
produces a crushed glass product called "cullet", which is often mixed with virgin glass
materials to produce new end products. Table 2.1 lists some of approximate
compositions and the corresponding uses of various common forms of glass.

Approximate compositions and the corresponding uses of various common

forms of glass

Type of Glass Composition (by weight) Usages

Soda-Lime-Silica 73% Silica – 14% Soda – Glass Widows – Bottles –
9% Lime – 3.7% Magnesia Jars
– 0.3% Alumina

Boro-Silicate 81% Silica – 12% Boron Pyrex Cookware –

Oxide – 4% Soda – 3% Laboratory Glassware

Lead (Crystal) 57% Silica – 31% Lead Lead Crystal Tableware

Oxide – 12% Potassium

Alumino-Silicate 64.5% Silica – 24.5% Fiberglass Insulation –

Alumina – 10.5% Magnesia Halogen Bulbs
– 0.5% Soda

Despite the fact that glass materials can be recycled forever and the same glass can be
recycled so many times over to produce various products, but, in order to keep
producing the best end product the recycled materials must be of a high quality.
Therefore, continuous residual amounts of waste glass resulting from construction
deteriorations, domestic and medical disposals, and industrial output junk materials are
still cumulating and hence need to be land filled or reused in concrete mixes as a partial
substitute for coarse aggregates and/or fine aggregates.

Technically, glasses are usually manufactured in the form of tubes, rods, hollow vessels
and a variety of special shapes, as well as flat glass and granulate for use mainly in
chemistry, laboratory technology, pharmaceuticals, optoelectronics, various domestic
uses, and household appliance technology. For the purposes of classification, the
multitude of technical glasses can be roughly arranged in four main groups, according
to their oxide composition (in weight percent).
Borosilicate glasses is the first main category with the presence of substantial amounts
of silica (SiO2) and boric oxide (B2O3 > 8%) as glass network formers. The amount of
boric oxide affects the glass properties in a particular way. Apart from the highly
resistant varieties (B2O3 ≤ 13%) there are others that – due to the different way in
which the boric oxide is incorporated into the structural network – have only low
chemical resistance (B2O3 > 15%).

Secondly, the Alkaline-earth aluminosilicate glasses are free of alkali oxides and contain
15 – 25% Al2O3, 52 – 60% SiO2, and about 15% alkaline earths. Very high
transformation temperatures and softening points are typical features. Main fields of
application are glass bulbs for halogen lamps, display glasses, high-temperature
thermometers, thermally and electrically highly loadable film resistors and combustion
Alkali-lead silicate glasses are the third main category and such glasses typically
contain over 10% lead oxide (PbO). Lead glasses containing 20–30% PbO, 54–58%
SiO2 and about 14% alkalis are highly insulating and therefore of great importance in
electrical engineering. They are used in lamp stems and lead oxide is also of great
importance as an X-ray protective component (radiation shielding glass and cathode ray
tube components).


As time goes by, human civilization is continuously becoming more industrialized. More
factories are built, vehicles are continuously growing in number, and buildings were built
all around. As a result of these, our natural environment was permanently changed from
what it has been twenty years or more.

Over, the last several decades, sociologists have investigated the public's increasing
concern about the environment, but they have had little success explaining attitudes.
toward the environment or the adoption of pro-environment behaviors like recycling The
researcher examine the role of social context in the link between individual attitudes
about the environment and recycling behavior by comparing communities that vary in
their access to recycling programs. Results show that people with access to a
structured recycling program have much higher levels of recycling than do people
lacking such access. Furthermore, individual attitudes toward the environment affect
recycling behavior only in the community with easy access to a structured recycling
program. Individual concern about the environment enhances the effect of the recycling
program, but does not overcome the barriers presented by lack of access.

The human population is continuously growing in number, because of this; there is a

great demand of constructing more structures to facilitate the needs of the community.
Quarry operations become rampant to satisfy the need for gravel and sand for
construction. As a consequence there are massive destruction of mountains which has
been one of the major costs of landslides, and flashfloods during earthquakes and
typhoons resulting to loss of thousands or even millions of lives.

Recycling of the disposed material is one method of treating the agricultural waste. The
used of coconut fiber and coconut shell could be a valuable substitute in the formation
of composite material that can be used as a housing construction, such as concrete
hollow block .

Coconut is famous as multi-function plant that all parts of its plant can be used for
various activities. The use of this agricultural waste due to an assumption is that it can
replace the existing material used in commercial product in order to reduce cost or
improve mechanical properties of the composite material. Industrialists in most of the
coconut producing countries hail the economic, environmental and technological
benefits of utilizing coconut farm wastes [2]. On the farmers' side, agricultural residues
can be a source of extra income. Traditionally, coconut farmers dispose the husks,
spate, petiole and leaves by burning or allowing these farm wastes to rot in the field.
However, worldwide interest in using farm residues for value-added products means
that farmers can generate additional income aside from amassing environmental
dividends. Studies have shown that burning of agricultural wastes causes air pollution,
soil erosion and even a decrease in soil biological activity that can eventually lead to
decreased soil fertility. On the other hand, allowing farm residues to rot in the field may
improve the productivity of the soil but the process of decomposition is very slow
leading to accumulation of piles of agricultural wastes that can cause phytosanitary
problem to the coconut plantation, since decaying debris is ideal breeding place for
coconut pest like the rhinoceros beetle .

Using agricultural and forest residues for industrial purposes is a much more
environment-safe and friendly more than any other method of wastes disposal being
commonly adopted nowadays. Research and development in the construction industry
are shifting towards exploration of cellulose farm wastes and forest residues processing
and production for building materials. The tremendous potential of agricultural and
forest residues can be a solution to the problem of inadequate supply and high cost of
conventional timbers and dependence from imported building materials. Current
research and development efforts in the field of building materials should be supportive
of policies of most governments that are aimed in the promotion of import substitution
schemes, employment generation and self-reliance. The enormous amount of residues
that shall be generated from the farm and forest plantation would then make a stable
source of alternative materials for the purpose of building affordable housing units for
the majority of the country's population.
Considered the most useful tree in the world, the coconut palm provides food, drink,
clothing, shelter, heirloom history, and financial security []. Hardly an inch of the coconut
palm goes to waste in countries such as the Philippines where families rely on the
coconut palm for survival and refer to it as the "tree of life."

The shell, husk, roots of the tree, fronds, flowers, and wood of the trunk are also
become useful products. Charcoal filters used in gas masks and cigarettes are made
from coconut shells that are burned, leaving pure carbon behind. Charcoal has the
ability to trap microscopic particles and impurities and prevent absorption [4]. Charcoal
made from coconut shells produces filters of exceptional high performance.

One third of the coconut's make-up is the hairy husk that is soaked in salt water until it is
soft enough to spin into rope or twine that is known for its durability [5]. The rope, called
coir but pronounced coil, is highly resistant to salt water and does not break down like
other fibers including hemp [6]. The coconut husk has household practicality in tropical
countries where coconuts are part of almost every cuisine. The husk provides fuel for
cooking as well as fiber for making clothing.

Building materials from agricultural and forest wastes are ideal for socialized or low-cost
housing since these are generally cheaper than conventional materials [7]. For
example, residues from coconut plantation like husks, fronds and spate can be
processed and transformed into excellent stabilized cement-bonded boards or wall
panels and corrugated roofing sheets at a much reduced production cost than the
conventional cement blocks, galvanized iron sheets, asbestos panels or plywood
sheets. Likewise, rice hull/straw, corn stalks, abaca wastes and sugar cane bagasse are
locally available materials that can be readily used in manufacturing cement-bonded
boards. In addition, indigenous and small diameter trees like “bagalunga” and giant “ipil-
ipil” are abundant in coconut plantations particularly in Mindanao, Philippines, either as
intercropped or naturally-grown, which can be economically processed into cement-
bonded boards [7]. The availability of suitable materials is intimately linked to the
development of a new product, such as producing a concrete hollow block using
coconut fibers and shells. Generating this product using agricultural waste will introduce
alternative construction materials with a low production cost and lessen the social and
environmental problems [7, 8]. Modern construction technologies being developed,
respond to ecological and social issues of excessive use of raw materials from nature.

Experimental Investigation
This experimental research focuses on the effect of using recycled bottles as concrete
material for mass housing projects. This research aims to determine the effect of using
recycled bottles on the properties of hardened concrete namely: compressive strength
and modulus of elasticity. Also included, are the effect of recycled bottles on water-
cement ratio, quality and size of aggregates and consistency of the mix. Experiments
shall be conducted to acquire the necessary data needed in the analysis. Each
experiment shall be conducted in accordance with the standards which are applicable in
our country, in which in our case, specified by ASTM requirements.
Bottles from junkshops are used in this study. These bottles are crushed and use as a
replacement for fine aggregates for concrete mixture. The researcher used manually
crushed and clean bottles and chosen bottles with the same property for uniformity. The
crushed samples were passed through sieve analysis to ensure that the size of the
cullet will be less than 2.0 mm but greater than 0.0625 mm with accordance to ASTM
The research concentrates on the effect of using recycled bottles as fine aggregate and
not on its properties as an aggregate. The researchers used only Portland Pozzolanic
Cement (Type IP), which are commonly used in the field at present, for the specimens.
This type of cement has low hardening characteristics [6,7]. It will also cover the
difference between the common concrete cement and concrete recycled glass bottles in
terms of its properties as a fine aggregate. The specimens are tested for compressive
strength using Universal Testing Machine (UTM) on its 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th day of
curing. This will be the basis for the data.
The study focuses on compressive strength and elastic modulus. This study also gives
emphasis on the environmental concerns and not on its economic aspect. In addition,
study is also delimited to durability, creep, shrinkage and water tightness. These four
properties of hardened concrete are time-dependent properties which will entail so
much time to determine [8, 10, 14].

Project Design
The researcher believes that glass bottles can be processed into construction grade
cullet using any convenient mechanical method. For cullet-aggregate blends, glass
cullet can be blended with natural aggregates by any convenient mechanical method.
Normal precautions should be followed to prevent segregation.
Typical aggregates for construction include sands, gravels, crushed rock and recycled
concrete. The glass cullet and cullet aggregate blends should be compared with these
standard specifications for each specific application. The intent of this research is to
encourage regulatory departments to amend specifications to allow glass cullet and
cullet aggregate blends as an alternative to conventional aggregate in numerous
applications. Several states in United States of America, including the Washington State
Department of Transportation, have already included specifications for glass aggregate.

The researcher investigates the effects of using recycled glass bottles as an alternative
fine aggregate. As shown in figure 1, the researchers used recycled bottles from
junkshops. These bottles were cleaned to prevent foreign materials or chemicals from
contaminating the specimens. After cleaning, they were crushed manually and sieved to
ensure uniformity in particle size. The researcher used Class A mix which has 1:2:4
proportion of cement, sand and gravel respectively. Some percentage of sand was
replaced by crushed recycled bottles (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) and control mixture
was also made available. Three (3) specimens were collected from each mixture using
6”x12” cylindrical molds and these specimens were tested for compressive strength
using UTM upon its 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th day of its curing. Then, the results were
Project Design

Sample Identification
The identification for the specimens is started by a letter which starts from “A” to “D” to
designate the curing age of the specimens. The specimens noted with “A” were those
tested at its 7th day of curing period. Moreover, those specimens tested on its 14th, 21st
and 28th day of curing period were designated with “B”, “C” and “D” respectively.
Specimens noted with “D” were the most critical because these were tested on its 28th
day of curing period and it will be the basis for the final compressive strength (fc’) and
modulus of elasticity (E). After the letter, it is followed by a numerical value which ranges
from “25” to “100” with an increment of twenty-five (25), which represents the
percentage of crushed bottle present in each specimen. The specimens were noted with
“25”, “50”, “75” and “100” based on the percentage of crushed bottle as against to sand.
The last number represents the sample number represents the sample number.
Since three (3) samples are prepared for each mixture for every curing period, it is
necessary to have sample number to avoid confusions. Specimens with no crushed
bottle aggregate serve as the control specimens. Thus, these samples were labeled as
“Control”. From the above discussion, figure 2 can be identified as “sample 1 of 7th day
curing age with 100% crushed bottle as fine aggregate”.

Sample Identification

Project Development
In this project, glass is produced in many forms, including packaging of container glass
(bottles, jars), flat glass (windows, windscreens), bulb glass (light globes), cathode ray
tube glass (TV screens, monitors, etc.), all of which have a limited life in the form they
are produced and need to be reused/recycled in order to avoid environmental problems
that would be created if they were to be stockpiled or sent to landfill. Most of the glass
produced is in the form of containers, and the bulk of what is collected post-consumer is
again used for making containers. The efficiency of this process depends on the method
of collecting and sorting glass of different colors [12, 14]. If different color glass (clear,
green, amber) could be separated, then they could be used for manufacturing similar
color glass containers. However, when the glass colors get mixed, they become
unsuitable for use as containers, and are then used for other purposes, or sent to landfill
[15-17]. As shown in figure 3, materials needed in the study were collected. The glass
bottles were cleaned to make sure that it is free from contaminants and then, it were
crushed manually and sieved. The crushed bottles are then added to concrete mixture
in replace of some percentage of sand. Upon the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th day of its
curing, the samples were tested using universal testing machine.
Project Development

Concrete Mix Design

The requirement which forms the basis of selection and proportioning of mix ingredients

(1) The minimum compressive strength required from structural consideration.

(2) The adequate workability necessary for full compaction with the compacting
equipment available.

(3)Maximum water cement ratio and/or maximum cement content to give adequate
durability for the particular site conditions.

(4)Maximum cement content to avoid shrinkage cracking due to temperature cycle in

mass concrete.

Types of mix
a)Nominal Mix: The past specifications for concrete prescribe the proportions of
cement, fine and coarse aggregates. These mixes of fixed cement-aggregate ratio
ensure adequate strength, termed as nominal mixes. These offer simplicity and under
normal circumstances, have a margin of strength above that specified. However, due to
the variability of mix ingredients the nominal concrete for a given workability varies
widely in strength.

b)Standard Mix: The nominal mix of fixed cementaggregate ratio (by volume) varies
widely in strength and may result in under or over rich mixes. For this reason, the
minimum compressive strength has been included in many specifications. These mixes
are termed as standard mixes.

c) IS 456-2000 has designated the concrete mixes into a number of grades as M10,
M15, M20, M25, M30 M35 and
M40. The mixes of grade M10 M15, M20 and M25 correspond approximately to the mix
proportions (1:3:6), (1:2:4), (1:1.5:3) and (1:1:2) respectively.

d)Designed Mix: In these mixes, the performance of the concrete is specified by the
designer but the mix proportions are determined by the producer of concrete. This is
most rational approach to the selection of mix proportions with specific materials in mind
possessing more or less unique characteristics. The approach results in
the production of concrete with the appropriate properties most economically. However,
the designed mix does not
serve as a guide, since; this does not guarantee the concrete mix proportion for the
prescribed performance.

e) For the concrete with undemanding performance, nominal or standard mixes

(prescribed in the codes by quantities of dry ingredients per cubic meter and by slump)
may be used only for very small jobs, when the 28 days strength of concrete does not
exceed 30 N/mm2.

Results and Discussion

Design of Concrete Mixture with Recycled Glass Bottles

1) To help reduce the amount of solid waste materials being damped at landfills.
2) To find other source of aggregate aside from the conventional gravel and sand.
3) To save the material cost for construction by using indigenous materials.

These are waste glass bottles, Portland cement, sand, gravel, water, crushing tools,
mixing tools, cylindrical molds and, experimental and testing equipment.

Operation and Testing Procedures

1) Collect waste glass bottles
2) Clean the collected bottles.
3) Crush the bottles. After crushing, the crushed bottles must pass through sieve
number 10 with 2 mm opening diameter. Make sure that the sizes of particles are
4) Mix the design mixture desired to be performed. Mix the components thoroughly to
ensure that the distribution is even all throughout. Carefully measure the water to be
5) Follow the experimental procedures from the ASTM specifications:
a) Making and Curing of Concrete Test Specimen (ASTM C192).
b) Slump in Consistency of Mixture (ASTM C143).
c) Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Specimens (ASTM C39)
d) Modulus of Elasticity (NSCP Section 5.8.5)
Figure 4. Design of Concrete Mixture with Recycled Glass Bottles

Compressive strength

As per design obtained in accordance to code IS-10262, mix proportion of various

materials (viz. Cement, Sand, Aggregate and Water) is calculated for M-20, M-25 and
M- 30 grade of concrete. The cubes were crushed in the laboratory in accordance to
code IS 1343-1980. The results of crushing strength of cubes for 3, 7 and 28 days of
various grades of concrete prepared as per mix design are shown below:
It is observed that the compressive strength of cubes (sand is partially replaced by brick
powder) of M-20 mix decrease initially at 10% brick powder. But as percentage of brick
powder increased to 20% strength increases and further increase in brick powder again
reduces the strength.
Compressive strength of cubes (sand is partially replaced by brick powder) of M-20 mix
increases up to 15% glass
powder. As glass powder exceeds 15%, compressive strength decreases. In M-25 and
M-30 concrete mix, compressive strength also follows the same trend as it did in the M-
20 mix. Compressive strength is maximum at 20% brick powder, and then it starts

Optimum percentage of glass and brick which can replace sand is 15% and 20%
respectively. Compressive strength of cubes corresponding to these percentages of
glass and brick powder is more than the strength corresponding to 0% glass and brick
powder which clearly indicates that sand can be partially replaced by glass or brick


The slump tests were performed according to IS 1199-1959. The value is presented in
table below:
The results show that with increase in brick powder, the slump value decreases and
with increase of glass content, the slump value increases.
Comparison of compressive strength of M-20 mix for different percentage of
Glass powder

Comparison of compressive strength of M-25 Mix for different percentage of

Glass powder.
Comparison of compressive strength of M-30 Mix for different percentage of
glass powder.

Variation of slump value of concrete with glass powder content

Water Cement Ratio
Table 1 represents the water-cement ratio. In terms of water cement ratio, as far as the
researchers are concerned, the use of recycled bottles as concrete material has no
significant effect. Throughout the mixing and molding stage of the specimens, the
researchers used water cement ratio which ranges from 0.55 to 0.65 in terms of mass,
and in terms of volume, the ratio is 1.0 approximately. It was observed in this study that
as the amount of crushed bottle aggregate increases, the amount of water decreases.
To measure the workability, all mixtures were tested for slump. The researches ensure
that the value of the slump for all design mix between ½ inch and 9 inches to ensure
proper workability without sacrificing the strength.

Table 1. Water Cement-ratio

Quality and Size of Aggregate

The researcher also believes that the use of recycled bottles as concrete material has
no significant effect on the quality and size of the coarse aggregates. The researchers
used materials which readily available at hardware stores. The researchers used ¾ inch
size of coarse aggregate. This size is much appropriate to use rather than the larger 1
inch (G1) size because it will fill into the voids much better. The researcher also believe
that the use of recycled bottles as concrete material has no significant effect into the
quality and size of the coarse aggregates.
Slump Test Results

Table 2 shows the results for slump test. The amount of water greatly affects the
consistency of the mixture. Based on the water cement ratio and slump test, the use of
recycled bottles as concrete material has no significant effect on the consistency of the
mixture. The consistency and procedural of mixing cement and aggregates
implementing the Class A mixture.

Table 2. Slump Test Results

Comparison between Conventional Concrete and Concrete Recycled Bottles

Compressive Strength
Depending on the mix and water cement ratio and the time quality of curing,
compressive strength of concrete can be obtained up to 97 MPa or more. Conventional
concrete production with ordinary aggregates is usually in the 21 MPa to 83 MPa range
with the most common ranges for cast in place buildings from 21 to 41 MPa [12, 16].
The primary basis on the measure of the strength of concrete is its compressive
strength at its 28th day of curing. The minimum strength requirement for Class A mix of
concrete is 20.7 MPa or 3,000 psi. The researchers utilized Portland Pozzolanic
Cement (Type 1P) which has low hardening characteristics because this type of cement
is commonly used in common types of construction project such as houses at present
and it is readily available in the market. Compared to pure Portland Cement or Type 1,
Type 1P obtains its maximum compressive strength slower. According to the performed
experiments, the average compressive strength of conventional concrete (Control)
obtained from the 28th day of curing reached 25.54 MPa, while the compressive
strength of the samples having crushed bottle to sand ratio of 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%
are 10.96 MPa, 11.6 MPa, 12.08 MPa and 10.12 MPa respectively. These results entail
that the required strength was obtained by Concrete Recycled Bottles having different

Modulus of Elasticity
Unlike steel and other materials, concrete has no definite modulus of elasticity. Its value
is dependent on the characteristics of cement and aggregates used, age of concrete
and strengths. Due to the non- uniformity of fine aggregates and curing period, the
specimens had considerable differences regarding to the modulus of elasticity.
According to the performed experiments, the average modulus of elasticity of
conventional concrete (Control) obtained from the 28th day of curing reached 28261.35
MPa, while the modulus of elasticity of the samples having crushed bottle to sand ratio
of 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% are 18407.76 MPa, 19792.52 MPa, 19733.29 MPa and
17054.57 MPa respectively. Results show that there is a great difference of the modulus
of elasticity of the Control specimen among the other samples.

Advantages of using Recycled Glass as Concrete Material

The problem of disposing and managing solid waste materials in other industrial
countries has become one of the major environmental, economic, and social issues.
Recycling is the most promising waste management process for the disposal of
materials in the waste stream. Many virgin and waste materials are widely used in
concrete composites as substitute materials for construction. One major advantage of
Concrete Recycled Bottle is environment friendly causing of less garbage that will be
thrown in the dump site area. Although the impact of this procedure may not be that
noticeable at present, the researchers believe that in the near future this will be help not
only for the environment but also in the construction industry. Concrete lighter in weight
than ordinary sand-and-gravel concrete is used principally to reduce dead load, or for
thermal insulation, or fill. Another interesting advantage of Concrete Recycled Bottles is
that it is lighter than the conventional concrete mixture. Aside from the advantages as
mentioned before, lightweight concrete is more advantageous in reducing the weight of
the structure, thus giving smaller base shear for earthquake design purposes. Due to
the scarcity of the resources for construction added with the present economic status in
our country, the material cost for construction continuous to go up. The Concrete
Recycled Bottles has a solution on this problem. The use of the indigenous material for
construction produces low cost structures, thus lowering the construction price and
gives more profit for the contractor.
On the basis of results obtained, following conclusions canbe drawn:

(1) The replacement of fine aggregate by crushed brick powder is found to be very
effective. The optimum replacement is found to be 20% at which the strength of
concrete at 3 days, 7 days & 28 days are higher than those of concrete prepared
without replacement of sand. Even at 30% replacement of sand, there is a marginal
decrease in the achieved strength at 3, 7 & 28 days. The target strength is 26.6 MPa for
M-20 grade of concrete whereas at 28 days, the achieved strength is 25.10 MPa, thus,
there is a deficiency of only 5.6%. The target strength is 31.6 MPa for M-25 grade of
concrete whereas at 28 days, the achieved strength is 28.5 MPa, thus there is a
deficiency of only 9.81%. The target strength is 38.25 MPa for M-30 grade of concrete,
whereas at 28 days the achieved strength is 37.40 MPa, thus there is a deficiency of
only 2.22%.

(2) Similarly replacement of fine aggregate by crushed glass powder is also found to be
very effective. The optimum replacement is found to be 15% at which the strength of
concrete at 3 days, 7 days & 28 days are higher than those of concrete prepared
without replacement of sand. Even at 20% replacement of sand there is marginal
decrease in the achieved strength at 3, 7 & 28 days. The target strength is 26.6 MPa for
M-20 grade of concrete whereas at 28 days the achieved strength is 25.80 MPa, thus
there is a deficiency of only 3%. The target strength is 31.6 MPa for M-25 grade of
concrete whereas at 28 days the achieved strength is 28.8 MPa, thus there is a
deficiency of only 8.86%. The target strength is 38.25 MPa for M-30 grade of concrete
whereas at 28 days the achieved strength is 35.90 MPa, thus there is a deficiency of
only 6.14%.
(3)Where ever brick bat aggregates are used made from slightly over brunt bricks, this
will be hard and eventually absorb less water.

(4) Results of this investigation suggest that brick powder or structural concrete.
After determining the value of the results of the forgoing findings, the following
conclusion were drawn:

a) The use of recycled glass bottles as an alternative fine aggregate for concrete mix
decreases the water-cement ratio depending on the amount present in the mixture;

b) The use of recycled bottles as fine aggregate decreases the unit weight of concrete.

c) The use of recycled bottles as an alternative for fine aggregate is not recommended
for structural members such as columns, beams and suspended slabs.

d) The modulus of elasticity is dependent with the compressive strength, and unit
weight of concrete, hence, the recycled glass bottles as fine aggregate decreases the
value for modulus of elasticity

e) The use of recycled bottles as an alternative fine aggregate decreases the amount of
material cost for concrete due to recycled bottle aggregate; f) There is a positive
projection in the availability of glass bottles due for its demands and flexibility in use.
 Specification for Coarse and Fine Aggregate from Natural Sources for Concrete.
IS 383-1970, Bureau of Indian Standard, New Delhi.

 IS Method of Mix Design IS 10262-1981, Bureau of Indian Standard, New Delhi.

 Method of Tests for Strength of Concrete. IS 516-1959, Bureau of Indian

Standard, New Delhi.

 Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete. IS 456-2000, Bureau of

Indian Standard, New Delhi.

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