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School: Karman's High School Date: Wed, May 13th, 2015

Level: Second Year ES Teacher: Antouri. M

Part One: Reading (15points)

A – Comprehension. (8pts)
.Read the text carefully then do the activities
"It is not true," Ben Salem kept saying to anyone he saw on the street. "It is not true.
Maybe they weren't at home during the earthquake. I'm sure they will be back. They have
never left me alone before. "Ben Salem went on a business trip to Paris. When he came
back he realized that his wife, his two children and his mother had disappeared under the
rubble of his home in Boumerdes, Algeria. His family died in the earthquake, which struck
the country on 21 May 2003 leaving more than 2,200 people dead, nearly 10,000 injured
and at least 20,000 families homeless.
But Ben Salem was struggling to come to terms with what had happened. A dozen times
he walked around what used to be his house, calling their names: "Mother, Fathia, Omar,
Nourddine…," and then to the people who said that nobody could be left alive under the
collapsed building: "Liars, you are all liars."
Hundreds of people like Ben Salem have been assisted by the Algerian Red Crescent
Society (ARCS), which was mobilized immediately after the earthquake. Staff and
volunteers were quick to respond to the disaster. They were participating in search-and-
rescue efforts, providing first aid, transporting the injured to hospital, mobilizing blood
donors and distributing relief goods.
Once the emergency was over, the ARCS appointed intervention teams and local
committees to coordinate and organize the operation in five of the most affected sites:
Algiers, Rouiba, Boumerdes, Thenia and Bourdznail.
Today, the National Society, with support from the International Federation, is
concentrating on assisting those people left without shelter, and erected 600 tents to
accommodate 6,000 people in 11 different sites. The camps are expected to be operational
for a six-month transitional stage, ahead of the construction of new homes.
"The people are traumatized, scared and lost," said Fateh Khallab, a volunteer, who adds
that their faith is sustaining them. A natural disaster, it seems, is easier to take than a man-
made one.
"Adapted from the ARCS official net site"
The Text is: (tick the right answer) – 1
a) – a web article b) – a newspaper article c) – a sci-fi story d) – a folk tale

.Say whether the following statements are true or false according to the text – 2
.a) – Ben Salem was present during the earthquake
.b) – The family of Ben Salem went on a trip to Boumerdes
.c) – The Red Crescent gave assistance to the victims of the disaster
.d) – Many operations were set to help the homeless

?What do the underlined words refer to in the text – 3

…… = a) – His (§1) = …… b) – they (§2)
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In which paragraph is it mentioned that – 4
?a) – Different operations were set in different areas
b) – The role of volunteers in assisting the victims?

.Answer the following questions according to the text – 5

?a) – Why was Ben Salem surprised and talking to anyone on the street
?b) – When did the earthquake hit Boumerdes
?c) – Which actions were taken by the Red Crescent after the earthquake

B – Text Exploration. (7pts)

"Match words in column "A" with their synonyms in column "B – 1
Words Synonyms
struck influence
affect encourage
support building
construction hit

.Rewrite sentence B so that it means the same as sentence A – 2

1 – a - "Ben Salem went on a business trip to Paris", they said
b – They said ………………………………………………………
2 – a – "Did the volunteers help the victims of the disaster?" He asked me.
b – He asked me……………………………………………………

.Ask questions on the underlined word – 3

.People should show solidarity with their neighbours during disasters

.Spot the mistake and correct it – 4

.a) – Charities had better to supply the homeless with efficient help
.b) – Many victims have suffer from diseases for months

.'Classify these words according to the pronunciation of their final's – 5

stages - volunteers - efforts - seems - goods - walks
/S/ /Z/ /IZ/
………………… …………………… …………………

Part two: Writing (05pts)

:Choose one of the following topics
Write a composition of 80 words on one of the following topics.
Topic one: The charities (organizations) play an important role in helping victims of
disasters. The Red Crescent is one of them. In a short paragraph, talk about its role in
You can use these notes:
Help the poor – collect foods – organize charitable campaigns – provide shelters.

Topic two: "No man is an island". What does this mean for you?
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