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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama : ......................................

Kelas/Semester : 7/2 (Genap) Hari/Tanggal : ......................................

1. Isikan identitas anda dalam format lembar jawaban dengan teliti dan benar
2. Tersedia waktu 90 menit untuk mengerjakan paket soal ini
3. Periksalah naskah soal yang anda terima, apabila halamannya tidak lengkap mintalah pengganti pada pengawas ruang
4. Baca dan pahamilah dengan baik pernyataan atau soal sebelum anda menjawab
5. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan Kepada pengawas ujian
I. Jawablah soal - soal dengan benar, dengan menghitamkan lingkaran ( ) A, B, C, atau D berikut ini!

The dialog is for questions number 1-3

Siti : Wow, your bedroom is very tidy, comfortable and 6. From the text, we know that...
large A. The park does not have beautiful flowers
Lisa : I think it is small B. The parka does not have beautiful flowers
Siti : I don’t think so. It is big. It has any things. There are C. The park is near Dayu’s house
two pink wardrobes, a green bookshelf, a pretty bed
D. The park is near Siti’s house
and a brown mirror.

1. What is Lisa’s bedroom like? 7. Complete the following dialog

A. It is very small and tidy Dayu : Siti, your hamsters have very large cheeks.
B. It was very small and tidy Siti : ....... They eat a lot
C. It is very large and comfortable A. Yes, they are C. Yes, it was
D. It was very large and comfortable B. Yes, they do D. Yes it is

2. “Wow your bedroom is very tidy, comfortable and 8. Dewi : Lina, your rabbit is wite like snow and she is
large. very cute
What is the closest meaning of the underlined word? Lina : Yes, she is
A. Shady C. Nice What is the synonym of the underlined word?
B. Clean D. Neat A. Sweet C. Bad
B. Funny D. Big
3. How many colours are there in Lisa’s bedroom?
A. Four C. Two The dialog is for questions number 9-10
B. Three D. One Siti : look at the giraffes. They have curly eyelashes
Lina : yes, they do. Their eyelashes are adorable
Beni : and look at the zebras. They have black and white
The dialog is for questions number 4-6 stripes on their bodies
Siti : Dayu, do you often go to the park near your house? Udin : guys, do you know that each zebra has different
Dayu : Yes I do pattern?
Siti : What is it like? Edo : they do? That’s very interesting!
Dayu : It is beautiful. There are so many colourful flowers Dayu : look at the ekephants. They are huge!
and big trees Udin : yes, they are. And look at the tigers. They have
Siti : That’s great! We should go there together some time sharp teeth
Siti : and they have powerful legs
4. What is the purpose of the dialog above?
A. Ask for and give information related to the 9. What animals have curly eyelashes?
qualities of things A. Tigers C. Giraffes
B. Ask for and give information related to the B. Zebras D. Elephants
qualities animal
C. Ask for and give information related to the 10. How many animals are there in the dialog above?
qualities of people A. Four C. Six
D. Ask for and give information of physical B. Five D. Seven
appearance of people
11. Arrange the following words into a good sentence
5. What is the place near Dayu’s house? Dog fierce Edo’s eyes has
A. Beautiful market C. Colorful zoo 1 2 3 4 5
B. Beautiful park D. Beautiful zoo
A. 1-2-3-4-5 C. 1-2-4-3-5 18. What are Mrs putri and the students talking about?
B. 3-1-5-2-4 D. 3-1-5-4-2 A. Vacation C. Invitation
B. Occasion D. Profession
The picture is for questions number 12-13
19. “Beni, what does ypur father do?”
What is the purpose of the text?
A. Ask for the information about job and profession
of Beni’s father
B. Cive the information about job and profession of
Beni’s father
C. Asking and giving the information about what a
dentist do
D. Ask for students activity when they see the

20. “Edo’s father is a farmer. He plants and grows rice.

12. What is the color of zebra?
His mother is a housewife. She takes a good care od
A. Brown and black C. White and blue
Edo and her family.”
B. Black and white D. Black and red

What is the suitable question for the description

13. Where do the students see the elephant?
A. In the garden C. In the river
A. What is Edo’s father name?
B. In the school D. In the zoo
B. What does Edp’s father do?
C. Where does Edo’s go to school?
The dialog is for questions number 14-15
D. Why does Edo’s father grow rice?
Ana : Sinta, do you have any pets?
Sinta : Yes, I do. I have two cats
Ana : I love cats. What do they look like? The dialog is for questions number 21-23
Sinta : there’re very little. They’re babies, very cute ones. Siti : good morning, Beni
They have grey fur, big eyes, and each of them has a Beni : good morning, Siti. How are you today?
pink nose. Siti I’m doing very well
Ana : Wow! I can imagine how cute they are Beni : you arrive very early. Do you arrive early day?
Siti : yes, I do. I always come to school early. I always
14. How many cats does Sinta have? leaves home at 6. I don’t want to be late. Beni, why do
A. One cat C. Three cats you clean the classroom by yourself?
B. Two cats D. Four cats Beni : Dayu is not here. She’s late
Siti : Don’t worry. I will help you to clean the classroom
15. What does Ana say about the cats? Beni : thanks you, siti. You always help other people
A. They are cute C. They are pretty Siti : you are welcome, beni.
B. They are ugly D. They are funny
21. Where does the dialog take place?
16. Look at the dialog and answer rhe question A. In the garden C. At beni’s home
Sinta : look! Edo is very helpful B. At siti’s home D. In the classoom
Andi : yes, he is. He is helpful and kind
22. What does Siti’s habit based on the dialog?
Who is very helpful? A. Siti studies hard every day
A. Sinta C. Lina B. Siti always cleans the classroom
B. Andi D. Edo C. Siti always comes ti school early
D. Siti help beni to do the homework
17. Lina is very ...... she never looks sad
A. Smart C. Helpful 23. Siti is very kind. She always ..... the others.
B. Happy D. Beautiful A. Help C. Helped
B. Helps D. Has helped
The dialog is for question number 18-19
Mrs putri : good morning!
Students : good morning, Mrs Putri
Mrs putri : today we are going to learn about job and
professions. Beni, what does your father do?
Beni : my father is a dentist. He cheeks many tecth of
particent every day.

24. Look at the picture and answer the question. The text is for question number 31-33
Aunt dina is very healthy. She is rarely sick. She is married
and has two chilidren. She is more than 40 years old, but her
skin is smooth and her face always looks young and
beautiful. Oh ya, she exercies almost everyday. She work at
a bank. It is almost 2 kms from her home. She has a
motorcycle. But she goes to work on foot.

31. How many children does aunt Dina have?

A. One C. Three
B. Two D. Four
What can butterflies do?
A. Swim C. Walk
32. It is almost 2 kms from her home. The word “it” refers
B. Jump D. Fly
to ...
A. Motorcycle C. Office
25. Fatimah : loook at the in the river. How can the frog
B. A bank D. Home
move from the land to the river?
Zona : I think the frog .... from the land to the river.
33. The text tells us about ...
Fatimah : oh I see.
A. The description of aunt Dina
A. Swims C. Walk
B. Aunt Dina’s daily activities
B. Jumps D. Fly
C. The children of aunt Dina
D. Aunt Dina’s profession
The dialog is for question number 26-27
Asya comes to Dewi’s house for visiting Dewi’s new library.
The text is for question number 34-35
Asya : hi Dewi, I’m sorry for disturbing your time
I’m proud of my school. Our teachers are smart. We have
Dewi : oh no problem. Let’s (26) ..... to my new library
many good books and magazines in our school library. The
Asya : wow, it is an intersting place. Many kinds of book
classrooms are not big, and they are clean and tidy. But, the
school yard is very small. There are not many plants, so it is
Dewi : yeah, my father prepares it for me and my brother
very hot in the afternoon. We only have the terrace when we
Asya : I think your father is the best, Dew. By the way,
are not in the classrooms. So the terrace is very crowded
may i (27) .... some books from your library?
during the break.
Dewi : of course. But you have to keep it, and don’t let it
lose or break
34. Why is the writer proud of his school? The writer is
Asya : thank you Dewi. I promise.
proud of his school because...
A. The teacher are smart, and the classrooms are
26. The suitable word to fill the blank is...
clean and tidy
A. Get on C. Come in
B. The school yard is very small, and there are not
B. Get off D. Come back
many plants
C. The terrace is very small, and it’s very crowded
27. The suitable word to fill the blank is ...
during the break
A. Borrow C. Take
D. The school is small, and it’s very hot in the
B. Write D. Buy
28. Library is a place for....
35. “...... they are clean and tidy”
A. Reading and studying
The word “they” refers to ....
B. Studying and cooking
A. The school C. The terrace
C. Studying and playing
B. The library D. The classrooms
D. Reading and playing
The text is for question number 36-38
29. Edo : do you see my notebook?
Indonesia is a big country. It is between two continents, Asia
Beni : .... does it look like?
and Australia, and between two oceans, the Pacific Ocean
Edo : it is thick, it has a blue hard cover
and the Indian Ocean. It is the largest archipelago in the
A. Where C. Why
world. There are more than seventeen thousand islands in
B. What D. Who

30. Udi : hallo, I’m in the bus terminal now. But I still
We have a lot of islands. The big ones are Papua,
can’t find Simon. What is he like?
kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi, and Java. Of the five islands.
Dewi : he is tall. He is got ... skin.
Java is the smallest, but is the most populated one. We can
A. Fair C. Hard
find the people from around Indonesia in Java.
B. Long D. Short

36. “Indonesia is a “Big” country.”
What is the synonym of big?
A. Small C. Good
B. Large D. Bad

37. Why is Indonesia called as the largest archipelago in

the world? Because...
A. It consists of more than seventeen thousand islands
B. We can find people from around Indonesia in java
C. It is between two continents, Asia and Australia What does tiger look like?
D. There are five biggest islands in the word Tiger is big. It has....

38. What does the text tell us about? 42. Read the text and answer the question by using
A. Continents C. Australia suitable adjcctive
B. Indonesia D. Islands Agung always comes to school early
He always studies hard everyday
The text is for question number 39-40 He usually helps other peolpe
You can count on me like 1,2,3 His friends love to play with him.
I’ll be there
And I know when I need it Based on the description above, we know that agung is
I can count on you like 4,3,2 ...
And you ‘ll be there
Cause that’s what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah 43. Arrange the following words into good sentences
Ooohhhh,ooooooh yeah, yeah. a. Sinta-cat-very-much-likes
b. are-the-students-diligent-very
39. The message of this lyric is ... c. funny-are-they
A. We have to help our friends
B. A friend will always show us the way
C. A good friend has to rely on each other 44. 1. Complete the following sentences by using am or
D. We know what life means when we help others is
“I .... proud of my English teacher. She ... smart and
40. “You can count on me like 1,2,3” very friendly. Her eglish ... very good and very clear.”
What is the synonym of “count on”?
A. Move on C. Rely on
B. Turn on D. Get on 45. Complete the following text by using the suitable
words in the box.
II. Soal Uraian Pak Bacu is a janitor in our school. He’s a hard
41. Look at the picture and answer the question worker. He (a) ... the yard every morning and
afternoon. He (b) ... the toilets. I like him because he is
(c) ... and he knows our names. But sometimes he’s
(d) ... he often teases me, and laughs at me in front of
my friends.

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