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Date :
Name : Gabriela Justicia Ningrum.
Class : XI MIPA 3 Student’s Number: 13.

The Topic that I have chosen is Social media does more harm than good. Because after the
covid-19 pandemic, I realized that not everything on social media is good. Social media can be a
boomerang for those who can't be using it. I also feel that the harmful thing from social media is
can lead to depression, anxiety, and loneliness. besides, social media can make, a divisive effect
by manipulation in the social media
 Write in sentences. Not in paragraphs.
 include your opinion or Social media potentially causes more harm than good overall.
statement as a writer
(menyertakan pendapat Social media allows harming your mental health, communication skill, and
anda sebagai penulis) can addict someone.
 your position (for or
against? - Choose one
only aku milih setuju)
Argument 1 Social media can be potentially more harmful than good because of
 support your opinion or cyberbullying, which can be impairing our mental health and cause
statement anxiety, loneliness, and depression.
 give the evidence
According to Boarddrandsearch, victims can feel this effect in bought the
short and long term, 41% of people who have been cyberbullying have
social anxiety, 37% developing depression, 26% had suicidal thoughts and
engaged in self-harm
Argument 2 Social media can be potentially more harmful than good because of the
 support your opinion or dark side of communication.
 give the evidence According to Kaplan, A.M., and Haenlein, M. (2010), a harmful impact is
the emergence of crime people also use social media for kidnapping and
online fraud. Besides that, social media users become more distant from
the life around them, and most teenagers waste time on social media so that
their learning scores decrease.
Argument 3 Social media can potentially decrease self-esteem. Many people choose to
 support your opinion or make their lives seem very glamorous on social media and only put their
statement best foot forward, while this may not be the reality.
 give the evidence
Reiteration or - Social media, by itself, harmful to society who can’t use it well.
Recommendation - Should be wise and positive thinking in using social media
or Both of them - Should be able to balance our time in playing social media, so we don't
get addicted.

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