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Name: Mauren A.

Nepacina Date: October 29, 2021

Year & Section: BPEd 1-2 Score:

Activity 1.1 Essay: Be able to explain in one to two paragraphs on why Teaching is one of the most
demanding of all professions.

I believe that teaching is that the most vital profession within the world. How else can we still
develop in such a technical world, or in the other way, for that matter? Without the transfer of
information to young minds. Teaching could be a noble profession which comes with such a lot of
responsibility and duty towards students. Teachers don't only teach and impart knowledge but inspire
and motivate students for all times and take important steps in life. They keep working to spice up the
boldness of scholars and direct them within the right direction. Teaching is hope for better, more
successful futures. Learning is hope for becoming better individuals, for gaining intelligence, and for
implementing practical experiences in our future. Since we always tell to our fellow students that they
must plan for his or her futures and work to comprehend those goals, the teaching profession should
“practice what it preaches” by helping them to succeed in those goals. teaching during the past five
years has been rewarding beyond my imagination. I’ve got watched non-readers become readers, I've
got watched scores and student confidence improve, and I am part of that change.

My realization about teaching is not easy and also it's not really hard, just put your dedication,
love compassion on the profession and learner's. As a teacher you're the one to inspire the students
through your action and through the lesson. I realized that teaching requires to communicate well, build
a good relationship with your student. When you know how to communicate well and you are
comfortable while explaining, then your student will enjoy the discussion and they understand the
lesson very well. I also realized that as a teacher you need to be patient of everything and always do a
good action. You need to manage your time because you have a lot of things to do, liked lesson plan,
report and a lot more. And last as a teacher you need to have a lot of information and knowledge about
the topic and deliver the lesson very well for them to understand your lesson.
Activity 1.2 Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions

1. What are the characteristics of an ideal teacher?

 Answer: For me the characteristics of an ideal teacher is first the ability to build caring
relationships with student, second good at explaining, good at communication skills and also
must have patient when dealing the learner's.

2. What talents and skills do you have that can be shared or used when you become a full-
fledge teacher?
 Answer: My talent is singing even though my voice is not really good and I know how to dance a
little bit, that's why I take the Major of Physical Education because I can use this talent to teach
my students. And me as a teacher my skill is my patient even though my students are noisy and
naughty, and I'm a good observer to my students.

3. Think of teacher whom you consider to be talented and skillful in his/her teaching. How
do his/ her talents benefited his/her teaching?

 Answer: Way back when I was in senior high school I have this teacher that i really admired.
She's so amazing when she's discussing the topic, it's easy to understand on how to deliver and
how to define the topic. I'm not really good in English but every time she's discussing in front
even it's pure English, I can say that I understand what she's talking about. She's really good at
speaking and communicate with her student very well.

4. Do you believe that teachers are treated unfairly compared to other professions?

 Answer: On my opinion I think yes, because teachers is working a lot to finish their report even
they at home and sometimes they didn't have rest just to have a presentation on the other day
to their student. Sometimes teacher don't have much time to bond with their family or their
children because of their responsibilities in school. And also it's really hard because sometimes
students are really noisy and naughty and it's stressing, but as a teacher it's your
responsibilities to be patient of everything. Hoping that the government give them enough
money for everything that they have done like the other profession.

5. What are the problems and issues related to teacher’s character and behavior that you are
aware of?

 Answer: Character and behavior that I aware off is some teacher can easily get mad, and some
don't have consideration to their students. Sometimes they didn't care if their student struggling
on their subject.
Activity 1.3 Matching Type: Match the statements from Column A to Column B. Write the letter only
before each number.

1. B
2. D
3. I
4. A
5. G
6. C
7. J
8. F
9. H
10. E

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