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House of representatives

September 17, 2021

HB 10234
An act elevating the regulation and practice of architecture in the Philippines,
repealing republic act no. 9266 and appropriating funds therefor and for other

This bill was filed to repeal the RA. 9266 of 2004 because according in HB
10234, RA9266 only make the Philippines less competitive in terms of
Architecture profession to the other Asian countries especially ASEAN
countries. This bill wants the architecture profession inn the Philippines to be
competitive to other countries.

but I’am not sure that this Bill will be passed in the future as it has some flaws
that were obviously unlikable to the architects especially us as an aspiring

How can this bill elevate the profession of architect if it allows the non-
architect person to Guide the aspiring architects like me. This will only give
more power to belittle and abuse our profession.

When it is enacted, I am sure that illegal practice will spread even more.

For me, it is okay to raise the required percentage of scores to really figure
out who the future architects deserve. But if they would have done this, they
should have improved the education system here in the Philippines so that
students can keep up, apart from the fact that our education system is
outdated and the system is not yet in order.

Then now they want you to have a limit on taking the board exam, for just a
maximum of 3 chances but what if it just lack of right preparation and the right
guidance. One thing because lack of finance to afford enrolling in a review
center. That is one of the proofs is that even now there are very few passers.

One of the good parts of HB 10234 is to monitor the school and review center.
To ensure that the education or guidance is good and worthwhile, that our
future architects will receive.

Yes, the bill is not complete yet but I also think it is one that I need to point out
because the licensed architects have a set penalty for neglect and they are
responsible for their design. But, What about the non-architect builders of the
structures 100 square meters down ?, How can they be held accountable
when their structures are more likely prone to accidents and durability

The one of the most controversial parts of HB 10234 is Section 35, the
“Exemption from Registration”, which no longer requires the architect's
guidance or signature on structures not exceeding 100 square meters. If you
understand this, it is still okay because those who will build such structures
still have no escape because there is still a limit stated. One that seems
unacceptable is the idea that because a project is small it can be let go. And if
anyone is going to build,

I also understand that in other remote areas the service of an architect is not
accessible. But maybe it would have been better to just fix the current law and
just improve it. If the main reason for them is that the service is not accessible
or the service of the architect is expensive, why not make the architect a
permanent position in every province where people go. And I’m sure that the
salary will be able to generate by the government, The two to three in the
position will definitely be enough and it will forceful decrease illegal practice if
they know they have assurance of their safety.

Another idea that I dislike is that small projects shouldn’t be the focus
because it’s a large percentage of our population. And they are more in need
of safety and assurance that their accumulation will turn out well.

Apart from this, new architects (like me in the future) were also starting to
earn a living from small projects. But how come will I get small projects if this
bill will be enacted. Because even how good am I in college I will also start
from making small projects before acquiring large projects. And that is the



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