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La Salle University

Ozamiz City

Learning Episode 6- Delivering My Lessons

(Field Study 2)
Group 4

Submitted by
Karen Digas
Pop Yvonne Ellacone
Aleeza Joy Jalalon
Novamie Lumacad
Raulene Molo
April Rose Mondido

Submitted to
Dr. Flordelis Ejercito

Participate and Assist

After you have written your lesson plan, confer with your Resource Teacher
on how you can participate / assist in delivering instruction in one of his/her classes.
Robert Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, will guide you to implement the various
steps well.

Complete the given matrix by using Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, once
a lesson is assigned to you. Consult your Resource Teacher if your plans are ready for
implementation or your assistance is needed in any part of the lesson.

Segments of Events of Strategies and Learning

Learning Instruction Activities Used Resources/Materia
Preparation 1. Gaining The teacher provided the ● Laptop
Attention students with ● Google Meet
pictures/videos, and had ● Powerpoint
a short question and Presentation
answer session to lead
them and be introduced
to the topic to be
discussed during the
2. Inform The teacher presented ● Laptop
Learning the learning objectives in ● Powerpoint
Objectives her powerpoint Presentation
presentation. Aside from ● Google Meet
the student that she
called to read the
learning objectives, other
students were also able
to read those objectives
and be aware of what
they had to attain at the
end of the lesson. After
the assigned student read
the objectives, the
teacher then asked her
students if these were
clear to them and elicit
their response by asking
them to click the raise
hand button feature in
their google meet.
3. Stimulate The teacher used an ● Laptop
Recall of educational online tool ● Quizizz
Prior (Quizizz) to have an App/Website
Learning interactive review
activity with the students
where they can
automatically give their
answers and have the
correct answers at an
instant after every item
Instruction 1. Present the The teacher presented ● Laptop
and Practice Content the content of the lesson ● Google Meet
through an activity. The
class was grouped into 3
and they were given a set
of pictures and guide
questions to be
answered. After the
activity, the teacher
explained and elaborated
the lesson in a way of
oral questioning.
2. Provide The teacher provided ● Laptop
Learning examples like pictures ● Google meet
Guides by asking them what is ● Powerpoint
in the picture or what is Presentation
the picture all about.
Those given pictures
gave clues and guided
them throughout the
discussion of the lesson.
In addition, for them to
easily remember the
lesson, the teacher asked
the students to relate and
reflect on what they
learned particularly in
real-life situations.
3. Elicit The teacher provided ● Laptop
Performanc activities after the ● Google meet
e discussion to students in
order to activate their
new learnings and ensure
their understanding of
the topic through an
application of the new
4. Provide The teacher provided ● Laptop
Feedback feedback on students' ● Google Meet
performance to assess,
facilitate learning, and to
allow them to identify
the gaps in
understanding the lesson.
Assessment 1. Assess The teacher utilized an ● Laptop
and Performa educational online tool ● Google Meet
Transfer nce (Quizizz) to assess ● Quizizz
whether the students ● Canvas
have absorbed and
understood the topic
discussed after the
teaching session. The
teacher also provided
additional tasks and
activities in the Canvas
module so that students
can do different
activities aside from
what has been provided
during the discussion.
2. Enhance The teacher employed a ● Laptop
Retention number of techniques to ● Google Meet
aid students in ● Powerpoint
remembering what they Presentation
had learned in class. The
use of schemas such as
idea maps or tables is
one of them. In addition,
the teacher encouraged
students to provide their
own examples for the
topic and to form
es of what they had

Using Robert Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, what did you notice in the
following segments of learning:

● How did the students react to the activities / various elements to arouse
their interest?
When the activities were given to the students during the discussion, some of
them were very participative and showed enthusiasm in cooperating by giving their
answers in the chatbox and joining the online game provided to them. We observed
that when students are given interactive activities, they can easily acknowledge them
and perform the tasks without difficulties. With that being said, we know that students
are hooked to the topic, and activities are given when these are fun to do. Thus, with
the educational setup that we have now, we measure students’ reactions to the
activities in class when they are enjoying doing these tasks.

● Were the students focused when you were stating the learning objectives
at the beginning of the lesson?
Yes, most of the students were paying attention when we stated the learning
objectives at the start of the class. To ensure that they were paying attention, we
would usually begin by telling them to listen closely and actively participate in the
class discussion in order to achieve the stated goals. In addition, we would have some
students read the learning objectives and then ask them if these were understood by
the class. Through their responses whether the objectives are clear for them, we were
able to know that they are aware of the learning objectives that they have to attain at
the end of the lesson.

● How did the new learnings relate with what they really know?
The act of students actively recalling prior knowledge on certain lessons is the
key to their new learnings. Thus, before presenting the new lesson they are asked
what they had learned from the previous topic/lesson through oral questioning or
activity. The things that they already know will lead them to discover new learnings
and because of that, the learnings will be continuous and effective.

● Did you notice some students who needed assistance? What did you do?
Yes, we noticed that there were some students who needed assistance
especially when we asked them questions during the course of our discussion of the
topic. For this particular situation, we opt to frequently repeat or rephrase our
questions in order for them to understand what is meant by the question and this
would allow them to answer the questions already. When this still doesn’t work, we
usually resort to asking other students to help their classmates in answering the
questions given.

● Did the students find difficulty in applying the theories / concepts

learned to real life?
The students did not find difficulty in applying the theories/concepts learned
to real-life because the concepts being presented were relevant to their everyday lives.
In fact, those concepts could help students realize how useful all knowledge could be.
So, as future teachers, we have to ensure that there is a clear understanding of what is
being taught. Also, we have to ensure that the concept has its own relevance so that
students can relate to it and acknowledge a perception that is interesting and worth
knowing to them.

● How did your students react to your feedback?

Giving students feedback entails explaining what they are doing correctly and
incorrectly, with the emphasis on what the learners are doing correctly. When a
student is given an explanation of what is correct and incorrect about their work, it is
most beneficial to their learning. In giving feedback to students they usually reacted in
a positive way. Most frequent attitudes I have observed in giving feedback were they
take it passively and in a self-effacing manner.

● What pieces of evidence can prove that the students had retention of
The pieces of evidence that can prove that the students had retention of
learning is through their scores during review activities; these do not only conclude
that they mastered their prior lessons but also are a great way to measure that they
actually acquire the knowledge intended for them to have. One other way also to
prove that they have retention of learning is when they can give answers and associate
them to a new concept, by then, we can clearly see that they did not only get
themselves familiar with the lesson but immerse themselves in the lesson being
taught. Other than what has been mentioned above, one evidence to prove that there is
retention of learning is when students are able to follow the progression of topics
being introduced in class, for example, teaching pronouns in class and students
already have the background knowledge of nouns. Hence, these pieces of evidence
will help the teachers and students to take track of their learning.


After planning your lesson(s) you may be requested by your Resource Teacher
to deliver the lesson(s). Your Resource Teacher will use a classroom observation
sheet to evaluate the delivery of your lesson(s). Schools use different tools in rating
classroom/online observations. Below is an example of a classroom observation

Areas of Strength Areas of Improvement

1. Subject Matter Content ● The teacher ● The teacher allotted
Demonstrates depth and breadth of demonstrated depth huge time on the
the subject matter and breadth of the preliminaries with the
subject matter. review activity and
Shows mastery of the subject Elaboration of motivation in particular
matter essential points in the that resulted for the
lesson was provided subject matter being
for the students. discussed in a short
● The teacher showed period of time only.
mastery of the subject Thus, the teacher must
and discussed the make sure that her
lesson smoothly discussion should meet
without any hitch the time requirement
during the teaching for the next lessons.
2. Organization of the lesson

Presents subject matter ● The teacher presented ● The teacher was not
sequentially and logically the subject matter able to meet the class
chronologically and at the scheduled time.
States clear learning outcomes rationally. Thus, there are some
parts of the lesson that
● The teacher presented might not be realized
clear learning since there was not
outcomes which are enough time that
Synthesize main points aligned to the subject resulted in an
matter. unfinished discussion
Meet class at scheduled time ● The teacher was able of the entire lesson.
to synthesize the main
Regularly monitors classroom on- points of the lesson for
line course the students to easily
understand the topic.

3. Rapport/Interaction with
the Students

Holds interest of students ● The teacher held ● The teacher did not
activities that give clear instructions
prompted students’ to those who could
interest and not access the link for
participation in class. the online activity due
to poor internet
connection. She could
have instructed them
to just type in their
answers in the chat
box so that they could
Is respectful, fair and impartial ● The teacher respected still participate in the
the different opinions activity.
of the students and ● The teacher was not
she was fair and just able to elaborate
Provides immediate feedback to everyone. further the opinions
● The teacher provided coming from the
feedback on students’ students.
participation and ● The teacher was not
taught them on how able to acknowledge
they could improve. all responses of the
Encourages active participation ● The teacher students in the chat
encouraged active box. Thus, some were
participation by not given feedback.
means of interactive ● The teacher did not
activities so that consider those
students could have students who had
fun while learning. internet problems that
Interacts with students ● The teacher interacted were not able to
with students participate in the
cheerfully and with a activity.
big smile. With this,
students felt that the ● The teacher was very
learning environment kind and she smiled at
was conducive and it students during the
had a positive energy. whole duration of the
lesson. However,
some students took
advantage of her, just
like when they were
called to recite or
answer a question,
they did not respond
Shows enthusiasm ● The teacher showed because what they had
enthusiasm the in mind was that their
moment she started teacher was very kind
her lesson that gave and even if they
positive vibes to the would not answer, it
virtual classroom. would still be okay
with her.

● The teacher somehow

lost the enthusiasm on
the latter part of the
lesson, maybe
because of time

4. Teaching Methods and ● The teacher utilized ● The teacher used

Strategies learning materials and learning online
technology to support applications and
Utilizes relevant teaching and made the websites that are too
methods/strategies discussion interactive. complex and were not
● The teacher used familiar for the
Uses learning aids, materials and examples that are students and the
technology familiar and are easy teacher, leading
to be grasped by the everyone to have
Employs cooperative/group students where confusion on
involvement in the classroom and students are able to navigating the tools.
remote learning connect those to the ● The teacher was not
subject matter. able to employ group
Uses examples that are simple, ● The teacher achieved activities during the
clear, precise, and appropriate the following teaching session.
objectives and
Stays focused on and meets stated learning outcomes
learning outcomes during the discussion.
5. Presentation of the lesson ● The teacher established ● The teacher still needs
a conducive online to improve her
Establishes online course or classroom environment enunciation of some
classroom environment conducive as she allowed as the difficult words while
to learning students were allowed discussing the lesson
to ask questions and as there were some
Maintains eye contact expressed their words that were not
opinions about the enunciated well and as
Uses a clear voice, strong subject matter, where a language teacher, she
projection, proper enunciation everyone was must serve as a good
acknowledged. example on how to be
Has a good command of the ● The teacher delivered an eloquent
language her lesson with a clear communicator using
voice, with a strong the English language.
Uses language within the level of projection and was
students able to use language
within the level of
students that ensured
the comprehensive
teacher and student
engagement during the
6. Classroom Management ● The teacher proficiently ● The e-platform used by
managed her time in the the teacher did not work
Begins and end classes on time class. that affects the flow of
● Course interaction is the lesson. Students
Use time wisely observed during the were having a hard time
lesson and able to to access since it
Attends to course interaction establish leadership requires changing of
ability and control. tabs especially for
Demonstrates leadership ability; students using mobile
maintains discipline and control devices only.

Maintains effective classroom and

e-platform management)
7. Sensitivity to Student’s
● The teacher adept ● The teacher sometimes
Exhibits sensitivity to students’ sensitivity to students’ fails to address
personal culture, gender personal culture, gender students’ queries as the
differences and disabilities differences and use of tabs in lessons
disabilities. sometimes block the
Responds appropriately in a non- ● The teacher showed a view in google meet.
threatening, pro-active learning positive response in a The teacher should use
environment non-threatening, at least two devices to
proactive educational see those students who
environment . have queries.
8. Support/Assistance to ● The teacher was able to ● Due to the prescribed
Students assist students that had class duration, the time
difficulty in allotted for questions
Assist students with academic understanding the and comments were
problems concepts or details also limited which
presented in class and allowed only a couple
Clarifies points in the lessons this was done through of students to raise their
which are not clear to the students restating the concepts questions and express
using schemas and their answers orally.
Allots time for questions / mnemonics.
comments ● The teacher clarified
points in the lessons
that were not clear to
the students.
9. Personal Competencies ● The teacher showed a ● The teacher talked very
good physical fast and was the one
Shows self-confidence appearance, pleasing to who always talked that
the eyes of the learners. often led the class to be
Maintains professional distance ● The teacher gracefully teacher-centered instead
and professional appearance wears confidence and of student-centered
was able to maintain discussion.
professional distance
and appearance.
10. Physical Aspects of the ● The teacher managed ● The teacher was not
Classroom to impose the able to directly address
classroom's rules for the noise and
Overseas the physical attributes of class management background
classroom (light, ventilation, even if the discussion distractions during the
acoustics) was done in an online teaching session that
setting. caused to not achieve a
Checks number of students in ● The teacher checked conducive learning
attendance the attendance for the environment for the
meeting during the students even if it is
Checks layout of room, teaching session and done online. With this,
distractions, if any took note of those the teacher should have
who were absent. an open and quiet place
Lists any observations on how the to conduct her
physical aspects of the classroom discussion with the
affect content delivery students for the next

Overall impression of teaching effectiveness:

The teacher was able to demonstrate the lesson well using appropriate
methods to make the class engaged. Moreover, the teacher was able to adapt to the
new mode of delivering lessons where different online platforms such as google meet,
quizizz, jamboard, and a lot more were being utilized. However, as a novice teacher,
there were still areas that needed to be improved, especially in making the class more
enriched through prompting questions that would allow the students not only to
understand the topic but also to reflect on the importance of the topic presented.

Having implemented several lessons in your Cooperating School under the
supervision of your Cooperating Teacher, in what areas of the lesson do you need to

I think what areas of the lesson do I need to improve are the preparation and
delivery of the lesson as to this new setup of online classes. Honestly, I am having a
hard time adjusting and making use of online tools in delivering the lessons. Also,
being mindful of the limited time which happens that some parts of the lessons may
not be delivered as the time is not enough. My first teaching was not that too good
because of some factors like unexpected technical problems, nervousness, and
manipulating online tools that I think I should be mastered. Despite all of those I am
still grateful to our cooperating teacher because she never leaves us and is very
approachable. She always gave us advice on what are the dos and don’ts in delivering
the lesson.

Write Action Research Prompts

1. The following were the issues/challenges we had while delivering our lesson:
● Poor Internet Connection- The lesson was frequently interrupted by
delays in sending and receiving responses, which disrupted the flow of
the conversation.
● Limited Time for Discussion- The 40-minute class period was
insufficient for a meaningful discussion of the topic, and several of the
learning tasks were simply assigned to be completed asynchronously
because there was no more time to complete the evaluation activity.
● Low Students’ Participation- Yes, there were some who willingly
answered questions when asked but most of the time, we cannot elicit
responses from them.
● Technical Difficulties- Malfunctioning laptops, phones and
microphones were also one of the challenges that we usually
encountered in delivering our lessons.


2. We hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by getting

everything set before the actual teaching session so that during the discussion it won’t
consume a lot of time in introducing and readying all necessary things needed. When
it comes to technical challenges like a browser issue, device issue, and connectivity
issue, we will address this by utilizing not too many web applications that sometimes
are the reason for the slowing down of the internet and device performance. Thus,
there must be a limit to the number of educational online tools to be integrated during
the teaching session. In the matter of low engagement and interaction level with the
students during class, we will address this by directing our students to use google
meet’s features like the chatbox to provide their answers there and using the raise
hand button to respond or acknowledge something from the discussion without
obliging them to talk and voicing their thoughts and takes on the questions prompted
by the teachers. With these challenges we encountered, we realize that there are other
ways where we can resort to to address these difficulties.


3. Some strategies/solutions/ means that we can employ to improve the

situations/problems are preparing everything that is needed in class such as laptop,
online tools and internet connection, and rehearsing the lesson multiple times so that
we can familiarize the flow of the discussion. Another thing is that, it is good to have
Plan B. For example, the Quizizz link that is intended for the activity is not
functioning, so the teacher should also prepare the activity in the PowerPoint
Presentation as the Plan B, if Plan A does not work. On the other hand, in order to
address students’ low participation, we should use interactive activities that will make
them participate actively, and in a way of telling them that those who participate will
be given points. With this plan in mind, we can improve the situations in the virtual


4. Based on our answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of our action research on
this episode is “Readiness of Instruction and Intervention in Addressing
Students' Participation during an Online Class”.

To further enrich my knowledge on delivering my instruction whether in the

classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the online resources which
will help me in these activities. (Include books, websites, Youtube videos and the
like and share these to your peers.)

Work on my Artifacts
Attach pieces of evidence of your delivery of lesson plans, pictures,
screenshots and the like.

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