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Marketing funnel is the process of turning a lead into a customer, from a marketing (and
sales) perspective. A funnel is a fundamental way for any business to model their
marketing and sales systems to work together to first connect with a lead and then
convert that prospect into a customer. The funnel works together holistically, so every
phase needs to align and work together to make the buyer journey to the bottom


Here are the six phases of marketing funnel. Our business based on the common components of
popular versions of the funnel. The six levels are: Awareness & Problem Recognition, Interest &
Information Search, Consideration & Evaluation, Intent & Commitment, Conversion & Purchase,
and Loyalty & Advocacy.

Awareness & Problem Recognition (TOFU)

The first step in marketing funnel is Awareness and problem recognition. When a person
recognizes a certain need they have, this is the trigger for the first phase of a marketing
and sales funnel. This is the lead generation phase. we attract the attention of potential
customers, so they are aware that it is available. A prospect must become aware of two
things, problems of our customer to comfort minimum reasonable prices bedsheets and
solution we will provide them and try to engage with potential customers . Position of
our brand as a thought leader in your industry through marketing activities such as social
media, facebok, Instagram linkdin , advertising, content marketing. This establishes the
initial trust for our business of customers.

Interest & Information search (TOFU)

Once Marketing has created awareness and interest in our bedsheets business(Comfort
Home), we move into the interest and information search phase. Consumers learn more
about our brand and its offering. Here our business position in the minds of potential
customers and start to develop and nurture a relationship. We also start to introduce
customers to our services. “Using Fb pages, online videos, websites , blogs, Instagram,
Link din ways to get consumer interest.” The goal is to reinforce that the prospect is in
the right place and guide customers towards what they need to know about the offering.
The above mentioned keywords research through Google Trends, and other tools will
give us an indication of what types of searches people are doing related to our business.
We create content that matches those queries. Buyers will search for a solution on
Google or another search engine like social media platforms which mentioned above .
3. Consideration & Evaluation (MOFU)
Following the information search, the next phase of the funnel is consideration and
evaluation. A consumer starts forming their decision at this point, so businesses should
nurture their leads as they have become more qualified. At this phase, Marketing must
develop a desire to own or have the product.
We are using case studies which are useful tool to highlight our previous success and
increase our credibility and Marketing content contains more product information. A low
cost(pricing guides) also helps gives peace of mind, and we also having to provide
powerful social proof.

4. Intent / Commitment (MOFU)

After the consideration phase, leads move onto intent & commitment. They are almost
our customers. These people have demonstrated some interest in buying our bedsheets.
We offer consultations and arrange sales meetings with people at this phase as they are
ready to go. They might have left our product in a cart on the website. They have shown
strong intent to consume. we make a compelling case for why our product is the best
choice for a buyer. We help people make their final decision. Ideally, marketing and sales
tactics work together to nurture the decision-making process and convince the buyer.

5. Conversion / Purchase (BOFU)

If consumers reach the Bottom of the Funnel, they have decided to buy, and become a
customer. If they have a problem we will provide the solution. The Conversion and
Purchase phase is where sales processes have control of the customer. The aim is to
make the purchasing process online as simple, safe and efficient as possible. Reduce any
risk for the customer. We will try our best to make this stage is effective and efficient,
and customers are happy with their purchase.


Awareness: The prospect is aware of Customer problems and practical solutions for

them. Marketing attracts customer attention to our Product named Bedsheets of
Comfort Home The customer becomes aware it is available.
 Interest: The prospect shows interest in our products by showing unique features
which depends on reasonable prices of Nishat bedsheets as compare to others
Desire: The prospect begins to evaluate a certain brand. Marketing develops a desire to
own our bedsheets which customer wants to get bedsheets different from others in
stuff and sizes.
 Action: The prospect decides whether to purchase. Marketing prompts action/force
customers to purchase the our products(bedsheets)

Financial Plan
Our business is a Partnership business(trading
business) and Our total investment in this business is
5,000 rupees. In which we use 3500 rupees for
buying product and remaining 1500 rupees used to
marketing our product. More over we buy a product
from manufacturers in 1200 rupees and sell these
products in between 1900 to 2100 at the end our
estimated profit is 500 in one piece.
Direct contact with owner
A well-trained team
Strong client management
Sometimes techniqal issues due to online business

Attracting a new client market

Here 5 C’S analysis of Comfort Home
Our target customers(low and average
income level) we provide them bedsheets
according to their demands ,needs,
requirements and also take feedback
which is the most better way to increase
customers because customers
satisfaction is a key of success.
Its Partnership business which tries
every time to provides better services to

There are also competitors of our
business, we cannot force competitors to
move, we can create new strategies to
counteract the competition, it might
include new styles providing new
promotions and promoting our customers
Our Business Comfort Home run by the
help of train-team members that’s why it
provides satisfactory services to
customers and Its Partnership Business
equally distributed to start this business.
Online shopping can in fact be much less
damaging to the environment than traditional.
Due to climate issues , natural disaster
every traditional business bear bad
effects like due to covid but we save
from this loss because we are providing
online services to our customers.
If any businessman does business
analysis with the help of5c’s tool , I think
he/she never disappoint, fed-up, feel
stress or leave business due to
competitors, rivals, new entrants, threat
of substitutes. The hidden and
complicated points which cause any
business loss, if every businessman
follow these tools, he/she never bear loss.
and easily can take optimal decision.

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