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CONCEPT NOTE of the Webinar on “Setting the Context – Scaling PPPs in

Meeting Post-Covid-19 Business Environment Needs at the Wake of

AfCFTA” in collaboration with TCND


The wake of the AfCFTA brings to fore the long-upheld proposition of trade as the
lifeblood of any nation, with the need to appreciate infrastructure as the arteries
through which this lifeblood called trade can sustain the economic life of emerging
markets as replete in Africa, where population growth, increasing urbanization, and
rising per capita incomes are driving the demand for new roads, power stations, schools,
and water delivery systems.

In a scenario where governments are more incapacitated in catering to the structural

demands for a growth-enabling economic environment than it was pre-Covid-19, the
lean capacity of traditional procurement pre-Covid-19 crisis is no longer feasible for a
sustainable structural reset, economic rebound, and first-mover industrial catch-up
needed for enhanced productivity, poverty reduction, value-added trade growth,
increased employment generation, and improved investment climate for FDI attraction

It therefore becomes apparent that a public- private-partnership (PPP) approach is key

for the sustainable pursuit of developmental priorities at scale for social and economic
good. Thus, the need for enhanced capacity to propagate infrastructure development at
scale through adequate and globally-compliant PPP arrangements that guarantees
value for tax-payers money, stimulate enterprise growth, and economic development.

This webinar helps to explore the potential for new economic opportunities that
economic integration offers, while harnessing global economic forces as means to drive
market efficiency, innovation and increased productivity amongst African economies.
Hence, we seek to discuss the following sub-issues:

 The Context of AfCFTA for the African Manufacturing Sector/Private Sector

 Illustrative Sectoral & Sub-sectoral Value System Considerations for a
Beneficial and Workable Economic Integration – Agriculture
 Illustrative Sectoral & Sub-sectoral Market Access Considerations for a
Beneficial and Workable Economic Integration – Agriculture
 Illustrative Sectoral & Sub-sectoral Investment Packaging Considerations for a
Beneficial and Workable Economic Integration – Agriculture
 The Challenge for a Private Sector Led Contribution to Salvaging the State of
the African Business Environment for its Survival
 Some Important Questions Needing Private-sector Driven Re-imagination for
Competitive Trade Facilitation


 Mr. Ibukunoluwa Akinrinde, Senior Fellow, Glocal Advantage Delivery Hub, GADH,
Course Director

Moderator: Dr. Olajumoke Akiode PhD, Executive Director, Center for Ethics and
Sustainable Development,

Format and date: Online Webinar, 18 November 2021, 10:00am UTC

Contacts: Ms. Catherine Lalyre

Ms. Pierrette Zah Lou

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