Who HTM TB 2004

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World Health Organization

Principal Authors:

Erika Duffell and Igor Toskin

Writing committee:

Kevin De Cock, Jesus M. Garcia Calleja, Peter Ghys, Catherine Hankins, George
Loth, Jai Narain, Wilfred Nkhoma, Paul Nunn, Rick O’Brien, Jeroen Van Gorkom,
Pieter Van Maaren, Brian Williams
for the TB/HIV Working Group of the Global Partnership to Stop TB and
UNAIDS/WHO Working Group on Global HIV/AIDS/STI Surveillance, World Health
Organization, Geneva, Switzerland


The Stop TB Department gratefully acknowledges the helpful comments and

suggestions from the following: Dongil Ahn, Delphine Antoine, Ties Boerma, Maarten
Bosman, Christopher Dye, Haileyesus Getahun, Charles Gilks, Anthony Harries,
Lyndon Kafwabulula, Takeshi Kasai, Paul Kelly, Bah Kheita, Stefano Lazzari, Rafael
López, John Mangier, Thomas Nyirenda, Clara Obermeyer, Alasdair Reid, Fabio
Scano, George Schmid, Elizabeth Talbot, Charles Wells, Mukadi Ya Diul.

© World Health Organization 2004

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The named authors alone are responsible for the views expressed in this publication.
List of abbreviations iv

Summary 1

1. Introduction 3
1.1 Background 3
1.2 Rationale for surveillance 3
1.3 Challenges to surveillance 5

2. Methods for surveillance of HIV among tuberculosis patients 6

2.1 An overview of different surveillance methods 6
2.2 Surveillance methods in different HIV prevalence settings 11

3. Methodological issues 13

3.1 Initial situation assessment 13

3.2 Case definitions 14
3.3 Population under surveillance 15
3.4 Sampling 15
3.5 Specimen selection 16
3.6 Data management 18
3.7 Programme responsibility 20
3.8 Resource considerations 21
3.9 Evaluation 21

4. Implementation 22
1. Minimum data requirements from tuberculosis clinic settings where patients
are routinely tested for HIV 23
2. Sample data collection from for use in HIV prevalence surveys or sentinel
surveillance among tuberculosis patients 24
3. Options for the capture of data obtained from routine care on HIV
prevalence among tuberculosis patients 25
4. 1994 WHO Guidelines for HIV surveillance among tuberculosis patients 28
5. Sample size determination 29

References 30

List of abbreviations
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
ART antiretroviral therapy
ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
IPT isoniazid preventive therapy
IUALTD International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
KNCV Royal Netherlands Tuberculosis Association
NAP national AIDS programme
NTP national tuberculosis programme
SGS second generation surveillance
TB Tuberculosis
TB/HIV TB and HIV infection
UAT unlinked anonymous testing
VCT voluntary counselling and testing (for HIV)
WHO World Health Organization

These guidelines are addressed to the managers of national tuberculosis programmes
(NTP) and national AIDS programmes (NAP), those people responsible for HIV
surveillance, and public health decision-makers at national and sub-national level.
They form part of the TB/HIV series of documents produced by the Stop TB
Department in the World Health Organization and also of the “Second Generation
Surveillance” (SGS) series.

The main objective of these guidelines is to provide a framework for the methods to
be used for measuring HIV prevalence among tuberculosis patients and to encourage
implementation of. HIV surveillance.

Surveillance of HIV among TB patients is being increasingly recognized as important,

as the HIV epidemic continues to fuel the global TB epidemic. In many countries,
HIV prevalence in TB patients is a sensitive indicator of the spread of HIV into the
general population. Information on HIV levels in TB patients is essential to respond to
the increasing commitment to provide comprehensive HIV/AIDS care and support,
including antiretroviral therapy (ART), to HIV-positive TB patients.

The first edition of these guidelines, published in 1994, detailed one specific approach
to determining HIV prevalence – through cluster sampling and unlinked anonymous
seroprevalence surveys. The increasing availability of routine HIV testing and
counselling as an entry point to HIV/AIDS care for TB patients has highlighted the
need for updated and broader guidelines.

WHO’s “3 by 5” initiative, to reach 3 million HIV-infected people with antiretroviral

therapy by the end of the year 2005, will further increase demand for HIV testing
among TB patients and for knowing the size of the burden of HIV associated TB.
HIV testing is the entry point for ART delivery, and this applies equally to patients
with TB. Reliable HIV surveillance systems for TB patients and large-scale access to
HIV testing and counselling services are cornerstones for effective TB/HIV

This document outlines the three main methods for HIV surveillance among TB
patients: data from the routine testing of TB patients for HIV; sentinel surveillance;
and periodic (special) surveys. Selecting the appropriate surveillance strategy will
depend on the existing surveillance system, the underlying HIV epidemic status in a
country, and the status of ART implementation, as well as the overall TB situation.
This document provides an overview of the principal issues to be considered by
countries in strengthening their existing surveillance systems or developing new
systems and increasing their utility.

At all levels of an HIV epidemic (low-level, concentrated, generalized), routine HIV

testing data – when available –should be used for surveillance purposes. These data
can be calibrated by periodic (special) or sentinel surveys. In countries where HIV
prevalence among TB patients is unknown, a seroprevalence survey should be
undertaken as part of the initial assessment of the situation.

WHO recommends the following HIV surveillance methods, which vary according to
the level of the HIV epidemic:

1. All countries with a generalized HIV epidemic (HIV prevalence consistently >1%
in pregnant women) should aim to ensure that HIV counselling and testing are
actively promoted and offered to all TB patients. Whenever possible, this should
be done in conjunction with the provision of ART. The data obtained in this way
can form the basis of a reliable surveillance system where high coverage (>80%)
of testing among TB patients is achieved. One of the best systems for capturing
this information is through a computerized TB notification system, which also
captures information on HIV status.

Periodic (special) surveys or sentinel surveys are also recommended, to calibrate

the results of routine testing.

2. In countries with a concentrated epidemic (HIV prevalence consistently >5% in at

least one defined subpopulation, e.g. intravenous drug users (IDUs); sex workers
(SWs), men who have sex with men (MSM), and <1% in pregnant women in
urban areas), data from routine HIV counselling and testing of all TB patients
should still form the basis for the surveillance. If this system is not yet in place,
periodic (special) surveys or sentinel surveys are suitable alternatives.

3. In countries with a low-level HIV epidemic (HIV prevalence has not consistently
exceeded 5% in any defined subpopulation) and where HIV testing is not
routinely offered to TB patients, periodic (special) surveys (at intervals of 2–3
years) or sentinel surveys should be conducted among TB patients.

Periodic sentinel serosurveillance for HIV in general is usually conducted among

pregnant women (as a proxy for the general population) or among population groups
with high-risk behaviour, depending on the level of the epidemic. This surveillance is
useful for monitoring the trends in HIV prevalence and can identify, at an early stage,
areas where routine HIV counselling and testing of individuals with tuberculosis
should be undertaken.

HIV tests other than on serum or blood – principally on gingival secretions – are
available and being further developed (for example for sputum testing). WHO
recommends that further work be done to improve the sensitivity, specificity and
therefore the positive predictive value of HIV test on sputum. Until such further work
is reported HIV testing using sputum is only advisable if the HIV prevalence among
TB patients is anticipated to be at least 10%.

It is intended to pilot these guidelines in several sites around the world in 2004. This
will permit evaluation of their feasibility and answer questions regarding sputum-
based HIV testing under different conditions.

1. Introduction
1.1 Background
The HIV epidemic has increased the global tuberculosis burden and focused
attention on the need to strengthen links between TB and HIV/AIDS programmes
in order to tackle these public health emergencies more effectively. In response to
this situation, the World Health Organization has developed an expanded strategy
aimed at reducing the burden of HIV-related tuberculosis through close
collaboration between the TB and HIV/AIDS programmes (1). This multifaceted
strategy comprises interventions targeted against TB, including intensified case-
finding and preventive treatment, as well as interventions against HIV, including
counselling, provision of condoms and antiretroviral therapy (ART).

As the HIV/AIDS and TB epidemics have progressed, surveillance has become

widely recognized as a critical activity in understanding the trends of the
epidemics and in enabling sound strategies to be developed for responding to them
(2). Surveillance of HIV among TB patients is increasingly seen as important, as
the HIV epidemic has continued to fuel the TB problem and as new solutions have
emerged to tackle this developing situation.

WHO first published guidance on surveillance of HIV among TB patients in 1994,

detailing a specific approach to determining HIV prevalence rates in this
population group (3). The 1994 edition of the guidelines were produced by a
group of experts from around the world and were based on experience from
surveillance systems that had worked well in countries of sub-Saharan Africa.
They outlined the methodology underlying an unlinked, anonymous,
seroprevalence survey of HIV infection among adult patients with newly
diagnosed TB.

Some countries have undertaken surveys based on the 1994 guidelines and
generally reported the guidance to be useful. However, the methods outlined in the
1994 document detailed a single specific approach to surveillance; while surveys
using that approach continue to have a specific role, many countries are now
undertaking surveillance using alternative methods. In particular, HIV prevalence
data on TB patients are increasingly available from health care delivery settings,
where HIV testing is being routinely promoted and offered.

The changing epidemiological situation, combined with the emergence of new

knowledge, technologies, treatments and strategies for tackling the TB/HIV
problem, highlights the need for updated and broader guidelines that reflect these

1.2 Rationale for surveillance

Surveillance is a “system for collecting information needed for advocating,
designing, planning and evaluating public health action” (4). The overall objective
of any communicable disease surveillance system is to collect, analyse and
disseminate accurate epidemiological data (5). Surveillance should contribute to a
better understanding of the magnitude of the problem and provide reliable, timely
and cost-efficient information for action.

Surveillance activities for HIV usually refer to the intentional collection of data –
through surveys, for example. However, it is increasingly recognized that
surveillance systems can also make use of data deriving from other activities. For
example, HIV data from prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT)
programmes are increasingly used for surveillance purposes, although they can be
liable to bias, if, for example, those most likely to be infected refuse to be tested.
Data from voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) services or blood banks may
also be useful in certain circumstances, although they are subject to even more
important biases, if, for example, VCT services are preferentially attended by
those at risk of HIV infection, or blood banks specifically exclude those at risk.

Surveillance systems for measuring HIV prevalence among TB patients have a

variety of specific objectives, which are likely to vary between countries
according to the different needs and demands existing in the countries (Box 1).

Box 1. Objectives of surveillance of HIV prevalence among tuberculosis

patients in different HIV prevalence settings1

All HIV prevalence settings

• To inform the targeting of resources and the planning of activities for people
with HIV and TB and for monitoring the effectiveness of these activities.
• To increase political, professional and civil society awareness of the situation.
• To assess the need for collaboration between HIV/AIDS and TB programmes
on formulation and implementation of a joint TB/HIV strategy.
• To provide information on the HIV/AIDS epidemic and its impact on TB
• To quantify the need for providing ART to TB patients.

Concentrated or generalized HIV epidemic state

• To assess the impact of the HIV epidemic on the TB situation.
• To monitor the effectiveness of joint strategies aimed at reducing the TB/HIV

Low-level HIV epidemic state

• To alert TB and HIV/AIDS programmes to a potential HIV problem so
appropriate changes can to be made to programmes, such as the institution
of more systematic surveillance methods or the development of joint

Classified according to the WHO definitions (low level – HIV prevalence has not consistently
exceeded 5% in any defined subpopulation; concentrated – HIV prevalence consistently >5% in
at least one defined subpopulation, and <1% in pregnant women in urban areas; generalized: –
HIV prevalence consistently >1% among pregnant women) outlined in Guidelines for second
generation HIV surveillance. Geneva, World Health Organization and Joint United Nations
Programme on HIV/AIDS, 2000 ( WHO/CDS/CSR/EDC/2000.5 & UNAIDS/00.03E).

1.3 Challenges to surveillance
The main challenges to any type of surveillance may be categorized as ethical,
organizational and/or financial.

¾ Ethical
A major challenge to any HIV surveillance system is the ethical issues related to
HIV testing, which have been widely debated in the published literature and are
complex. The main ethical problem with regard to surveillance of HIV among TB
patients concerns the use of unlinked anonymous or “blinded” methods, especially
in the context of increased access to ART. Unlinked anonymous testing refers to
the taking of blood or other specimens for other purposes, stripping the left-over
part of the specimen of all identifying markers and testing it for HIV infection
without the consent of the individual concerned (6). These methods are used in
periodic (special) and sentinel surveys to help control for the participation bias
that may result when people refuse to have their blood tested.

Testing without informed consent, for the purpose of surveillance, has generally
been considered ethical if it is not only anonymous but also unlinked, so that all
identifiers are removed from specimens, making it impossible to link test results
to a particular individual. However, blinded HIV prevalence surveys have always
provoked considerable controversy (7), particularly in economically developed
nations including the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the USA (8).

The high rates of HIV infection among TB patients in many countries and the
improving prospects for care of HIV-infected individuals have led some to
challenge the ethical validity of unlinked anonymous methods. A further problem
concerning the use of these methods in TB patients relates to the collection of
samples. In HIV surveillance, unlinked anonymous methods usually rely on blood
samples collected for other purposes, e.g. syphilis testing among pregnant women
(4;9). A problem with blinded seroprevalence surveys among TB patients is that
blood is often not routinely sampled and has to be specially collected for the
purpose of the survey. This has led to debate about whether these methods should
be used in such settings (8), and has prompted consideration of the possible
alternative of testing sputum samples.

The main ethical proviso relevant to HIV surveillance among TB patients is that,
whenever blood is drawn exclusively for the purposes of unlinked anonymous
surveillance, the fully informed consent of each individual subject should be
obtained, even though the number of refusals may compromise the initial rationale
of such methods – the elimination of participation bias. In addition, all subjects
included in unlinked anonymous seroprevalence surveys should have access to
voluntary counselling and testing for HIV infection.

Individual countries should weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of using

unlinked anonymous testing in the light of any local issues and the available
ethical guidance from the WHO that is currently under revision.

¾ Organizational and/or financial

Current communicable disease surveillance systems vary markedly between
countries, and systems that work well in some countries may fail to meet the
needs and demands of others. An understanding of a country’s specific needs and
demands is important, and surveillance systems should be tailored accordingly.

There is often a general lack of understanding among senior health policy-makers

of the importance of surveillance as a planning and evaluation tool, which results
in low priority for surveillance activities and insufficient investment in the
infrastructure necessary for an effective surveillance system (4). A specific
problem of surveillance for monitoring HIV prevalence among TB patients is that,
as an activity which bridges the HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis programmes, it may
suffer from falling between the two programmes, with neither programme fully
aware of its importance or willing to fund or accept responsibility for this

A considerable challenge to the establishment and maintenance of communicable

disease surveillance systems in many countries is the lack of skilled epidemiology
personnel. Staff working in the field often have insufficient training and may be ill
informed of the purpose of surveillance activities. Feedback to staff involved in
surveillance activities is often inadequate, which may lead to their becoming de-
motivated and to the system functioning poorly.

A problem with many of the current HIV surveillance systems among TB patients
is that they reflect more the access of patients to health care services than the true
occurrence of HIV within the overall tuberculosis population. The bias introduced
through differential access and through patients’ reluctance to be tested for HIV,
may be a particular problem for surveillance systems that rely on data from HIV
routinely testing services. Problems also often exist around collecting data from
the private sector, with data from private services often omitted from surveillance
systems leading to under-representation of all those who use these services (10).

2. Methods for HIV surveillance among tuberculosis


This section describes the main methods that should be used in the surveillance of
HIV among tuberculosis patients and provides recommendations for the
appropriate method mix for individual countries according to their HIV epidemic

2.1 An overview of different surveillance methods

The three main surveillance methods for measuring the prevalence of HIV
infection among TB patients are summarized in Box 2.

Box 2. Different surveillance methods for measuring the prevalence of HIV infection among tuberculosis patients

Surveillance Periodic (special) surveys Sentinel methods Data from routine care
Description Cross-sectional HIV seroprevalence surveys Includes TB patients as a sentinel group as part Data collected from routine care of TB patients
among a sample of TB patients within a country. of the general HIV sentinel surveillance system. who are tested for HIV on voluntary and
Surveys should include all newly registered TB A predetermined number of TB patients are confidential basis. With increasing levels of HIV
cases, but for ease countries may choose to routinely tested at selected sentinel sites; testing in the general population, countries should aim
focus on a sub-group of patients, such as adult is performed in a regular and consistent way. As to test all TB patients for HIV. Countries with a
cases with smear-positive disease. with surveys, all TB cases should be included, generalized HIV epidemic state should aim to
but for ease countries may chose to focus on a ensure that HIV testing is actively promoted and
sub-group of patients, such as adult cases with offered to all TB patients.
smear-positive disease.
Key objectives • This method should be used where the • This surveillance method aims to provide • The objective is to provide information that is
prevalence is previously unknown. It aims to more systematic information that will indicate of value for designing, implementing and
provide TB programmes with rough point point prevalence estimate of HIV among TB monitoring public health programmes for
prevalence estimates of HIV infection among patients as well as identifying trends. prevention and control of TB.
TB patients, as part of the initial assessment • This information is of value for designing,
of the situation. implementing and monitoring public health
• This information may alert TB programmes to programmes for prevention and control of TB.
a potential HIV problem and enable • These regular prevalence estimates can also
programmes to make appropriate changes, be used to identify, at an early stage, areas
which may include the institution of more where HIV testing programmes directed to
systematic surveillance methods. the individual should be developed.
• This system may also be used in countries
with established surveillance systems based
on data from routine patient care, to
corroborate prevalence estimates.
• The system may also be used in resource-
limited countries with underdeveloped
surveillance systems where HIV prevalence
in the general population may be high but the
institution of more systematic methods of
surveillance is not possible.

Advantages • Simple. • Fairly simple and inexpensive method. • The testing and reporting of HIV among
• No major investment in infrastructure needed. • Good information on trends. tuberculosis patients are important in
• Established method. • Focuses on easily accessible patients. individual case management and provide the
• With representative sampling, may provide • Often part of a well established HIV sentinel opportunity for co-infected patients to benefit
reliable estimate of HIV among TB patients. system. from collaborative prevention and care
• Can be helpful in indicating possible sources programmes
of bias in surveillance based on sentinel • Public health advantages from the HIV
methods or data from routine care of patients. prevention activities that can be associated
with large-scale HIV counselling and testing
• The system that offers greatest benefit to
• Provides tangible evidence of the presence of
the HIV epidemic and may, depending on the
completeness of the reporting, provide a
basis for estimating the burden of HIV-related
disease and the demand for health care
• If testing widely available and uptake is high,
data may provide reliable HIV prevalence
estimates among TB patients
Disadvantages • Provides poor information on trends if • Representativeness of sentinel sites may be • Necessary infrastructure for the surveillance
undertaken infrequently. insufficient. system may be complex and time-consuming
• May be expensive and time-consuming • Lack of a consistent sampling frame may and expensive to maintain.
• Problems with the inclusion of smear- lead to biased estimates of trends. • May provide biased estimate if HIV testing
negative TB patients who may have • Problems with the inclusion of smear- rate is low.
complicated diagnostic pathways. negative TB patients who may have • Completeness often affected by the quality of
• Problems in obtaining sample for testing if it complicated diagnostic pathways. the reporting itself, health-seeking behaviour
is not one that is routinely taken. • Ethical issues concerning unlinked and the availability of testing.
• Ethical issues concerning unlinked anonymous methods. • May reflect more the access to health care
anonymous methods. • Problems concerning who has responsibility services than the true occurrence of HIV
• Sample sizes may be too small for detailed for the system. among TB patients.
analyses. • Has been found to provide inconsistent • Has been found to provide inconsistent
• Representativeness of sample often results in countries with poor testing results in countries with poor testing
questionable; may be open to selection bias. procedures and inadequate quality control. procedures and inadequate quality control
• Has been found to provide inconsistent • Representativeness of sample often
results in countries with poor testing questionable; may be open to selection bias.
procedures and inadequate quality control.

¾ Periodic (special) surveys
Periodic (special) seroprevalence surveys have been the main surveillance method for
measuring HIV prevalence among TB patients for many countries around the world (11–17).
Well conducted, cross-sectional seroprevalence surveys can provide TB programmes with
sufficiently precise point prevalence estimates of the HIV prevalence among TB patients (18,
19). In settings where the prevalence was previously unknown, they are useful as part of the
initial assessment of the situation. These surveys are also useful in resource-poor countries with
underdeveloped surveillance systems, where HIV prevalence in the general population may be
high but the institution of more systematic methods of surveillance is not possible. Periodic
(special) surveys can also be used to corroborate from other surveillance methods.

Prevalence surveys are a well established surveillance method and can be undertaken relatively
simply compared with other methods of surveillance. They obviate any need for the major
investment in infrastructure that other surveillance methods may require. However, they can
still be time-consuming and expensive and, if they are not undertaken using appropriate
methods, the results may be subject to bias. Where possible, countries should aim to undertake
surveys using unlinked anonymous testing (UAT) and appropriate methods for sampling and
calculation of sample size.

In most countries, however, this may not be feasible because of the unavailability of left-over
blood samples that could be used for UAT. Where UAT cannot, for whatever reason, be
conducted without informed consent, it should be undertaken with informed consent (9).
Alternatively, the survey could be conducted using linked anonymous testing, in which case all
identifiers of the blood specimen of the TB patient consenting to an HIV test are removed and
replaced with a specimen code, which enables only the patient to get back the result of the HIV
test linked on presentation of this specimen code (2).

Since the samples should be composed principally of newly diagnosed TB cases, surveys
conducted over short time periods (2–3 months) – to avoid the same individuals being included
in the study population more than once – provide a “point prevalence” estimate. These surveys
provide local programmes with a useful snapshot and may be undertaken as part of an initial
assessment of the problem. In some circumstances, it may take longer to recruit large enough
samples to give statistically meaningful results; the estimate then obtained is a “period
prevalence”, measured over a stated time period (6).

Ideally, periodic (special) surveys should be repeated after an interval of 2–3 years. There is
little distinction between prevalence surveys, which use a consecutive sample of patients from
specific health care settings and are undertaken regularly and in consistent manner, and the
methods of sentinel surveillance outlined in the next section.

¾ Sentinel surveillance
For surveillance of HIV among TB patients, some countries use the sentinel surveillance
methods outlined in the WHO guidelines (20). However, very few reports of the results from
these methods have appeared in the published literature (19).

The sentinel surveillance system was developed specifically to collect information on HIV
prevalence, based on the measurement of HIV infection in pregnant women and other groups
from whom blood is usually drawn for purposes other than HIV testing (9, 10). The WHO
guidance describes sentinel surveillance as the system by which “specific sites and population

groups are selected; a predetermined number of persons are routinely tested, and testing is
performed in a regular and consistent way” (9, 18).

When conducted properly, sentinel surveillance should be fully integrated into the normal
activities of health care facilities and should aim to not disrupt day-to-day activities at these
sites (22). Indeed, the testing of TB patients for surveillance at “sentinel sites” should be
undertaken as part of the routine work at these sites and similar procedures should be followed
for each survey to ensure consistency (9, 20). Like special surveillance, sentinel surveillance is
based on unlinked anonymous methods, using blood specimens that have been collected for
other purposes and stripped of all identifying markers. In most countries, however, as for
periodic (special) surveys, this may not be feasible because of the unavailability of left-over
blood samples. In countries where UAT without informed consent cannot be conducted, it
should be undertaken with informed consent (9). Alternatively, the survey could be conducted
using linked anonymous testing, as described above for periodic surveys.

Sentinel sites are generally selected “because they provide access to populations that are of
particular interest” or because they are considered “representative of a larger population” (6).
One of the problems with sentinel surveillance methods, however, is determining how
representative these sentinel sites are. In interpreting the results from sentinel methods, it is
important to estimate first the extent to which the people tested are representative of the
sentinel population from which they are drawn and second the extent to which the sentinel
population is representative of the general TB population.

If sentinel sites are not selected through probability-based sampling methods, the results can be
confidently applied only to the selected populations and sites surveyed (22). However, when
data from many different sentinel populations and sites are considered together, they may
provide a reasonable overview of the situation in a particular country.

¾ Data from routine patient care

In some countries, particularly those where HIV prevalence in the general population is high,
HIV testing of TB patients for diagnostic purposes is becoming more routine. As treatment and
care options for HIV infection increase, diagnostic testing of TB patients for HIV in an “opt
out” fashion (i.e. routinely testing TB patients for HIV unless they decline to be tested) will be
done increasingly in such settings.

Data from the routine care of TB patients form the basis of information for surveillance in
several countries. Although systems for recording this information are often still crude,
progress towards more systematic approaches reduces the need for data from specific surveys
or sentinel methods. In Côte d’Ivoire, for example, the national tuberculosis programme (NTP)
has developed and implemented a free, voluntary and confidential HIV counselling and testing
programme for all newly diagnosed TB patients, which provides continuous sero-surveillance
data (23). Uptake of testing is good, with 92% of those counselled consenting to testing;
although coverage of the country remains incomplete, valuable epidemiological inferences
have been drawn from the data.

In a few countries, data on HIV status are collected on the TB register or on the TB notification
form. In the United States, for example, where there has been electronic reporting of individual
TB cases since 1993, the TB case report has been expanded to include additional information
on TB risk factors, including HIV status (24).

Cross matching, which is undertaken using a combination of identifiers such as date of birth
and sex, aims to enhance the completeness of the two systems, “leading to a more valid
appraisal of the overlap of the two interrelated epidemics” (25). Although problems have been
noted in terms of differences in the definition of an active TB case, these differences are not
considered to detract substantially from a good match. Some efforts have been made to cross-
match between systems manually, because of the relatively small databases involved, but
electronic matching using carefully selected parameters is used in most circumstances for
logistic reasons (25, 26).

Data from routine patient care may be collected by a variety of different methods. The main
features of these different methods and their strengths and weaknesses are outlined in Annex 3.
In general, the methods used to capture data from routine care will depend largely on the
existing TB and HIV/AIDS programmes in a country, as well as on available resources for
surveillance activities. However, data should be based on the routine reporting of all
individuals with TB who test positive for HIV and should include patients with TB tested for
HIV for diagnostic reasons as well as those who attend VCT services. One of the best systems
for capturing this information is through a computerized TB notification system that also
captures information on HIV status. The capture of data through other methods, such as the use
of VCT registers, may provide extremely biased estimates of HIV prevalence among TB
patients, because only a subset of all TB patients is likely to attend VCT , generally those who
are younger and less sick.

¾ Special studies
Data gathered from special studies can provide useful information to supplement general
surveillance data from other sources. Such studies usually focus on subgroups of the
population, which limits their generalizability. An example is the pathology study undertaken
in Zambia that focused on children who had died from acute respiratory infections (27). Post-
mortem investigations of these children looked for the presence of HIV and TB infections,
among others. Many similar studies have been undertaken in other African countries, including
Côte d’Ivoire (28).

A few studies have investigated the relationship between HIV infection and the outcomes of
TB treatment, such as the development of drug resistance (11, 29, 30). Some of these studies
have used cohort survey methods.

2.2 Surveillance methods in different HIV prevalence settings

The framework suggested in Boxes 1 and 2 and in Table 1 is intended to be flexible in relation
to identifying the system that may be suitable for a particular country. Countries should be
encouraged to develop systems that best fit their particular needs and demands and that build
upon any strengths within their HIV/AIDS and TB programmes and their communicable
disease surveillance systems. However, as detailed in the framework, the methods used to
provide estimates of the number of people with TB who are co-infected with HIV should vary
with the underlying HIV epidemic state, as well as with the type and quality of existing
surveillance systems.

Table 1. Flow table for selection of surveillance method

Criteria Recommended HIV surveillance methods

Generalized HIV epidemic state Data from routine HIV testing of TB patients
(HIV prevalence consistently >1%
among pregnant women).
Periodic (special) or sentinel surveys to calibrate the
data from routine HIV testing

Concentrated HIV epidemic state Data from routine HIV testing of TB patients
(HIV prevalence consistently >5% in at
least one defined sub-population, e.g.
IDUs, SWs, MSM; HIV prevalence Periodic (special) or sentinel surveys in the
<1% in pregnant women) administrative areas where HIV level unknown (routine data
not yet available). Such surveys can also calibrate the data
from routine HIV testing.

Low-level HIV epidemic state Periodic (special) or sentinel surveys

(HIV prevalence has not consistently
exceeded 5% in any defined sub-
population, e.g. IDUs, SWs, MSM)

¾ Surveillance in countries with a generalized HIV epidemic state

All countries with a generalized HIV epidemic state should aim to ensure that HIV testing is
actively promoted and offered to all TB patients. The data available from these initiatives can
form the basis of a reliable surveillance system that achieves high coverage (>80%) of testing
among TB patients.

The strength of data from such systems depends on the methods used to capture them as well as
on the uptake of testing by TB patients. If the uptake is poor and data from this system are
considered incomplete or unrepresentative, countries may wish to collect corroborative
surveillance information through the periodic (special) surveys (undertaken every 2–3 years) or
sentinel surveys.

In resource-limited countries, where the HIV and TB burden in the general population may be
high but the institution of more systematic surveillance methods is not possible, tailored
periodic (special) or sentinel surveys should be undertaken. The results, providing the estimates
of HIV prevalence among TB patients, should encourage the routine offer of HIV counselling
and testing for all TB patients. In such settings, small special surveys of new adult TB cases
should be undertaken using convenience methods of sampling (see section 3.4) and may, for
ease, focus on smear-positive pulmonary cases.

¾ Surveillance in countries with a concentrated HIV epidemic state

In countries with a concentrated HIV epidemic state, HIV testing and counselling of all TB
patients should form the basis for surveillance. If this is not yet in place, periodic (special)
surveys or sentinel surveys are suitable alternatives.

Sentinel surveillance methods are particularly useful for monitoring national trends, which is
important if the underlying HIV epidemic state is rapidly evolving: they can identify, at an
early stage, areas where HIV tests and TB screening programmes directed towards the
individual should be developed.

¾ Surveillance in countries with a low level HIV epidemic state

Both periodic (special) and sentinel surveys can be used in countries with a low-level epidemic
state. Special surveys have a specific role in all countries where the prevalence of HIV among
TB patients has not been previously estimated. Surveys based around the methodology outlined
in the 1994 WHO guidelines, using representative sampling methods and appropriate sample
sizes, can provide accurate estimates of the burden of HIV on the TB epidemic and are an
essential part of the initial assessment of the situation. This information may alert TB
programmes of a potential HIV problem and enable them to make appropriate changes, which
may include the institution of a more systematic surveillance system. Periodic (special) surveys
should be repeated at intervals of 2–3 years.

¾ Additional surveillance methods

Additional methods may also be considered useful in obtaining information on HIV prevalence
among TB patients. Firstly, many studies are undertaken using tuberculosis patients for
research and planning purposes, in which blood is often drawn. These studies provide an
opportunity for the samples to be also used for unlinked anonymous HIV testing (6). Ideally the
results of such testing should be correlated where possible with existing data or results from
sentinel sites or prevalence survey sites so that the data sets can be compared. Second, in
countries with well established vital registration systems, death certificates may provide further
information about deaths of patients who were co-infected, which can be used to supplement
data gathered by other surveillance methods. Finally, some countries may also consider
corroborating data obtained through standard methods with information collected from reviews
of hospitals', and laboratories' data and lists of persons receiving medications (4).

3. Methodological issues

3.1 Initial situation assessment

Before a surveillance protocol is formulated, a detailed situational analysis should be
undertaken. This may include the following questions:

• Analysis of current system for HIV and TB surveillance – is there a system for monitoring
the prevalence of HIV infection among TB patients and/or TB among HIV-positive people?
If so, what is the system?
• Are systems for linkage between HIV and TB reporting databases possible or available?
• What is the prevalence of HIV infection in the general population and/or among at-risk
population groups (IDUs, SWs, MSM, prisoners)?
• What is the prevalence of TB in the general population and/or among at-risk population
groups (e.g. IDUs, prisoners) and is the information reliable?
• What laboratory capacity is currently available for diagnosing TB and HIV infections?
• To what extent are services available for those seeking HIV testing and counselling?
• To what extent are services available for TB patients seeking HIV testing and counselling?
• To what extent is there appropriately trained staff to conduct the surveillance?

¾ Indicators to be used for surveillance and information needed for the indicators
The point or period prevalence of HIV infection among TB patients (see case definition, Box 3)
is the main indicator to be measured by the surveillance methods described.

What should be measured? The proportion of registered TB patients which is HIV-positive.

The people responsible for the surveillance system at country level should define the numerator
and denominator as well as the surveillance time-scale according to the method used (Box 2).

The proportion of TB diagnosed among HIV-positive people should be measured in countries

where the surveillance system is based on the capture of data obtained from routine HIV/AIDS
care (see Annex 3).

3.2 Case definitions

The case definition for TB patients who are co-infected with HIV should integrate the two
current standard reporting criteria for TB and HIV infections. The standard case definition for
HIV infection is given in the WHO recommended surveillance standards (31), and the
international case definitions for TB in the WHO Treatment of tuberculosis guidelines for
National programmes, 2003 (32), and summarised in Box.3.

Box 3. WHO recommended case definitions for tuberculosis and HIV infection.

HIV infection
• Clinical description: there is no clinical description; diagnosis is based on laboratory
• Confirmed case: a laboratory-confirmed case

Laboratory criteria:
1) For surveillance purposes – HIV-positive serology (enzyme-Linked
immunosorbent assay {ELISA}); confirmation by a second serological test (ELISA or
simple/rapid assay based on a different antigen preparation and/or a different test
principle) is necessary only in settings where estimated HIV prevalence is known to be
2) For diagnostic purposes – in low-level countries (HIV prevalence has not
consistently exceeded 5% in any defined population), a third test or confirmatory test
(Western Blot) may be necessary if the second ELISA is indeterminate.*

• A case of tuberculosis: a patient in whom tuberculosis has been bacteriologically
confirmed, or has been diagnosed by a clinician.
Note: Any person given treatment for tuberculosis should be recorded.
• A definite tuberculosis case: a patient with culture positive for the Mycobacterium
tuberculosis complex. (In countries where culture is not routinely available, a patient
with two sputum smears positive for an acid-fast bacillus is also considered to be a
“definite” case).

* Based on current WHO recommendations. Revised WHO recommendations will be available by end of 2004.

3.3 Population under surveillance
¾ Eligibility criteria
Ideally, all newly registered patients with TB according to the standard international case
definition (Box 3) should be considered for surveillance. However, if periodic (special) surveys
or sentinel methods are used and resources are limited, countries may choose to focus only on
adult patients with smear-positive pulmonary TB, as diagnosis in this group of patients is
generally easier and quicker to confirm and the patient pathway likely to be less complex.
Indeed, for these reasons, most of the published surveys have included only smear-positive
cases, and there is limited information on HIV infection rates among children with TB in the
published literature (33). Countries where resources are scarce and the HIV epidemic state is
either low or concentrated may also choose to include only patients between the ages of 15 and
59 years.

¾ Exclusion criteria
Where possible, relapse cases should be excluded from surveillance systems because of the risk
of surveying the same patient twice, unless they are identified as such and the results are
analysed separately (3). However, relapse cases may be included – and need not be identified
as such – if surveillance is based on survey methods and these surveys are undertaken over a
short period of time, ideally less than 2–3 months.

3.4 Sampling
As a statistical method to form a group of patients to be tested sampling should be used only
for periodic (special) or sentinel surveys. When HIV counselling and testing are routinely
offered to all TB patients, there is no need for a specific sampling method – the size of the
sample would be exhaustive.

¾ Sample size
The sample size necessary to provide a reasonably accurate estimate of prevalence should be
calculated before any survey is undertaken. The calculation should use standard techniques,
based on the expected prevalence and using appropriate levels of precision. Annex 5 outlines
the main steps that should be taken in calculating a sample size for surveys. The STATCALC
feature in the EpiInfo software also provides a user-friendly sample size calculator for
calculating specific sample sizes, which some may find easier to apply.

The minimum sample for any survey should generally exceed 150 patients. However, surveys
undertaken in resource-poor settings with high TB prevalence may limit sample size to 150
adult patients (expected prevalence of 10–20% with a 5% error margin). In such circumstances,
new TB cases should be selected on a consecutive basis, from a range of representative
institutions involved in the treatment of TB patients (rural and urban area), over the period of
time necessary to reach the sample size.

¾ Sampling procedure
Ideally, representative sampling methods should be used wherever a population sample is used
to estimate prevalence in the wider population. The following three main sampling methods are
used to select individuals for inclusion in the sample (22):

• Simple random sampling. Each TB patient in the population being sampled has an equal
probability of being selected. This method requires the use of random number tables, or
some other method of generating random numbers, to identify patients for inclusion in the
• Systematic sampling The initial patient who meets the eligibility criteria is randomly
selection, after which every “nth” (e.g. 5th) eligible patient is selected until the
predetermined sample size is reached.
• Consecutive sampling. Every patient who meets the eligibility criteria at a particular site is
selected until the required sample size is reached or until the survey period is over.

In practice, random or systematic sampling methods can be logistically complex and expensive,
and most surveys use consecutive sampling methods at a few selected sites. Where random
selection procedures are not feasible, and sampling methods of convenience are used, patients
should be tested under standardized conditions; if only a limited number of diagnostic centres
are used, care should be taken in extrapolating the results to the wider population.

More reliable prevalence estimates for a population may be obtained if “cluster” sampling
methods are used, with “clusters” of patients from different diagnostic centres in the country
being randomly selected; the “clusters”, rather than single persons, are used as sampling units
(3). This method, which is described in the 1994 guidelines, is simpler than random selection
methods for individual patients; it consists of testing all eligible patients on a consecutive basis
in each of the randomly selected clusters until the required cluster size is reached.

For sentinel surveillance, sentinel sites should be selected. once the sample size has been
calculated. Choice of these sites should take into consideration their geographical coverage, the
type of population (urban and rural) and the number of TB patients seen at each specific site.
Other criteria that should be taken into consideration include the willingness of the staff at each
site to participate and cooperate in surveillance, and access to a reliable laboratory capable of
performing HIV tests.

Experience from the field has indicated that, where sentinel surveillance or surveys are carried
out, it is often advantageous to concentrate resources on a few selected sites with the required
minimum managerial and technical capacity to produce reliable data (4). The eventual goal
should be to extend the number of sites to a broad geographical distribution, depending upon
the availability of staff and financial and logistic resources.

In surveys and sentinel surveillance, experience has also shown that it is more practical if staff
are instructed to begin and end surveillance activities on certain fixed dates (22). The duration
of the sampling will vary according to the clinic capacity and the number of patients seen in the
clinic who meet the eligibility criteria. Ideally, the sampling duration should be about 8 weeks,
and should not exceed 12 weeks. To allow sufficient time for data collation, analysis,
interpretation, and report writing and dissemination, surveys should not be repeated more than
once a year (22).

3.5 Specimen selection

¾ Advantages and disadvantages of different specimens
Many different types of specimen can be used in HIV biological surveillance – whole blood,
plasma, serum, oral fluids, sputum and urine. With the emergence of new HIV testing
technologies, a number of prevalence surveys have been undertaken in countries around the

world using new technologies such as the Oraquick testing kit, which provides on-the-spot
testing of saliva (34, 35). The choice of specimen for HIV testing depends on several factors,
including the overall validity of the tests for each specimen, available resources and the
logistics for surveillance activities within the country. It will also depend on underlying
contextual factors such as national policy as well as the HIV epidemic state (22).

The advantages and disadvantages of using the different types of specimen are clearly outlined
in guidelines on HIV testing technologies produced by WHO and the Joint United Nations
Programme on HIV/AIDS in 2001 (2). In addition, there are two further issues that are
particularly relevant to the issue of HIV testing for surveillance among TB patients. An
advantage of using sputum specimens is that sputum is routinely collected in most countries as
part of the preliminary diagnostic investigations for all TB patients. In some settings, this may
favour the testing of sputum specimens over blood samples, particularly if unlinked anonymous
methods are followed. However, where HIV testing is undertaken for diagnostic reasons (i.e.
the HIV test is linked to the patient), the current sensitivity and specificity of HIV tests favour
the use of blood testing over sputum testing (35). Even when unlinked methods are used, the
current sensitivity and specificity (93.5–97.1% and 99.7–100%, respectively) of sputum testing
methods are still not sufficiently high to avoid having a relatively low positive predictive value
(71.9%) in countries where the HIV prevalence levels are low (5%) (35).

Testing sputa is therefore worth doing only if HIV prevalence in TB patients is anticipated to
be 10% or more. However, where this is the case, HIV testing of sputum, by avoiding the need
for consent of patients, since the specimens are not taken exclusively for the purpose of HIV
testing, may offset the potential bias of HIV testing on serum where patients will need to be
asked for consent.

WHO recommends that further work be done to improve the sensitivity, specificity and
therefore the positive predictive value of HIV test on sputum. Such work should be reported in
sufficient detail to allow others to follow precisely the same procedures.

¾ HIV testing approaches

A detailed overview of HIV testing technologies and strategies has been recently published in
guidelines produced by WHO and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (2).
Countries undertaking HIV surveillance of TB patients, irrespective of which surveillance
methods are used, should ensure that these guidelines are strictly adhered to.

¾ Laboratory issues
Quality control measures for laboratories are a key consideration in relation to HIV testing. A
system of internal and external quality control of laboratory procedures should be established
in advance of any surveillance activity and should be based on the latest WHO guidelines for
HIV testing (2) .

Information on the collection of sputum samples from TB patients and the transport of these
samples is provided in the WHO guidelines for the surveillance of drug resistance in
tuberculosis (36).

3.6 Data management
¾ General
It is important that staff involved in data management are both motivated and carefully
instructed in the task of data collection, collation and analysis, and that they are provided with
the necessary facilities and materials for these activities (36). Experience has shown that the
quality of information obtained from surveillance systems is dependent on health workers’
understanding of the purpose and procedures of data collection and on the provision of regular
feedback (4).

Training workshops for staff should ideally be held before the start of any surveillance
activities. This training should always include a clear description of the rationale for the
surveillance. Follow-up visits should be made to each location involved in surveillance
activities to monitor progress and ensure that the appropriate procedures are being followed
and that the data obtained are accurate (11).

The general principles of data management and analysis outlined in the first edition of these
guidelines are still valid for surveillance systems based on periodic surveys and sentinel
methods (3).

¾ Data elements
Quality rather than quantity of data should be the main consideration in the design of a
prevalence study. To reduce the likelihood of errors and incomplete reporting, data
management – which in many countries relies on a few individuals – should focus on the use of
simple report forms that do not require multiple data transfers (4).

Countries that collect HIV data from routine care of TB patients should aim to develop
standardized reporting forms for the entry of data into the national surveillance system (see
Annex 1). Sentinel methods and periodic surveys should also aim to collect information in a
simple way; an example of a data collection form that may be used for both of these systems is
given in Annex 2.

¾ Confidentiality
Maintaining confidentiality in the transfer of information is essential. The security and
confidentiality policies and procedures in countries should be consistent with recognized
standards for the security of HIV/AIDS surveillance data (37). In general, standards concerning
the use of HIV/AIDS data are more stringent than those for TB data. These confidentiality
standarts emphasize the importance of minimizing storage and retention of unnecessary or
redundant paper or electronic reports. Names should be removed from surveillance records
when they no longer serve the public health purpose for which they were collected. Records
should be located in a secured area and electronic data should be protected by coded passwords
and computer encryption, especially during data transfer.

¾ Quality
Experience with surveillance has shown that the basic capacity to undertake surveillance can be
strengthened and sustained through systematic quality control of data collection procedures and
laboratory testing (4). This may be achieved in part through strengthening the capacity of

central managers and reference laboratories for regular supervision, quality control and

The importance of reliable and reproducible HIV testing over time is widely recognized as an
important component of any HIV surveillance activity (2). Continuous monitoring of the
laboratory system through internal and external quality assurance is essential. There are clear
guidelines for the quality assurance of HIV testing that should be adhered to, irrespective of
which surveillance methods are used (2).

Surveillance systems should also establish clear standards for the quality of data. Ideally, data
quality should be improved through the use of computerized systems that may use built-in error
checks and be able to generate reports to highlight missing data (38). In the absence of
computerized systems, data quality can be monitored through periodic examination of each of
the steps in the collection, collation and analysis process.

¾ Analysis and dissemination

Whatever surveillance system is in operation, it is important that countries develop a plan for
data analysis, covering frequency of data analysis and methods for information dissemination.
This should promote regularity and consistency (5). The frequency of data analysis will depend
on the type of surveillance activity undertaken. In the case of periodic surveys and sentinel
surveillance, data should be analysed, under the supervision of the survey coordinator, after
completion of the survey period. In the case of surveillance based on data from routine care,
data analysis should be undertaken at least yearly and on a more frequent basis, e.g. quarterly,
if resources allow.

The development of skills in data management and of simple packages for statistics and data
presentation should be supported. Surveillance data should ideally be entered into a computer
programme, such as EpiInfo, that is able to undertake basic data analysis. Simple methods of
data analysis should be used to determine the distribution of and associations between the key
variables (5). Data collected using sentinel surveillance methods should be analysed separately
for each sentinel site.

Dissemination of surveillance data to clinicians and to health centres and laboratories that have
reported the data can help to increase timely, valid and complete reporting (38). It is
increasingly recognized that feedback loops should be built into surveillance systems (31).
Feedback may be through a variety of different media and the following types of reports should
generally be considered when communicating surveillance data (31, 38):

– annual reports
– fact sheets
– Epi maps
– newsletters
– regular epidemiological bulletins, with tables and graphs showing trends and progress
towards targets
– press releases.

Figure 2. Schema for information flow for surveillance systemsa

Peripheral level

Intermediate level

Electronic media/ bulletins

Central level

Electronic media/ bulletins

Regional/international level

Adapted from reference 31.

Efforts should be made to ensure that the data generated are used at all levels (22). At a
national level, TB and HIV/AIDS programme managers should use the surveillance data to
guide, target, evaluate and demonstrate the need for programmes of TB/HIV care and

3.7 Programme responsibility

The NTP in each country should take responsibility for ensuring that surveillance of HIV
among TB patients is undertaken. However, the programme responsible for actually carrying
out the surveillance may vary between countries; in some circumstances the NAP and NTP
may take joint responsibility for conducting surveillance activities. Whichever programme
carries out the surveillance, interaction between the programmes, with respect to flow of
information, should be clarified at a national level.

3.8 Resource considerations

The budget for surveillance will vary by country and is largely dependent upon how the
surveillance activities fit into the existing infrastructure of the TB and HIV/AIDS programmes.
It is important that the resource implications of the proposed system are fully identified. Some
of the likely direct and indirect costs are outlined in Box 4.

Box 4. Direct and indirect costs of surveillance

• Specimen collection equipment
• Transport of specimens
• Specimen testing kits
• Laboratory staff time
• Staff travel costs
• Costs of data entry and analysis
• Dissemination of information (printing of reports, postage, presentations, etc.)

• Investment of staff time at all levels in activities ranging from specimen collection to
the overall coordination of surveillance activities

3.9 Evaluation
Surveillance systems based on routine patient care should be evaluated on a regular basis
within the framework of the WHO protocol for the evaluation of epidemiological surveillance
systems (39) (see Box 5).

Following the evaluation, a plan for strengthening surveillance should be developed, which
identifies priorities for action within the context of the national TB and HIV/AIDS

Box 5. Key points for evaluating surveillance systems (38, 39)

• The evaluation should begin with clarification of the overall aims and objectives of
the surveillance system.
• All surveillance activities should be identified and categorized in terms of the
system’s structure, process and outcome.
• The strengths and weaknesses of each component of the system should be
• Recommendations should be formulated for improving the performance of the
system, identifying components that need to be strengthened, gaps, and areas of
duplication and activities that can be dropped.

4. Implementation
A first step in ensuring successful implementation of surveillance activities and in improving these
activities is advocacy for political support and funding at a national level. Effective surveillance is
possible only if there is investment in the supporting infrastructure, in terms of human resources,
laboratory support and logistics (40). As a second step, it is important that a multidisciplinary

surveillance team is established, to agree on the objectives of the system and clarify the roles and
responsibilities of each of the team members.

Before setting up – or expanding – a surveillance system for monitoring HIV prevalence among
TB patients, a number of issues should be addressed in a strategic plan of action and developed
into a protocol (22). This plan should be developed and agreed by all members of the surveillance
team and should include a budget covering all personnel and equipment requirements for the
proposed activities.

One of the main consideration for this team, at an early stage, is a review of the need for
surveillance. An assessment of existing surveillance activities should also be undertaken and the
current epidemiological situation with respect to HIV and TB should be reviewed. This
background preparation is essential and should help teams to identify the surveillance systems that
are appropriate to their needs and the methods that should be used. Whichever type of surveillance
system is selected, adequate attention should be paid to training and supervision in all areas and to
quality assurance procedures for specimen processing and data collection and analysis.

A detailed step-by-step guide to setting up an HIV sentinel surveillance system has been developed
by the WHO Regional Office for Africa in collaboration with the University of California and the
United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (22). This guide may be easily adapted
for countries undertaking periodic (special) HIV surveys among TB patients, and some of the
general issues it identifies are relevant to any HIV surveillance system.

Annex 1
Minimum data requirements from tuberculosis clinic settings where
patients are routinely tested for HIV (5).

Minimum data required for annual reporting from tuberculosis clinic settings to
national level are:

Clinic setting:

District/region in which clinic based: …………………………………..

Patient loads:

• Total number of TB patients per year…………………………….

• Total number of TB patients tested for HIV per year...………….

Age: Number of TB cases in the following age groups:

[0–4] [5–14] [15–24] [25–34] [35–44] [45+]

Sex: Number of females: Number of males:

Clinical presentation:

Number of pulmonary cases:

Number of extrapulmonary cases:

HIV test result:

Adult male (≥15) Adult female (≥15) Child (0-14) male Child (0-14) female
n N % n N % n N % n N %

Adapted from Third generation HIV/AIDS surveillance guidelines, WHO Caribbean, 2002.

Annex 2
Sample data collection form for use in HIV prevalence surveys or
sentinel surveillance among tuberculosis patients (3).

Demographic data form*

Study site:

Date of patient visit: ____ / ____ / ______ (dd/mm/yyyy)

Patient ID number:

Age: __________ (years)

Sex: Male [ ] Female [ ]

presentation: Pulmonary [ ] Extrapulmonary [ ]

If pulmonary: Sputum smear-positive [ ] Sputum smear-negative [ ]

(If relapse cases are included)

New [ ] Relapse [ ]
Laboratory form*

Patient ID number:

Results test 1: Positive [ ] Negative [ ] Doubtful [ ] Not done [ ]

Results test 2: Positive [ ] Negative [ ] Doubtful [ ] Not done [ ]

(if undertaken)

Adapted from World Health Organization. Guidelines for HIV surveillance among
tuberculosis patients. World Health Organization; 1994. WHO document WHO/TB/94.180.
*There are two main options for collating demographic and laboratory data (22). One option is to record demographic
details and laboratory details on separate forms, enter data from these forms onto a computer, match centrally using the
unique identifying number and merge into a single record. The other option is to record the data on the same form. The
latter method is not ideal if unlinked anonymous methods are used, as an individual’s identity number and the
associated test results can be more easily disclosed.

Annex 3
Options for the capture of data obtained from routine care on HIV prevalence among tuberculosis patients
Option Description Advantages Disadvantages
1. TB register The TB register is a well established system • Well established system that works well in • Confidentiality issues if HIV status is entered into a
that works well in most countries as an most countries. register that includes the patient’s name.
integral part of DOTS. The register could be • Simple system. • May be hard to change a system that is already
altered to incorporate extra fields recording established.
whether or not an HIV test had been done, • Replacement of registers could prove costly and may
and the results of any test undertaken. take time.

2. TB notification System similar to the register: detailed • Detailed information collected, which could • Confidentiality issues if HIV status is entered into a
form information on each patient is collected and be used for variety purposes. system that includes the patient’s name
collated at national level through a formal, • Data could be corroborated with HIV • If the notification is paper-based, the validity of the
mandatory notification system. Notification surveillance systems through cross- system depends on a patient having the test result at
form could be modified to include matching of key variables. the time of the notification.
information on HIV status. System • Development of a computerized system, which would
computerized where possible to enable enable data to be linked, requires considerable
cross-matching of data and revision of investment.
information. Computerization may take
place at level of data input or nationally at
level of data collation and analysis.

3. Specific New register set up in the TB clinic setting • May provide reliable prevalence estimates if • Identifying the denominator may be difficult as
register for for all patients diagnosed with HIV. most patients with TB are tested for HIV. patients with TB who are not tested for HIV, for
TB patients • Easily identifiable cohort of patients who whatever reason, are not included in the system.
diagnosed with can be correctly identified for ART and • Duplication of registers, which may result in defective
HIV treatments against opportunistic infections. completion by hard-pressed staff.

4. Co-trimoxazole Paper-based co-trimoxazole register set up • If most TB patients are referred for testing, • TB patients who are not tested will not be captured by
register alongside TB register in TB clinic setting for the system may provide reliable estimates system.
all TB patients diagnosed with HIV. Primary of HIV prevalence in these patients. • Problems of register “fatigue” and increased workload.
purpose of register is to keep record of TB • Simple system that requires minimal • Requires close collaboration between VCT staff and
patients eligible for co-trimoxazole. infrastructure. TB clinic staff.

5. IPT register IPT register set up alongside VCT register • System may work well if most patients who • Will not capture data on TB patients who do not
for the main purpose of identifying patients attend for VCT are screened for TB. attend for VCT.
who screen negative for TB and who are • Simple system. • Requires close collaboration between VCT and TB
eligible for IPT. Register may contain details • Low costs. clinic staff.
of all those who are screened for TB. • Problems of obtaining unbiased sample if not all
patients who test positive for HIV accept offer of
• TB status may be determined some time after the
patient is tested for HIV, which may cause difficulties
in capturing data.
• Problems of register “fatigue” and increased workload.

6. VCT register VCT register for everyone who turns up for • In most countries this is an emerging • TB status may be determined some time after the
HIV testing through VCT settings. system that offers the opportunity of setting patient is tested for HIV, which may cause difficulties
Information on TB status routinely collected. up a system for identifying HIV infected in capturing data.
clients with TB. • Fails to capture patients who are tested for HIV
• Simple system. outside the VCT system.
• Low costs. • Problem of obtaining data from private VCT centres.
• Relies on the commitment of a system that is set up
primarily for benefit of HIV/AIDS programme.
• Requires close collaboration between VCT and TB
clinic staff.

7. Separate VCT Separate register set up alongside standard • System may work well when all TB patients • Problems of register “fatigue” and increased workload.
register for VCT register for known TB patients. are referred for VCT. • Problem of capturing data on people who are TB-free
patients with • Simple system. when they test positive for HIV through VCT but who
TB • Low costs. subsequently develop TB.
• Fails to capture patients who are tested for HIV
outside the VCT system.
• Requires close collaboration between VCT staff and
TB clinic staff.

8. HIV/AIDS case Notification form: detailed information on • Captures all HIV-positive individuals, • TB status may be determined some time after the
notification each patient is collected and collated on a including those outside the VCT system. patient is tested for HIV, which may prove difficult to
form national level through a formal and capture.
mandatory system of notification. • Additional workload for those maintaining register who
Notification form could be modified to may fail to see benefit of capturing the data.
include information on whether a patient • Relies on the commitment of a system that is set up
has TB. Computerization of system would primarily for benefit of HIV/AIDS programme.
enable cross-matching of data and revision
of information.

9. Cross- Where a computerized surveillance system • Avoids need to set up new system. • Complex.
matching of for HIV and TB patients exists, linkage of • Can be done relatively quickly and simply if • Requires sophisticated computer database packages.
HIV and TB data through key variables can identify appropriate resources are available. • Data analysts may have to be trained.
notification patients who are co-infected. • Data from two systems may require considerable
systems “cleaning” before the matching process.
• Unreliable data in two systems may result in problems
when matching.

Annex 4
1994 WHO guidelines for HIV surveillance among tuberculosis
Corporate authors: WHO Tuberculosis Programme.
International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

Publication: Geneva, World Health Organization, 1994

Electronic access: http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/1994/WHO_TB_94.180.pdf

Annex 5
Sample size determination
Sample sizes required to detect a change (decrease or increase) in seroprevalence rates at a
specific clinic between two serosurvey periods are shown in the table below. For example, if
the baseline prevalence is 20%, a sample size of 197 is required to detect a 50% decrease in
seroprevalence (from 20% to 10%) between two time periods.

Sample size required for determining a significant change between two proportionsa
Baseline Sample size for specific percentage change
(%) 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
1 145 800 34 000 14 000 7 290 4 280 3 000 2 070 1 459 1 060
5 28 000 6 550 2 800 1 500 903 585 400 282 204
10 13 000 3 200 1 350 718 432 280 190 135 97
15 8 500 2 030 850 457 275 178 122 86 62
20 6 000 1 425 612 326 197 128 87 61 44
25 4 500 1 090 463 247 149 97 66 46 33

With a power of 80% (beta = 0.80) and a significance level of P<0.05.

Adapted from reference 9.

To calculate sample size for values not shown in the table, the following formula can be
N = PQ/ (E/Z)²
N = the minimum sample size required
P = the maximum expected prevalence rate or expected population proportion
Q = 100 – P
E = the margin of sampling error tolerated
(Note: In general a sampling error of greater than 5% is not acceptable)
Z = the centile of the standard normal distribution.

If the confidence level chosen is 95%, Z = 1.96; if another confidence level, e.g. 99%, Z = 2.58.

For example:
If a country is undertaking an HIV prevalence survey among TB patients where the expected HIV
prevalence rate among these patients (P) is 20%, Q will be 100 – 20 = 80; and if the margin of
error chosen is 5, the minimum sample size is 80 x 20/(5/1.96)² = 246.

If at the end of this survey, an HIV prevalence rate of 18.5% is observed, the real prevalence
among the TB patients is between 14% (18.5% – 5%) and 24% (18.5% + 5%) within a 95%
confidence interval.

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