Santri Speech Contest

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Kompetensi Pidato Bahasa Inggris Santri

Written by : Sayf Alie Mohammad

Institution : Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Syafi’iyah Sukorejo Situbondo East Java

Assalamualaikum, Wr, Wb.


In the name of Allah, The most Gracious, The most Merciful…

Honorable for All Happy Judges and All of Audiences

First of All before going on my Speech, let’s thanks to Allah who has give us mercy and blessing until
we can follow this special event.

Secondly, Peace and Salutation may always send to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us
from the Darkness to the Lightness.

In this Special Event, I would give my speech with the tittle is The Impact of Culture and Importance
of Character in these Era.

Dear All of Audiences,

The word “Culture” is a called a group of people with their commen Ethics, Customs, Values,
Faith, Beahviour, and Life Style. The Concept of Cultre is among the furthermost generally use concept
of Sosiology.

We will talk about Westren Culture, Western Culture has a fast tracking effect throughout the
world from the last few decades. Some research supposing that Western Culture may be equal to
modernization .

The Western Culture today is taking a toll on life style nof many teens. They are coppies from
Western Culture that are seemingly cool, such as, DressCode, Tking Drugs, Way of Walking,Foreign
Accent, and the Way we relate with elders, are Disastrous.

Dear My Brother Sister,

What Happened with our teenagers in Indonesia?, The Indonesian Teens, Unfortunately have
been consumed by the trend too. They don’t care about the Origin or Basis from this Uncultured
Behavior, but instead just embrace as to be seen and admired by the other teens.

Teenagers are consider Leaders of tomorrow and this is why it continuosly makes me wonder
how the next Generation will be when they are acting like this way. I Imagine, the Implication is that
the coming generation will be dominated by Smoking, Dringking, Drug Abuse, Indecent Dressing, and
Dear All of Muslim,

How was the teen in Prophet Muhammad Era? Prophet Muhammad success in teaching his
folck can be seen by Observing and Comparing the condition of Muslim before and after his presence.
As well as transformation of knowledge they underware after being thought by the Prophet.

The teen’s habit in Prophet Muhammad Era there are two Aspects, are Intrapersonal
Intelligence and also Behavioural Intelligence. Intrapersonal Intelligence includes Feeling and
Emotional Control and Self Motivation. The Behavioural Intelligence includes being Gntle, Forgiving,
Patient, Loving, Polite, and Respectfull.

This is the reason teenagers require through Training and Sensitation as to know what exactly
they are supposed to copy from the character of Rasulullah SAW, especially aspect that are going to
bring positive Chance to The County’s development.

Dear My Muslim Family,

The Islamic perspective of character education and focused moral teaching Tahdid and Akhlak
are essential components in teaching the true message of Islam, Lingking of Iman, Faith with amal and
Action. Belief and ritual worship without moral behavior and good character are worthless. When
Rasulullah was asked about rekigion, he answer that religion is Morality.

Acceptance of Islam and being muslim carries an obligation to be the best human, being one
can be by following the example of prophet Muhammad. The character of our beloved prophet
Muhammad was the greatest testimony for the truth oh his message. Our conscious effort to teach and
exemplify good moral behavior will help us emulate our beloved Prophet Muhammad.

Dear My Beloved Muslim,

As the Closing, The Basic things to develop would be Strenghtenning of being valued people as
in Ikhsna, being good creatures of Allah as in Iman, being able to do good deeds and moral action in
the Community as in Islam based of Rasulullah taught us.

That’s all my Speech, Thank you for your Attention, If you found any mistakes please forgive me.

Billahi taufik wal hidayat

Wassalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.

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