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Goals and Expected Nursing Interventions Rationale for Nursing Interventions Evaluations


Verbalize relief/control of Assessment: 1 - Variation of appearance and behavior of The goal is met,
1- Monitor and document characteristic of patients in pain may present a challenge in and the patient is
chest pain within
pain, noting verbal reports, nonverbal assessment. Most patients with an acute MI free from pain.
appropriate time frame for cues (moaning, crying, grimacing, appear ill, distracted, and focused on pain.
administered medications. restlessness, diaphoresis, clutching of Verbal history and deeper investigation of I reassessment the
chest) and BP or heart rate changes. precipitating factors should be postponed patient pain and it
Display reduced tension, 2- Obtain full description of pain from until pain is relieved. Respirations may be is 0/10.
relaxed manner, ease of patient including location, intensity increased as a result of pain and
(using scale of 0–10), duration, associated anxiety; release of stress- The heart rate is
movement. characteristics (dull, crushing, described induced catecholamines increases heart rate normal.
as “like an elephant in my chest”), and and BP.
Demonstrate use radiation. Assist patient to quantify pain 2- Pain is a subjective experience and must The patient is
of relaxation techniques. by comparing it to other experiences. be described by patient. Provides baseline free from the
for comparison to aid in determining chest pain.
Improvement in mood, Education: effectiveness of therapy, resolution and
coping. 3- Instruct patient to do relaxation progression of problem.
techniques: deep and slow breathing, 3- Helpful in decreasing perception and
distraction behaviors, visualization, response to pain. Provides a sense of
guided imagery. Assist as needed.! having some control over the situation,
increase in positive attitude.
Treatment: 4- Aspirin is a type of nonsteroidal anti-
4- Administer Aspirin 81 mg daily. inflammatory drug (NSAID). NSAIDs are
nonnarcotic pain relievers.

1-!Nursing Diagnosis: Acute pain related to Myocardial

infarction as evidenced by reports of chest pain with
radiation in bilateral arm
Goals and Expected Outcomes Nursing Interventions Rationale for Nursing Interventions Evaluations

Assessment: 1-Respiratory muscle weakness may The goal is

1-Monitor respiratory rate, depth, effort progress to paralysis leading to met, the
The patient will display normal and heart rate. respiratory arrest. Abnormalities in heart respiratory
2- Monitor level of consciousness and conduction and contractility are rate and heart
laboratory results within the neuromuscular function, noting associated with hypokalemia. rate in normal
normal limit and absence of movement, strength, and sensation. Tachycardia may develop as well as range.
muscle weakness, and cognitive 3- Observe for absence or changes in potentially life-threatening atrial and
impairment. bowel sounds. ventricular dysrhythmias–AV blocks, AV The patient is
dissociation, ventricular tachycardia and educated well,
Treatment: PVCs. and he is
4-Administer potassium orally (KCL 2- Tetany, paresthesia, apathy, eating high
oral 20ml daily) drowsiness, irritability, and coma may potassium
occur. diet.
Education: 3- Paralytic ileus commonly follows
5-Encourage high potassium diet such as gastric losses through vomiting, gastric The potassium
oranges, bananas, tomatoes, and dried suction, or protracted diarrhea. lab result is
fruits. 4-Treat or prevent low amounts of now in normal
potassium in the blood.
5-Potassium may be replaced, and level
maintained through the diet when the
client is allowed oral food and fluids.

2-!Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for Electrolyte Imbalance related to

Vomiting as evidenced by potassium level 3.2 mmol/l.
Goals and Expected Outcomes Nursing Interventions Rationale for Nursing Interventions Evaluations

Participate in activities that Assessment: 1-Comparison of pressures provides a The goal is

1-Monitor and record BP. Measure in more complete picture of vascular partially met,
reduce BP/cardiac workload.
both arms and thighs three times, 3–5 involvement or scope of problem. Severe the blood
min apart while patient is at rest, then hypertension is classified in the adult as a pressure range
Maintain BP within individually sitting, then standing for initial diastolic pressure elevation to 110 is 142/62
acceptable range. evaluation. Use correct cuff size and mmHg; progressive diastolic readings mmHg.
accurate technique. above 120 mmHg are considered first
Demonstrate stable cardiac 2-Observe skin color, moisture, accelerated, then malignant (very severe). The cardiac
rhythm and rate within patient’s temperature, and capillary refill time. Systolic hypertension also is an rhythm is
established risk factor for normal.
normal range.
Treatment: cerebrovascular disease and ischemic
3-Provide calm, restful surroundings, heart disease, when diastolic pressure is The patient is
Participate in activities that will minimize environmental activity and elevated. now free from
prevent stress (stress noise. Limit the number of visitors and 2-Presence of pallor; cool, moist skin; stress and he
management, balanced activities length of stay. and delayed capillary refill time may be is ready to
4-Provide comfort measures (back and due to peripheral vasoconstriction or discharge.
and rest plan).
neck massage, elevation of head). reflect cardiac decompensation and
decreased output.
Education: 3-Helps lessen sympathetic stimulation;
5-Instruct in relaxation techniques, promotes relaxation.
guided imagery, distractions and low 4-Decreases discomfort and may reduce
sodium diet intake. sympathetic stimulation.
5-Can reduce stressful stimuli, produce
calming effect, thereby reducing BP.

3- Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for injury related to hypertension as

evidence by blood pressure 177/89 mmHg.

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