Dargeths Sanctuary

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Dargeeth’ss Saanctu


A D&
&D 5e Dungeo
D on Moduule

n: A secr
ret cult performing
p g blood r
rituals an
nd a long
otten god,
, once th
hought dea
ad by all, , bides h
his time d
deep withiin
his temple
e. Will our
o heroes
s silence the cult tist’s pra
ayers to
eth? Or wi
ill they embrace the
t dark ggod and s
satiate hi
is appetitte
for blood and so ouls?

A 3-ho
our adve
enture for
f 1st level c

by RYA


DUNGEONS & DRAG GONS, D&D, Wizards off the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon amperrsand, Player’s Handboook, Monster Manual, Duungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers Leaggue, all other
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otocopy this docu nal use only.
ument for person Dargreth’s S
Sanctuary 1 

Dargeeth’s Sanctuaary
A D&D 5e Dungeon
D Module qua
arters, a kitchen, a
an overgrown
by Ryan Bl
lizzard mmoning room, and a storeroom
sum m. But
e main focus of this
the s wing is two
oms in par The Room of
rticular, T
y Sol
lidarity a oodied Sanctum,
and the Blo
Dargeth, the god of
o solidarity and whi be covered later on.
ich will b
blood sacr
rifice, has been hid
ding away T (and final) wing con
The North ( ntains
in a tower
r somewhere in the world.
w an antechamb rgeth’s main
ber and Dar
Cultists have
h recently become
e more amber.
active in the area and a dark
k gloom
ng over the surround
is creepin ding Ro
oom 1: The
e Altar
lands. In order to regain his
s lost
power, Dar
rgeth demands blood Thr
ree pedestal
ls dot the room with b
s and the unwavering
g sta
atues atop t
them of dar
rk figure.
obedience of his followers. In
I order Ske
eletons are scattered throughout the
to gain th
heir obedience, cult
tists roo
om and a rec
cently used
d sacrificia
have been kidnapping townsfol
lk. alt
tar stands r
raised from
m the rest o
of the
Dargeth th
hen removes their so
ouls and flo
oor. Carving
gs upon it read, “When
n thou
m to himself in the form of
binds them has
st embraced a clear mi
ind and thy blood
gemstones which he embeds in his has
s boiled, th
hou shall b
be worthy.” There
flesh. The
e townsfolk, in fear
r of are
e 5 doors in
n the room. The double
e doors
their now captive souls, then
n become of the entranc
ce the part
ty entered f
from, a
e to Dargeth and the
e doo
or to the ri
ight, a doo
or to the le
eft, a
cultists. doo
or on the ba
ack wall on
n the right side,
Our adven
nturers begin the du
ungeon by and
d a door on the left s
side of a ro
stumbling upon the dungeon wh
hile out jut
tting out fr
rom the bac
ck wall.
in the wil
lderness. (Boxed tex
xt should
be read al
loud to players.)
A successfu
ul religio
on check (117)
lls the players the dark figuure
You come upon
u a large
e tower mad
de out of
pears to b
be Dargeth,
, god of bblood
an unknown black stonee. There ar
re large sac
crifice an ity. He was
nd solidari
metal doubl
le doors, onne with etc
chings of smi
itten down
n by the go
oddess Avandra
a feminine figure stannding over a large ndreds of years ago when his
mass of dar
rkness on onne door. On
n the aco
olytes raz
zed a Halfl
ling village.
other door the femininne figure is
i being The
ere are 5 doors in t
the room.
pulled into
o the darkneess. You ar
ren’t U r inspection of the
Upon closer
entirely su
ure what thiis means bu
ut it eletons, the players
ske s see that the
sends a shi
iver down eaach of your
r spines. eye of them begin to
e sockets of three o
As you look
k up to the peak of thhe tower dri
ip blood a
and fill wi
ith shadowws. The
you begin to
t realize that
t this is
i the Ske
eletons th nd attack. If
hen rise an
source of the
t ess in the area and
gloomine the
e players don’t insp
pect the
assess that i causing this must
t whatever is ske be ambushed by
eletons, they will b
be inside. the the north wing.
em before entering t

g the Tem
Shaadow Infuse
ed Skeleton (3) C
CR 1/4
The Temp
ple is brok
ken up into three
wings with
h a central area. Th
he east XP  50 each 
wing is co
omprised of a trappe
ed Skeeleton (D&D 55E Monster M
Manual 272)
hallway, a trapped room, and a room AC 11 
tem possibly needed to
with an it HP 25 
complete a dungeon challenge.
The West wing is filled
f with various
rooms such
h as cultist sleepin

Not for resale. Permission

P grante
ed to print or pho
otocopy this docu nal use only.
ument for person Dargreth’s S
Sanctuary 2 

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