Kadek Liony Maya Paramahamsa - Tugas 2

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It doesn't feel like it's been a year of studying at Poltekbang Palembang. I learned many
things while studying there. one example is getting to know the lecturers who teach at the
Palembang Poltekbang, personally getting to know friends who are at the Palembang Poltekbang.
ranging from one major or different majors. in this semester of course I expect a lot of positive
things and also want to achieve something useful for me.
one of the achievements is that I want to produce works, these works are like works that
are useful for me, increase my skills, especially in this online lesson I have a lot of free time. the
second I want my GPA to go up, because last semester, my GPA dropped by 0.9. it makes me
sad but i have a lot to learn. the third I want balance. between education and organization. I hope
that in this semester, what I hope for and what I want to achieve can be achieved as I want. thank

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