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Test 1

Compare and contrast the 3 speech act (3-5 sentences each act)

1. Locutionary
2. Illocutionary
3. Perlocutionary

Locutionary act is a literal meaning of the sentence/ utterance. This act happens when the utterance of
the sound, word, or even a phrase as a natural unit of speech. And has also the meaning to both speaker
and the listener, while illocutionary act is the main focus of speech acts. Illocutionary act is performing
an intentional utterance. For example, I’ll see you later, we could find three different assumptions of its
meaning. Perlocutionary act talks about producing the effect of the meaningful, intentional utterance.
We create an utterance with the function intending it to have an effect. For example, “There’s a car!”, so
as a hearer, I should perform the action, which is to move over. Locution is semantic or literal
significance of the utterance, while the illocution is the intention of the speaker and perlocution it is
how it was received by the listener.
Test 2

Give one statement and identify its locution, illocution and perlocution.
Look out, there’s a car!

Locution- I perform the linguistic act of saying something meaningful

Illocution- I perform the illoctunary act of warning you

Perlocution- I perform the perlocutionary act of putting you on guard

Test 3
Statement: Her son was killed
Locution- The picture states that her son was killed
Illocution- The picture wants the audience to know that her son was killed
Perlocution- The Mother seeks for justice
A mother's love is unconditional and never-ending. It is always there to fill
our hearts when we need it the most. A mother's love lasts for all eternity.
It's a perfect connection that can never be undone. It's at this point in our
lives that we know we would give our lives for our children if we had to.
Based on the picture, we could see how sorrowful and tragic the happenings in the
picture are. What I observed is that the mother will always be at your side, even at
your traumatic scene in our lives. A mother will always seek justice for their
children; even if it will cost them their lives. A mother, will always be a mother
that will fight until she gets justice for her children. But we failed as a son/
daughter to our parents, as what I can see in the picture, it is why he died because
of drugs that we are not allowed to use it. Here in the Philippines, our President
Duterte has carried out a “war on drugs” that has led to the deaths. Duterte and
other senior officials have instigated and incited the killings in a campaign that
could amount to crimes against humanity. Human Rights Watch research has found that
police are falsifying evidence to justify the unlawful killings. Despite growing
calls for an investigation, Duterte has vowed to continue the campaign. Large-scale
extrajudicial violence as a crime solution was a marker of Duterte’s 22-year tenure
as mayor of Davao City and the cornerstone of his presidential campaign, Duterte told
a crowd of more than 300,000: “If I make it to the presidential palace I will do
just what I did as mayor. You drug pushers, holdup men, and do-nothings, you better
get out because I'll kill you.” That is why the son died, that is why some people
are against to our President and they also protest about this. Thousands protest
deadly drug war in the Philippines, Demonstrators have taken to the streets of Manila
to protest Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte‘s drug war, which has left thousands
of people dead, and to express their opposition to plans to change the Constitution.
Catholic groups held a predawn “walk for life” on Saturday against the drug
killings, as well as the proposed restoration of the death penalty. People
misunderstood what our president wants us to understand; he is just against of drugs
because it is not good for us that could lead us to harass someone because of taking
this.Drugs are substances that change a person's mental or physical state. They can
affect the way your brain works, how you feel and behave, your understanding and your
senses. This makes them unpredictable and dangerous, especially for young people. The
effects of drugs are different for each person and drug. Base on the picture it is
stating that because of taking drugs that is against the law the son was been killed.
But the mother will never abandon you, even if it’s a fault of yours, a mother will
always fight, but in this case we can do nothing, because in the first place it is in
us, we are wrong, but still we keep on using it.

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