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Caring Goals

You become aware of exactly what you want to achieve and how to go about achieving it by
setting clear goals. You can more precisely analyze and monitor your capacity to reach your
goals, and, most importantly, you have a strategy to guide you and keep you on track. When you
add dedication and drive to your goals, you'll discover that you're willing to work hard to make
your ambitions a reality, despite any obstacles in your way, even difficult times. Having goals
and sticking to them can help you stay focused on the items you've recognized as necessary to
reach your goals. We waste too much time on things that have nothing to do with what we truly
desire in life. We become distracted by focusing on what others are doing and doing, and seeking
to achieve similar results. If you ever want to arrive at the proper destination, you must have a
vision and a supporting strategy of what you want to accomplish in life. Becoming a nurse has
always been an aspiration of mine, I’ve always wanted a job that uses my caring nature and
becoming a nurse seems like the perfect fit. Any job can be rewarding but working in the
medical field where you can help save lives, make differences and be supportive at a person’s
time of need is at the top of my list when I think of a rewarding career. I am choosing this course
because I love learning new things and with a nursing career no day will be the same as the day
before, so you will constantly be learning new skills, plus there are many different areas of
nursing that you can go in to, so this will enable me to put my skills that I already have in to use
but also learn completely new things. This subject interests me because throughout my time in
school I was always interested in the science (health side) to things so I would always research
different areas, print bits out and put them all in a file. Still, to this day I continue to research
different illnesses, medications, and treatments and put them all into the same file. I am suitable
for this course because I am very determined, well driven, committed to learning new things and
willing to try anything if it means getting closer to my goal of becoming a nurse. Doing a health
and social care course gave me an insight of what a career in health would entail as I have been
on many placements where they have helped me adapt my practical and interpersonal skills that
are needed to be successful.

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