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1G A message

A Choose the correct prepositions to complete the message.

My name’s Charlotte and I’m 1 from / in Wales, but I live 2 at / in Nottingham now.
I like living here, but sometimes I miss Wales. I live 3 with / by my parents and
younger brother. I’ve got a sister too, but she’s 4 at / to university. We’ve got a pet
cat, Tigger. He’s very lazy and always sleeps 5 on / in my bedroom!

I don’t live near the school, so I come 6 to / for school 7 on / by train. I usually
chat 8 at / to my friends 9 by / on the train, but sometimes I listen 10 about / to
music or watch TV 11 on / with my phone. 12 At / In the weekend, I enjoy shopping
and skateboarding 13 for / with my friends. 14 At / On Sunday, I usually visit my
grandparents 15 for / by lunch.

B Read the message. Correct the six mistakes with prepositions.

Hiya! I’m Ethan and I’m 16. I’m Irish, but now I live in Nottingham with
my dad and step-mum. My dad works on a hospital and my step-mother
works in home. I’ve got a step-brother too, but he’s in France by six months.
That’s good, because I don’t get on very well with him!
I live quite far from the school, so I get up to 6 o’clock in the
morning. I hate getting up early! At my free time, I like playing
tennis and football and reading books about sport. I love going on
holiday too. We usually go skiing at Christmas and in summer we go
for Italy to visit my aunt and uncle.

C Complete the questions with the correct prepositions. Then work in pairs and discuss the questions.
1 Do you have a brother / sister university?
2 Who do you like going shopping ?
3 Do you do homework the weekend?
4 What do you watch films or read books ?
5 Is anyone in your family another country?
6 Do you get up 8 o’clock Sunday?
7 When do you chat your friends the phone?
8 Do you like going holiday summer or winter?

Solutions 2nd edition  Elementary © Oxford University Press • Photocopiable

1G A message

Aims  To review and extend prepositions

Time  15 minutes
Materials  1 handout for each student
• Give each student a handout and tell them to complete
task A. Check answers as a class.
Answer Key
1 from 2 in 3 with
4 at 5 in 6 to
7 by 8 to 9 on
10 to 11 on 12 At
13 with 14 On 15 for
• Tell students to complete task B. Check answers as a class.
Answer Key
in a hospital, at home, for six months, at 6 o’clock, In my free
time, go to Italy
• Divide the class into A/B pairs. Tell the As to reread the
message in task A and the Bs to reread the message in task B.
They should then tell each other some similarities and
differences between themselves and the person in the text,
e.g. ‘Charlotte is from Wales, but I’m from Brazil. I’ve got a pet cat
too, but his name’s Max.’ Get some feedback from the class,
ensuring correct usage of prepositions.
• Tell students to complete task C. Check answers as a class.
Answer Key
1 at 2 with 3 at
4 about 5 from or in 6 at / on
7 to / on 8 on / in / in
• Working in pairs, students ask and answer the questions from
task C. Encourage them to give as much detail as possible.
Get feedback from students on what their partner told them.

Solutions 2nd edition  Elementary © Oxford University Press

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