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MTS-337: Industrial Electronics DE-40 MTS A&B 13-Nov-2021

Assignment # 1
Question-1: Problem-2.3 + Simulation in PSPICE/LTSPICE

Question-2: Problem 2.18 + Simulation in PSPICE/LTSPICE

Question-3: Problem 2.28 + Simulation in PSPICE/LTSPICE

Question-4: Problem 3.2 + Simulation in PSPICE/LTSPICE

Question-5: Problem 3.8 + Simulation in PSPICE/LTSPICE

Question-6: Problem 3.22 + Simulation in PSPICE/LTSPICE

Notes: 1) Solution should be handwritten on both sides of plane A4 size pages 2) Question should be
solved in the given sequence. 3) Submission deadline is Monday 29th November on LMS. 4) Mention
page number on all the pages. 6) Marks will be deducted for not following these rules. 6) Zero marks
will be given if the solution is found copied/cheated/ plagiarised. 7) Attach the Simulation Schematic
and graph pictures at the end of PDF file and merge file with Handwritten solution.

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