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Assignment of CAUSE and EFFECT

NAME : Pramesti Hajar Budi Hapsari

NIM : 40011420650093


Combine cause and effect clauses below using given conjunctions. Modify the sentence structure when

1. (successful marketing campaign)(sales increase) (because)

Sales increased because successful marketing campaign
2. (production cost decrease)(commodity prices fall)(due to)
Production cost decreased due to commodity prices fell
3. (sale go down)(intense competition)(since)
Sales go down since intensed competition
4. (profit rises)(production cost go down)(if)
If profit rises, production cost go down
5. (export becomes more competitive)(weakening currency)(lead to)
Weakening currency lead to export becomes more competitive
6. (labour strike)(lower productivity)(because of)
Lower productivity because of a strike labour
7. (decline in unemployment)(wider job opportunity)(therefore)
Wider job opportunity therefore decline in unemployment
8. (rising unemployment)(rising crime)(consequently)
Rising unemployment consequently rising crime
9. (better salary)(higher level of education)(result in)
Higher level of education result in better salary
10. (price reduction)(increasing demand)(due to)
Price reducation due to a demand increase


Practice making conditional sentences which describe about you and your experience

Type 1 conditional

1. If the weather is nice, I will bring my Sister out for a walk.

2. If I go to supermarket, I will buy ice cream for my Brother.
3. If my Sister help me cleaning the house, I will treat her delicious foods.

Type 2 conditional

1. If the weather were nice, I would go on picnic.

2. If I visited my Grandmother house, she wouldn’t feel alone.
3. If I helped my Mother, She would feel thankfull.
Type 3 conditional

1. If I had followed my Mother’s advice, I would have not failed.

2. If I had known about that news, I would have told you .
3. If I had my college friend phone number, I would have invited her to my party.

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