Vision Mission Core Values

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La Salette of Roxas College Inc.

Magsaysay St. Vira (Pob), Roxas, Isabela

S.Y 2021-2022





La Salette of Roxas College is a MARY’S

La Salette of Roxas College envisions
Catholic Educational Institution that
a premier transformative Salettinian FIAT
provides quality education, Salettinian
academic community imparting
and Gospel values to the young to
fullness of being and reconciled with
attain “life in its fullness.” ZEAL
self, others, nature, and God.
(John 10:10)




To start off with, I am so proud of you. Life hasn’t been kind to you lately but it’s okay to feel as if you’re
not doing well as you are supposed to. If you need a moment to breath, lay on the bed and stare at the
ceiling, then go for it. Be stress free for a moment because stressing is simply a waste of time. But despite
everything, you’ve managed to keep on going and fight through hardship in your life.

Some people might look down on you and you’re often surrounded by toxic people who are disappointed
on you, but it’s not a big deal. Be proud of who you are and don’t be ashamed of how someone else sees
you. Don’t let others tear you down and never let anyone get in the way of your goal in life. Don't waste
your time on people who don't have a faith in you. You don't need that kind of person in your life.
Surround yourself only with people who will encourage and inspire you.

I would like others to see you as an independent and a strong woman who is confident and happy in life
no matter what challenges may come. You are a beautiful creation from God and you can conquer
anything with Him by your side.


Socrates: For Socrates, the soul is the person's true self. And i think he try to say the body is like a house
and that's not perfect and permanent and the soul are like people who living in that house.

Plato: Plato held that the true self of human beings is the reason or the intellect that constitutes their soul
and that is separable from their body. I think he realize if the body is have no soul the body is non sense
and he also think what are the cost of feelings, emotion, other body do with a soul and I think that's why
he add a three components of the soul that is The rational, The spirited, and The appetitive soul.

Augustine: Augustine's sense of self is his relation to God. Man or body is a part of the nature it grow
with the soul but he say the when the body is dead the soul is leaving the body, stay and go to like a
heaven with God. I think he wants to say that we have to fear God and live by His grace alone.

Aquinas: For Aquinas he believes man or "self" have a two parts body and soul but have a small
deference because he say body have a two parts The matter and form, matter is a common staff of
everything in our universe. And the Form is an essence of thing or material. I think he want to say the
soul is the only thing who can control the body.
La Salette of Roxas College Inc.
Magsaysay St. Vira (Pob), Roxas, Isabela
S.Y 2021-2022

Descartes: Descartes's concept of the self revolves around the idea of mind-body dualism. I think in a
short way he want to say body is non sense without mind

Hume: To Hume, the self is “that to which our several impressions and ideas are supposed to have a
reference. The way he describe the "self" I think he want to say self is like a feelings of human and it's
built by emotions, impressions and any feeling have a personby exploring our world.

Kant: According to him, we all have an inner and an outer self which together form our consciousness. I
understand what he try to say I think he want to say about "self" building our self in not about the past it's
about the future to how you manage your personality as a human for future and that how to make our

Ryle: Ryle believed that self comes from behavior. We're all just a bundle of behaviors caused by the
physical workings of the body. I think he is the one who say "be yourself".

Merleau Ponty: Merleau-Ponty believed that mind and body are one and according to him it can't be
separated from another one. The living body, his thoughts, emotions, and experiences are all one. In other
words, our “living body” is a natural synthesis of mind and biology, and any attempts to divide them into
separate entities are artificial and nonsensical

Sigmund Freud: Freud's view of the self was multitiered, divided among the conscious, preconscious,
and unconscious. In other words, your desires and social obligations should coincide.



People must follow certain rules and Culture helps me on how individuals
regulations in society. These see themselves and how I can relate
characteristics can be found in oneself, to others. Our lives are shaped by
these practices are tremendously important
They co- how we see ourselves, which is
for us to know how we should actexistent
interact with each other. Self can shaped by our cultural context. Self-
contribute to society, and society can perceptions affect how we think
contribute to self. Self can contribute about the world, our social
many things to society, such as what you relationships, our health and lifestyle
believe in and your ethnicity. Society can choices, community engagement,
help you by teaching you certain phrases, political actions, and, ultimately, our
beliefs, and so on.
own and others' well-being.


1. What social pressures help shape yourself? Would you have wanted it otherwise?

Academic Pressure and Expectations are the social pressures that help shape myself. As the only
child of my parents, my father has a big expectation for me to have a good academic. A was a kid back
then and I was often compared to my cousin. So I only think about getting the Rank 1 on our class just to
please my father and make him proud of me. I think I would still have wanted it as it strives me to do
great at school but sometimes it still pressures me because people around me expect so much from me.

2. What aspect of your self do you think may be changed or you would like to change?

I’ve been an introvert person who always prefers being at home and locking herself at her own
room. I’m also not that sociable and I’m shy around so many people. I want this to slowly change and
open myself up more. Spend a lot of time outside and try to socialize with other people. I also tend to
think negatively so I also wanted to change this kind of mindset into positive thinking.
La Salette of Roxas College Inc.
Magsaysay St. Vira (Pob), Roxas, Isabela
S.Y 2021-2022


Activity 1:

1. Black-and-white thinking - Juliana Brelnes Ph.D (2016, March 3)

Exclusively positive self-statements tend to be ineffective for the very people who need them most. The
researchers believe that untempered positive self-statements might evoke contradictory thoughts in people who have
negative self, whereas more balanced self-statements might be easier to accept. Balanced statements may also
convey that it is acceptable to be imperfect. Self-compassion helps us accept our imperfections while still striving to
be our best.

2. Seeking social approval or acceptance - Juliana Brelnes Ph.D (2016, March 3)

Because self-esteem is so closely linked to social acceptance, people may try to boost their self-esteem by
displaying themselves in a favorable light in order to gain social approval. Chronically seeking approval from others
can put you at risk for mental illnesses like depression and disordered eating. Instead of seeking social approval at
any cost, we should remind ourselves that no matter what we do or don’t do, someone is likely to disapprove; being
true to ourselves is more likely to lead to healthy self-esteem than pleasing others.

3. Inflated praise- Juliana Brelnes Ph.D (2016, March 3)

Exaggerated praise can be deceiving, and it can even harm performance. According to one set of studies,
participants who received inaccurate positive feedback on a test spent less time preparing for a subsequent test and
performed worse on it than those who received accurate feedback. Those who were given exaggerated praise were
also more likely to take the test in a distracting setting. Participants who were overly praised may simply have been
overconfident in their abilities, assuming that extra effort was unnecessary because success was so certain. Inflated
praise may not always be conducive to learning and self-improvement. Feedback that fosters a growth mindset,
rather than inflated praise, is more likely to inspire.


A 1. It is a trait characterized by overly high self-esteem and self-centeredness.

B 2. It entails self-evaluation.
B 3. It is comparing ourselves with those who are better than us.

A 4. It is a common type of comparing ourselves with others.

A 5. Other similar concept to self.



A 1. It is known as noble man

C 2. A cultural belief that self is seen as an illusion, born out of ignorance
B 3. They possess an attitude of being straightforward and forceful in communication.


Option 1:
La Salette of Roxas College Inc.
Magsaysay St. Vira (Pob), Roxas, Isabela
S.Y 2021-2022

I chose
Mandala to

represent myself which incorporates a floral motif design together with red, orange and yellow color on it.
This Flower of Life is a complicated geometric pattern that consists of numerous overlapping circles that
resemble flower petals.” This mandala represents that I embodies femininity and the blossoming of life.
Coloring this mandala slowly calms my mind and expresses my creativity to finish this process. I use red
to show that I’m a person who has strength to live through life, high energy and passion. Orange to
express my creative side, self-awareness to my surroundings, intuition & transformation who is like a
caterpillar turning into a beautiful butterfly. Lasltly, Yellow who slowly receiving a wisdom by
learning and I a woman who is blessed to be happy with laughter.


SELF according to
Filipino culture
TRADITIONS Festivals and

Filipinos are very religious
Filipinos have a variety of religions and beliefs, but we all worship our Almighty God. Crosses and other religious
artifacts can be seen in every area of a Filipino home. We also attend church every Sunday, sometimes even two or
three times a week. I also pray every night before bed time, every morning and before meal to gives thanks to our
God for the blessings that he provide for me and my family.
La Salette of Roxas College Inc.
Magsaysay St. Vira (Pob), Roxas, Isabela
S.Y 2021-2022

Filipinos take pride in their families

We care and loved our family that is why Family bonds are important to us Filipinos. Even the closest of friends are
sometimes considered family.

Filipinos value traditions and culture

Traditions in our home and in our family are important to us Filipinos. We generally set aside a certain day for a
celebration such as festivals, birthday celebrations, reunions, and so forth. Philippines are con sist of variety cultures
and we Filipinos respect this different cultures and beliefs.

Filipinos love to party

We Filipinos love to hold celebrations and fiestas. Every municipality has a patron saint, whose day is lavishly
honored in houses and streets. Residents have been looking forward to the event for months. A feast is being
planned and they are going from house to house taste delicacies. The church and plaza are decorated with lights and
bunting, and a parade with dancing and music is performed. Filipinos are dress up in vibrant costumes, wearing
masks and headdresses. Also the day won’t be complete if there’s no with fireworks and firecrackers display.

Filipinos are very respectful

A Filipino like me is respectful especially towards older people. My parents always taught me when I was a child to
say “po and opo” when addressing elders, which I manage to adopt until now. We also have a culture of
pagmamano, which is we raise the backs of the hands of our elders to their foreheads as a sign of respect.

Filipinos loves Food

Aside from breakfast, lunch, and dinner, we Filipinos also take a snack or also called “meryenda”. We Filipinos
loved buffet, especially on special occasion like fiesta, birthday, Christmas and New Year.

Filipinos loves Singing

As a kind of entertainment, we Filipinos spend time singing or belting out new and old songs with their family or
friends in karaoke. Every special occasion, karaoke will always be there. Our family loves to sing especially me that
is why I showcase my talent and always enjoy singing with my family and friend.

There are approximately more than 175 languages and dialects in the Phillipines but Tagalog is widely spoken and is
the most understood language in all of us Filipinos. I spoke 4 language and it was Tagalog, Ilokano, Taglish, and

Gelyka Dumaraos (2018, March 13)

Alison Jean Thomas

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