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Chapter 7

In reaching its evaluation, the Working There is sufficient evidence that Efficacy of conventional cytology has
Group distinguished evidence of two testing for human papillomavirus been demonstrated only for squa-
types. The strongest evidence derives infection as the primary screening mous-cell carcinoma.
from historical or prospective data on modality can reduce cervical cancer Screening in well organized pro-
efficacy, currently available only for incidence and mortality rates. grammes is more cost-effective, with
cervix cancer from observational There is limited evidence that less harm due to overscreening and
studies or time trends in populations. screening by visual inspection with overtreatment, than opportunistic
However, evidence based upon application of acetic acid can reduce screening.
surrogate markers of reduction in cervical cancer incidence and mortal- Data for analysing cost-effective-
cancer incidence was utilized when ity rates. ness must be gathered locally and
derived from a comparison with There is limited evidence that any conclusions drawn must be
comparable data following screening screening by visual inspection with appropriate to the context. Investing in
with a test shown to reduce cancer application of Lugol’s iodine can obtaining high rates of population
incidence by the first type of evidence. reduce cervical cancer incidence and coverage is critically important in
In the evaluations that follow, an mortality rates. achieving a cost-effective intervention.
evaluation based on the first type of There is sufficient evidence, based
evidence is expressed by the words Overall evaluation on surrogate markers, that the
"has reduced cervical cancer inci- There is sufficient evidence that efficacy of HPV testing, using a vali-
dence and mortality rates", and those screening for cervical cancer precur- dated system, as the primary screen-
based on the second type of evidence sors every 3–5 years between the ing modality can be expected to be at
by the words "can reduce cervical ages of 35 and 64 years by conven- least as good as that of conventional
cancer incidence and mortality rates". tional cytology in a high-quality pro- cytology.
gramme reduces the incidence of For visual inspection with applica-
There is sufficient evidence that invasive cervical cancer by 80% or tion of acetic acid (VIA) or with Lugol’s
screening by conventional cytology more among the women screened. In iodine (VILI), there is limited evidence
has reduced cervical cancer inci- women aged 25–34 years, screening of efficacy. Cross-sectional studies in
dence and mortality rates. at intervals of three years or less may low-resource settings have shown VIA
There is sufficient evidence that have smaller impact. There is no evi- and VILI to be similar to conventional
screening by liquid-based cytology dence that screening annually in cytology in detecting CIN 2–3. In view
can reduce cervical cancer incidence either age group results in much of the current uncertainties in the
and mortality rates. greater efficacy. Other forms of cytol- definition of test results, reproducibility
There is sufficient evidence that ogy screening using a validated and quality assurance, long-term
screening by automated cytology can system at the same ages and fre- results from randomized trials that are
reduce cervical cancer incidence and quency can be expected to be as in progress are essential for further
mortality rates. effective as conventional cytology. evaluation of visual inspection.


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