Effectiveness of Screening in Populations: Incidence and Mortality Trends in Relation To Screening

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Chapter 5

Effectiveness of screening in populations

This chapter deals with population Time trends by region
measures of effectiveness of cervical
Incidence and mortality Until quite recently, most studies
cancer screening. At the population trends in relation to focused on the overall cervical cancer
level, effectiveness is ultimately screening trends rather than looking separately at
assessed by the reduction in mortality adenocarcinoma and squamous-cell
due to cancer of the cervix. There are Time trends are of considerable inter- cancer. However, cytological screening
two reasons to expect mortality to est, in part for the light that may be identifies mainly the latter. Since most
decrease as a result of screening: shed on changes in exposure to etio- cervical cancers are squamous-cell
removal of incident cases through logical factors (especially between carcinomas, studies of overall cancer
detection and treatment of premalig- women of different generations) and in incidence and mortality largely reflect
nant lesions, and diagnosis of inva- part as a means of evaluating the suc- trends in this histological type.
sive lesions at earlier, more curable cess, or otherwise, of screening pro-
stages. Because screening for cervi- grammes. Because of their compre- Developed countries
cal cancer can detect precursor hensive coverage and availability, mor- Europe
lesions that can be treated to prevent tality data are often used in studies of Trends in cervical cancer incidence
progression to invasive disease, time trends; however, care is needed in and mortality have been intensively
reduction of cervical cancer incidence doing so, on account of the changing studied in the Nordic countries, where
can be used as a measure of effec- proportions of deaths assigned to it has also been possible to compare
tiveness as well. ‘Uterus, unspecified’ (NOS) (see the trends in the different countries in
Four methods have been used to Chapter 1), and possible changes in relation to the intensity of screening
assess the effectiveness of screening: treatment-induced survival, which may undertaken (Hakama, 1982; Hakulinen
individual-based studies using case– be quite large if long time series are et al., 1986, Läärä et al., 1987;
control or cohort designs (see Chapter studied (Pontén et al., 1995). Engeland et al., 1993; Sigurdsson,
4); ecological analyses (correlating A reduction over time in the inci- 1993, 1995; Hristova & Hakama, 1997;
screening activity with changes in mor- dence of invasive cervical cancer, Anttila & Läärä, 2000; Moller et al.,
tality or incidence rates across time, especially in those age groups where 2002). In these countries, national
place or age group); modelling of screening is mostly targeted, is incidence and mortality data are
screening policy and practice to another long-term indicator of available from before and after the
estimate effectiveness; and evaluation effectiveness. However, high-quality times that screening programmes were
of operational parameters of screen- population-based incidence data, as implemented. Towards the end of the
ing. The latter includes screening provided by population-based cancer 1960s, Finland, Sweden and Iceland
performance indicators such as partic- registries, are available in relatively few had nationwide, organized screening
ipation, quality and adequacy of follow- regions of the world (Parkin et al., programmes, and the same was true
up of positive test results. This chapter 2002) and fewer still have incidence for several Danish counties. Norway, in
is concerned with the last three of data covering extended periods of contrast, had organized screening only
these. time. in a single county covering about 5% of
the population. Throughout the Nordic
countries, opportunistic testing also
increased at the same time.

IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention Volume 10: Cervix Cancer Screening

From the late 1960s, a decrease increased until the mid-1970s, and the about 1935 were observed to be at
was seen in both the incidence of and decrease in mortality was considerably increasingly high risk (Hill & Adelstein,
mortality from cervical cancer in less (41% from the early 1960s to the 1967; Cook & Draper, 1984; Parkin et
Finland, Sweden, Iceland and Denmark early 1990s) than in the other Nordic al., 1985). Similar phenomena have
(Figure 54). The decrease, relative to countries. At that time, opportunistic been seen in Belgium (Vyslouzilova et
the levels before screening, was largest screening had become frequent also in al., 1997), Slovenia (Kirn et al., 1992),
in Finland, where the age-standardized Norway. A national organized pro- Slovakia (Vlasak et al., 1991), Spain
mortality rate decreased more than gramme of cervical cancer screening (Llorca et al., 1999) and in several
80% from 6.6 deaths per 100 000 in started in Norway in 1995 (Nygard et other countries of eastern Europe
early 1960s to 1.2 deaths per 100 000 al., 2002). The trend in incidence was (Beral et al., 1994).
in the early 1990s (decrease 82%) quite similar to the trend in mortality Since the early 1990s, the inci-
(rates adjusted for age to the world within each country up to the mid- dence rate has started to increase in
standard population). In the earlier 1990s in terms of percentage reduc- Finland among women below 55 years
period, women 30–55 years of age tion in the age-standardized rate. Also of age (Figure 56) (Anttila et al., 1999).
were invited with a five-year screening the incidence to mortality ratios were This trend is probably due to a
interval and it was only in the early quite stable. combination of changes in sexual
1990s that the maximum age for invita- In general, incidence and mortality lifestyles and increased transmission
tion was raised to 60 years in Finland. have also declined in the last 20–40 of papillomaviruses in younger
The decreases in the mortality rates years in many other European coun- generations of women, as well as
were 65% and 55%, respectively, in tries (Coleman et al., 1993; Beral et al., inadequacies in the screening
Sweden and Denmark, with partial 1994), but in some populations programme such as changes in labo-
coverage by organized programmes. A increases have been observed among ratory procedures during this time
reduction in cervical cancer incidence younger women (aged under 35 (Nieminen et al., 2002). Because
was also observed in the Danish coun- years), particularly during the 1970s the effect of increasing incidence has
ties with organized screening com- and 1980s (Figure 55). This was first been partly obscured by the protective
pared to those without (Lynge et al., noted in England and Wales, where effect of screening, in some countries,
1989). In Norway, the incidence generations of women born since there has been little or no increase in

Incidence Mortality
Incidence rate per 105 woman-years

Mortality rate per 105 woman-years

Figure 54 Incidence and mortality rates of cervical cancer in the Nordic countries, 1958–97 (mortality available up to
Whole female population, adjusted for age to the world standard population (Läärä et al., 1987; Engeland et al., 1993; Hristova &
Hakama 1997; Parkin et al., 1997; Moller et al., 2002; EUROCIM (European Network of Cancer Registries) database).

Effectiveness of screening in populations


Figure 55 Cervical cancer incidence Figure 56 Cervical cancer incidence Figure 57 Cervical cancer incidence
(---) and mortality ( ) trends in the (----) and mortality ( ) trends in (----) and mortality ( ) trends in
United Kingdom, all ages Finland, all ages Sweden, all ages

risk in young women (for example,

Sweden (Figure 57); Bergström et al.,
In the United Kingdom, cytological
screening was introduced in the
1960s, but an organized programme,
including a call/recall system and
quality assurance, was implemented
only from the 1988 onwards, leading to
increased coverage within the targeted
population. A sharp decrease in
cervical cancer incidence and mortality
rates since 1990 has been attributed to
this organized programme (Sasieni et
al., 1995, Gibson et al., 1997; Quinn et
al., 1999; Sasieni & Adams, 1999)
Figure 58 Age-standardized incidence of invasive cervical cancer, Englandl, (Figure 58). The average drop in the
1971–95 age-adjusted mortality rate was esti-
From Quinn et al. (1999) (reproduced with permission from the BMJ Publishing Group). mated as 1–2% per year during

IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention Volume 10: Cervix Cancer Screening

1960–88 and 7% since then (Sasieni tion-based centrally organized screen- tality rate and screening intensity in var-
et al., 1995). ing programme, and decreased to 6.4 ious parts of Canada for later time peri-
Coding of deaths as due to cancer in 1985 (a 78% decrease) (Boyes et al., ods. Although he found consistent neg-
of the uterus NOS has been common 1981; Anderson et al., 1988). The cor- ative correlations between screening
in many countries and this affects com- responding mortality rate decreased intensity and mortality rate at different
parability over time. In Belgium, an from 11.4 deaths per 100 000 woman- points in time, he did not find consistent
attempt has been made to estimate years in 1958 to 3.1 deaths in 1985 (a correlations with mortality reduction
the proportions of deaths ascribed to 72% decrease). The lifetime coverage during time periods after the 1960s.
cancer of the uterus NOS that should of cytological testing was estimated at Problems the author noted with this
be redistributed to cervix and other 85% from 1970 onwards. approach were possible changes in the
uterine cancer (Arbyn & Geys, 2002). Although screening for cervical underlying incidence of cervical cancer
The corrected age-standardized mor- cancer commenced in North America and the marginal effect expected with
tality rates decreased from 14 per towards the middle of the 20th century marginal increases in screening activity
100 000 in the 1950s to 4.5 in the (in British Columbia, Canada, in 1949), over time once a certain level of activity
1990s (68% decrease), while the certi- there was a concomitant decline in had been established.
fied rates decreased from 6.3 to 3 mortality from the disease that initially
(52% decrease). did not seem to be associated with Australia and New Zealand
In a number of eastern European screening (Kinlen & Doll, 1973). Although cervical cancer incidence
countries such as Bulgaria, Romania Therefore, studies were initiated in the rates in Australia (Figure 61, New
and the Russian Federation, where USA and Canada which attempted to South Wales) and New Zealand have
little or no screening has taken place, evaluate the association between the not greatly decreased (Coleman et al.,
cervical cancer mortality rates are extent of the decline in mortality from 1993), the mortality rates have been
rapidly rising (Figure 59), notably cancer of the cervix and the intensity of clearly declining in Australia for many
among recently born generations, as screening (Cramer, 1974; Miller et al., decades; in women aged under 35
seen for Bulgarian women. In more 1976). In both countries, a strong asso- years, decreases have been seen since
affluent eastern European countries ciation was found when regional the mid-1980s in incidence and from
such as the Czech Republic, Hungary declines were analysed in relation to around 1990 in mortality. Some increases
and Poland, there is some evidence of screening data from various sources. In in mortality rates during the 1970s were
very recent declines (Figure 59), and Canada, the cytology data were derived noted, notably in younger women
in terms of birth cohort, mortality may from a national survey and the mortality (Armstrong & Holman, 1981), and a
have peaked among women born data were rates among women aged more recent study observed continuing
between 1945 and 1960 and then 30–64 years, the ages at which mortal- period-specific declines in incidence and
decreased, as observed in Hungary. ity was expected to be most strongly mortality from 1972 to 1996, alongside
associated with screening (Miller et al., increasing rates in successive genera-
North America 1976). Mortality from cancer of all parts tions (Taylor et al., 2001). Increasing
Overall, cervical incidence and mortal- of the uterus was used, as the extent to cohort-specific risks in women born in the
ity in the USA have declined for many which deaths were attributed to cancer late 1930s in New Zealand were reported
decades in both black and white popu- of the uterus NOS varied across the (Cox & Skegg, 1986), but not confirmed
lations (Figure 60); this has been country and with time. The association later (Cox & Borman, 1994).
attributed to the effect of cytological between reduction in mortality and
screening programmes countering any screening was strong at the national Japan
increase due to changes in risk factors level for declines from 1960–62 to Although incidence and mortality from
(Devesa et al., 1989). Increases at 1970–72, and at the census district cervical cancer in Japan have been
younger ages have not been observed level, and it was demonstrated that the reported to be falling for many decades
in white or black women (Devesa et al., decline was not explained by census- (Figure 62) (Coleman et al., 1993),
1989; Wang et al., 2004). derived risk factors. In a further analy- there is evidence of some increase
In British Columbia, Canada, the sis, Miller et al. (1981) showed that the (particularly in mortality) during the
age-adjusted incidence rate of squa- decline was not explained by changes 1980s and 1990s in women aged
mous-cell cervical cancer was 28.4 in hysterectomy rates. under 35 years. In a study of cervical
cases per 100 000 woman-years in Subsequently, Miller (1986) re- cancer incidence in Miyagi Prefecture
1955, before the large-scale popula- examined the correlation between mor- during 1959–87, an age–period–

Effectiveness of screening in populations

Figure 59 Age-standardized mortality rates of cervical cancer in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland,
Romania and the Russian Federation, ages 0–85+

IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention Volume 10: Cervix Cancer Screening

Figure 60 Cervical cancer incidence Figure 61 Cervical cancer incidence Figure 62 Cervical cancer incidence
(-----,  black, white) and mortality (----) and mortality ( ) trends in (----) and mortality ( ) trends in
( ) trends in the USA, all ages Australia, New South Wales, all ages Japan, all ages

cohort model showed that risk had

decreased in recent periods and in
16 younger generations of women
(Minami et al., 1996).
Deaths per 100 000 women

12 Time trends in developing countries
10 There is limited information on time
trends in cervical cancer in developing
countries. In general terms, rates of inci-
6 dence and mortality have been relatively
stable or shown rather modest declines
(Sankaranarayanan et al., 2001). The
2 absence of the declines in incidence
and mortality that have been observed
in high-resource populations probably
reflects the lack of screening pro-
grammes, or, where they exist, the low
Figure 63 Annual cervical cancer mortality rates (per 100 000) in selected population coverage and poor quality of
Latin American countries, age-adjusted to the world population, 1960–95. Five- cytology (Lazcano-Ponce et al., 1998).
year moving averages

Effectiveness of screening in populations

Figure 64 Age-specific incidence rates of cervical cancer in successive time periods

a. Puerto Rico; b. Cali, Colombia

Latin America programme (Robles et al., 1996), the in 1974; although a slight decreasing
In contrast to most developed coun- effect of which can be seen in the pro- trend has been observed since the
tries, mortality due to cervical cancer in gressive decline in age-specific rates, 1990s, the risk remains among the
Latin America increased between 1975 especially in the middle of the age highest in the region. In Costa Rica,
and 1985 (Restrepo et al., 1993). A later range (30–69), where screening cytology testing has been available
analysis (Robles et al., 1996) showed should have the highest effect (Figure nationwide to women aged over 15
almost no significant downward change 64a). In Cali, Colombia, a decline in years since 1970, but mortality and
in mortality in Latin American countries the incidence of invasive carcinoma incidence have remained almost
between 1960 and 1993. was accompanied by an increase in unchanged (Herrero et al., 1992). In
Figure 63 shows trends in age- registrations of carcinoma in situ fol- Cuba likewise, the national screening
adjusted cervical cancer mortality in lowing the introduction of a screening programme was judged to have had no
eight Latin American countries programme in 1967 (Figure 64b) impact on either incidence or mortality
between 1960 and 1994. In Puerto (Aristizabal et al., 1984). In Chile, in the period 1980–94 (Fernandez
Rico, with rates similar to those of Costa Rica, Cuba and Mexico, very Garrote et al., 1996). In Chile, mortality
Mexico, Venezuela and Uruguay at the limited changes in mortality from cervi- rates increased steadily between 1960
beginning of the period, a persistent cal cancer appear to have followed the and 1975, and then began to
decline has been observed, that gave introduction of screening. Mortality decrease, although rather slowly. This
it, by the end of the 1990s, the lowest increased from 1965 onward in decline has been modest despite the
risk in the region. This decline parallels Mexico, where a national cervical can- operation of an organized screening
the introduction of a screening cer screening programme was initiated programme since the early 1970s

IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention Volume 10: Cervix Cancer Screening

gested some increase in rates for the

‘coloured’ population between 1949
and 1979, but little change in the black
population from 1964 to 1977
(Bradshaw & Harington, 1985). After
about 1980, the mortality in the
‘coloured’ population remained more
or less constant, while in the white
population, mortality declined from the
mid-1960s (Bailie et al., 1996). The dif-
ference was ascribed to the availability
of screening services, particularly for
older women.
In some registry series, recent inci-
dence rates appear to be higher than
earlier ones. In Kampala, Uganda, for
example, there has been a significant
increase since the 1960s (Wabinga et
al., 2000). On the other hand, there
seems to have been little change in the
recorded rate in Nigeria; it was 20.9 in
1960–69 and 19.9 in 1998–99 (Parkin
Year of incidence et al., 2003).

Figure 65 Cervical cancer incidence trends in Mumbai, India and Singapore Caveats in the evaluation of
(Source of data: Cancer Incidence in Five Continents) time trends in relation to inten-
sity of screening
Trends in cancer incidence and mortal-
(Taucher et al., 1996; Sankarana- per 100 000 between 1972–74 and ity are a complex phenomenon to study,
rayanan et al., 2001). However, the 1993–94 (Jin et al., 1999) and mortal- having substantial limitations and
proportion of cancer of the uterus NOS ity rates have fallen dramatically, espe- potential errors associated with them
has steadily decreased from almost cially in urban populations, although (Saxen, 1982; Muir et al., 1994). In addi-
50% at the beginning of the 1960s to the trend has reversed recently in tion, there are specific issues that con-
around 10% in the 1990s, and this younger women (Yang et al., 2003). cern the interpretation of time trends of
would have masked some of the The declines have been attributed to cervical cancer, including changes over
decline in mortality from cancer of the cytological screening, treatment pro- time in the proportions of deaths
cervix, as described above. grammes and improved female genital certified as uterus NOS and in the
hygiene, while the increased rates prevalence of hysterectomy (see
Asia among younger women may reflect Chapter 1).
Figure 65 shows trends in cervix can- changing economic circumstances The effect of screening is difficult to
cer incidence reported by the cancer and sexual habits leading to a greater separate from the effects of other
registries of Mumbai (India) and prevalence of infection with HPV and factors influencing rates of cancer
Singapore. Declines in incidence are other agents (Li et al., 2000). diagnosis or death. For example, cervi-
relatively modest (except for the Indian cal cancer mortality rates were declin-
population of Singapore, among which Africa ing in North America before wide-
the age-standardized rate declined There are very few data on time trends spread screening was introduced, and
from 29.8 per 100 000 in 1968–72 to from Africa. In Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, the rate of decline changed little over
8.2 in 1993–97). In contrast, dramatic the frequency of cervical cancer the period 1946–74 despite consider-
declines in cervix cancer in China have increased significantly during the ably increased screening activity
been reported. The age-adjusted inci- period 1963–77 (Parkin et al., 1994). (Gardner & Lyon, 1977). This has also
dence in Shanghai fell from 26.7 to 2.5 Mortality data from South Africa sug- been noted in other parts of the world

Effectiveness of screening in populations

(e.g., Miller, 1999; Arbyn & Geys, mental risk factors tend to affect partic- Figure 66 provides estimates of
2002). Some studies have found ular generations of individuals in the squamous-cell carcinoma trends from
underlying risk to be greater for recent- same way as they age together, and age–period–cohort models for women
born cohorts (e.g., in Belgium, Arbyn & are more likely to exert particular influ- aged 30–64 years. In Finland, the
Geys, 2002; England and Wales, ence on earlier stages of carcinogenesis. declines observed since screening was
Parkin et al., 1985). The increased inci- Cancer rates by time, on the other introduced in the 1960s have recently
dence in young Finnish women in the hand, may act as surrogate measures reversed, rates having steadily
1990s may also indicate changing risk, of events that quickly change inci- increased in cohorts of women born
although some inadequacies in screen- dence or mortality with the same order after 1945 (Figure 66a) and diagnosed
ing might also be responsible (Anttila et of magnitude in all age groups under in the 1990s These model-based esti-
al., 1999). Because screening has study. These effects may be the result mates are consistent with the observed
been in use for decades in many parts of planned interventions that act at overall time trends (Figure 56) (Anttila et
of the world, especially in developed later stages of carcinogenesis, such as al., 1999). Similar declines in period
countries, it is difficult, if not impossible, new therapies that improve survival in all trend and fluctuation in cohort parame-
to accurately estimate the risk of cervix age groups. More frequently, they are ters are seen in Sweden (Figure 66b),
cancer in its absence, in order to esti- due to influences that artificially raise or although notable changes in rates in
mate the true impact of screening (van lower the number of observed events younger generations are not clear in the
Ballegooijen et al., 2000). Further diffi- (e.g., changes in classification or observed trend (Figure 57) (Bergstrom
culties in interpreting trends result from improvements in diagnostic procedures). et al., 1999). In England, increasing
a lack of information on the extent and It is likely that any major effect of a rates are seen in generations born after
quality of screening, particularly when general screening policy will be more 1935 (Figure 66c). In the observed
a large proportion of tests are outside visible in the period than in the cohort trends, a deceleration in the rise has
organized programmes. parameters. Such an interpretation is taken place among very recent genera-
crude and obviously subject to uncer- tions (Vizcaino et al., 2000). The period
Age, period and cohort effects tainties; thus, a screening policy may parameters for England have reversed
for squamous-cell carcinoma focus on a narrow window of ages and since the late 1980s, a finding which is
Trend studies generally fail to distin- be of short duration, corresponding to a consistent with the overhaul of the
guish adenocarcinomas from squa- cohort. screening programme from 1988
mous-cell carcinomas, although their Age is a powerful determinant of (Walker et al., 1998; Quinn et al., 1999).
etiology may be rather different, and cancer risk, since it parallels the cumu- In Estonia, where little screening has
their susceptibility to detection by cyto- lative exposure to carcinogens over taken place (Aareleid et al., 1993), the
logical screening certainly is (Mitchell time and the accumulation of the period parameters have no trend, and
et al., 1995b, 2003). In an attempt to series of mutations necessary for the there have been clear cohort-driven
further evaluate the effectiveness of unregulated cell proliferation that leads rises in women born since the mid-
screening, the trends in incidence of to cancer (Peto et al., 1985). 1930s (Figure 66d). In the USA, there
the squamous-cell carcinoma by age In presenting the age, period and are clear and uniform cross-sectional
at diagnosis, period of diagnosis, and cohort effects for squamous-cell cervi- declines in period parameter, observed
birth cohort have been examined (Bray cal cancer incidence, the effect of age in the rates from the 1970s in both black
et al., 2004) using an age–period– was fixed a priori as a biological con- and white women (Figure 60). Rates
cohort model (Case, 1956; Holford, stant. Two characteristic age curves were relatively stable among succes-
1983; Clayton & Schifflers, 1987a,b). that related the time before screening sive generations of white women
An examination of cancer rates distorted the age–incidence pattern. (Figure 66e) and steadily decreasing
according to birth cohort may provide Here the Gustafsson et al. (1997a) cohort trends among black women
insight into the nature and intensity of proposal was applied and the final (Figure 66f).
disease-correlated exposures that may choice for each population took into In conclusion, the age–period–
vary across successive generations. account the credibility of the curves cohort modelling seems to confirm
Cohort effects may relate to birth itself, from a biological point of view and what is known on screening activities,
or may appear to be related to birth empirical evidence that the subse- effectively summarizing the data, as
only as a result of influences that are quent period and cohort effects were in well as shedding additional light on the
shared in the same group as they age reasonable agreement with the effects of etiological exposures.
together. Temporal changes in environ- observed trends.

IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention Volume 10: Cervix Cancer Screening


1 (a) Finland (b) Sweden







1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
Birth cohort/period 2000


(c) England (d) Estonia







1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Birth cohort/period Birth cohort/period

(e) USA, SEER white (f) USA, SEER black







1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Birth cohort/period Birth cohort/period

Figure 66 Estimates of squamous-cell carcinoma trends from age–period–cohort models for women aged 30–64 years.
Left-hand curve: cohort parameters. Right-hand curve: period parameters

Effectiveness of screening in populations

Use of modelling in the ment of precancerous lesions, and can intensity, improve effectiveness more
design and evaluation of allow for variation in risk, accessibility, than increasing numbers of tests.
compliance and feasibility. The early Van Ballegooijen et al. (2000) used
screening models of this type were used to exam- the more general MISCAN simulation
ine the relative effectiveness of differ- model to compare the impact of poli-
Statistical models have been devel- ent programmes and were relatively cies and characteristics of screening
oped to explore the effect of screening simple computer simulations (Knox, programmes across Europe on the
test, policy and programme character- 1976; Eddy 1980). More complex mod- modelled reduction in life-years lost
istics on the expected reductions in els use Monte Carlo simulation meth- due to cervical cancer. They did not
incidence and mortality (and derivative ods to provide greater flexibility and take into account possible regional
quantities such as years of life saved). more realistic simulation of disease variations in, for example, natural his-
These have led to improved under- natural history (van Oortmarssen et tory, underlying risk, prognosis or test
standing of the relative importance of al., 1981; Goldie, 2002). Gustafsson sensitivity. They estimated reductions
various screening parameters, which and Adami (1992) developed a differ- from 21% to almost 100% for different
in turn has made it possible to infer ential equation describing natural his- screening policies and coverage rates
what changes in screening pro- tory based on the use of computerized operative in European countries, under
grammes might be most effective. The identification techniques. the most conservative assumption
quality of the models has improved The main findings derived from about round-to-round participation in
over time as the underlying parame- these models were that, with increas- screening (Table 72). They also esti-
ters (natural history, test sensitivity, ing numbers of tests, the marginal mated the reductions in incidence and
etc.) have become better understood. gains become smaller with each addi- mortality for each country in the light of
The models have also become more tional test (or unit cost). With few tests, their screening policy and assuming
widely used, as the contribution of the the optimal age to start screening is complete coverage. This work is con-
sophisticated methodology has around the age of 35 years, and as tinuing.
become better appreciated and the more tests are added to the schedule, Using modelling techniques with-
statistical techniques more widely dis- the optimum age at start diminishes out simulation, Goel et al. (1998) esti-
seminated. As with any model, they but less than the addition of years for mated the impact of various potential
depend on the availability of data and examination at older ages. Attendance, improvements to screening in Canada
on the accuracy of the assumptions. test sensitivity and completeness of fol- on the incidence of cervical cancer. The
The pooling of several case–con- low-up, at moderate levels of screening results suggested that the number of
trol and cohort studies (IARC Working
Group on Cervical Cancer Screening, Table 72. Percentage reduction in life-years lost according to policy and
1986) was used to estimate the reduc- coverage
tion in incidence in a cohort of women
as they age from 20 to 64 years under
Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany
different assumptions of the ages of Finland Greece, Italy, Spain
testing and its frequency (WHO, 1986).
The results have been widely quoted and Starting age 30 y 25 y 20 y
used as input data in various models. Interval 5y 3y 1y
In the absence of direct observa- Ending age 60 y 64 ya 72 y
tions, models can examine the influ- Lifetime number of tests 7 14 53
ence of variation in the underlying risk
Interval coverage (%) % Reduction in life-years lost
of disease over time or between popu-
lation subgroups, and in the quality of 25 21 24 25
screening procedures, on the effective- 50 42 47 50
ness of screening as measured by inci- 75 63 71 75
dence. Simulation models have been 100 84 94 99.9
developed. These use observed data
aFor France, the stopping age is 65 years
on the natural history of the disease,
Adapted from Van Ballegooijen et al. (2000)
screening test performance and effec-
tiveness of different options for treat-

IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention Volume 10: Cervix Cancer Screening

cervical cancer cases could be reduced Reaching the women at risk 2001). Following a case–control study,
by 15% if Canada achieved full cover- The many organized screening pro- Nieminen et al. (1999) concluded that
age with three-yearly screening. If, grammes around the world are the substantial decrease in the inci-
instead, smear quality were improved so described in Chapter 3, but much cervi- dence of and mortality from cervical
that all smears were satisfactory for eval- cal screening is also undertaken spon- cancer in Finland was due mainly to
uation (versus 5% inadequacy assumed taneously. In the USA, where screening the organized mass screening that had
by the model), cases would decline by is opportunistic or spontaneous, about taken place rather than to any oppor-
about half this amount. 80% of women over the age of 25 years tunistic testing and that opportunistic
Hakama and Hristova (1997) used report having had a test in the last three testing was far less efficient.
age–period–cohort modelling to pro- years (Breen et al., 2001; Swan et al., The part of a population that is
ject mortality to 2017 across the Nordic 2003). In England, where screening is hardest to reach generally includes
countries under three scenarios: with organized, 81.5% of women aged many of the high-risk women (Davey-
no screening, with present levels of 25–64 are reported as having had a test Smith et al., 1994), for reasons that
screening (and projections based on in the last five years (Statistical Bulletin, are surprisingly similar despite the
recent trends) and with improved 2003). These are clearly very compara- different health systems observed.
screening as for Finland, that was ble rates. Gustafsson et al. (1995) sug- These include socioeconomic depriva-
termed optimal screening. They esti- gested that a screening test can be tion, cultural and language barriers,
mated that 91% of cervical cancer equally effective whether performed in often being from a minority ethnic
deaths were prevented in Finland by an organized or opportunistic setting. group, being highly mobile in resi-
screening, i.e., could be prevented with [The Working Group noted that dence and not having a ‘usual care
optimal screening. Further, they noted Gustafsson et al. inappropriately con- provider’ (Lawson et al., 2000). Many
that greater declines than observed sidered the prevalence of carcinoma in strategies have been employed to
could have occurred in the Nordic situ and microinvasive cancer in esti- attract such women for screening, with
countries other than Finland had the mating the effectiveness of screening, varying degrees of success. It has
Finnish (optimal) screening practices rather than the incidence of clinical inva- been found that use of nurses to take
been adopted. It was predicted that sive cancer.] However, while oppor- smears improves acceptance, particu-
screening would prevent the loss of tunistic screening may avoid the costs larly among deprived women (Baker
10 000 woman years in the Nordic of the central call/recall bureaucracy, it & Middleton, 2003) and non-medical
countries in 2010 and that the costs of can be considerably more expensive smear-takers may also be used
the health services were less with (Schaffer et al., 1995). (National Cervical Screening Pro-
screening than without, assuming the A further issue is whether screen- gramme (NZ), 1998). Even when the
organization practised in Finland. ing reaches the population at high risk. initial test and any follow-up required
In the United Kingdom, before orga- is provided without charge, difficulties
Issues in the implementa- nized call/recall was introduced in in reaching deprived women can
1988, only around a quarter of women persist (Chiu, 2003). Organized
tion of screening had had a recent test and these were call/recall systems are more likely to
The Papanicolaou test was never rig- largely lower-risk women (Farmery & reach these women, although the
orously evaluated in a randomized Gray, 1994). In the context of a gener- accuracy of the register is a key factor
controlled trial such as those to which ally organized and centrally funded in the degree of success (Baker &
new screening techniques are subject health service, opportunistic screening Middleton, 2003).
today. Observational data have been was failing a large proportion of the Screening is best organized on a
used to demonstrate the efficacy and population and, in addition, cervical population basis as a public health pro-
effectiveness of screening in control- cancer rates were beginning to rise, gramme. Evidence from the Nether-
ling cervical cancer (see Chapter 4 particularly among younger women lands illustrates the difficulties in orga-
and above) and it would now be uneth- (Beral & Booth, 1986). Organization of nizing cervical screening within a gen-
ical to conduct a randomized study in the screening programme in England eral practice setting (Hermens et al.,
the presence of existing cytology- and Wales raised the coverage rates 1998). Even when professional thinking
based screening. Where screening has and led directly to a 42% drop in cervi- on policies is clear, external assistance
failed to work, the blame can be laid on cal cancers between 1988 and 1999, is required to bridge the gap between
the design or delivery of the screening after an initial increase in the number policy and effective delivery of the pro-
service (Zapka et al., 2003). of cases diagnosed (Quinn et al., gramme (Hanselaar, 2002).

Effectiveness of screening in populations

Most cervical cancer screening Identifying abnormalities programme (NICE, 2003), as a result of
now takes place in the developed The process of performing and report- improvements in efficiency due to the
world, although 80% of the cases are ing the original test has a number of dramatic drop in the number of tests
found in developing countries. The distinct phases. The first of these is reported as inadequate for diagnosis
scarcity of the skills and resources obtaining the sample. When cervical and improved laboratory productivity.
required to report cervical cytology in screening was first implemented in a LBC may increase the detection rate of
developing countries together with the structured way in British Columbia, cervical screening (see Chapter 4),
difficulty of finding and treating women Canada, in 1949, the objective was to although studies are generally based
have led to interest in investigating alter- demonstrate the effectiveness of the on findings at one test, rather than in a
native techniques for cervical screening technique first reported by Papanico- population over time, so there is a lack of
in these areas, such as visual inspec- laou in the 1940s, and the majority of long-term data (Payne et al., 2000). In
tion of the cervix (see Chapter 4). smears were taken by general practi- the United Kingdom, the introduction of
tioners during examinations. Most cer- LBC was modelled to be cost-effective,
Age and frequency of screening vical screening still takes place in the as discussed below (Moss et al., 2003).
The ages at which screening takes primary-care setting, but the nature of Changing to LBC facilitates a move to
place vary considerably. In some coun- the individual who actually performs the using automated devices to assist in
tries, such as the USA, screening is rec- test varies from one country to another reporting, although few studies have yet
ommended from the age of 21 or three (Boyes & Worth, 1976) provided data obtained with currently
years from the onset of sexual activity. The sampling device used in the available equipment.
However, in others, such as the original Canadian system was the The place of testing for high-risk
Netherlands, screening does not com- Ayre’s spatula. This has remained in HPV DNA in a cervical cancer control
mence until the age of 30 (Coleman et use to the present day, often in combi- programme is not yet defined. Testing
al., 1993). A study in the United nation with an endocervical brush to women for high-risk HPV as triage for
Kingdom found that cytology screening ensure sampling of the endocervical borderline or ASCUS cytological
was less effective in young women, but canal. Cotton swabs have also some- results is becoming common following
grew in effectiveness as women aged times been used [the Working Group the publication of data from studies
(Sasieni et al., 2003). This led to the noted that this is not an efficient sam- conducted primarily in the USA (Manos
decision in England to move from a rec- pling technique]. Extended-tip spatulae, et al., 1999; Solomon et al., 2001;
ommended age of 20 years for the initi- such as the British ‘Aylesbury’ spatula, ANAES, 2002; Arbyn et al., 2004).
ation of screening to the age of 25 years. have come into use over the last 15 Studies are also being conducted into
The frequency of screening also years and more recently plastic the possibility of using HPV DNA
varies widely. In the USA, screening brooms. These are almost always used testing as a primary screening test (see
has generally been recommended on where a liquid-based specimen is to be Chapters 2 and 4). Adding HPV testing
an annual basis. In several European taken. Buntinx and Brouwers (1996) to cervical cytology allows the interval
countries, five-yearly screening is rec- conducted a meta-analysis looking for to be increased for HPV-negative
ommended. In England, based on the any relationship between sampling women with normal cytological results
findings of Sasieni et al. (2003) on the device and detection of abnormality (van den Akker-van Marle et al., 2003).
variable effectiveness of screening with and concluded that either the Quality assurance is an integral
age, there has recently been a move to extended-tip spatula, a combination of part of most screening programmes,
three-yearly screening for women aged any spatula plus the Cytobrush or cot- although in practice it varies from the
25–49 and five-yearly screening for ton swab, or the plastic broom should comprehensive quality assurance pro-
women aged 50–64 years. be used for cervical screening. gramme seen in the United Kingdom
In low-resource settings where The most common screening test to systems which cover the laboratory
organized screening programmes are remained the conventional Papanicolaou only, such as the Clinical Laboratory
being developed, optimizing the smear until relatively recently, when Improvement Amendments (CLIA) in
screening intervals may be less impor- liquid-based cytology (LBC) was intro- the USA. European guidelines, origi-
tant than ensuring that each woman in duced. LBC testing is now used for the nally produced in 1993 (Coleman et
the target demographic groups is majority of cervical screening in the al., 1993), are currently being revised.
screened once before any is screened USA (Noller et al., 2003) and this is Evaluation of screening programmes
a second time (Suba et al., 2004). spreading elsewhere. The United in the longer term requires monitoring
Kingdom is now converting its entire of cervical cancer incidence and mor-

IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention Volume 10: Cervix Cancer Screening

tality rates and comparison of data in undertaken (Miller et al., 2000). This to cancer or will remain clinically
the screened population with what should consider the feasibility of the insignificant;
might have been seen in unscreened proposed arrangements and testing of • Complications of treatment such as
populations (Day, 1986). those arrangements in practice. cervical stenosis, cervical incom-
petence and infertility, as well as
Follow-up and treatment of Hazards of screening pro- the results of more radical thera-
abnormalities pies, such as hysterectomy, with a
Sasieni et al. (1996) calculated that in grammes range of potentially negative
England, 21% of the cervical cancers sequelae related to the surgical
with inadequate screening history in Screening is an unusual medical inter- intervention;
1992 were due to failure to follow up vention in that it is an "investigation, • Opportunity costs to the health-
abnormalities according to the then which does not arise from a patient’s care system of introducing a
current guidelines. Failure to investi- request for advice for a specific com- screening programme;
gate and treat women with cytological plaint" (McKeown, 1968). While there • Impact of incidental findings during
abnormalities and loss to follow-up are excellent data supporting the screening.
after treatment are well documented implementation of mass cervical can-
pitfalls in the operation of cervical cer screening programmes, there are Psychological consequences of
screening programmes (see Chapter also negative consequences of screening
3). The majority of preinvasive cervical screening large numbers of healthy There have been few studies directed
lesions can today be treated under women in order to prevent significant specifically at evaluation of the psycho-
colposcopic guidance and with no or disease in a few. These include: logical impact of participation in a cer-
only a local anaesthetic. This has vical cancer screening programme. In
considerably lessened the harm • Psychological consequences of a such programmes, women who are
caused by cervical screening com- positive screening result, with well and asymptomatic are required to
pared with the early days when radical increased anxiety and fear among undergo a gynaecological examina-
surgical techniques were the treat- women; tion, which for many women is uncom-
ment of choice (Boyes & Worth, 1976). • Misunderstanding by women and fortable and experienced as a rela-
Treatment is now extremely success- health-care providers of the mean- tively invasive procedure in a private
ful, with a complication rate of less ing of a positive screening test, and intimate part of their bodies. After
than 2% (Luesley & Leeson, 2004). such that a positive result is inter- a delay of varying intervals, depending
However, due to the risk of recurrent preted as a ‘cancer diagnosis’; on the quality of the screening service,
disease, women who have been • Misunderstanding by women and the woman receives her result.
treated for cervical intraepithelial health-care providers of the Approximately 1–10% of all smears
neoplasia (CIN) are generally recom- meaning of a negative test as are considered abnormal. In most
mended to have annual cytological implying no risk rather than low screening services, low-grade cervical
screening for around 5–10 years risk for cervical cancer, which abnormalities are managed by
before returning to a longer cycle. may lead to underinvestigation of repeated testing at defined intervals,
A systematic review on HPV DNA symptoms; while for high-grade abnormalities,
testing in the follow-up after treatment • False positive screening results women are referred for colposcopic
of CIN indicates that a positive HPV leading to unnecessary interven- evaluation, another uncomfortable and
test can pick up treatment failure more tions, with both human and finan- invasive procedure. Both approaches
quickly than cytology (Paraskevaidis et cial cost implications; may cause significant anxiety in
al., 2004). • False negative screening results women (Marteau et al., 1990).
giving false reassurance; The notification of an abnormal result
Demonstration projects • Overtreatment of preinvasive may cause anxiety and fear among
Each population to which screening lesions that left alone would neither women. For many, the concept of a ‘pre-
will be applied has different character- progress nor cause any clinically cancerous’ lesion is difficult to grasp and
istics, priorities and health systems. In significant disease, particularly as the assumption may be that they either
order to determine the optimal service there are still no reliable markers to have or are at great risk of having an
design and delivery for a given popula- determine which high-grade cervi- established cancer (Posner & Vessey,
tion, a demonstration project should be cal cancer precursors will progress 1988). Despite the markedly improved

Effectiveness of screening in populations

outcome after treatment for cancer in the been screened in the past three years undetected, would never have pro-
past 20 years, many women still equate had less fear of cancer than those who gressed to a clinically significant
a ‘cancer diagnosis’ with a ‘death sen- had not been screened in the same lesion.
tence’ (Greer, 1985).The word precancer period. McKee et al. (1999) found no Concern has been raised that
itself causes anxiety, because what difference between women compliant giving realistic information to the pub-
women hear is the word ‘cancer’ without with colposcopy attendance with lic, including explaining that certain
the qualification of the medical meaning regard to fear of cancer compared with individuals can suffer adverse out-
that it is a precursor lesion that may those who were non-compliant. They comes, can have a negative impact on
never develop into an invasive lesion also found no difference in the percep- uptake of screening, and brings up the
(Kavanagh & Broom, 1998). tion of the gynaecological examination issue of the ‘public good’ versus
In addition, in many colposcopy as embarrassing between attenders and ‘individual autonomy’. Wardle and
services there is considerable delay for non-attenders at colposcopy clinics. Pope (1992), commented that atten-
an appointment and the waiting period In evaluating women’s responses tion to the psychological costs of
may be associated with acute anxiety, to an abnormal test result, factors screening had lagged far behind the
particularly if the woman believes that other than fears associated with can- technical and organizational aspects of
she has cancer, even though, due to cer and death also need to be taken screening services. Research into this
the long latent period in the natural his- into account. For instance, McKie qualitative aspect of screening has
tory of cervical cancer, there may be (1993) found that women made suggested a substantial toll of
no clinically significant consequence of negative links between cervical cancer emotional turmoil, but most studies
this delay. and sexual promiscuity. The epidemio- have been uncontrolled and involved
Posner and Vessey (1988) used a logical findings that having multiple subjective evaluation.
semi-standardized interview to study sexual partners or a partner with multi-
153 women from the time they were ple partners increases the risk of cervi- Unnecessary treatment,
referred to the clinic for colposcopy to cal cancer may be interpreted by overtreatment and adverse con-
after their final check-up. Of these women with abnormal tests as imply- sequences
women, 65% described feeling ‘wor- ing that they or their partners have The appropriateness of screening for
ried or alarmed’ after receiving notifica- been promiscuous; the comment has the prevention of cervical cancer
tion of their abnormal test and 27% been made that ‘their character, as well should be seen as a balance between
used words such as ‘shocked’, as their cervix, is smeared’ the beneficial health effects and the
‘stunned’ and ‘devastated’. Women’s (McCormick, 1989). adverse effects and costs of interven-
anxiety was related principally to the In most screening programmes, tion. Unnecessary referrals and diag-
belief that the positive result implied information given about screening is nostic and therapeutic procedures are
cancer and death. Further, even after aimed at achieving high uptake of often cited as the major adverse effect
appropriate treatment, 35% of the screening, in keeping with the well of cervical cancer screening, although
women still felt afraid of the possibility documented benefit of wide coverage few studies have attempted to quantify
of cancer and 43% worried about on reduction in cervical cancer. them. The Dutch Evaluation Com-
recurrence of disease. Women also However, giving information that mission (Evaluation Commission
reported having a different view of their emphasizes only the positive aspects Cervical Cancer Screening, 1988,
bodies and a different attitude to sex of screening may have negative con- reported in Van Ballegooijen et al.,
after a positive test. sequences for some women who feel 1990) evaluated the amount of diag-
There is very little good information let down by the screening process, nostic and treatment procedures
on whether women who attend col- particularly women who receive false induced by cervical cancer screening
poscopy clinics after an abnormal test negative or false positive results. A prospectively and in relation to mortal-
result differ in perception of cancer risk belief that screening gives full protec- ity reduction using data from the Dutch
from those who fail to attend, as sug- tion may in itself have negative conse- screening programme. A model-based
gested by Posner and Vessey. Funke quences and it is important that analysis led to the following estimates:
and Nicholson (1993) found no differ- women understand that screening will (1) a mean duration of preinvasive dis-
ence in such risk perception between not prevent all deaths related to cervi- ease of 17 years, with the shortest at
women who attended for colposcopy cal cancer. In addition, many screen- older ages; (2) a regression rate of
and non-attenders. Lerman et al. positive women will be treated for an preinvasive disease of 60% on aver-
(1990) found that women who had asymptomatic condition that, if left age, with the highest at young ages;

IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention Volume 10: Cervix Cancer Screening

and (3) a sensitivity of cytology of in a number of studies using a poscopy, false negative histology in
around 70% for CIN 3. The false posi- ‘see-and-treat’ approach, i.e., treat- the LEEP specimen and possible
tive rate of cytology was assumed to ment of CIN after a colposcopic diag- complete excision or spontaneous
be 0.4%. The group calculated that for nosis without prior histological confir- resolution of the lesion after prior
five invitations for screening among mation. Murdoch et al. (1991) reported biopsy are possible explanations for
women aged 37–70 years at eight- an overall 41% rate of negative histol- negative LEEP histology. In addition,
yearly intervals, 13 deaths were ogy after LEEP in a highly selected some series have reported negative
avoided per million women per screen- group of women attending a LEEP histology where there has been
ing year. Each death avoided is colposcopy clinic because of abnormal extensive thermocoagulation prevent-
balanced by 2800 preventive tests, cytology. In women who had had prior ing a histological diagnosis.
nine women referred for a gynaecolog- histological sampling, negative LEEP While excisional procedures of the
ical assessment and four for minor histology was found in 43%, compared cervix are performed under local
treatment procedures (e.g., conization with 38% of women treated with LEEP anaesthetic in an outpatient setting
of the cervix). Increasing the invitations on a see-and-treat basis. Of the and complications are considered rela-
to 25 from five would avoid 27 deaths women who had negative LEEP histol- tively benign, this is not always the
per million women per screening year, ogy and who were treated on a case. In a randomized trial of LEEP,
but would require 7300 preventive see-and-treat basis, the majority (53%) cryotherapy and laser vaporization of
tests, 22 referrals to gynaecology and had index cytology of CIN 1. As a con- the cervix, Mitchell et al. (1998)
eight minor treatment procedures. sequence, the authors cautioned reported complications from LEEP in
These data clearly showed that more against the see-and-treat approach in 7.6% (10/130) of women treated. The
intensive screening greatly increases women with low-grade referral majority of the complications related to
the need for intervention with diminish- cytology. bleeding (70%); there was one case of
ing returns for the extra efforts In a retrospective analysis of LEEP infection, one woman complained of
required. performed at a colposcopy clinic in severe pain and required treatment
CIN lesions have been treated South Africa (Denny et al., 1995), 18% and one woman subsequently devel-
using a variety of ablative and exci- of LEEPs performed after prior histolog- oped cervical stenosis.
sional techniques over the past 40 ical sampling (21 out of 116) yielded Ferenczy et al. (1996) reported on
years (Martin-Hirsch et al., 2004), with histologically negative findings com- 1070 women who underwent LEEP
each method having its own range of pared with 14% of those treated on a and who returned for post-LEEP fol-
complications and consequences see-and-treat basis (16 out of 114). The low-up. Complications were recorded
(although the same efficacy). Ablative women were referred to this colposcopy in 71 women (7%); 37 had significant
techniques rely on a histological diag- clinic as a result of persistent LSIL (2–3 intra- or post-operative bleeding, and
nosis provided by colposcopically LSIL cytological results over 12–18 one required admission to hospital to
directed punch biopsy, which may both months) or one result of HSIL or suspi- control bleeding. Seven women devel-
undercall (leading to missed diagnosis cious of malignancy. An additional find- oped a purulent vaginal discharge and
of microinvasive cancers and under- ing in this study was that 25% of punch pelvic pain within one week of treat-
treatment of these conditions) or over- biopsies were falsely negative; the ment. A further 13 women (1.2%)
call (leading to over or unnecessary authors emphasized that a punch developed cervical stenosis, of whom
treatment of the cervix). The most biopsy is only as reliable as the colpo- 11 were over the age of 45 and not on
widely used ablative techniques include scopist’s ability to identify the most hormone replacement therapy.
cryotherapy and laser therapy (see abnormal area for biopsy. Cervical stenosis, while rather
Chapter 1). Rates of negative LEEP histology rarely reported, is a significant compli-
In addition to the potential for ranging from 5 to 41% have been cation of treatment of the cervix and
unnecessary interventions, the wide- reported. All of these studies were may result in infertility or menstrual
spread use of excisional procedures to performed in colposcopy clinics complications such as haematometria,
treat preinvasive lesions of the cervix where women had been referred with making follow-up with cytology and/or
may have led to considerable abnormal cytology (Prendiville et al., colposcopy difficult if not impossible.
overtreatment. Data on negative 1989; Luesley et al., 1990; Whiteley & These complications may necessitate
histological findings in tissue obtained Olah, 1990; Bigrigg et al., 1991; hysterectomy, with all the potential
during loop electrosurgical excision Hallam et al., 1993; Denny et al., sequelae associated with this more
procedure (LEEP) have been reported 1995). False positive cytology or col- radical surgical intervention. Hysterec-

Effectiveness of screening in populations

tomy may also be the result of clinical tions long before invasive cervical can- Africa (UNAIDS, 2003) and more than
uncertainty as to the meaning of per- cer arises (Chokunonga et al., 1999). In half of the infected people are women;
sistently low-grade cytology or persis- situations where it is not possible to pro- cervical cancer screening has been
tently inadequate tests, neither of vide any form of treatment for HIV- widely unavailable in this area up to now.
which can be resolved satisfactorily. related conditions (e.g., treatment of In many HIV-endemic countries,
In some women, if the excisional opportunistic infections and/or anti- CIN lesions may be detected at the
procedure removes large amounts of retroviral therapy), cervical cancer same time that HIV infection is first
cervical stroma, a complication of screening may not be a priority. diagnosed. The discovery of CIN
treatment may be cervical incompe- lesions in an HIV-infected woman may
tence. This has been associated with Incidental findings create major psychological and morale
pre-term delivery due to premature While screening is an activity designed challenges, not only to the woman, but
rupture of membranes (Sadler et al., for healthy, asymptomatic women, also to health workers.
2004) there can be unexpected incidental The diagnosis of HIV infection still
In addition to the complications findings at the time of screening that carries a high level of stigmatization
associated with treatment, the risk of may cause harm as well as benefit to and fear of disclosure of an incurable
persistence or recurrence of lesions women and the health system. For sexually transmissible disease, with
after treatment makes long-term follow- instance, the discovery of underlying some women being exposed to violent
up of treated women essential. Reports diabetes due to the diagnosis of dia- response from their male partners and
from both non-randomized and ran- betic vulvitis at the time of performing permanent psychological isolation
domized trials of treatment for cervical the screening test may be of benefit to from the community. In the absence of
cancer precursors using a variety of the woman, but the discovery of a antiretroviral treatment, some women
treatment modalities indicate that most lethal co-existent cancer may only become suicidal and in this group an
treatments have about a 90% success increase suffering without offering any added diagnosis of a CIN lesion
rate (Martin-Hirsch et al., 2004). improvement in quality of life, if there is through cervical cancer screening
no effective treatment for that cancer. causes special concern. Linkage of a
Opportunity costs to the health In low-resource countries where cervical cancer screening programme to
system women generally have little access to HIV testing may present a new barrier to
Setting up a screening programme health care, screening may identify a participation in cervical screening.
designed to detect disease in healthy significant number of women with co- Another concern is how to interpret
individuals necessitates diversion of morbid health conditions which it is a positive cervical screening test result
human and financial resources from impossible to manage with the avail- in the presence of HIV-positivity, bear-
other health interventions, in particular, able resources. ing in mind that natural progression of
treatment of already existing or appar- One possible incidental finding of both conditions is dependent on avail-
ent disease. Thus a screening pro- particular significance is identification ability of effective treatment. Treatment
gramme and its hazards and benefits of a woman as HIV-positive. The preva- of CIN lesions in HIV-positive women
need to be evaluated in the context of lence of CIN among women infected by ablative or excision procedures
the competing health needs of the with HIV is nearly five times that in results in epithelial disruption which
specific country to ensure that HIV-negative controls (Chirenje et al., can theoretically enhance viral acquisi-
resources are used to the maximum 2002). In low-resource countries where tion or transmission.
benefit of the entire population. cervical cancer screening is mainly Health workers treating HIV-posi-
One feature of cervical cancer opportunistic, there is a large burden tive women for cervical disease should
screening programmes in low-resource of women harbouring CIN lesions with take universal precautions as for all
countries with endemic HIV infection is concomitant HIV infection that has not health interventions.
the diagnosis of CIN lesions in as many been identified.
as 20–30% of HIV-infected women. This
may lead to the consumption of scarce Cervical cancer screening in Performance evaluation
health resources for treatment of CIN. HIV-positive women
However, in countries such as It is estimated that there are now up to The minimal essential elements of a
Zimbabwe where HIV infection has 42 million people worldwide living with cervical screening programme are: a
become pandemic, HIV-infected HIV infection or AIDS. About 70% of defined population to screen; invitation
women succumb to opportunistic infec- these individuals live in sub-Saharan to this population to participate;

IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention Volume 10: Cervix Cancer Screening

assessment of coverage; a quality con- mortality registers, in order to allow full ence screening policy (and therefore
trol system; and treatment for test-pos- evaluation of the programme. This effectiveness) in some countries. For
itive women. The means of achieving needs to be done with full respect for example, a shorter screening interval
these, e.g., population registers or national legislation. Opportunistic is safer than a longer one and a
geographical location to define the screening systems are in general less broader age range safer than a nar-
population; personal invitation letters cost-effective and do not allow evalua- rower one. However, the marginal util-
(call/recall) or mass education to invite tion (Advisory Committee on Cancer ity of each extra test diminishes rapidly.
women to participate; population- Prevention, 2000). This is of particular concern in
linked cervical cancer registry or sam- developing countries.
ple surveys to assess coverage) will Screening policy
depend on the local circumstances. Unlike breast cancer screening, where Screening delivery
The recognition that the effective- optimal screening policy (in terms of It is generally accepted that, for opti-
ness of screening "is determined by age range, frequency and modality) mal effectiveness, cervical cancer
the proportion of progressive lesions has been determined by randomized screening should be offered within an
that are successfully detected and trials and most programmes follow organized programme (see Chapter
treated" (Pontén et al., 1995), which similar policies, results of observa- 3). The programme should further
depends in turn on screening policy tional studies of protection offered by include the specific elements as
and its implementation, has led to the cytological screening have produced described by Hakama et al. (1985)
development of indicators of screening estimates of effectiveness for a variety (see above). Hakama and others have
programme performance for routine of alternative policies. Thus, the maxi- concluded that organized screening
monitoring. The determinants of this mal effectiveness of a programme will programmes, as practised to varying
proportion represent the essential depend on what policy is adopted. The degrees in the Nordic countries and
elements of a good screening pro- impact of policy on effectiveness has particularly in Finland, are more effec-
gramme (Hakama et al., 1985). They been modelled recently for European tive than opportunistic screening activ-
include coverage of the target popula- countries by van Ballegooijen et al. ities. This conclusion was based
tion (participation); attendance for (2000) (see Table 72). largely on comparison of incidence
rescreening; adequacy of smear-tak- Most screening programmes rec- and mortality trends (e.g., Hakama,
ing; quality of interpretation of smears; ommend the same screening interval 1982; Läärä et al., 1987) and cohort
and follow-up of abnormal results. for the entire target age range. studies, as discussed previously in this
Specific indicators for these pro- However, a recent audit of screening volume. A case–control study by
gramme performance areas have been in the United Kingdom suggested that Nieminen et al. (1999) suggested that
developed in the context of cytology the policy of one screening interval tests in an organized programme may
and more specifically Pap smears. across the entire target age range be more effective than those delivered
The Council of Europe recently may not yield optimal effectiveness outside the programme, within the
recommended all Member States to and recommended screening women same jurisdiction. However, since
offer organized screening for three aged 25–49 more frequently than countries differ greatly in their screen-
cancers including cervical cancer, and older women (Sasieni et al., 2003). ing practices as well as in the level of
stressed that this should be managed This further illustrates how effective- organization, it is difficult to attribute
in such a way that the performance ness can be determined in part by higher effectiveness definitively to a
can be evaluated fully (Council of the policy. more organized programme.
European Union, 2003). Organized Many factors influence what policy The premise that a totally orga-
screening requires adequate data col- is adopted. For example, a national nized programme is significantly more
lection systems to be set up concern- workshop in Canada recommended effective than a programme based on
ing invitation and participation of the that screening intervals not be raised largely opportunistic screening with
target population, registration of to three years without the security pro- some central coordination and ele-
screen test results and follow-up of vided by an information system (Miller ments of organized screening, such as
screen positives (Arbyn et al., 1999; et al., 1991). Since most Canadian is practised in many parts of the devel-
Advisory Committee on Cancer jurisdictions have not in the past had oped world, has been challenged
Prevention, 2000). Screening data- information systems, this almost (Madlensky et al., 2003). Finland may
bases, including personal records, certainly resulted in over-screening. be one of the very few countries in the
should be linkable with cancer and Medical legal issues may also influ- world whose screening programme

Effectiveness of screening in populations

meets all the criteria outlined by tion (Sasieni et al., 1995; Quinn et al., and/or other files do not exist or are not
Hakama et al. (1985). Although it may 1999; Sasieni & Adams, 1999, 2000). accessible, information systems can be
not be feasible to adopt all these ele- There are, however, several com- developed that permit estimation of
ments of organized screening, many mon problems with opportunistic many indicators. Others can be
jurisdictions have incorporated some screening versus organized screening, estimated periodically by special stud-
of them. For example, recruitment and opportunistic screening should ies. A number of indicators are based
strategies may be targeted to specific therefore be discouraged: on negative test results. This generally
population groups in the absence of a assumes exclusion of negative results
population register that allows per- 1. It is less cost-effective (see below) for women who are under special
sonal invitations to screening and this 2. Hard-to-reach women are less surveillance (e.g., following colposcopy,
can lead to achievement of low rates likely to be adequately screened previous positive history, etc.).
of cervical cancer. For example, inci- 3. In many settings, especially in Table 73 outlines performance indi-
dence rates for cervical cancer (uncor- developing countries, there is cators coinciding with the determinants
rected for hysterectomy prevalence) disproportionate representation of identified by Pontén et al. (1995) and
and trends over the past 30 years are women who are in contact with the Hakama et al. (1985), along with the
almost identical in different provinces health-care system for other health programme area they are designed to
of Canada: British Columbia, which interventions such as reproductive specifically evaluate and required data
has had centralized cytological care, so that those in some age where relevant. These have been
screening and a cytology information groups are inadequately screened adapted from Coleman et al. (1993),
system for several decades (see, for (Were & Buziba, 2001) who proposed a menu of specific indi-
example, Morrison et al., 1996); 4. It can create sporadic work flow, cators with targets for the Europe
Ontario, which has a recent informa- which can lead to reduced profi- Against Cancer Programme.
tion system including about 80% of the ciency, etc. All indicators should be evaluated,
province’s screening tests and a pro- 5. It can result in greater chances of reviewed and published annually.
gramme that sets policy and stan- harm due to over-screening. Some of the indicators require multiple
dards but where smears are taken and 6. It may be difficult to ensure quality. sources of information, sometimes
read in a totally decentralized system; 7. Screen-positive women may not linked at the individual level. Where this
and Quebec which has no organized have easy access to diagnostic is not possible, alternative methods,
programme and no information sys- and treatment services. such as periodic special studies (e.g.,
tem but opportunistic screening (see the health and fertility surveys noted in
Figure 67). However, unless historical Performance indicators Chapter 3), should be used.
patterns of screening and cancer inci- An integrated information system or a
dence rates are taken into account, set of systems that can be linked as Participation (or coverage)
inferences from such data regarding required is recommended as the ideal The participation rate is the proportion
effectiveness are uncertain (see support for performance monitoring; of eligible women in the target popula-
Chapter 4). such a system can also support pro- tion who participate in screening within
On the other hand, poor organiza- gramme operation (Miller, 1992). the time interval specified by local
tion of a screening programme These systems should permit identifi- screening policy. It can alternatively be
can produce poor outcome. In the cation of each woman as well as each defined in terms of some chosen
United Kingdom during the 1970s and test and link them. A model for a com- period of time (e.g., tested in the last
1980s, population coverage was low; prehensive information system is three years). Its estimation requires, at
low-risk groups were over-screened shown in Figure 68. a minimum, counts of screened
and the technical quality of screening For performance monitoring, the women in the target age range and of
process parameters was moderate. system should ideally contain a the target population. If estimates of
Imple-mentation of call/recall systems screening database including results the prevalence of hysterectomy are
and targeted rewards for primary care of cytology and follow-up (colposcopy, available, they should be used to
providers, achieving high levels of histopathology, treatment) with reduce population counts to reflect
coverage among eligible women periodic linkage to a population regis- more accurately the population at risk.
(Patnick, 2000), resulted in a substan- ter, tumour registry, mortality file and Women with only inadequate smears
tial decline in incidence and mortality hysterectomy data. However, even in in the interval should not be counted
in all age groups of the target popula- areas where population registers as having been screened in that

IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention Volume 10: Cervix Cancer Screening

interval. Participation should be evalu-

ated according to age group, geogra-
phy and other locally relevant indicators
(e.g., health-care provider, ethnicity).
The effect of participation in reduc-
ing mortality and incidence has been
demonstrated descriptively. For exam-
ple, in the United Kingdom, Quinn et
al. (1999) showed that incidence
declined dramatically starting in the
late 1980s after the introduction of a
Year 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 call/recall programme which resulted in
greatly increased coverage. Miller et al.
Figure 67 Cervical cancer incidence in three large provinces of Canada, with (2000) stated that "… the programme
different intensity of programmatic components, 1970–99 must focus on achieving the highest
( ) Quebec, ( ), British Columbia, ( ) Ontario possible coverage rate. To support this,
indicators such as number of women

Table 73. Short-term performance indicators for assessing programme effectiveness and efficiency

Programme Measure Definition Comments


Attendance for Participation (or Percentage of women in the target population Adjust denominator for prevalence of hysterectomy.
screening compliance) ratea with at least one test within the recommend- Estimate for age, region and other risk indicators
in relation to pro- ed interval
gramme policy

Adequacy of Compliance with Percentage of women (or tests) with specific ‘Recommendations’ are those set by the pro-
referral and recommenda- positive (or unsatisfactory) results with follow- gramme and include follow-up action (e.g., repeat
treatment sys- tions for follow-up up action according to recommendations test, colposcopy) and time to follow-up.
tems of unsatisfactory Report according to reason for follow up (e.g., inad-
smears and posi- equate, ASCUS, etc.) and person/institution respon-
tive test results sible for ensuring follow-up.
Reasons for non-compliance should be noted.

Compliance with Percentage of women requiring treatment who ‘Recommendations’ include type of treatment and
treatment rec- receive it according to recommendations time to treatment.
ommendations Report and investigate as for follow-up compliance.

Overall Stage of inva- Percentage distribution of stage at diagnosis Requires population-based cancer registry.
sive cancers for all invasive cervical cancers in region

Interval cancers Number of invasive cancers diagnosed follow- Person years calculated from date of test to date of
ing negative test result and before next expect- diagnosis, date of next expected screen or date
ed screen per 100 000 person years at riskb removed from population at risk.
Reasons for individual cases should be investigated
as a kind of audit, along with other cancers that are
not interval cancers
Efficiency Over-screening Percentage of women with negative test who
are screened again before end of screening
a Also generally referred to as ‘coverage’. However, this is an ambiguous term as it can also refer to the percentage of population targeted for screening.
b May also be expressed per 100 000 negatively screened women

Effectiveness of screening in populations

Data inputs Processing Database Reporting/retrieval

Cytology laboratories
• personal identifiers
• other personal data
• basic smear data
• added smear data
Health centres, physicians

Cytology laboratories
Histopathology laboratories
Select Histopathology laboratories
• personal identifiers Cervical
• basic biopsy/treatment data Edit Screening
Standardize Screening programme
• added specimen data Database
Government, researchers

Colposcopy/treatment centres Women

• personal identifiers
• colposcopic impression
• treatment data Periodic linkages with
external databases1

Population register Tumour registry Mortality file Hospital separations

• list of target population • cervical cancers • deaths • hysterectomies

Figure 68 Model for a comprehensive cervical screening information and reporting system
1 Periodic
linkages would uptake addresses, identify unscreened women, ascertain ‘failures’ (cancers) and remove women who no longer
need screening
From Marrett et al. (2002)

screened, as opposed to number of policy and coverage. They found that situation in some Latin American
Pap smears done, should be pro- differences in coverage resulted in countries (see Chapter 3 and this
moted". more or less proportional differences in chapter).
Modelling has also shown that par- effectiveness, essentially independent In populations where the preva-
ticipation rate is the most important of screening policy (see Table 72). lence of prior hysterectomy is substan-
programmatic determinant of effective- High rates of participation are, tial, participation rates will be underes-
ness. Van Ballegooijen et al. (2000) however, not sufficient to ensure high timated, especially in women aged
modelled the expected reduction in life- effectiveness, if other essential over 50 years, if adjustment is not
years lost for a number of European elements of a screening programme made. Because rates of hysterectomy
countries as a function of screening are suboptimal. This is evident from the vary across time and place, lack of

IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention Volume 10: Cervix Cancer Screening

such adjustment may invalidate com- Follow-up As with abnormal or inadequate

parisons of participation rates over Preinvasive (or early invasive) lesions screening test results, the proportions
time and between populations. identified via screening must be treated of women receiving adequate treat-
It is most appropriate to estimate if development of invasive (lethal) dis- ment should be calculated according
participation based on all screening ease is to be avoided. Thus, referral for to reason for treatment. Reasons for
tests, whether from an organized pro- and presentation at follow-up of a posi- non-compliance should be docu-
gramme or opportunistic. tive test result as well as post-treatment mented.
follow-up of confirmed precancerous Goel et al. (1998) estimated that
Quality indicators lesions, in accordance with treatment improving efficacy of follow-up and
For programmes to be effective, all policy, are important. It is also essential treatment following a positive test
parts should be quality assured, with that test results be provided to the result from 0.8 to 0.9 might reduce the
indicators for each part of the pro- health-care provider and woman, number of cancer cases by 2%. The
gramme. Furthermore, the programme including specification of the need for overall impact is relatively small
needs to have access to such quality follow-up, in a timely fashion. because this improvement affects only
assurance information and to ensure women with positive results, which rep-
that it is fed back, along with standards Follow-up consistent with resent a very small fraction of all tests.
or comparisons, to those providing the recommendations Pontén et al. (1995) estimated that in a
service (e.g., primary care providers, A screening programme should have a programme with fewer lifetime screen-
laboratories, etc.). Quality indicators policy for follow-up of unsatisfactory ings than in the Canadian context,
should cover test-taking (e.g., inade- tests and positive test results. Policy about half of the ultimate reduction in
quacy rates), interpretation (e.g., posi- should specify the action required and mortality might result from detection
tive predictive value), treatment and fol- the time frame within which this action and treatment of early invasive disease
low-up and programme organization. should take place for specific test and half from removal of screen-
Acceptable ranges for any such indica- results and patient history. Actual fol- detected precursors. In such situa-
tors should be specified and values that low-up should then be monitored in tions, an improvement in the efficacy of
are outside the range should be inves- relation to programme policy. An unsat- follow-up might have greater impact on
tigated. Many of these are discussed in isfactory test means that a woman has mortality.
more detail in Chapter 3. Programmes not been adequately screened and the
should regularly audit cases of cervical appropriate follow-up recommendation Overall short-term indicators
cancer to identify possible shortcom- in this situation is for a repeat test. Because cervical screening can detect
ings of the programme. Compliance with this recommendation asymptomatic invasive disease, an
Modelling of the impact of quality should also be monitored. effective programme would be
improvements suggests that they have The proportions of women who are expected to lead to a shift towards
less impact than improvements in cov- followed up according to programme more microinvasive and early invasive
erage. However, in a programme with policy (in terms of both action and time disease. Thus the major changes in
high coverage, improvements in frame) should be calculated according incidence that occurred in Iceland
quality can increase effectiveness. to reason for follow-up. Reasons for following introduction of screening
Goel et al. (1998) estimated that the follow-up failure should be documented. were among advanced cancers
impact of reducing the false negative Computation of indicators of com- (Johannesson et al., 1982). Evidence
rate from 0.25 to 0.10 (i.e., increasing pliance with follow-up for positive test for the effectiveness of screening due
sensitivity from 75% to 90%), while results requires linkage between these to early detection of disease can also
leaving screening otherwise un- tests and follow-up data. This often be obtained by examining trends in
changed, might result in 25% fewer includes information on colposcopy survival (see, for example, Adami et
incident cases. As noted by Fahey visits. al., 1994). However, observed
et al. (1995), however, even the lower increases in survival can be due to
of these sensitivity values may be Treatment consistent with improvements in treatment. In general,
higher than is generally achieved. recommendations a trend in survival is not a good indica-
Modelling of effectiveness of screening Screening programmes should also tor of an effect of screening (see
programmes must use realistic have policies regarding treatment of Chapter 1).
estimates of test quality if it is to confirmed abnormalities, again
provide valid estimates of effectiveness. specifying both action and time frame.

Effectiveness of screening in populations

Stage distribution of incident cervical nosis of cancer (or until a woman of these can be examined in relation to
cancers becomes ineligible due to emigration, length of interval between tests,
The distribution of all newly diagnosed death, etc.) for all women having a region, smear taker, etc. The average
cervical cancers in the programme negative test. Use of this rate to assess number of tests per woman during the
area according to stage at diagnosis programme effectiveness is difficult in recommended screening interval is
should be calculated annually. This regions where screening is well another indicator of the extent of over-
requires a population-based cancer established, because the expected rate screening.
registry that includes standardized of cervical cancer in the absence of
staging information on all or at least a screening is unknown. However, the Process quality indicators
high proportion of newly diagnosed interval cancer rate can be followed A number of process indicators should
cases. If such data are not routinely over time and compared across be monitored to ensure that screening
available, periodic special studies can programmes with similar screening is operating as it should. Those that
be conducted. This indicator is particu- policies. It may be closely paralleled by are chosen will depend on the issues
larly important in areas where screen- the ratio of the number of cancers diag- that are important in a particular set-
ing is not yet well established and nosed in screen-negative women dur- ting. These might include elapsed
screening intervals are relatively long. ing the screening interval divided by the times (e.g., between test-taking and
In such situations, a relatively large number of screen-negative women, reporting; between reporting of a posi-
part of the effect of screening on mor- expressed per 100 000 women. tive result and follow-up colposcopy),
tality will be due to earlier stage at Calculation of the interval cancer results of laboratory proficiency test-
diagnosis. rate requires knowledge of cancers ing, etc. Acceptable ranges for any
occurring in negatively screened such indicators should be specified
Interval cancers women. In general, this requires link- and values that are outside the range
Interval cancers are those that arise age between a population-based can- should be investigated.
following a negative test and before the cer registry and the screening test
next scheduled screen. These can data. In many regions, no cancer reg- Economic evaluation and
arise for two reasons: either the previ- istry exists or linkage between screen-
ous result was a false negative or the ing data and the cancer registry, at cost-effectiveness of
(pre)cancer was not detectable at the least on a routine basis, is not permit- cervical cancer screening
time of the previous screen (for exam- ted. In such cases, audit studies of
ple, because it was fast-growing or did interval cancers should be performed.
not go through detectable preclinical Screening histories (preceding test The basic principle of a decision
stages). A test repeated every three and other follow-up results) of all inva- analytic approach is that all conse-
years on women aged 35–64 years sive cancers, whether they are true quences of decisions (e.g., individual
has been estimated to ‘prevent’ interval cancers or not, should be clinical outcomes, population-based
84–91% of invasive cancers (Day, examined routinely to identify areas outcomes and costs) should be identi-
1989; Sasieni et al., 2003) if all abnor- where programme improvements may fied, measured and valued. When a
malities are effectively treated. In the be required. decision analysis formally compares
United Kingdom, testing at three-year the relationship between the health
intervals was estimated to be capable Indicators of efficiency and economic consequences associ-
of preventing about 70% of all cancers There are a variety of parameters that ated with different public health care
occurring in women aged 40–69 years, indicate the efficiency of a screening interventions, it is considered a cost-
after allowing for cancers that develop programme. The most important of effectiveness analysis. The application
in women with positive test results these relates to over-screening. This of economics to public policy does not
(Sasieni et al., 2003). can be assessed by the proportion of necessarily mean that less money
The interval cancer rate is calcu- women with a negative result having a should be spent, but rather that the use
lated as the number of interval cancers subsequent test before the end of the of resources might be more efficient.
per 100 000 person years at risk. screening interval. Retention of Different types of economic evalua-
Person-years at risk are estimated by screened women for rescreening can tion are commonly confused. For
summing time from the date of the last be assessed by the proportion of example, there are distinct differences
negative test to the end of the recom- screen-negative women returning for between cost-minimization analysis
mended screening interval or to diag- rescreen at about the right time. Both (how much money can be saved?) and

IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention Volume 10: Cervix Cancer Screening

cost-effectiveness analysis (how much gramme already exists, information on Sources of cost data could include
health improvement can be gained, effectiveness may be available, but the costs of:
per unit expenditure?). The results of a whether it is cost-effective may not
cost-effectiveness analysis are sum- have been fully established. However, • Training of staff
marized using an incremental cost- it is possible to assess the likely cost- • The screening test
effectiveness ratio. In this ratio, all effectiveness of a new technology in • Administration of the screening test
health outcomes associated with a detecting precursor lesions of cervical • Laboratory procedures
particular strategy (compared with an cancer relative to conventional cytol- • Reporting and referral of
alternative) are included in the denom- ogy. For example, England recently women with abnormalities
inator, and all costs or changes in used cost-effectiveness modelling as a • Diagnostic tests
resource use with a particular strategy major consideration in deciding to • Treatment of precursors
(compared with an alternative) are move to using liquid-based cytology in • Treatment of clinically invasive
included in the numerator. This type of its programme. This modelling began cancer
analysis defines the ‘opportunity cost’ with the assumption that the effective- • Patient time for all aspects
of choosing one clinical or public ness of new and conventional cytology of screening
health approach over another. was the same (Payne et al., 2000). The • Transportation of specimens
Advances in the various technolo- evaluation of the new technology was • Programme organization
gies and preventive modalities for cer- then based on costs derived locally These data must be collected
vical cancer screening mean that pol- from pilot implementation of liquid- locally or estimated according to local
icy-makers in national and interna- based cytology (Moss et al., 2003). conditions. The eventual judgement as
tional agencies are confronted with The Payne et al. (2000) conclusion of to whether a particular strategy is cost-
various strategies from which to equivalence of effectiveness between effective or not will depend on local
choose. However, there are important conventional and liquid-based cytology health circumstances.
differences between developed and was based on a surrogate measure of
developing countries in the policy effectiveness, the identification of cer- Cost-effectiveness studies
questions that are most relevant to cer- vical abnormalities, rather than long- All models consistently support the
vical cancer control. Scarce resources, term follow-up of outcome, that is messages that organized screening is
limited infrastructure and competing reductions in incidence and mortality more cost-effective than opportunistic
health priorities have prevented most from cervical cancer. screening and that the most pressing
low-resource countries from imple- question in all settings is how to reach
menting successful cervical cancer Data sources the highest proportion of women at
screening programmes. Cost-effectiveness measures require greatest risk for cervical cancer.
In countries classified as low- data on natural history of cervical can- Increasing coverage is always more
income economies (gross national cer, the overall effectiveness of the pol- cost-effective than using resources in
income per capita equal to or less than icy or intervention, survival rates asso- any other area of the programme. In
US $755 in 2000), the key problem is ciated with cancer, test characteristics, the United Kingdom, altering the pay-
how to implement a sustainable and quality of life. ment system in 1990 as an incentive to
screening programme in the setting of Data sources could include: ran- primary-care physicians to maximize
competing health priorities and limited domized trials, observational studies, coverage rather than as a fee for ser-
resources. If a cytology-based screen- meta-analyses; other published litera- vices greatly facilitated the needed
ing programme is to be introduced, ture, expert opinion and health systems increase in coverage, which rose from
cost-effectiveness modelling using statistics. However, as implied above, around 40% of women in 1989 to over
locally derived information about costs surrogate measures of efficacy may 80% of women by 1993 (NHS 2003a,
and the age–incidence curve for can- have to be used to support assump- b; Patnick, 2000).
cer in the population in question, tions relating to the likely effectiveness Goldie et al. (2001) evaluated the
together with internationally accepted of new technology. To the extent that cost-effectiveness of visual inspection,
data on efficacy, will assist in deciding these assumptions are uncertain, the cytology and HPV testing, largely
on the number of screening rounds result of the modelling will also be using surrogate measures of efficacy,
and the age group to be targeted. uncertain, even if sensitivity analyses within a developing country situation. A
For a developed country where a are performed to attempt to encom- very important determinant of cost-
conventional cytology screening pro- pass the extent of uncertainty. effectiveness in this setting was the

Effectiveness of screening in populations

requirement for three visits for women same age. It was concluded that cervi- [Although the latter strategy proved to
with abnormal cytological results, cal cancer screening strategies that be more cost-effective in the analysis,
whereas for screening by visual incorporate DVI or HPV DNA testing it is unclear what the results would
inspection a one-visit strategy was and eliminate colposcopy may offer have been if three-yearly conventional
modelled, and for HPV testing two vis- attractive alternatives to cytology- cytology had been incorporated in the
its. A substantial loss when women are based screening programs in low- analysis.] Goldie et al. (2004) consid-
required to return after the initial resource settings. ered that for women aged 30 years
screening visit is observed in many Goldie et al. (2004) reported the and more, a strategy of screening
developing countries, and this has an results of an analysis comparing the every two or three years with either
important effect on the cost-effective- cost-effectiveness of HPV testing with HPV DNA testing in combination with
ness of cytology, and to a lesser extent that of conventional cytology in women cytology for primary screening or cytol-
of HPV testing. When the authors mod- aged 30 years or more. This was set in ogy with reflex HPV DNA testing for
elled the effect of a limited number of the US context of annual conventional equivocal results will provide a greater
tests in a lifetime, three tests at five- cytological testing, which was com- reduction in cancer and be less costly
year intervals from the age of 35 years pared with three-year screening using than annual conventional cytology.
proved to be more cost-effective than a liquid-based cytology and three-year
10-year schedule commencing at the screening using HPV testing.


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