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The Presbyterian Church L’Église presbytérienne

in Canada au Canada
Worship Planner
18th Sunday after Pentecost
Presbyterians Sharing Sunday
September 26, 2021
Year B

Additional worship resources can be found at

Click on the box labelled, “Open for: Liturgies from the Book of Common Worship.”

(2021 resources are available for Presbyterians Sharing Sunday at

Colour Green

Scripture Readings

Esther 7:1–6, 9–10; 9:20–22 and Psalm 124

Numbers 11:4–6, 10–16, 24–29 and Psalm 19:7–14
James 5:13–20
Mark 9:38–50


#431 – Jesus, where’er thy people meet

#685 – How firm a foundation
#9 – God’s law is perfect (for Psalm 19)
#85 – Now Israel may say (for Psalm 124)
#641 – One more step along the world I go
#761 – Who’s goin’ to tell the story
#757 – Come sing, O Church, in joy

Responsive Call to Worship

One: Our help is in the name of the Lord our God,

All: the maker of heaven and earth.

One: God our Maker is present with us at all times,

All: loving and gracious to all.

One: So, we come to worship God as we follow in the way of truth.

All: We offer our prayers and praise to the One who is freedom and life.

50 Wynford Drive, Toronto ON M3C 1J7  416-441-1111 or 1-800-619-7301 

The Presbyterian Church L’Église presbytérienne
in Canada au Canada
Prayers of Adoration and Confession

Holy One, Source, Story and Spirit of Love,

You are perfect in wisdom.
You are faithful in love.
You are relentless in seeking reconciliation.
When we feel alone, you offer community.
When we face pain, you give healing.
When danger surrounds us, you give us courage.
When we work against each another, you urge peace.
Holy One, you are the wellspring of grace and goodness.
We come to worship you in gratitude for all you offer
through Christ in the power of the Spirit.
Receive our praise this day,
and renew us to serve you in the world you love.

Holy One,
Your generous mercy became flesh in Jesus Christ.
Yet we confess that often we hold grudges and cling to the past.
We focus on what we lack and resent what others have.
We turn a blind eye to what we know is evil
and fail to act for what we know to be good.
Forgive our jealousies and resentments,
and free us from any temptation to put others down.
By your generous mercy,
strengthen our commitment to follow Jesus’ example day by day.

Assurance of Pardon

(Worship leaders might consider saying the assurance of pardon while pouring water into the
Baptismal font. This serves as a visual reminder of the forgiveness that is offered in baptism.)

Hear the good news! Who is in a position to condemn? Only Christ—and Christ died for us;
Christ rose for us; Christ reigns in power for us; Christ prays for us. Friends, believe the good
news of the gospel. In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven and made new by God’s generous grace.

Prayer for Understanding

God of wisdom, speak your Word to us through the scriptures, read and interpreted. By your
Spirit, plant your truth deep within us so that we may grow in the likeness of Christ, who is your
Living Word. Amen.

50 Wynford Drive, Toronto ON M3C 1J7  416-441-1111 or 1-800-619-7301 

The Presbyterian Church L’Église presbytérienne
in Canada au Canada
Invitation to the Offering

Today is Presbyterians Sharing Sunday. Through our offering, we join in an outreach of creative
and compassionate service across our country and around the world. Our gifts combine with
those of many others to build up the body of Christ and its mission of healing and wholeness in
Jesus’ name.

Prayer of Dedication

God of goodness and loving kindness, we offer our gifts in gratitude for what you have given us
in Christ and in creation. We know there are many who face danger and devastation daily. Bless
these gifts and multiply them through what others share this day, so that your goodness and
loving kindness will touch many in need, for the sake of Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

Gracious God,
you have called many people together to become the church
that bears Jesus’ name.
Thank you for joining us in fellowship is so many different places,
and giving us opportunities to make a difference for Christ’s sake.
Bless our congregation and our denomination,
so that we are united in mission and purpose, wherever and however we serve.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Creator God, you made all things and called them good.
May the earth be held in reverence by all people.
May its resources be used wisely,
and the fragile balance between all its species respected.
Be with those whose lives have been disrupted by wildfire, storm and drought,
and bring healing to creatures and communities struggling for life.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Comforting God,
your Son became a refugee with no place to call his own.
Look with mercy on all those who are fleeing from danger,
and find themselves homeless and hungry.
(Here you can add specific prayers for places in recent news)
Bless and protect those who work to bring relief;
and inspire generosity and compassion in hearts that have resources to share.
Guide the nations to work together to bring an end to conflict
so that little children may grow up safe and happy in their own homes.
Lord, in your mercy,

50 Wynford Drive, Toronto ON M3C 1J7  416-441-1111 or 1-800-619-7301 

The Presbyterian Church L’Église presbytérienne
in Canada au Canada
Hear our prayer.

Eternal Ruler,
all nations rise and fall in your sight.
Hear our prayers for those who rule in countries around the world,
that they may act with integrity, establish justice for all citizens,
and seek the ways of peace.
Give guidance to the new government elected in Canada this week,
to address the needs of the most vulnerable,
and to lead recovery from the pandemic in prudent and generous ways.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

God of hope,
we bring before you the names of people and places on our hearts this day,
seeking the right gift only you can give them:
(Keep silence for 30 seconds)
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Ever faithful God,

you have knit together your people from all times and places
into the body of Christ through his resurrecting love.
Keep us in communion with all your saints,
those we have known and loved, as well as those known best to you.
Inspire us to learn from the examples of their faith in action,
and bring us together in the joy we will know in your presence.
Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Merciful God,
accept our prayers, spoken and unspoken,
and strengthen us to do your will through Jesus Christ,
who taught us to pray, saying:

The Lord’s Prayer

Mission Moment – September 26, 2021

Sharing Hope Through Presbyterians Sharing

When we give to Presbyterians Sharing, we participate in God’s mission together, expressing our
faith through our actions and decisions. Together, we build strong congregations, serve
vulnerable people, walk with Indigenous people, seek justice and share Christ’s love around the
world. We are there when a prisoner in Malawi discovers Christ’s love through Bible study, and
when a congregation adapts to meet community needs in new ways. We are there when a child

50 Wynford Drive, Toronto ON M3C 1J7  416-441-1111 or 1-800-619-7301 

The Presbyterian Church L’Église presbytérienne
in Canada au Canada
receives a healthy snack and after-school support from an inner-city ministry, and when
theological students in Canada, Malawi, Nigeria, Ghana and Beirut graduate, ready to shine
Christ’s light. On Presbyterians Sharing Sunday, we celebrate the mission and ministry we share
together, as we proclaim God’s love, hope, faith and grace in the world God loves. When we put
our gifts in God’s hands, God does remarkable things!

Prayer Partnership

Sunday, September 26 On Presbyterians Sharing Sunday, we give thanks for the faithful
generosity of congregations across Canada as we share in mission and ministry together through
Presbyterians Sharing.

Monday, September 27 We pray for stewardship committees planning fall stewardship


Tuesday, September 28 We pray for the people, ministries and mission of the Presbytery of
Brandon in Manitoba.

Wednesday, September 29 We give thanks and pray for those who are beginning a term as
presbytery moderator. May they lead with hope and serve with kindness.

Thursday, September 30 We pray for the wisdom to see clearly the reality of racism and
bigotry in the institutions of our country so that we may work to challenge and uproot these
institutionalized concepts in ourselves, our churches and our society.

Friday, October 1 We pray for Indigenous children who are being removed and separated from
their families and communities.

Saturday, October 2 We pray for Place of Hope Indigenous Presbyterian Church in Winnipeg,
Manitoba, and for all Survivors of Residential Schools.

50 Wynford Drive, Toronto ON M3C 1J7  416-441-1111 or 1-800-619-7301 

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