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Lo chapter 1

-Menyusun teks lisan sederhana untuk mengucapkan dan merespon ungkapan

meminta perhatian

-Menyusun teks sederhana untuk mengecek pemahaman

-Menyusun teks sederhana dapat menghargai kinerja yang baik

-Menyusun teks sederhana untuk meminta dan mengungkapkan pendapat.

Glosarium chapter 1

announcement. | english | semester| assignment | students. | article | following|

conditions | minimum | consists | articles | thought | yourself | duplicated |
education | technology | health. | required | meaning | indonesian. | submitted |
maximum | wednesday | november | teacher | angelina | reading | competition |
registration | starting | student | council | register | immediately | because | prizes.|
council |

Reading chapter 1


This is an English semester assignment for grade 8A students. Make an English

article with the following conditions:
-The minimum consists of 1000 words
-Articles thought of by yourself, should not be duplicated from any source
-The topic of articles about education, technology, or health.
You are also required to write down the meaning of the article in Indonesian. All
articles need to be submitted to my desk at the maximum next week on
Wednesday, 18 November 2020. Thank you.

English Teacher,

Mrs. Ruly Angelina

Lo chapter 2

1. Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan kemampuan dan kemauan
melakukan suatu tindakan
2. Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menanyakan kemampuan dan kemauan
melakukan suatu tindakan

Reading chapter 2

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