The Significance of Former Buddhas in The Theravadin Tradition - Gombrich

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BUDDHIST STUDIES IN HONOUR OF WALPOLA RAHULA SOMARATNA BALASOORIYA ANDRE BAREAU RICHARD GOMBRICH UDAYA MALLAWARACHCHL | a 1980 ‘The Significance of Former Buddhas in the Theravidin Tradition RICHARD GOMBRICH ‘The Veoerable Dr, Walpole Raha isinguithed as shoe by his nig combiton of quilts a masey ofthe mint of tans! snd modern Badd leasing, coupled with cath intrest is word ‘eligons and word poems which ses Buddhism as prt of human {isto Thistreaih of perspective Teannot fours atten tomate, butt may serve a my encase for origin is honor few contra observations or asubject hich nly maker ses ina compratie context: the question ofthe Buddha's orga, or ud th re dow, he Dhamma, exits erly ti the trib true wher anyone knows it nt. The view of tu gute ‘amir inthe West It is revant to an Inport dierene beeen Fuddhiso and Chistialty a hori signs: for Christianity the stort of Je is esl and ales the anthony of ht mesg, haeas Buddhists belive tat the Disenns would be tte wheter the Budd exist oe not. This direc bs nened th eden by ‘he arent of thse regions othe hgigraphies oft founders, a3 atlas poated out" st as tees bona vigorous serch oe “stories by Christi and eter Westerorientel hola ola ‘song tome Ween Orientals there has ban scholarly sath othe “toil Buddha the ory of whom the Badass hemes ever ‘qesioned and which had nvr interest them ot pod «pelt of Usporane for he “The imperianc of «Buddha ith that be dicover the Dhara end then prota it to th word. Ths simply makes teaser for other reali the rth they do neta o work tot for themsces fom ist ‘rings, but can Become susie with i through te words of he Buda, Torte dotines ar short freight se fulsbort cut onthe stage ofthe Lang joursey towards Enlightenment, “This is the Bodhi postion: as the rus doce salons then ue ‘gna is posse in addeting this mow importace af questons the {usston of vation. ‘Now et us view theproblefiom anoterangle. IT weeompare Buddhism toe other word religions, we ay Sestak bythe conscious and expt gay of is founder. Mot great reigious tacere and fownécrs of ‘eligi inition, whateve hl acta originality, hae claimed that tony were eforier father than innoates: tht they wre eeodeing stro dostrn or ort mode flew ad been awn loeb ad cn 3) been fogoteno corre fen the have rer pl iri ‘iy by Scio leony fr tc mesa abtg etn ‘nie souce god af ik they ae bat te mews “The Dosh wan comply ites The sandal feta ia India hon, wt one ped proteus ‘fteVetan an hence vested rseestfesn tear oft Ve ‘etext which wernt weten dows) and Vad tion Te fuel ‘let in nin sn sti tn cymes odes ot Step the Ven etre Sach an asp dus tS any ‘iw of wat he edn mont singly nal tenet ee Volos at sped and not be quened. There mse sce egius fecherstivng in iin hither Bh td clad ‘tat mpi npr hy reece eben tina tuyere Buda disc gosion Who te taba? Fateh asa8 English ffomer tins might av dia he gacin, "Wheatacre? ana soa ender ofa _uenion mp tt blunt Seni er eon? He ao ‘Sodemoe herria elt hich wa thor ate ila ‘tt il annals aay one” “The Bada wasn all pect te most kon ern is nen; rail h ene mas the anges. Bt on toe pert {points be may tesa okie gone us Pt, halo ‘Seed al ita ab wees a adel positon, a no wih ew ot unigee bt prociineda parte non te moral ave at the aceon tenets ind Unmet plated ttre that this leads gil to he sesond pet hi aa ‘That second apt tha he not oye he ortaran clans {te Ves, ass mae yt bc gud bet fate jee lime an thoy cond gurney ha id cope ‘fanahers word could ead tothe sat ood” Cri be eae Fins uthetaeingo mocks hbase te Toh but contaene inhi auhowtyhedered ono moran peel obegaing ‘nes ova sia gust Gen hi sur any Bua ng ond an {2tte ame light ad on Seco oly suboiatine Forthematnanceof statins inte dspace ashy st were Ob noosa, andi noeupeig bat eumey oe evo inte Ssogha cre into Ragin se thse {eHow radinetry tat ste by retained in sone Ds Counties. But this wathsty ste har svay ben conned Wah txtal, with orhopray, ot vid uso rodeo ee. ‘ater el, Dhi lak foal suey sera it veya or ih, once, forthe msintnanoe ofa teaching tis postons ot really adequate, To atiret newoomars¢s view of seweniial realty ‘quires moe tacking than the testinony ofan isated nda speaing for himself, Th Bohs, afer his Euigbtenmen, reached the den etch andsetout to Jot. Thefis penon be met war a aaderngaset falled Upaka. The Buddha ade toh arpa’ amouacent of Enlightenment, to which Upaia reply be and procnded os Biswy ow toguad apn Upakss? The problem may hav statdin te next ‘rection, wth te Buda’ ciples; or perhaps ws ae flt by fhe Buda bins ‘The Busha took ful responsibly for his mess, nd dnote that it had bee conveyed to im bya upsioe omer: in ts apt followed the pater of Indian regis eaches os tine, Bat eed fom them ahi far to utenti is posion by ecrene to ag lin of teachers Sager prosaiming be Mes inthe Ups at oe rset hiro by sting ter teachers the geology iste ore al th way back to some ayia eltare hero sch as oped rier of th original Veia. The ftrieaton cf such a genelgy ee Buddha, howere, presented isopenle difcaies Not on di fs sccountofhisaligteument make tq ler hat it wavallhrcawore, lependet of ny teaching; the soy of hist quest farther ser. ‘ed that be ha sted with eacerandlsotall ha ey had ee hin, bot abandoned them a nadequate, ‘The Buds athenation could therefore ony be mythological Ts Inethat wemay athe fundamental aon forthe doting of pee ‘19 Buhay. A model i lose than Jin. The Maes oho wet junio contenporary of the Bada, st hima asa efoto radi of Piva, tebe who bad eon dea for some tse Hs cles ‘imelf and Piva Tthamlar’~ Tord-nakers the metaphor sugges that they Belpd oes to cross the turbuletscsan of phenomenal ets ence. Mahivira eld that ist, Ike hinsl, was na congo, a ones ine of foréahersething beck to ine ino e universe proeedd in mast tnporal eye an within he prosat ule rhinos part ofthe univers, he hinge ws th wey fourth Tha kara, Thee dos not ppen tore ben pei belors Ina seid {he theory of te went four Thats ony reason why th dene shoul not hve Been part o Mabivr' ow ching. Tht he aalopoes Buddhist dotrne of previous Bais mu lnfueossl by Das oes ‘auch moe lisly than tht the Jans horse tet dace fo the Busts. npr, the peie nome 24, sparen ep n ate ocr, probly entered Rodis only sone centares afer fe Bud, orever,impertant parts he doce of previous Buds Gogo back tothe ery strata ofthe Buddhist Canon, and in pureulat fo ts Digs ‘bhava, ray, the Digha Niky aleady conus the tmportact Busit ‘ent th lean of wich to our sb il soon appear tat thew ESSAY BY RICHARD cowaRICH oy ‘en can hae no eines hing nave wot acne alo Contin yrs csmologal myn, ata ofthe pina face compat ‘Ne Noneetbemhoneve day th an pre Ince conloges at prio wheter Hin rhe a te ee prose “ast inmpor js. a gol each ee tpi ih 2 gles pe ad ‘line toad al host Sete agreed fv howe defaced yan inseam. fick 4 doceingitapan be est nden Comping at oot ‘i nee cn tt yo the Canon, by pining dierent Linde tl vila ec ther? ing va ons 'nah nine Ie round’ (ona a ‘eli ture wan fasinates pending ek ag {hl lng eps and ope of Gosia rete We nd ot fs atin isin, apprecng te ter ent ef eo edie, a ae formate anu ob aon on hte ee ern os trl de wien he Dhan har some eres of Saran sobs "Wsimporanttuadertand tat hs consol allows te ie of Ba as eehing ito the ps ad ete ob ne Theat erin th iw hat deeopd; bomen nt Sal est teson be bac hogs ay be npc Te ain ext on pone ‘ula is the Mapai Sui (Dg Nd XIV). The Bad's ‘ag in ths ogy sermon spp tobe at th i of ach pen borate tea adda flows sig patent ch hs oenfehecone fa. To et hb al hey of Vip sh Bliss how ews bornto versa napa hows bean sngesa. Sv das ce death hon altos pr an Row Se {eooal the wort, raed the oth and founded & dna Ved Focal, te semnon reves te test: cn at toe ‘Boda’ aera ean pred er to sree, ns ‘an setae acount fii pesos peered on sy of tua’ evo if The fact that theses sy of Goan’ nus at fe ed deat evncaton fot foun in he Conon Pak ltetareit does ot oz fore the Nie, hi pa post formacednot anda the heey AD. -thesoppersia te epare an for deer ts nay ts nese penyposed ye ny Sf Vipin Tos, 9 FJ. Thoma ish he ary of Coan & Ide on te yo Vipin cha “The Bun ges acoso ee oor dias eteen Vga sn binslfin ental ers Ofech eos sme el {ie cnn which they were orth maou Ie yin ptd, {hasan of air tly sa ae ee, tos terug earth Kf eur hl yale Enighcnmont the namber of dint dns vu bene Clgtes ‘andthe names of hi tn cit disipe and rncplpersoalatend Alot all the proper names seen o be pureivence of copa ‘nce whater About the nutes, to points are worthy ofatsnton te ‘msnimm llespan andthe numberof Enlghesed spe shom ssa fat detne: Vipus's pesonal diiples numbered ion Gotana Buda’ nly 1250; the liespun under Vipin ws 80000 yer, no i oly «bund. Ox theater hatter iva steking iret ato the spersion ofthe even Budd tine. Vipusn ved tatens eo ‘go the net vo Buda bat lived tity one eons eg tl hen tine Buddhas before Gotsma have al eet la ths sme oon fn which a ‘ving. Gots is thas the fourth Buddha win one con Frtnate sate of ais for us ‘Letusnow lookat te frmer Buddhas nthe bulk ofthe Canon: four ‘kiya andthe oes tats which are sate to be ler tha the Bud ans (2s below). The first thee of there emer Buda, Vigo tn the tno ho follow hi, have no inidsity hic sno dee 'eeton of Goss Budd. They ae only mation in the Mohan ‘Sita intext which vel replat part of tat sxman, feat in the introduction to the Swasbhonga f the Vinge ata let sage" ys that cote hee Buds were dc bot ving te for "ie ciple puidance giving them personal counseling isan) thee ‘Buddhist practise didnot long survive thet deh, whetens he comes stra of hela thee Buh bfore Gotan Kahane, Kogagnan tnd Kasnapa. Te last three occur inane text, the Pap nbs ‘Sura this sermon the Bada a thatthe began of oh incleulble unthinkable le wye of Mount Vepulls tht sds the Ce rviows Daas i was lager; et diminishing steady, aed Se ne ‘marinus Ifespun of the local inbaban, I pvr 86 mame of te ‘mountain and that ofthe ihabitant at each pai td pie te te «tie dope ofeach Budaba. Thecontenftnetext wt neretng; be itueitene may eaplin vy thse hres Baas joined Gotan ens ‘bse, the Buda of ou ee “There n0 other mention of Kopdgaans. Kalasandha dos kone Aisnnve apesrace, inthe Maasai Sta Inti wry old soe son th oly ooe of which we know whith same to have bor deloed onthetoiet, Moga all Mara hatin the tine of Keksanda Bod be (Méoggaliina) as a Mira called Dixn and haved the mee hee spect that he tion gurl and at nally waste poe “Mire who fad teen Disin ut that anthro) Katwandlesaly ‘pps ia the sory to pe hls monks good standard adie about not ‘on on oes anton oathomees, That val about Ksessaig Ths only former Bada who is efered to invidunt see thebaik of the Canons Kasse, th lst Buna befoe Cota Des ‘ike ain Parva eas no distintve als Terear couple snes ESSAY BY RICHARD coMMRICH ty his allo, ad x cope of sro ae atu to hin, ta he stibutins em arias, and Kassya odd rena eioten The omplts th tale of ore Buddhas inte min bay ate Pal Canon “Those ets mention mo Baha before Vipaain = ‘We krow that Buh other ten Gama ware actly enced say at Atoka, forthe Niggas Pilar incrpon Tecndstt Empsor doubled thes of ste to Keoanon (ait eal han? ‘Tae Chine pins who toured ada inthe et millenia AD ‘many monuinens to frmer Badd of ish ie retin war sel ‘oka At Bhi econ entry B.C) and at Se tena BC) fe represented ets of sre tro and tes at Bt aay ‘cited with abl ndetng hat hy ae te tes under leh te oes ‘Badd mentioned inthe Mahipans Sure ntaeed the gan According to another text inthe Digh Nada, tbe Canutthnd ‘Sita the ox Boda, Meteyp, sd sppar durante nat Se, {9s when te husaa espa he nga vented 9000 oar, Soe tba the Dig Nike name stogeierept Dudas 6 whom tee Ave (efor abe ps Meteyy seal to arb carom “Archacolgel eves shows al hese vo ponpeoelgt sad of, {both of wich Gtana Buda is pnstiate worcimpotnt in ada ‘Baddhist iconography over a lengly period, Mat (te more crn Susi same of a) Mey probaly tase tobe grup of scr Fouhe claimed tohave ound bs Eagteameat rete eo, dep at Sil'¥ Tn Gandhian at three ere fs lnc Spey wich Foucher sul core in elijngas etre post oe ls alive iguresarshown dese ts moa, whic oreights ot fed or prince the two ae geal indisingutables nt re Males, ‘ho iemow ia heaven avaiting isl cit ra pine (ho wil od cou eos the world) At A (pot A cetry AD. tne |s painted ove he entrace to cave XVI sind sees a te sro pat ‘Busts pls Maia wheat Ee ther are one ted Gora foe XU seri of een sented Bahay, dang tom test le the eh etry, which nay well epee Bs fom Vipin ota ‘a th other and, Miele Bn hs play red tat ope of plies found ate reat Bit sof Areal and Neuro ‘oo nd dating fom heist centaris AD. epee! th fe Sedns of out om. These fe eam fo be vied wie orca! pant ls the ceatre ina manser amin tostaden ef Mahiyineecagenty, ‘nwhih asinsaly dose group of ve grat Bothbasiereaceeeey ie P'S ar over cing tts nd sion sinon aleve ‘Baadhit shoo. The rst of ths pupa wl consntate on Thomssde ‘mae, eventhough sme ofthe eoncins deewn may be of 6 FISTSOMRIFY FOR WALPOLA RawloLA {etre in theory the suber of udhas a on acknowl tobe at like ne, and nthe Budi shod wich grew ap Inia the nas of Torney Buds proeate At ancy stage however, the = ter twenjfour beame standardised in the Thervidin tion. This screw the composition, pcp in thethird or second centary B.C ff the Budyays, on ft ast books to be add to the Pa Canon, ‘This poem, ‘The Lineage ofthe Ealgteaed, ges deta of twen-fosr ‘Badlns,wit Goto asthe teat, lost dental en The ‘st eighien of tase Buddhas we encour bee forthe ist tine (Tbe poem ft mentions the names of twsoysven previous Budhas, ‘but gies accounts of only twenty-four, omiting the fist thee, Wa {Gotan one can thor resopize went ight Baas, a 2 that this rather than very fou, the amber which sae stand Burma) “hestunber tent fur, wemay pei, was borowedrom Jens. ‘As grocrations af mythograpers ped, de umber woud a doubt have ‘eon superseded andfowgtten had tno become fe a Thera rae fom by te association with a ew theory, Ths thor myopalycon- ete those ent Tour Budhas, and thm aloe, t Gotama Budd, has making them a tine group. Th he eat teats here i oly one sory whic precats any drt connection between theatre Gotuma Badd andan carer Baha the ‘ory ith under the previous Buds, Kasapa, he was young bras Caled Jtpa who hard Kapa preach andfecame a monk under i, ‘Now, however tw tery propos mo intnate connection beter Gotaina and pevous Buddhas. This hat each fare Buodba ako an ‘apraion inthe presence of one oe more prvaus Budd to stan ‘Budhood, and thatthe Buddha before whom the espana voind ‘reitsit sonesfal lien Tle theory ould hes orl to Introduce into Thera Baise what a Mahan tess Bon ale the Bossatve Wel.” Any future Bod fa Bodhisattva (ey ‘fniton, bat withthe appearance oth tory ane orally coe & Bodhi y taking vow inthe presence of Badd and eosing S| prediction #* Ie anther rligion we might say that the Bodh was ‘tecinga prayer for future Budsood anata the Bodh before whom {he payer was mde was giving his bleang; bot the em prayer ond “ols both imply hat oud agers an nen one's ii ro- _essina way ich Badass holo be posible, Neverthe thou! [tthe ncert s ceil tht religious asp receiving a lesing: Sod th fermof the theory ager that ach Messing rsived in per, [sa prreuite for Budahood. ‘Themytholopcal axpesion of hitheor isthe tory ofthe wen oar ‘Buds nd in particular theory of Suma, whieh s known osm ‘ery child in Thera counties. Trent foer Dodds back, the ory taeqy AY atcttann Goxtanici } 04, veda Baédhe cle Dipapars, (The mame meas “amper, Se bragerof ight, and its gramatcal for, not common ot ia Pa, ‘calle th ala le Tamar) nthe ne of Dips the Being is ‘vas ultimately to become Geta Boda was born esa brahmi called Sumedha. Hating become an sete, Suma wes meditating one day ‘wes be sa by super-toralpover tat Dipaara and his mes nee bout to enter a st fralns. The izes were making ready by mending ‘roa Sumedba few dom and voluneeredt be eponl fora tt, [Ba boc he ood ilin a big ple, paar reve Samed pro stated his egt oth: polo tat he Boa an the mons ould vale over Bim vtbout pling mod, even cost i ie ‘Wile ying before Drpaar's fete made the asplation for Budd ood, and Diparlara theo predict tht he would aa aa ads ‘alld Goa "The ehapler oa Diparara sb fr the longs in th Budhana “Thee aren intresing stoves atuched othe oer Sneath Busas| from whom the fture Got reed pedis the text eerste Wht nowadays would te allot boats, and etions ie what form the fue Gotana mas bor tat ime and reseed hi redition A Bodhi, once formal inuached on carer esvogapresiion, [always horn ara male and never na om lowe an oe a he abl nial Thus uoertwe Baas, the fourth andthe nineleeth (Vp), {he tare Gotan naraseni-divise cob aig), and utder sates he ‘ght on; bu olerwise he was always born su mat oF a god. Only ‘Su of thos trety fur formers of Gata soresponde to aay the 7 which ae the subjects af Jaa stoves, but fel hose 4 ae ‘ol tote But sli om a vast series, Most ofthe Bulihe-anaa «quoted inthe commenti ineducton tothe Jaa book, the MaDe ‘Eta, and itis from his poplar soe hat it entered the mains of ‘Terai ation, "There theta Bada mosthave rexved a prod a theft of one cormore former Badbas was ist applied to Gora; tis ger ce, fod one which entails a infinite regres. This infinite regress pve the ‘cholic mythographers no trouble, becuse it harmonies with the Aocrne tha tbe world ca ave no being, The Nidinasara onan then trac of atempltoprovissmeof teeter Bud wih or tare analogous to thal of Gotan, Here x one example In Gotan daa’ st ion cath before is hrthas Siddhartha Gata, be ass priacecaledVessatara who nas 0 generous that on oq he ave ray Fisown earn os brahnin been. Now Mangala, the second Ba ‘fee Dipamlara, isa to ave peered sila feat — with x puletily obvoasatemptatone-upanstip: inthe corresponding to {he future Gtama’s eas Vesta, Mangala was so generous tht he [Breit igen on eet toa mann pho iguaed a bake, v0, esvaCHIMIPT FOR WALTOLA RAMULA ‘wo rosea evourthem sre sep Howeer istry led ‘on pops. Fecal hp ofthe inners we move forardin ine tothe Slap,» Sse pros Sse bmp A008 the ‘en Denar. Theasthorinroced ito econd chapter soot thes ofthe tre Got fore hc bath as Sed corgi ‘curs bends metal sprtons fo Buddha ig seen cout {ble cos ad ated sth anton loud dig in uncountable in {he peer of 600 Bada oe ting with Diana One ‘ops! aplce the plat inti when hi Dipak origina ‘Spon fr Bodalood ah hdl t theft of Bada eh, cone ‘Hage slscaed Dinara to diteretat than he text al hen Puta (Anckat)and Pina (Later) Dippare The storys fora inerethovees ter f es, bt teeters Got, whoa ne ‘tlving as Pope Dipagar's spate, Sie no Badan ca be Few ay dace ath ear Gotan’ woranhood which Toner trnary olathe tory before sth Sudha, Be at ‘say. inthe ol stry known ome in hich he pal gener ‘hour "a adh, fatre Bohn to whom tht Bada argon re ‘ston and pecrn vhowlbepen speedy aaa Dad "We began th papery mentioning an apt of the Venebl Rabas cies doer, a consuon ye vest toeston a spect ot ‘enantio Hea lng tion othe elt, Belin ‘West tatoithism in oomy and that Budde monk mast be Se rosver be pe thse wo fe vw By bok prs end eae is ning end npg hears canot be i ojo es fn arte ut su sppropie to Say tation fee i owe tory which clin gueton an pct of Db’ alleged em ‘Sovayeatisommalogsscmtoelveln dein and thecal Indian on neenocspton, Observe brn pre byte Ba ‘histble tating regting wres and that threat expe of {ioc in which he shen of Bad's aching maker the earnest of aaiont pon st Nor vow eno ohn toe Irwin! tional ein Cejon fa ther are loge Enleen poops sud ond» fmons media Sane ses fn a eae olen low bus acca eit aan ‘ing pce or ston ~ probe than tat rte Ifing abe worldwide ocenn and suring ene str shoud ck Netead through holeina yoke outing around onthe te Bat hi ‘onesie ‘Were abe dav attention tthe god fran ofthe wo’ rennin who arlvng nan con fe Buddhas?» the bet cm om pos kind of eon, esol to Buddhist shoastis, Chap 2 ofthe Klihemdlararaye to which we have aleady alae, bat an account tf how th ure Gotan st care to maa vow for BoShahood 2 tatarl subj ofearosty once one cides tok the tory eck yond Sumedba, Wehave publatelehowkereatrndation ofthe mainepzoz:" bereits the paragraph immediately presding tat pasage which eneeras “At that ine a cetin Brains king who was among thelist f the son ‘etoroes fa tuned arash. He gt up rom hs estat ance 206 reed the word Mesa tha here mesma ery many Been it thefive Pure Abode, nd on investigating why tha shou be, reaizs ‘was suse no Dads bad hee bora athe wr fea nnunerablecon (Ge fortanumerae crs). He beete very upset a he eatin sates bythe word, Hosurveyed the whole worl to oe Wnt hero pion was ‘Betoful te qualtesreglstefor makings Buddha. Many bounds Bodhisativas hes, who tad vowed obese Enghened,xnd wer at ‘hat ine ling te Petections they wee ik ots bad eto opening fad longing forthe sun's rays At thigh he sejoeed. He thought Let Inefurterinerate thheroe for forthe Bodhsatv'searor by casing yetimere conpasioate and erle peopl to rake vows for Falter rent farcry moe the wells of te word” Votan be sarod ‘ele wold, and an our ret Bodhbata, who wasable to dri tealight and yrons who Was steadfast ose intellgese was ie a5 & ‘iamoad and whose heroism never Magar, and who was capable of ding ‘others good, Thon be caused oxe pent Bodhisattva to make a vow witha ‘ie mad for Faligtonment>” ‘We have suggest inthis arte tat he orignal fusion of former ‘Badia wae fo autesticate the Budd's esge ad that they Iter azure the func of ensrig be aaliyah message by une ing Bodhisattva o thar ares Fall lathe Sadhana he doctrine of former Buddhas hed reached great mchologtal complex. ‘With thet proliferation theformer Buddhas lost ecameretandan Se world is nw teming with Bodhsactas. Hardly avery pss wisn. ‘Bur this tl ot enough; abother Buda seems tobe needed to help ‘em along; and some anonym god who Is about to ener mane ety pee about he ortage of adds to keaton | {he sed of Budhaood in ance il Hiscompassonate tin, which ‘ec Gotan Babs’ hardwon decison to peeach the Tru he had ‘discovered son the very nara o Thervida Badd orhodon, forthe idee hata ged can ltt a reaveina humaa nds cally Jbione Bul wereid te abore pusage a lio, otas pilosopy: asd wewnthee from thatthe gods are about the word, and wil eer the mppy of | ‘Radda run dy. Grounds fora i sberuoes, my restscuatrr FOR WALYOLA RASIULA ores, 1 le ate lp en, 8 oy i pemae SRE r acca as memantine 4 pecrmer ess aees 9 Fa ee crt ay ie Cece rman 1 Aap is a a ei iret cea apace came om: i de peal Pe ne dr SE Re roe eet pomaaatsy Sasa et » mag elena mates haar an SAD ser mn ct wince, Te ow he ‘BUSTS at Fl cake a aren The ein ee » sae alee ctor as Goan aekounnmenmnen see er Kile Rol, sb 1984 4. STE ee Oe a raceme sre abet ee va eam SRE Tot Sn center cas SEream ach auc seamen Seen RCSL. irl Some Notes on the Budldhavaynsa Commentary (Maaurathavilsinty MISS 1B, HORNER: eee “The cemenay of te Pali Text Socials in 1981. To commersorate his ‘Hone trees be bos ested to publish a: many testis a8 fons the Conuentariesoatad ont works in he Pl aon Soar PTS bs pled tranaaons of ro more than ve Comps! thee ‘Sa works the Khuistony and one om work inthe Abhihonmsp- sia Under the Proje wo move, naely PVA and VwA shuld apes in ‘Bemot to dant tare Both eon hoo is th Rhona, bo, Together wth Joakaridina, CpA aod ApA, for example we Targly (cerned with exping te egendary"mattrso mac inevieneinthe Stores te ae commenting on and nie i of te formidable length of The Comye on Vino te fue great Nays. ‘Concurrently ith aking # tagslaton of By isi ander the tie ‘cron of Budi foun tat fois beter understanding ts Com vA, the Mahar, clled Te Clarif of the Sweet Meni [CS¥0 shou abo be ame. The proceeded todo, When T had italy Bish it bt was tl Ey erminlogy hat seemed co tne cbicure, I vas prviegd to have wig nnd expert lp from Dr Rabule, Aviso ne rush tracted to ths Com a L,I hope tat thefew pits hve elected toring ornare bt tobi earing Undinreeopition ofaur years offrenshipwil bof interest. Avery [rt a fom this Coy, sh ba ever ia or verbose at pecore ere remain sid Tosomnextntithastobecempared withthe Comys tosbow how ixadopts ve of the expartory devices common them a Sod ioe eteat [hope oat atl ofthe ster noe oes peal to “The Buhari opens wit esctipion of «wonderful mare for mich there tees 9 pall the Pll Cann, In ode curb he (don of hs aroant Sayan rains and pat an end to thei sees "ar only a boy, Joungser usr outer’ pandioa’*- Got very econ conve Bud, desided to show hen what kod of Bada Teves and what kind hi poh potency. So, nthe ay econsacted lnengiote lene Walk and paso ypand down on to theamarsnet ad {aon of every srt ol eatore. Then Sarpatistgeter wih fe Frndred wahants apes! and quastiond hie about the reslve and the asleaton he td mae for Buddhahood cons ago and abot if Sipe of the ten pestis “Aer tis opening Secon ther hen begins he esta that forms te

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