Is 456 2000

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1S 456 : 2000 aR ATT an wa wafer dente — ofa dfear (ater Greer ) Indian Standard PLAIN AND REINFORCED CONCRETE — CODE OF PRACTICE ( Fourth Revision ) ICS 91.10.30 © BIS 2000 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 July 2000 Price Rs 260.00 Indian Standard PLAIN AND REINFORCED CONCRETE — CODE OF PRACTICE ( Fourth Revision ) FOREWORD ‘This Indian Standard (Fourth Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized bby the Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council. ‘This standard was first publisbed in 1953 under the title “Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete for sgeneral building construction’ and subsequently revised in 1957. The code was further revised in 1964 and published under modified title ‘Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete’ thus enlarging the scope of use of this code to structures other than general building construction also. The third revision was published in 1978, and it included limit state approach to design. This is the fourth revision of the standard. This revision ‘was taken up with a view to keeping abreast with te rapid development inthe field of concrete technology and to bring in further modifications/improvements inthe light of experience gained while using the earlier version of the standard. This revision incorporates a number of important changes. The major thrust in the revision is on the following, lines: 2} In recent years, durability of concrete structures have become the cause of concern to all concrete ‘technologists. This has led to the need to codify the durability requirements world over. In this revision Of the code, in order to introduce in-built protection from factors affecting a structure, earlier clause on. durability has been elaborated and a detailed clause covering different aspects of design of durable structure has been incorporated. b) Sampling and acceptance criteria for concrete have been revised. With this revision acceptance criteria hhas been simplified in line with the provisions given in BS 5328 (Part 4):1990 ‘Concrete: Part 4 ‘Specification forthe procedures to be used in sampling, testing and assessing compliance of concrete’. Some of the significant changes incorporated in Section 2 are as follows: 8) All the three grades of ordinary Portland cement, namely 33 grade, 43 grade and 53 grade and sulphate resisting Portland cement have been included in the list of types of cement used (in addition to other types of cement). >) The permissible limits for solids in water have been modified keeping in view the durability requirements. ©) The clause on admixtures has been modified in view of the availability of new types of admixtures, including superplasticizers. 4) In Table 2 ‘Grades of Concrete’, grades higher than M 40 have been included. ©) Iwhas been recommended that minimum grade of concrete shall be not less than M 20 in reinforced concrete work (see also 6.13). ) The formula for estimation of modulus of elasticity of concrete has been revised. 8) In the absence-of proper correlation between compacting factor, vee-boe time and slump, workability thas now been specified only in terms of slump in line with the provisions in BS 5328 (Parts 1 to 4). h) Durability clause has been enlarged to include detailed guidance concerning the factors affecting durability. ‘The table on ‘Environmental Exposure Conditions’ has been modified to include ‘very severe’ and ‘extreme’ exposure conditions, This clause also covers requirements for shape and size of member, depth of concrete cover, concrete quality, requirement against exposure to aggressive chemical and sulphate ‘antack, minimum cement requirement and maximum water cement ratio, limits of chloride content, alkali silica reaction, and importance of compaction, finishing and curing. 4) Aclause on “Quality Assurance Measures’ has been incorporated to give due emphasis to good practices of concreting. 1k). Proper limits have been introduced on the accuracy of measuring equipments to ensure accurate batching of concrete, 1S 456 : 2000 1m) The clause on ‘Construction Joints’ has been modified. ‘n) The clause on ‘Inspection’ has been modified to give more emphasis on quality assurance. ‘The significant changes incorporated in Section 3 are as follows: 8) Requirements for ‘Fire Resistance’ have been further detailed. 'b) The figure for estimation of modification factor for tension reinforcement used in calculation of basic values of span to effective depth to control the deflection of flexural member has been modified. ©) Recommendations regarding effective length of cantilever have been added. 4d) Recommendations regarding deflection due to lateral loads have been added. ©) Recommendations for adjustments of support moments in restrained slabs have been included. {Inthe detemination of effective length of compression members, stability index has been introduced to ‘determine sway or no sway conditions. ®) Recommendations have been made for lap length of books for bars in direct tension and flexural tension. bh) Recommendations regarding strength of welds have been modified. j) Recommendations regarding cover to reinforcement have been modified. Cover has been specified ‘based on durability requirements for different exposure conditions. The term ‘nominal cover" has been introduced. The cover has now been specified based on durability requirement as well as for fire requirements. ‘The significant change incorporated in Section 4 is the modification of the clause on Walls. The modified clause includes design of walls against horizontal shear. In Section 5 on limit state method a new clause has been added for calculation of enhanced shear strength of, sections close to supports. Some modifications have also been made in the clause on Torsion. Formula for calculation of crack width has been added (separately given in Annex F). ‘Working stress method has now been given in Annex B 20a o give greater emphasis o limit state design. In this Annex, modifications regarding torsion and enhanced shear strength on the same ines as in Section Shave been made. ‘Whilst the common methods of design and construction have been covered in this code, special systems of MM ‘Exposure Condltons ® ‘Concrete suraces protected against weather or aggressive conditions except those stated in coat aes. Concrete surface sheltered from severe rin of freeing whilst wet Concrete exposed tn condensation nd in Concrete continaously underwater Concrete in contacto brid under on- sggrestivesoil/pound water Concrete surfaces shettered from sarurate salt sir in coma area ‘Concrete surfaces exposed to severe rain, alternate wetting and deying or ‘ceasional fering whilst wet or severe ‘condenation. Concrete completely ocr inte wee ‘Concrete exposed coastal enviroameat Concrete mrfces exposed to wea water spray, comosive fures or ever freezing Conditions while wet Concrete in contact with or buried under aggressive sub-scilground water ‘Sorface of mesnber in ial 2006 ‘Members in direct contact with Liquid! solid aggressive chemicals i) Moderate ii) Severe i ” 18 8.2.22 Abrasive Specialist literatures may be referred to for durability requirements of concrete surfaces exposed to abrasive ction, forexample, incase of machinery and metal tyres. 8.2.23 Freezing and thawing ‘Where freezing and thawing actions under wet conditions exist, enhanced durability can be obtained by the use of sutable air entraining admixtures. When concrete lower than grade M 50 is used under these Conditions, the mean total air content by volume of the fresh concrete at the time of delivery into the construction should be: ‘Nominal Maximum Size Entrained Air Aggregate Percentage (mm) 20 St 40 441 Since air entrainment reduces the strength, suitable adjustments may be made in the mix design for achieving required strength. 82.24 Exposure to sulphate attack “Table 4 gives recommendations for the typeof cement, maximum free watet/eement ratio and minima cement content, which are required at different sulphate concentrations in near-neutral ground water having pH of 6109. For the very high sulphate concentrations in Class 5 conditions, some form of lining such as polyethylene ‘or polychloroprene sheet; or surface coating based on asphalt, chlorinated rubber, epoxy; or polyurethane ‘materials should also be used to prevent access by the sulphate solution. 82.3 Requirement of Concrete Cover The protection ofthe steel in concrete against corrosion depends upon an adequate thickness of good quality concrete The nominal cover to the reinforcement shall ‘be provided as per 26.4. 8.24 Concrete Mix Proportions General “The free water-cement ratio is an important factor in goveming the durability of concrete and should always be the lowest value. Appropriate values for minimum ‘cement content and the maximum free water-cement ratio are given in Table 5 for different exposure conditions. The minimum cement content and ‘maximum water-cement ratio apply to 20 mm nominal ‘maximum size aggregate. For othe sizes of aggregate they should be changed as given in Table 6. IS 456 : 2000 8242 Maximum cement content been given in design to the increased risk of cracking Cement content not including fly ash and ground due to drying shrinkage in.thin sections, or 10 early granulated blast furnace slag in excess of 450 kg/m? thermal cracking and to the incressed risk of damage should not be used unless special consideration has due to alkali silica reactions. ‘Table 4 Requirements for Concrete Exposed to Sulphate Attack (Clauses 82.24 and9.1.2) Sl Gams Concentration of Sulphate, ‘Type of Cement oe @ © © © o ® )L Teucen east eat than Ordinary Portland 280 oss, «02 10 03 cement o Portand flag cement ot Por porzolana cxment i) 2 020 10% 0310 Ontinary Porting 330 00 os 19 2 ‘cement ot Pordiand slag Pordand porzolana cement ‘Sepersuphated 310 050 suphate resisting Portind cement i 3 OS 1912 Supersuphated 0 050 10 an 2s cement or sulphate resisting Portad cement Porand porzolana 350 as, amen o Poedand flag cement ™ 4 tow dio 250 ‘Sapermlphated 370 as, 20 50 50 ‘or tulphate resisting Porta cement YS More than -Morethan More than Sopa vessting 0 040 20 30 30 Pocdand cement superalpated cement swith protective comings Nores 1 Cement content given inthis table is imeapetive of pads of cement 2 Use of supersulphaed cement ia generally reeticted where the prevailing lemperature is above 40°C. ‘3 Swpermlphated cement ves an acepable life provided thatthe concrete is dense and prepared with a watecemen! rio of Oor Jes, in mineral acid, down opt 3.5, 4 The cement contents given in col 6 ofthis table are the minimum recommended. For $0, content near the upper iit of any clas, ‘cement contents above these minima ae advised, 'SForsevere conditions, such a thi sections under hydrostatic presture on one side only and sections partly immersed, considerations shoud be given to a Frther redaction of water cement ratio. 6 Pordand slag cement conforming to IS 485 with lg content more than 50 percent exhibits biter sulphate resisting properties. 7. Where chloride it encountered slong with sulphates in soi or ground wates, ordinary Portand cement with C,A content from 5 to 8 erent sal be desirable ro be used in concrete, instead of sulphate resisting cemeat, Alternatively, Portand slag cement conforming {015-45 having more than $0 percet slag or blend of ordinary Potand cement and sag may be wed provided sufficient information is avlable on performance of sich blended cements i hese conditions. 19 Is 456 : 2000 8.2.5 Mix Constiruents 825.1 General For concrete to be durable, careful selection ofthe mix and materials is necessary, so that deleterious constituents do not exceed the limits. Chlorides in concrete Whenever there is chloride in concrete there is an increased risk of corrosion of embedded metal. The higher the chloride content, or if subsequently exposed to warm moist conditions, the greater the risk of corrosion, All constituents may contain chlorides and ‘concrete may be contaminated by chlorides from the ‘external environment. To minimize the chances of deterioration of concrete from harmful chemical salts, the levels of such harmful salts in concrete coming from concrete materials, that is, cement, aggregates, water and admixtures, as well as by diffusion from the environment should be limited. ‘The total amount of chloride content (as Cl) in the concrete atthe time of placing shall be as given in Table 7. ‘The total acid soluble chloride content should be calculated from the mix proportions and the measured chloride contents of each of the constituents, Wherever possible, the total chloride content of the concrete should be determined, 82.5.3 Sulphates in concrete Sulphates are present in most cements and in some aggregates; excessive amounts of water-soluble sulphate from these or other mix constituents can cause ‘expansion and disruption of concrete, To prevent this, the total water-soluble sulphate content of the concrete mix, expressed as SO,, should not exceed 4 percent by ‘mass of the cement in the mix. The sulphate content should be calculated as the total from the various constituents of the mix. ‘The 4 percent limit does not apply to concrete made with supersulphated cement complying with IS 6909. 8254 Alkali-aggregate reaction Some aggregates containing particular varieties of silica may be susceptible to attack by alkalis (Na,O and K,O) originating from cement or other sources, producing an expansive reaction which can cause cracking and disruption of concrete. Damage to concrete from this reaction will normally only occur ‘when all the following are present together: 8) A high moisture level, within the concrete: ) A.cement with high alkali content, or another source of alkali: ©) Aggregate containing an alkali reactive constituent, Where the service records of particular cement/ aggregate combination are well established, and do not include any instances of cracking due to alkali- ‘aggregate reaction, no further precautions should be necessary. When the materials are unfamiliar, precautions should take one or more of the following forms: a). Use of non-reactive aggregate from alternate sources. ‘Table 5 Minimum Cement Content, Maximum Water-Cement Ratio and Minimum Grade of Concrete for Different Exposures with Normal Weight Aggregates of 20 mm Nominal Maximum Size (Clauses 6.1.2, 8.24.1 and9.1.2) Espesure Plain Concrete Reinforced Concrete ———— ———— Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Maximum Minimum ‘Cement Pree Water Grecof Cement’ «Free Wute- Grade of CComent —CementRaio. ——«Conerete-—=«« Content. =—=«Coment Ratio Concrete kg? rary » ® o ° © o ® Mila 20 06 a 300 oss M20 Moderte 20 060 Mas 00 030 Mas Severe 250 0x0 M2 x0 04s, M30 Verysevere 260 04s M20 uo 04s) M35 Extreme 280 040 M2s 360 040 Mao NOTES 1 Cement cootent prescribed inthis ble is imespective ofthe grades of cemeat andi s inclusive of addons mentioned in $2. The ‘dations ruc as fy ash oF ground granulated bast frnce slag may be taken into account inthe concrete composition with respect 10 ‘he cement content and water.cement aio ifthe sitabity is established and as long as the maximum amounts taken nto account do not exceed the limit of porzolona and slg specified in 1S 1489 (Pat 1) and 1 435 respectively 22 Minimum gradefor plain concrete ender mild exporue conition i not specified, Table 6 Adjustments to Minimum Cement Contents for Aggregates Other Than 20 mum Nominal Maximum Size (Clause 824.1) a No. ‘Nominal Maximum Adjustments te Minimor Cement ‘Aegregate Sle ‘Contents in Table S| sm kg? o 0 io 2 o i) “ 0 ‘Table 7 Limits of Chloride Content of Concrete 0 a @ 10 (Clause 82.5.2) Si Type or Use of Concrete Maxiesum Tot No. ‘Acid Soluble ‘Chloride Cootent apresed kgf of ‘Concrete o ® @ 1) Concrete containing metal and 04 steam cued at cleatedtempe- ‘ature and pre-atessed concrete iy Reinforced concrete or pin concrete 06 containing embedded metal iy Concrete not consning embeded 30 metal or any mate requing roection from chloride )_ Use of low alkali ordinary Portland cement having total alkali content not more than 0.6 percent (as Na,O equivalent), Further advantage can be obtained by use of fly ash (Grade 1) conforming to IS 3812 or granulated blastfurnace slag conforming to TS 12089 as part replacement of ordinary Portland cement (having total alkali content as 1Na,O equivalent not more than 0.6 percent), provided fly ash content is atleast 20 percent cor slag content is at least 50 percent. ©) Measures to reduce the degree of saturation of the concrete during service such as use of impermeable membranes. 4) Limiting the cement content inthe concrete mix and thereby limiting total alkali content in the conerete mix. For more guidance specialist literatures may be referred. 82.6 Concrete in Aggressive Soils and Water General “The destructive action of aggressive waters on concrete is progressive. The rate of deterioration decreases as the concrete is made stronger and more impermeable, and increases as the salt content ofthe water increases. ‘Where structures are only partially immersed or are in contact with aggressive soils or waters on one side only, 2 1S 456 : 2000 ‘evaporation may cause serious concentrations of salts with subsequent deterioration, even where the original salt content of the soil or water is not high. NOTE — Guidaneregating requirement fo conera exposed tomiphae stack a given in 8224 82.62 Drainage ‘At sites where alkali concentrations are high or may become very high, the ground water should be lowered by drainage so that it will not come into direct contact swith the concrete, ‘Additional protection may be obtained by the use of chemically resistant stone facing or a layer of plaster of Paris covered with suitable fabric, such as jute thoroughly impregnated with bituminous material. 182.7 Compaction, Finishing and Curing ‘Adequate compaction without segregation should be ensured by providing suitable workability and by employing appropriate placing and compacting equipment and procedures. Full compaction is. jpanicularly important in the vicinity of construction ‘and movement joints and of embedded water bars and reinforcement. Good fi concrete. ‘Overworking the surface and the addition of water/ cement to aid in finishing should be avoided; the resulting laitance will have impaired strength and durability and will be particularly vulnerable to freezing and thawing under wet conditions, It is essential to use proper and adequate curing techniques to reduce the permeability of the concrete and enhance its durability by extending the hydration of the cement, particularly in its surface zone (ee 135). 82.8 Concrete in Sea-water Conerete in sea-water or exposed directly along the ‘sea-coast shall be at least M 20 Grade in the case of, plain concrete and ™M 30in case of reinforced concrete. ‘The use of slag or pozzolana cement is advantageous ‘under such conditions. &2.8.1 Special atention shall be given to the design of the mix to obtain the densest possible concrete; slag, ‘broken brick, soft limestone, soft sandstone, or other ‘porous or weak aggregates shall not be used. As faras possible, preference shall be given to precast members unteinforced, well-cured and hardened, without sharp comers, and having trowel- smooth finished surfaces free from crazing, cracks or other defects; plastering should be avoided. 8.2.83 Noconstruction joints shall be allowed within 600 mm below low water-level or within 600 mm of the upper and lower planes of wave action, Where ishing practices are essential for durable 15 456 : 2000 ‘unusually severe conditions or abrasion are anticipated, such parts of the work shall be protected by bituminous. ‘or silico-fluoride coatings or stone facing bedded with bitumen. 82.8.4 In reinforced concrete structures, care shall be taken to protect the reinforcement from exposure to saline atmosphere during storage, fabrication and use. Tt may be achieved by treating the surface of reinforcement with cement wash or by suitable methods. 9 CONCRETE MIX PROPORTIONING 9.1. Mix Proportion ‘The mix proportions shall be selected 10 ensure the workability ofthe fresh concrete and when concrete is ‘hardened, it shall have the required strength, durability and surface finish, 9.1.1 The determination ofthe proportions of cement, aggregates and water to attain the required strengths shall be made as follows: 1) By designing the concrete mix; such concrete shall be called ‘Design mix concrete’, or b) By adopting nominal conerete mix; such concrete shall be called ‘Nominal mix concrete Design mix concrete is preferred to nominal mix. If design mix concrete cannot be used for any reason on. the work for grades of M 20 or lower, nominal mixes ‘may be used with the permission of engineer-in-charge, which, however, is likely to involve a higher cement content. 9.1.2 Information Required An specifying a particular grade of concrete, the following information shall be included: a) Type of mix, that is, design mix concrete or nominal mix concrete; Grade designation; ‘Type of cement; Maximum nominal size of aggregate; Minimum cement content (for design mix concrete); Maximum water-cement ratio; Worksbility: ‘Mix proportion (for nominal mix concrete}; Exposure conditions as pet Tables 4 and Maximum temperature of concrete at the time of placing ‘m) Method of placing: and 1) Degree of supervision. 9.1.21 In appropriate circumstances, the following additional information may be specified: » ° a ° p ® » id » 2 a) Type of aggregate, ) Maximum cement content, and ©) Whether an admixture shall or shall not be used and the type of admixture and the condition of se. 9.2 Design Mix Concrete 9.2.1 As the guarantor of quality of concrete used in the construction, the constructor shall carry out the mix design and the mix s0 designed (not the method of

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