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Get Ready to Grow...

and Grow BIG!

And then, just for getting HUGE ARMS in the next
30 days, get ready to score some free AX product! It’s
as simple as following this program and taking a few
photos to document your transformation. So read on to
learn more.

Arm development is the quintessential marker of power

and muscularity. Massive arms communicate dedication,
commitment, hard work, and success…and a HUGE
sets of pipes just looks awesome! Many times however,
despite all your dedication, your hard work, your com-
mitment, that success is very slooooowwww to come.

Building HUGE and IMPRESSIVE arms however does

not have to be a year long, up hill battle. No, in fact, by
strategically designing your workouts to better encour-
age arm growth, you can add up to ONE massive inch of
muscle to your arms in 30 short days.

In your Pro Series Big Arms Program, you’ll learn how

to design the perfect training split for huge arms, along
with wickedly unconventional techniques essential for
building one inch in 30 days.

So mark your calendars today. Break out the measuring

tape and record your measurements now. In 30 days,
you will be the proud new owner of bigger, thicker, and
more muscular arms – GUARANTEED. the
perfect training...
Breakthrough training system 2
ig Ar m s
Your B tos
y P ho
+ Qualit Product
As we mentioned above those HUGE arms can get you FREE
product from AX! Before you begin, take a high resolution “Before”
photograph of yourself while following these two simple tips.

NO CELL PHONE PHOTOS! Please take 3-5 pictures of your-

1 self using a high quality digital camera.

Show your face and make sure to smile. Your photo MUST
2 include your face, or else you will not be eligible.

Then, follow this program for next 30 days. Are you ready?!

Warning :
AX is not responsible for the ripping and tearing of your
shirt sleeves. By using this program, you accept full finan-
cial responsibility to replace any and all t-shirts that you
will no longer be able to fit into.

A l w a y s c onsu l t y our ph y si c ian

prior t o s t ar t ing t his , or an y
d ie t an d exer c ise program .

Breakthrough training system 3

Designing the
Perfect Big Arms Testosterone – it’s the KING of all

Training Split muscle-building hormones. He, who

naturally produces more of it, has the
capacity to recover and grow muscle
The first step to adding one inch of rock solid new muscle mass to your arms is to strate- at a faster rate. Hard FX was scientifi-
gically orient your body part split.
cally designed to massively up-regulate
The faster a muscle group recovers, the sooner it can be trained and stimulated to grow seven powerful pathways of testoster-
again. Thankfully, the arms are a small muscle group that recovers quite fast. In fact, re-
one biosynthesis and enhancement.
search shows that it takes anywhere from 48-72 hours for a muscle group to completely
recover, and that’s GREAT news for building bigger arms.
To harness the power of MORE testos-
Yet despite being able to recover quickly, the arms are also very easily over trained – a
problem that must be overcome for this routine to work. Therefore, the first step to add- terone, we recommend consuming two
ing one inch to your arms is to strategically orient your body part split. (2) capsules of HARD FX immediately
upon waking to supercharge natural
On Monday you will train your triceps after chest. On Tuesday, you will train your biceps
after back. At the very end of the week, you will once again train…or we should rather testosterone production for the day.
say, beat the living hell out of, your arms! The “Freaky Friday” arm routine will take care
of that just fine.

To add one inch to your arms in next 30 days, your workout routine will revolve around
this five day split.

* Follow the “Freaky Friday”

Your Weekly Training Plan mass building routine
on this day only.
Day Body Parts Trained
Monday Chest, Triceps, Abs
Tuesday Back, Biceps
Wednesday Quads, Hams, Calves
Thursday Shoulders, Traps, Abs
Friday * Biceps, Triceps
Saturday Rest
Sunday Rest

However, to maximize arm growth on Monday

and Tuesday, a very common problem MUST be
overcome first; that is, the triceps being weaker
following a chest workout, and the biceps being
weaker following a back workout. The solution
however is quite simple, and can add 10% more
strength in 3 minutes. As the saying goes, “with
strength comes size,” and a lot of both you will be

Breakthrough training system 4

How to
When the Arms
Have Been Weakened
The chest/tri and back/bi combination is very effective. However, it is not as ef-
fective as it could be. With the triceps weakened following a chest routine, for
example, the triceps are incapable of recruiting the greatest number of muscle
fibers to stimulate growth…unless you trick your body.

“Trick my body,” you say? Yes, in fact, a given weight can be made to feel
much lighter than normal. Listen to this. If you typically do close grip bench
presses using 150 lbs, your central nervous system knows exactly how many
muscle fibers to recruit for the task. But did YOU know that you could trick
your body to recruit more? You can, and it’s as easy as lifting
a heavier weight for a single repetition prior to a lighter
weight. Here’s how it works.

First, this technique works best with big, compound,

multi joint movements such as barbell curls, barbell
preacher curls, close grip bench presses, and
weighted dips. Avoid using this technique with
single joint movements such as concentration
curls and tricep kickbacks.

Breakthrough training system 5

After training your chest on Monday, for example,
Branch chain amino acids account
begin to warm up with close grip bench presses.
Once your triceps are warmed up, choose a weight for nearly 1/3rd of the amino acids
that is 90% of your one rep max. Then, press the found in skeletal muscle tissue. They are
weight for one single repetition and rest for 3 min-
utes. During this 3-minute time frame, your central backed by countless rock solid clinical
nervous system is strategizing. “Why is that,” you ask? research studies proving their uncom-
promising benefits to athletes looking
Consider for a moment that most bodybuilders train
with 8 -12 repetitions. To achieve 8-12 repetitions, to build muscle, improve power output,
a weight that weighs 70-80% of the one rep max is enhance endurance, improve recovery,
commonly used. This is what your body is use to. It is
and reduce the debilitating perception
NOT use to a weight that is 90% of your one rep max.
Anticipating another heavy set, your central nervous of fatigue.
system thus prepares by recruiting more muscle
fibers in your triceps.
Prior to training, mix two to three (2-3)
After resting for 3 minutes now, you throw your scoops of Axcell into 12-16 fluid oz. of
body a curve ball by dropping the weight to 80%
cold water. As you train, sip on Axcell
of your one rep max. Then, aim to complete 8-10
repetitions. With more muscle fibers ready to fire, the throughout your workout. This will
weight should now feel significantly lighter; allowing help you to recover faster between sets,
you to achieve 2-3 more repetitions than you other-
wise would be able to. reduce fatigue, improve your power
and endurance, and ultimately build
With an increase in strength of nearly 10%, this
more muscle mass and power during
technique will allow you stimulate far more
muscle fibers in your triceps, making your chest/tri this 30-day routine.
day MUCH more effective.

...stimulate far
more muscle
fibers in your

Breakthrough training system 6

Consider for a moment
that most bodybuilders
train with 8 -12 repetitions.
Below is a sample of Monday’s workout, and how to set up this
powerful strength enhancing, mass building technique. Use this
technique ONLY for the first triceps exercise in your routine.

Monday: Chest & Triceps

Exercise Number of Number
Sets of Repetitions
Barbell Chest Press 4 12, 10, 8, 6
Incline Dumbbell Press 4 12, 10, 10, 8
Dumbbell Chest Flyes 2 12, 12
Close Grip Bench Press 1 Set Using 90% 1 Rep followed
of 1 Rep Max by a 3 minute rest
1 Set Using 80% 8-10
of 1 Rep Max
1 Set Using 90% 1 Rep followed
of 1 Rep Max by a 3 minute rest
1 Set Using 80% 8-10
of 1 Rep Max
1 Set Using 90% 1 Rep followed
of 1 Rep Max by a 3 minute rest
1 Set Using 80% 8-10
of 1 Rep Max
Lying Barbell Extensions 3 12, 10, 8
Triceps Cable Press Downs 3 15, 12, 8

Breakthrough training system 7

After allowing your triceps and biceps to recover
from Monday and Tuesday’s workouts, you will
cap off your week with a workout dedicated
strictly to arms. A shift away from conventional

...trigger training, Friday’s workout is designed to trigger

muscular growth through a different anabolic
growth stimulus – the pump. But this isn’t your

muscular typical “pump.” This pump will redefine your very

definition of what it means to be PUMPED!

Your goal on Friday is to pump as much
blood into your arms. The amount of weight
used and the number of sets performed is not
important today. Rather, every set performed
will be done with 10-16 repetitions.

Rest periods will be very brief. You will be

resting 1 minute between each set.

Alternate biceps exercises with triceps exer-

cises. Rather than devoting the first half hour to
biceps and the second to triceps, Friday’s routine
has you alternating sets of biceps and triceps.
For example, your first set will be 10-16 repeti-
tions of a biceps movement, followed by 1
minute of rest. Then your second set will be
10-16 repetitions of a triceps movement,
followed by 1 minute of rest. Then,
back to your biceps movement, and
repeat the process.

Perform each biceps and triceps

exercise for 15 minutes before
changing exercises. For 15 min-
utes you will, for example, alter-
nate between sets of barbell curls
and close grip bench presses. For
the 15 minutes following that, you
will alternate between two different
exercises. Each workout will encompass
four 15-minute segments, each 15-min-
ute segment using a different exercise for
biceps and triceps. Please see below for an
example routine.

Breakthrough training system 8

grow outside
As your repetitions climb, the pH bal-
ance inside the muscle cells change

the gym...
unfavorably. A build up of acidic hy-
drogen ions is responsible for creating
the infamous “burn.” And that very burn
often stops a set dead in tracks a few

And finally, your Friday arm workout will repetitions after its’ onset.
last no longer than 1 hour. Your focus to-
day is strictly on your arms. Avoid additional
To blunt the build up of painfully acidic
cardiovascular work, along with the training
of smaller muscle groups such as abdominals hydrogen ions, Anabolic Xtreme for-
and calves. mulated Carnobolic – providing pure

After 30 days of using this routine, take L-carnosine wrapped in a protective

ONE whole week off from the gym. This bio-armor coating to help you achieve
month is going to be hell on your arms, the “Reps Out of No Where” effect. Prior
and it will be well worth it. One of the
single biggest mistakes many people make to training, we recommend consuming
is failing to frequently take time off. It’s four (4) capsules of Carnobolic to vastly
easy to succumb to the mentality that
improve your muscular endurance,
missing workouts equates to missed
growth opportunities. That is not al- stamina, and power.
ways true. Remember, muscles grow
outside the gym, and recovery from
this routine is critical to building one
inch in 30 days.

Breakthrough training system 9

All Good Things
Come in Twos
“So what are the ideal pairings of
biceps and triceps movements,” you
ask? That’s a great question. When select- The BEST Pairings between
ing exercises, choose two exercises you Biceps and Triceps Movements
can perform in a relatively close proxim-
ity to one another. Let’s face it, gyms get
Biceps Triceps
crowded, and performing Friday’s routine
can be a pain the butt if you combine Cable Curls Cable Triceps Press down
your exercises otherwise. Check out the Seated Dumbbell Curls Seated, Two - Arm, Overhead Triceps Press (w/ a Dumbbell)
table below for five of the BEST, most time
Barbell Curls Overhead Barbell Extension
efficient and proximity conscious combi-
nations of arm exercises to maximize your Close Grip Barbell Curls Close Grip Bench Presses
time in the gym. Incline Dumbbell Curls Incline Triceps Extensions

If you are uncertain how to structure a “Freaky Friday” routine, check out the rou-
tine we have put together for you below. This routine effectively utilizes big mass
building exercises for the arms.

Minutes BICEPS TRICEPS Repetitions

0-15 Minutes EZ Barbell Curls Close Grip Bench Presses 10-16
16-30 Minutes Incline Dumbbell Curls Incline Triceps Extension 10-16
(Using Dumbbells)
31-45 Minutes Cable Curls Weighted Dips 10-16
46-60 Minutes Reverse Cable Curls Triceps Press Downs 10-16
w/ Rope

NOTE: Warm up for 5 minutes on your favorite piece of cardio equipment. Follow-
ing your workout, cool down for 5 minutes on your favorite piece of cardio equip-
ment at a low level of intensity.

Breakthrough training system 1 0

Tips for Making
Your Next 30 Days
a HUGE Success
* In a recent clinical study conducted
at Wright State University, OH, Mass FX
users gained 134% more lean muscle
mass than the placebo group. Com-
Your first “Freaky Friday” routine will be pared to the placebo group, Mass FX
somewhat of a learning experience. So,
users also gained 800% more strength
plan ahead. You know your gym best.
Think through which exercises you can on the bench press, 254% more
efficiently combine based on layout of strength on the leg press, and 100%
equipment in your gym.
more strength on the dead lift.
When training chest, back, legs, and
shoulders, take only your last set of each Prior to training, consume two (2) cap-
exercise to failure. That means stopping
sules of Mass FX. Doing so will greatly
2-3 reps shy of failure on most sets. You
will want to reserve your body’s recupera- increase the amount of circulating
tive abilities for your arms. The more damage free testosterone in your body, thereby
you cause to your back and chest, for example,
elevating strength, power, and endur-
the more calories will be diverted towards
repairing those muscle groups, and not your ance. It will help enhance the alpha
arms. male mentality, encourage positive
training aggression, and trigger thick
On Thursday, minimize shoulder pressing to no
more than 4 sets. Due to triceps involvement, muscular pumps fueled by intense
and Friday’s forthcoming arm routine, you will vaso-dilation.
want your triceps to be 100%.
* Dib SP. et al. The effects of a nutritional
Every Friday, change up the pairings of biceps supplement, Mass FX, on muscular strength,
and triceps exercises, and/or the order in which body composition, and blood chemistries in
resistance trained adult males. Medicine and
they are performed. Friday routines are trau- Science in Sports and Exercise Journal, Volume
matic, and your body is going to do everything 41:5 Supplement, May 2009.
in its’ power to adapt to this degree of stress.
By changing the pairings and order, you’ll keep
your body guessing, and more importantly,

On Saturday and Sunday – REST! Monday will

bring forth yet another triceps routine, so make
sure that you get plenty of rest over the week-
end. Also, make sure to consume plenty of high
quality calories to fuel muscle growth.

Breakthrough training system 1 1

All Arms!
Warning : Now That Your Arms are HUGE,
Stay Out of the Gym!

And while you’re out of the gym for a week, take your “After” photo and email
it to us. We want to see just how HUGE your arms have become. If you are cho-
sen, we’ll send you FREE product of your choice from AX! It’s simple and easy
to do. Here’s how it works.

First, make sure you follow these simple tips for taking eligible photos.

As with your “Before” photograph, please use only a high quality digi-
1 tal camera. Cell phone photos are too low is resolution and unfortu-
nately will not work.

SMILE!!!! You just made a HUGE transformation and you’re sporting a

2 set of MASSIVE new arms. So smile, you should be happy about it.

Like your “Before” photograph, your “After” photo MUST show

3 your face.

Finally, take at least 3-5 photos of yourself in various poses that show-
4 case your HUGE new arms.

Then, once you have your digital photos, email them to
If you are chosen, a representative from AX will contact you shortly for an inter-
view. You just might find yourself getting a whole lot of exposure this year, as
you may be featured on our website and in AX advertisements that appear in
some of the BIGGEST bodybuilding and fitness publications the world over!

Breakthrough training system 1 2

But Wait,
You Can Win
an Even
Simply video record your journey over the next 30 days and post it to YouTube. Not only
do we want to see how huge your arms get, but we want to witness the insane workouts
you put yourself through to get there. Here’s what we are looking for.

Record a brief introduction and tell us who you are. Make sure to tell everyone
1 what your beginning measurements are, and showcase your arms so we can see
what they look like prior to adding all that new mass.

2 Have a buddy film you while you train, especially during your Friday workouts!

Finally, record a short wrap up video that discusses your end results. How big did
3 your arms get? How much strength did you gain? And, what do you arms look
like now? Let’s see them; so hit a few poses showcasing those new pipes!

4 And most importantly, make sure you send us a link to view your footage.

We wish everyone the best of luck, and we hope this guide

has been incredibly helpful to you in reaching your
goals. We’re looking forward to hearing from you and
witnessing your incredible results!

All the Best,

Anabolic Xtreme
Breakthrough training system 1 3

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