D30 Random Gem Generator

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d30 Random Gem Generator By Christopher Stogdill (AKA the Frugal GM)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-

Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

This is a rather simple gemstone generator intended to “spice up” the acquisition of loot by the PCs and is inspired by the “original” OSR Clone 4th Edition HackMaster Game-
Master’s Guide. Gems from this edition of the game could fluctuate in value from 1 sp to 1,000,000 gp. Now I think that is a bit much, but I do like the idea of introducing some
basic modifiers to gemstones based on size and quality, as well as weighting gems to the lower end of the value chart.

The gem graphics used are public domain images from Precious Stones and Gems, 5th Edition, by Edwin W. Streeter, 1892. This PDF is layered so you can “turn off” these graphics for

Using these tables: Roll 1d30 on Table 1 to select the type of gemstone (color choice is up to the GM). The value of the gemstone can be determined by Table 3, either with a straight
roll or after rolling on Tables 2a and 2b to determine the appropriate modifiers to a Table 3 roll.

Table 1: Gem Type (and possible colors) Table 2a: Gem Size Table 3: Gem Value
Roll Result Roll Results Value Roll Results
1 Alexandrite: Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Pink, Purple, Gray, or Multicolored 1 Miniscule -4 1-10 10 gp
2 Amber: Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, or Brown 2-3 Tiny -3 11-14 25 gp
3 Amethyst: Purple 4-6 Very Small -2 15-18 50 gp
4 Aquamarine: Blue 7-10 Small -1 19-21 75 gp
5 Aventurine: Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, or Gray 11-20 Average 0 22-24 100 gp
6 Bloodstone: Green dotted with bright Red spots 21-24 Large 1 25-26 250 gp
7 Carnelian: Red or Orange 25-27 Very Large 2 27-28 500 gp
8 Citrine: Yellow, Orange, or Brown 28-29 Huge 3 29 750 gp
9 Coral: White, Red, Orange, Pink, Gray, or Black 30 Massive 4 30 1,000 gp
10 Diamond: Colorless, Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Pink, Purple, Gray, or Black
11 Emerald: Green Table 2b: Gem Quality
12 Iolite: Blue, Purple, or Gray Roll Results Value
13 Jade: White, Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Pink, Purple, Gray, Black, or Banded 1 Badly Flawed -4
14 Jasper: White, Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Gray, Black, Banded, or Multicolored 2-3 Flawed -3
15 Lapis Lazuli: Blue or Multicolored 4-6 Poor -2
16 Larimar: Blue, Green, or Multicolored 7-10 Sub-Par -1
17 Moonstone: White, Colorless, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Pink, Purple, or Gray 11-20 Average 0
18 Onyx: White, Black, and banded 21-24 Good 1
19 Opal: White, Colorless, Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Pink, Purple, Gray, Black, Banded, or Multicolored 25-27 Excellent 2
20 Pearl: White, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Pink, Purple, Gray, Black, or Multicolored 28-29 Near Perfect 3
21 Peridot: Green or Yellow 30 Flawless 4
22 Quartz: White, Colorless, Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Pink, Purple, Gray, Black, or Multicolored
23 Ruby: Red
24 Sapphire: White, Colorless, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Pink, Purple, Gray, Black, or Multicolored
25 Spinel: White, Colorless, Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Pink, Purple, or Black
26 Star Garnet: Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Pink, Purple, Gray, or Black
27 Tanzanite: Blue or Purple
28 Topaz: White, Colorless, Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Pink, Purple, Gray, or Multicolored
29 Turquoise: Blue, Green, or Multicolored
30 Zircon: White, Colorless, Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Pink, Purple, or Gray
FGM037e: d30 Random Gem Generator

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