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Review Article

Address correspondence to
Dr Tetsuo Ashizawa, 6670
Bertner Ave, Houston
Methodist Research Institute,
R11-117, Houston, TX 77030, Tetsuo Ashizawa, MD, FAAN; Guangbin Xia, MD, PhD
Relationship Disclosure:
Dr Ashizawa receives ABSTRACT
research/grant support as Purpose of Review: This article introduces the background and common etiologies of
principal investigator of studies
for Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc ataxia and provides a general approach to assessing and managing the patient with ataxia.
(1515598769-CS2); the Recent Findings: Ataxia is a manifestation of a variety of disease processes, and an
Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation; underlying etiology needs to be investigated. Pure ataxia is rare in acquired ataxia
and the National Institutes of
Health (NS083564). Dr Xia disorders, and associated symptoms and signs almost always exist to suggest an
receives research/grant support underlying cause. While the spectrum of hereditary degenerative ataxias is expanding,
as principal investigator of special attention should be addressed to those treatable and reversible etiologies,
studies for Acorda Therapeutics,
Grand Aerie Fraternal Order of especially potentially life-threatening causes. This article summarizes the diseases that
Eagles, the National Institutes of can present with ataxia, with special attention given to diagnostically useful features.
Health (AR065836-01), While emerging genetic tests are becoming increasingly available for hereditary ataxia,
ReproCell Inc, and
ThermoFisher Scientific. they cannot replace conventional diagnostic procedures in most patients with ataxia.
Unlabeled Use of Special consideration should be focused on clinical features when selecting a cost-
Products/Investigational effective diagnostic test.
Use Disclosure:
Drs Ashizawa and Xia report
Summary: Clinicians who evaluate patients with ataxia should be familiar with the
no disclosures. disease spectrum that can present with ataxia. Following a detailed history and neu-
* 2016 American Academy rologic examination, proper diagnostic tests can be designed to confirm the clinical
of Neurology. working diagnosis.

Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2016;22(4):1208–1226.

INTRODUCTION of therapeutic opportunities. A prompt

Ataxia, defined as impaired coordina- management strategy for treatable
tion of voluntary muscle movement, is causes of ataxia can save the patient’s
a physical finding, not a disease, and life and result in a good long-term
the underlying etiology needs to be outcome. Ataxia can also be benign in
investigated. Ataxia can be the pa- largely symptomatic disorders (eg, ves-
tient’s chief complaint or a component tibular neuritis). With the advance-
among other presenting symptoms. ment of neurogenetics, more inherited
Ataxia is usually caused by cerebellar causes of cerebellar ataxia can be diag-
dysfunction or impaired vestibular or nosed,1,2 but many sporadic ataxias,
proprioceptive afferent input to the including those with a chronic and
cerebellum. Ataxia can have an insidi- progressive course, still remain undiag-
ous onset with a chronic and slowly nosed.3 It cannot be overemphasized
progressive clinical course (eg, spino- that it is easy to give a label of a neuro-
cerebellar ataxias [SCAs] of genetic degenerative cause, but finding a re-
Supplemental digital content: origin) or have an acute onset, espe- versible and treatable etiology should
Videos accompanying this
article are cited in the text as
cially those ataxias resulting from cer- be sought. The evaluation of ataxia has
Supplemental Digital Content. ebellar infarction, hemorrhage, or been reviewed with many different
Videos may be accessed by
clicking on links provided in the
infection, which can have a rapid approaches.4Y7 This article introduces
HTML, PDF, and app versions progression with catastrophic effects. symptomatology, neuroanatomy, clas-
of this article; the URLs are pro- Ataxia can also have a subacute onset, as sification, and common etiologies of
vided in the print version. Video
legends begin on page 1225. from infectious or immunologic disor- ataxia and provides a practical ap-
ders, which may have a limited window proach to the evaluation of ataxia.
1208 August 2016

Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS OF Sensory ataxia. Sensory ataxia is
ATAXIA mainly reflected by gait disturbance,
Symptoms and signs are often related as previously described. In addition,
to the location of the lesions in the subjects with sensory ataxia will have
cerebellum. Lateralized cerebellar le- a positive Romberg sign. Subjects
sions cause ipsilateral symptoms and may walk with a high-stepping gait
signs, whereas diffuse cerebellar le- (due to associated motor weakness)
sions give rise to more generalized or feet-slapping gait (to assist with
symmetric symptoms. Lesions in the sound-induced sensory feedback).
cerebellar hemisphere produce limb Pseudoathetosis (random finger move-
(appendicular) ataxia. Lesions of the ments seen on outstretched hands with
vermis cause truncal and gait ataxia eyes closed) may also occur in sensory
with limbs relatively spared. Vestibulo- neuronopathy affecting the upper limbs.
cerebellar lesions cause disequilib- Truncal ataxia. Truncal ataxia may
rium, vertigo, and gait ataxia. Acute result from midline cerebellar lesions.
pathology in the cerebellum may Patients may present with truncal insta-
initially produce severe abnormalities; bility in the form of oscillation of the body
this may recover remarkably with time while sitting (worse with arms stretched
and can become asymptomatic even out in front) or standing (titubation).
when imaging shows persistent dra- Limb ataxia. Limb ataxia is often used
matic structural changes in the cere- to describe ataxia of the upper limbs re-
bellum. Chronic progressive ataxia is sulting from incoordination and tremor
not only due to neurodegenerative or and can be better described by functional
inherited cerebellar diseases but also impairment, such as clumsiness with writ-
neoplasms and chronic infections. ing, buttoning clothes, or picking up small
objects. The patient has to slow down the
Terms Describing Ataxia movement to be accurate in reaching
The following clinical terms are often things. Limb ataxia can be lateralized
used in describing ataxia. with ipsilateral cerebellar lesions.
Stance. A healthy person can stand Dysdiadochokinesia/dysrhythmokinesis.
naturally with feet spread less than Dysdiadochokinesia/dysrhythmokinesis
12 cm apart and is able to stand stable is tested by rapidly alternating hand
with feet together or in tandem for movements or tapping the index finger
more than 30 seconds. An impaired
on the thumb crease. Impairment can
stance in the absence of motor weak-
ness or gross involuntary movements be seen with irregularity of the rhythm
is suggestive of cerebellar ataxia or and amplitude.
sensory ataxia. Intention tremor. Intention tremor
Gait ataxia. Gait ataxia results from results from instability of the proximal
incoordination of the lower extremi- portion of the limb and is manifested
ties due to cerebellar pathology or loss by increasing amplitude of oscillation
of proprioceptive input. Patients often at the end of a voluntary movement. It
feel insecure and have to hold onto the is often tested by finger-to-nose and
wall or furniture and walk with feet
heel-to-shin maneuvers. This is dif-
apart. An increased gait disturbance
when visual cues are removed (walking ferent from essential tremor, which
with eyes closed or in the dark) sug- primarily occurs in the distal portion
gests a sensory or vestibular compo- of the limb.
nent to the ataxia. With cerebellar Dysmetria. Dysmetria is when the
causes, the gait ataxia remains the same patient misses the targeted object
regardless of visual cues. either due to overshoot (hypermetria)
Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2016;22(4):1208–1226 1209

Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


or undershoot (hypometria). Dysmetria cerebellar disease. Square-wave jerks

is often tested by a finger-chasing test appear as two saccades in opposite
and can be quantified by the distance directions separated by a short period
(cm) that is missed. Dysmetria also of no movement. A healthy person may
happens when the eyes switch objects have a 0.1- to 0.3-degree square-wave
(ocular dysmetria); either the eyes need movement but have less than 10 per
a second move to catch the object minute. Large-amplitude square-wave
(hypometric saccades) or have to cor- jerks are more specific of cerebellar
rect the overshoot to focus on the ataxia. Ocular flutter differs from
object (hypermetric saccades). The square-wave jerks in that the repetitive
shin-tap test (accurate tapping of saccades are not separated by short
midshin or knee with a heel of the periods of no movement. Opsoclonus
opposite leg) also tests for dysmetria. is continuous conjugate saccades in all
Dysarthria/scanning speech. Dys- directions in a chaotic fashion. Both
arthria is often described by the ocular flutter and opsoclonus are gen-
patient or relatives as slurred speech. erally indicative of cerebellar disease
The patient’s speech is irregular and from paraneoplastic (neuroblastoma)
slow with unnecessary hesitation. or postinfectious syndromes (as can
Words are often broken into separate be seen in opsoclonus-myoclonus
syllables, and some syllables with a ataxia).
plosive consonant are unusually Neurologists should be familiar
stressed (scanning speech). with the specific ataxia terms and use
Nystagmus. Nystagmus often oc- them appropriately in documentation
curs in cerebellar disease. Lateral and communication with colleagues.
gaze-evoked nystagmus is seen by It is important to understand the
slow drift toward midline followed by nomenclature because it often implies
a fast phase of saccades to the eccen- a certain ataxic disorder.
tric position. Upbeat and downbeat
nystagmus are defined by the rapid NEUROANATOMY OF ATAXIA
phase in the up or down direction. The cerebellum and its afferent and
Upbeat nystagmus is seen in lesions of efferent connections, the vestibular
the anterior vermis. Downbeat nystag- system, and the proprioceptive sen-
mus is typically seen in a lesion in the sory pathway (Figure 9-1) are all
foramen magnum such as an Arnold- involved in ataxia. The cerebellum is
Chiari malformation. usually separated into the midline
Saccades. Saccade speed is typically cerebellum and the cerebellar hemi-
normal in cerebellar disease but often spheres. Lesions in each of these
an overshoot or undershoot (ocular regions can result in a different pre-
dysmetria) is present, and is often fol- sentation of ataxia. For example, dam-
lowed by a corrective saccade in the age to midline cerebellar structures
appropriate direction. However, in SCA usually presents with gait and truncal
type 2 (SCA2) and advanced stages ataxia, while damage to the unilat-
of other SCAs, saccades are slowed eral cerebellar hemisphere usually
(Supplemental Digital Content 9-1, causes ipsilateral cerebellar ataxia. Understanding this neuroanatomy and
Square-wave jerks/ocular flutter/ correlation to coordination can help
opsoclonus. Square-wave jerks, ocular with localization. The correlations are
flutter, and opsoclonus are terms used listed in Table 9-1, although significant
to describe other ocular disturbances in clinical overlap exists among them.
1210 August 2016

Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

h A precise diagnosis of
ataxia cannot be based
on clinical features
alone. Clinical
manifestations can be
variable, and similar
features may not occur
in all individuals with a
particular disease. For
many of the rarer ataxic
disorders, the clinical
features have been
defined on the basis of
limited clinical experience.

FIGURE 9-1 Afferent and efferent connections of the cerebellum. Main cerebellar afferent
connections are by climbing fibers from the inferior olives through the inferior
cerebellar peduncles, and pontine mossy fibers through the middle cerebellar
peduncles. Cerebellar outputs are from the dentate nucleus and other deep cerebellar nuclei
through the superior cerebellar peduncles.

CLASSIFICATION AND ETIOLOGIES and the features indicated may not occur
OF ATAXIA in all individuals with a particular disease.
There are different ways to classify For many of the rarer ataxic disorders,
ataxias: by age of onset, tempo of the clinical features have been defined on
onset, and clinical course; anatomic the basis of limited clinical experience.
involvement; focal or generalized; or
acquired or inherited. Common etiol- Hereditary Ataxias
ogies (mainly acquired ataxias) are Hereditary ataxias are rare disorders, but
listed in Table 9-2, although signifi- are more frequently diagnosed than they
cant clinical overlap exists among were previously as diagnostic technolo-
them. Hereditary ataxias are listed gies are advancing. Hereditary ataxias
separately in Table 9-3 and Table 9-4. are classified as autosomal dominant, au-
Sporadic ataxia remains a temporary tosomal recessive, X-linked, or mitochon-
diagnosis for adults before a definitive drial ataxias (Table 9-3 and Table 9-4).
etiology is found. Cases in which all The characteristic features may help
specific diagnoses listed in Table 9-3 with recognizing a specific diagnosis.9Y11
and Table 9-4 have been ruled out are Inherited ataxias, especially autoso-
classified as sporadic adult-onset ataxia mal dominant cerebellar ataxias, should
of unknown etiology, which still re- be considered when the disease is
mains a diagnostic challenge.8 transmitted vertically from one genera-
The list of clinical features is only a tion to the next within a family. A
rough guide, and a precise diagnosis documentation of a father-to-son trans-
cannot be based on such features alone. mission ascertains the autosomal dom-
Clinical manifestations can be variable, inant inheritance (Case 9-1).

Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2016;22(4):1208–1226 1211

Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


TABLE 9-1 Correlation of Neuroanatomy With Clinical Features of Ataxia

Ataxia or Ataxialike Presentation

Neuroanatomy Function Arising From Damage of the Region
Cerebellar hemisphere, Integration of sensory input and Ipsilateral limb ataxia,
including dentate nuclei motor planning for coordination dysdiadochokinesia, dysmetria,
of complex tasks intention tremor, and scanning speech
Midline cerebellar structures Motor execution, rapid and slow Gait ataxia and imbalance, truncal
(vermis, fastigial and interposed eye movements, balance, lower ataxia, dysmetria, ocular findings,
nuclei, the vestibulocerebellum, extremity coordination, and head bobbing, and vertigo
and the paravermis) vestibular function
Posterior lobe (flocculonodular Integration of information from Nystagmus, postural instability, and
lobe) vestibular nuclei gait ataxia
Cerebral cortex (frontal lobe) Planning and initiating gait Frontal ataxia (Bruns apraxia), magnetic
gait (different from ataxic gait), but
associated pathology in this region can
worsen ataxia
Brainstem (vestibular nuclei, Relay signals in and out of Ataxia associated with cranial nerve
inferior olivary nuclei, pontine cerebellum dysfunction and motor-sensory deficits
nuclei, cerebellar peduncles)
Spinal cord (cuneate fasciculus, Conduction of sensory pathways Sensory ataxia
gracile fasciculus, and
spinocerebellar tracts [mossy fibers])
Musculoskeletal system Stabilizing the weight-bearing hip Waddling gait rather than ataxia, but
(gluteal muscles) associated pathology in this region can
worsen ataxia
Peripheral sensation system and Proprioception, visual cues Sensory ataxia with Romberg sign, can
visual system worsen cerebellar ataxia
Vestibular system (labyrinth of Sense of balance and special Disequilibrium, loss of balance associated
the inner ear, vestibular nerve, orientation, equilibrium with dizziness and vertigo, tinnitus and
vestibular nuclei) hearing impairment, nystagmus

Spinocerebellar Ataxias inherited disorders and up to 5% of

The presence of a family history consis- patients with apparently sporadic degen-
tent with autosomal dominant inheri- erative ataxia may have positive DNA
tance warrants DNA testing for an testing. Because of the cost of DNA test-
SCA, which, in genetic terminology, re- ing, health insurance coverage should
fers to a group of autosomal dominant be taken into consideration. Some clin-
disorders with a known chromosomal ical features described in Table 9-3 and
locus. Primary mitochondrial mutations Table 9-4 may provide clues to stream-
and X-linked mutations may also be line the DNA testing. While no cure for
considered depending on the clinical the SCAs is known, a positive DNA test
manifestations and family history. With result provides important practical in-
the absence of family history and exclu- formation to patients and their families.
sion of secondary ataxias, sporadic cases First, it enables patients to plan for the
may still warrant DNA testing since a future, such as educational or career
negative family history does not exclude decisions, particularly in predictive testing.

1212 August 2016

Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

TABLE 9-2 Etiologies of Ataxia According to Different Classifications

Classification Common Etiologies

Time course Acute (hours to days): Ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes,
multiple sclerosis, vestibular neuritis, infections (cerebellitis),
parainfectious syndromes, toxic disorders
Subacute (over weeks): Mass lesions in the posterior fossa;
meningeal infiltrates; infections such as human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV); Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; deficiency syndromes such
as vitamin B1 and vitamin B12; hypothyroidism; immune
disorders such as paraneoplastic, gluten, and antiYglutamic acid
decarboxylase (GAD) ataxia; alcohol
Chronic (months to years): Mass lesions such as meningiomas,
craniovertebral junction anomalies, alcohol, idiopathic/sporadic
cerebellar ataxias, hereditary ataxias, neurodegenerative ataxias
(Friedreich ataxia, multiple system atrophyYcerebellar type)
Episodic ataxias: Many inborn errors of metabolism, episodic
ataxia syndromes
Distribution Focal ataxias: Posterior circulation strokes (ischemic, hemorrhagic),
primary or metastatic cerebellar tumors, bacterial abscess,
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, multiple sclerosis,
congenital cyst (Dandy-Walker syndrome)
Symmetric ataxias: All other systemic, toxic, genetic and
neurodegenerative causes of ataxia such as intoxication
(alcohol, phenytoin, lithium, barbiturates, toluene, and other
chemicals), postinfectious syndrome, paraneoplastic syndrome,
ataxia associated with antigliadin antibodies, metabolic disorder,
viral cerebellitis, tabes dorsalis, prion disease, hereditary ataxia
(autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant, and mitochondrial
inherited ataxias)

Second, it provides a basis for genetic gists should consider the diagnosis of
counseling for patients and their families. multiple system atrophyYcerebellar type
Finally, it allows patients to engage in (MSA-C). Documentation of other ner-
support group and research activities vous system involvement, particularly
specific for the genetically defined disease basal ganglia and autonomic dysfunc-
entity. For example, the genotype de- tion, is critical for the diagnosis of
fined by DNA testing will be in inclusion MSA-C in patients with sporadic ataxia
criteria of most, if not all, future clinical (Case 9-2). MRI of the brain may
trials of disease-modifying treatments, provide a clue to the diagnosis of MSA
and once a therapy is developed and with brainstem atrophy causing the hot
approved, patients need to know the cross bun sign and posterior putaminal
genotype of their disease to determine hypointensity and a putaminal hyper-
whether the drug is suitable for them. intense rim on T2*-weighted imaging.
The remaining late-onset degenera-
Sporadic and Idiopathic Adult tive ataxias are often referred to as spo-
Ataxias radic adult-onset ataxia in the category
For older patients presenting with known as idiopathic late-onset cerebel-
sporadic degenerative ataxia, neurolo- lar ataxia. While these two terms have
Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2016;22(4):1208–1226 1213

Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


TABLE 9-3 Autosomal Dominant Ataxias

Entity Characteristic Features in Addition to Ataxia Gene/Mutation

Spinocerebellar ataxia Hypermetric saccades, corticospinal ATXN1/CAG
type 1 (SCA1) tract signs expansion
SCA2 Slow saccades ATXN2/CAG
SCA3 (Machado-Joseph Bulging eyes, fasciculations, parkinsonism ATXN3/CAG
disease) expansion
SCA5 Downbeat nystagmus SPTBN2/deletion,
point mutation
SCA6 Downbeat nystagmus CACNA1A/CAG
SCA7 Vision loss due to retinal degeneration ATXN7/CAG
SCA8 Reduced penetrance ATXN8/CTG
SCA10 Seizures ATXN10/ATTCT
SCA11 Downbeat nystagmus TTBK2/deletion
SCA12 Action tremor in midlife PPP2R2B/CAG
SCA13 Developmental disability in childhood onset and a lack KCNC3/point
of eye movement abnormalities in adult onset (R420) mutation
SCA14 Tremor, myoclonus, facial myokymia PRKCG/deletion,
point mutation
SCA15/SCA16 Postural and kinetic tremor, psychiatric symptoms or ITPR1/duplication
SCA17 Dysarthria before gait ataxia (Huntington diseaseYlike) TBP/CAG
SCA20 Spasmodic dysphonia, palatal tremor Unknown/point
SCA27 Developmental disability and tremor FGF14/point
SCA34 Tongue atrophy and fasciculations AFG3L2/point
SCA36 Myoclonus, choreoathetosis, dementia (Huntington NOP56/ GGCCTG
diseaseYlike) expansion
Dentatorubral- Hyperkeratosis, multiple system atrophyYcerebellar ATN1/CAG
pallidoluysian atrophy typeYlike (Huntington diseaseYlike) expansion.
Episodic ataxia type 1 Episodic, lasts seconds to minutes, interictal fasciculations KCNA1/point
Episodic ataxia type 2 Episodic, lasts from hours to days, interictal nystagmus CACNA1A/point

1214 August 2016

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TABLE 9-4 Autosomal Recessive Ataxias and Mitochondrial Ataxias

Entity Features in Addition to Ataxia Gene/Mutation

Friedreich ataxia Decreased proprioception, areflexia, FXN/GAA
square-wave jerks, scoliosis, high-arched feet expansion
Abetalipoproteinemia Failure to thrive, steatorrhea TTTP/point
Cayman ataxia Psychomotor retardation MTTP/point
Ataxia telangiectasia Telangiectasia in eyes and skin, ATM/point
cancer risk mutation
Ataxia with oculomotor Oculomotor apraxia APTX/deletion
apraxia type 1
Ataxia with oculomotor Oculomotor apraxia SETX/insertion
apraxia type 2
Spinocerebellar ataxia with Axonal neuropathy TDP1/point
axonal neuropathy type 1 mutation
Autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Spasticity, distal muscle SACS/point
Charlevoix-Saguenay atrophy mutation
Autosomal recessive cerebellar Pure ataxia SYNE1/point
ataxia type 1 mutation
Refsum disease Retinitis pigmentosa, night blindness PAHX, PEX7/
point mutation
Myoclonic epilepsy, myopathy and sensory Axonal neuropathy, epilepsy POLG/point
ataxia/ataxia neuropathy syndrome mutation
Mitochondrial diseases (including myoclonic Maternally inherited, myopathy, external Point mutation
epilepsy with ragged red fibers [MERRF]; ophthalmoplegia, retinal pigmentary
neuropathy, ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa degeneration
[NARP] syndrome; mitochondrial
encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and
strokelike episodes [MELAS]; Kearns-Sayre

been used interchangeably, some ex- and foot deformities, scoliosis, hyper-
perts include MSA-C in the category of trophic cardiomyopathy, and glucose
idiopathic late-onset cerebellar ataxia. intolerance.15 With genetic diagnosis,
the phenotype has expanded to in-
Friedreich Ataxia clude a later presentation (older than
Friedreich ataxia is one of the most 25 years of age up to 60 years of age)
common genetic autosomal recessive and slower progression, which is
ataxia syndromes. Onset is typically in termed late-onset Friedreich ataxia.
childhood and young adulthood with Such individuals have retained re-
progressive ataxia leading to loss of flexes, often referred to as Friedreich
ambulation after 10 to 15 years. Other ataxia with retained reflexes, which
clinical clues include sensory loss due may show spasticity with no cardiac
to dorsal root ganglion and dorsal or skeletal signs.16 The disease arises
column degeneration with areflexia from an abnormal expansion of GAA

Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2016;22(4):1208–1226 1215

Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


Case 9-1
A 44-year-old woman presented with a 6-year history of deteriorating
balance. She had begun to use a cane 1 year prior to presentation. She also
noted neck spasms. Her father and brother had a similar progressive
neurologic disorder. She was of Cuban descent. On examination, she had very
slow saccades, normal pursuit eye movements, and no nystagmus. She had
pancerebellar ataxia with moderate dysmetria, intention tremor and
dysdiadochokinesia in her upper limbs, inability to maintain heel contact to
shin, a wide-based gait, inability to perform tandem standing and walking,
and scanning speech. Reflexes were absent in her arms and trace in her legs.
Cervical dystonia was observed. MRI of the brain showed cerebellar and
brainstem atrophy (Figure 9-212). DNA testing showed a heterozygous CAG
repeat expansion in the ATXN2 gene.

FIGURE 9-2 Sagittal MRI of the patient in Case 9-1

showing atrophy of the cerebellum and brainstem.
Reprinted with permission from Chakor RT, Bharote H, J
Postgrad Med.12 B 2012 Journal of Postgraduate Medicine. www.;year=2012;volume=58;

Comment. The patient’s family history indicates an autosomal dominant

inheritance pattern. The history of adult-onset ataxia, Cuban descent, and
signs characterized by very slow saccades and absent reflexes in addition to
cerebellar ataxia is highly suggestive of spinocerebellar ataxia type 2. In this
situation, a direct genetic test for spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 rather than a
panel is often cost effective.

repeats in the frataxin gene (FXN), of GAA repeats on the smaller allele.
although point mutations may be Loss of frataxin function in mitochondria
present on one of the chromosomes leads to iron-sulfur cluster deficits, im-
in lieu of the GAA expansion in rare paired oxidation, and iron accumulation.
cases. The age of disease onset is Nicotinamide has been shown to in-
inversely correlated with the number crease frataxin but no clinical benefit

1216 August 2016

Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Case 9-2
A 71-year-old woman presented for evaluation
of an 11-year history of slowly progressive
dysarthria and appendicular, gait, and truncal
ataxia. At the time of evaluation, the patient
walked with a walker and noted urinary
urgency and incontinence and frequent
diarrhea with fecal incontinence, which she had
experienced for the past several years. Urinalysis,
urine cultures, and colonoscopy were recently
normal. She reported palpitations, excessive
drooling, and light-headedness. Family history
revealed that her father had been diagnosed
with Parkinson disease. She was on a regimen
of high-dose coenzyme Q10. Previous
neuropsychological testing showed no significant
cognitive impairments. On examination,
orthostatic hypotension was noted, with a
38 mm Hg drop in systolic blood pressure after
standing accompanied by light-headedness.
She had scanning dysarthria, irregular ocular FIGURE 9-3 Axial MRI of the patient in Case 9-2 showing
a hot cross bun sign.
pursuit, and nystagmus. Severe appendicular,
gait, and truncal ataxia was noted, and she also Modified with permission from Srivastava T, et al,
Neurology.13 B 2005 American Academy of Neurology. www.neurology.
demonstrated mild cogwheel rigidity and org/content/64/1/128.full.
bradykinesia. Brain MRI showed cerebellar and
brainstem atrophy with a hot cross bun sign
(Figure 9-313). She had no response to levodopa treatment. She underwent extensive tests for reversible,
treatable etiologies as well as genetic tests for inherited ataxias that were unrevealing.
Comment. This patient has multiple system atrophy (MSA)Ycerebellar type, based on the predominant
symptom of ataxia. If parkinsonism predominates the presentation, it can be classified as
MSAYparkinsonian type.14 The full features of cerebellar, striatonigral, and autonomic degeneration
developed 10 years after the first onset of ataxia. It is often not possible to diagnose MSA at the initial
onset of the disorder. A definitive diagnosis can only be made on pathologic findings of glial cytoplasmic
inclusions in the central nervous system.

has yet been demonstrated, and studies (eg, pancerebellar ataxia, isolated gait
with the iron chelator deferiprone and ataxia), associated manifestations, and
the antioxidant idebenone are unclear the cause of ataxia. Good history
on long-term benefit. Carbamylated taking will allow neurologists to predict
erythropoietin, interferon gamma-1b, the findings of the physical examination
pioglitazone, epoetin alfa, and a few with good accuracy. Detection of any
other clinical trials have been completed. surprising physical findings should
These studies have not shown convinc- warrant revisiting the history.
ing evidence of efficacy.17
EVALUATION OF THE PATIENT Ataxia may present with a variety of
WITH ATAXIA associated signs and symptoms that
The history should provide clues to the allow the neurologist to narrow the dif-
type of ataxia (eg, cerebellar ataxia, ferential diagnosis. The standard history
sensory ataxia) or vestibular dysfunc- and physical examination serve as a
tion, the affected parts of the body general framework for the evaluation
Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2016;22(4):1208–1226 1217

Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


of ataxia. As reviewed previously, myelinating disease. Headache with

symptoms include gait disturbance/ nausea and vomiting suggests structural
imbalance, instability with sitting and lesions in the posterior fossa. Cognitive
standing, hand incoordination and impairment and hallucinations suggest
intention tremor, slurred speech, loss Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, intoxi-
of sensation, and paresthesia. Symp- cation, or poisoning. If imbalance hap-
toms suggesting serious or potentially pens in the dark, sensory ataxia should
life-threatening causes include head- be considered.
ache, nausea, and vomiting. For func-
The patient’s medication list should
tional disability, it is helpful to ask
about impairment in activities of daily be reviewed to determine a possible
living and instrumental activities of temporal association between suspected
daily living, such as problems with drug use and ataxia onset. Vitamin B6
buttoning clothes or reaching objects (pyridoxine) dosing exceeding 50 mg/d
and difficulty getting to the bathroom to 100 mg/d may induce neuropathy/
at night. neuronopathy, leading to sensory ataxia.
Age and gender. Cerebellitis is Prescription use of anticonvulsants (eg,
more common in children, and mi- phenytoin, which may cause ataxia
graine is more common in younger due to either acute toxicity with high
patients, particularly women. doses or chronic use), lithium, or
Acute, subacute, or chronic onset. chemotherapeutic agents may indicate
The rate and pattern of the develop- drug reaction.
ment of ataxia help to narrow the Social history can include questions
differential diagnosis. Acute-onset regarding occupation, possible toxic
ataxia needs special attention as some exposure to chemicals, sexual history
of the etiologies (eg, stroke) could be (eg, human immunodeficiency virus
life threatening. Gradual onset of [HIV], syphilis), drug abuse, and ex-
ataxia with or without persistent head- cessive alcohol intake. History of drug
ache or change in mentation may or alcohol abuse may indicate solvent
indicate a primary tumor. These symp- or alcohol poisoning or Wernicke
toms in association with unintentional encephalopathy. Occupational expo-
weight loss may indicate primary or sure to heavy metals or solvents may
metastatic malignancy. An intermittent indicate poisoning. Gait disorders that
pattern to the symptoms may indicate appear to be ataxia with exaggerated
entities such as transient ischemic and bizarre movements that are in-
attack, multiple sclerosis, and inher- consistent and incongruous with
ited episodic ataxia. known ataxia may indicate a nonor-
Associated symptoms and histori- ganic or functional etiology. However,
cal features. Associated symptoms can clinicians should remember that the
be clues to localize the lesion and existence of inconsistency and incon-
determine the underlying etiology. gruousness does not necessarily ex-
Symptoms include impairment of con- clude a coexisting organic ataxia. When
sciousness, visual changes, trouble underlying neurologic causes of ataxia
speaking and swallowing, focal sensory are distorted by psychogenic features,
loss or weakness, vertigo, slow and evaluation becomes challenging. Func-
abnormal movements, cognitive im- tional ataxia should be a diagnosis of
pairment, and behavior changes. Fa- exclusion.
cial droop, diplopia, pupillary defects, A review of systems should include
tongue deviation, dysarthria, and dys- constitutional symptoms (eg, weight
phonia suggest stroke, tumors, or de- loss, fever, night sweats) and history
1218 August 2016

Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, ing loss should be further evaluated h Physical examination
dyslipidemia, and atrial fibrillation. to rule out inner ear issues. should give attention
History of chronic diarrhea may be Cerebellar signs. The gait is often not only to appendicular
associated with bismuth abuse and affected first. Patients cannot stand ataxia by examination of
toxicity. Previous history of migraine, with feet together. A more sensitive limb movements and
visual aura, and triggers for onset of test is tandem stance or walking. upright ataxia by
ataxia may indicate migraine as cause. Patients tend to veer to the same side. examination of stance,
Recent infectious illness may indicate Gait is wide-based with titubation. A gait, and truncal ataxia,
cerebellitis or Miller Fisher syndrome. focal cerebellar lesion often leads to but also to ocular
ipsilateral impaired cerebellar func- dyskinesia, speech
Special Considerations on abnormalities,
tions, including limb dysmetria, inten-
Neurologic Examination of the proprioceptive loss, and
tion tremor, loss of check, hypotonia,
vestibular dysfunction.
Patient With Ataxia and dorsal spooning (hyperextension
Mental status examination. The role of interphalangeal joints) of the hand,
of the cerebellum in cognition is in- as well as dysarthria and nystagmus
creasingly recognized. The cerebellum (refer to the previous section on
is not only the site of motor coordina- symptoms and signs of ataxia).
tion but intimately communicates with Physical examination should give
the cerebrum for higher cortical func- attention not only to appendicular
tions, including frontal executive func- ataxia by examination of limb move-
tions, spatial orientation, motor ments and upright ataxia by examina-
memory, language functions, and emo- tion of stance, gait, and truncal ataxia,
tional recognition and production. Pa- but also to ocular dyskinesias, speech
tients with cerebellar disorders may abnormalities, proprioceptive loss,
exhibit disorders of these cognitive and vestibular dysfunction.
functions, which should be assessed Extrapyramidal signs. It is not
for on examination. uncommon for chronic progressive
Cranial nerve examination. In var- ataxia to be associated with extrapyra-
ious cerebellar disorders, examination midal signs. In hereditary ataxias,
of extraocular movements often re- extrapyramidal signs are often the
veals abnormal pursuit and saccade, indication of spreading of an underly-
ocular dyskinesia such as square-wave ing neurodegenerative process be-
jerks, ocular flutter, and opsoclonus. yond the cerebellum and brainstem.
Papilledema may develop with a cere- For example, while most SCAs com-
bellar mass lesion, especially with monly affect gait first, MSA and some
hydrocephalus. Ipsilateral loss of cor- SCAs may also have associated parkin-
neal reflex and eighth cranial nerve sonism. Parkinsonism in SCA2, SCA3,
dysfunction may suggest a cerebellopon- and SCA17 often responds to levo-
tine angle tumor. Facial and tongue dopa; however, when the striatum is
fasciculations may be a prominent sign involved, patients tend to have parkin-
of SCA3, and severe tongue atrophy and sonism and are not responsive to
fasciculations are signs of SCA36. levodopa. While levodopa therapy
Vestibular signs. Ataxia from the can induce dyskinesia in these pa-
vestibular system is almost always tients treated with levodopa, involun-
associated with vertigo and slow nys- tary movements, including dystonia,
tagmus with or without change of may be part of the disease process
position. Affected patients also tend of SCAs. Careful observation during
to veer to the ipsilateral side when the examination may be needed to
they try to walk in a straight line. Hear- detect them.
Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2016;22(4):1208–1226 1219

Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


Strength. It is important to assess ataxias to monitor the natural history

whether the degree of ataxia can be and therapeutic response. However,
explained by muscle weakness. To they can also be used in the evaluation
offset ataxia, the examiner can hold of acquired ataxias to help gauge a
the patient’s hands and ask him or her patient’s functional disability and ac-
to stand from a sitting position and to tivities of daily living. The Brief Ataxia
stand on toes and heels to examine Rating Scale (BARS)21 is less time
the functional proximal and distal consuming than these rating scales
muscle strength. Symmetric proximal yet captures key ataxia measures and
muscle weakness suggests myopathy. is useful in clinical practice.
Distal muscle weakness suggests gen-
eralized neuropathy. Gait dysfunction DIAGNOSTIC TESTING
may also suggest muscle weakness The selection of diagnostic tests
rather than ataxia. For example, when should be tailored according to the
the hip girdle is weak due to myopa- clinical presentation and signs on
thy, the pelvis tends to shift toward physical examination.
the side, causing what is called wad-
dling gait, which should not be con- Laboratory Testing
fused with ataxic gait. If drug-induced ataxia is suspected,
Proprioceptive sensory system. therapeutic drug levels should be ex-
Loss of sensory input from spinocer- amined. Phenobarbital and butabarbital
ebellar tracts to the cerebellum may overdose may occur accidentally
cause sensory ataxia. Any impairment or intentionally. The therapeutic range
along the proprioceptive pathway may of lithium is narrow, and regular mon-
cause sensory loss (for example, itoring of blood levels is required.
Friedreich ataxia, ataxia with vitamin E Phenytoin does not follow linear phar-
deficiency, acquired sensory ataxias macokinetics and can easily attain
related to ataxic polyneuropathies supratherapeutic drug concentrations.
[eg, paraneoplastic sensory neurono- In the evaluation of acute ataxia in the
pathy], Sjögren syndrome, diabetes emergency department, blood alcohol
mellitus, vitamin B6 toxicity, Miller levels should always be tested. A level of
Fisher syndrome). This can be tested 150 mg/dL to 300 mg/dL will almost
by examining vibration and proprio- always affect coordination and balance.
ception at the great toe. The ataxia is Other laboratory tests include vitamin
usually worsened when taking out the B6 and vitamin B12 levels, thyroid-
visual cues, in contrast to cerebellar stimulating hormone (TSH), heavy
ataxia, where there is no difference in metal levels (bismuth, lead, mercury),
the degree of ataxia with and without HIV, syphilis, Lyme and toxoplasmosis
eyes closed. Such patients also have serology, paraneoplastic panel (includ-
trouble standing with feet together ing anti-Yo for breast and ovarian
and eyes closed (Romberg sign). cancers, anti-P/Q type voltage-gated
calcium channel for lung cancer, anti-Tr
Ataxia Evaluation Scales for Hodgkin disease, anti-Ri for breast
The International Cooperative Ataxia cancer, anti-Hu for lung cancer), and
Rating Scale (ICARS),18 the Scale for other autoantibodies (antiYglutamic
the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia acid decarboxylase [GAD], anti-GQ1b
(SARA),19 and the Friedreich’s Ataxia for Miller Fisher syndrome, and anti-
Rating Scale (FARS)20 were developed gliadin antibody). If hereditary ataxia is
for research purposes in inherited suspected, certain laboratory tests can
1220 August 2016

Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

help narrow down the specific genetic useful for ischemic stroke and infraten-
test needed, such as high or low torial structural lesion evaluation. Non-
vitamin E and abnormal lipoprotein invasive vascular imaging may also be
in abetalipoproteinemia, high "- diagnostically useful, as indicated.
fetoprotein and low immunoglobulin Some MRI signs are diagnostically
in ataxia telangiectasia, high serum useful, such as the hot cross bun sign
cholesterol and low albumin in ataxia (MSA), middle cerebellar peduncle high
with oculomotor apraxia type 1, high signal on T2-weighted images (fragile X
"-fetoprotein in ataxia with oculomo- tremor-ataxia syndrome [FXTAS]), and
tor apraxia type 2, and high plasma molar tooth sign (Joubert syndrome),
phytanic acid in Refsum disease. among others (Figure 9-2, Figure 9-3,
Figure 9-4,22 Figure 9-5,23 Figure 9-6,24
Imaging Figure 9-7,25 Figure 9-826).
Head CT may detect a mass in the
posterior cranial fossa and is exten- Genetic Testing
sively used in the clinical evaluation of For inherited ataxias, genetic tests
acute stroke, especially for the rapid are available for the CAG expan-
exclusion of intracerebral hemorrhage. sions involved in SCA1, SCA2, SCA3
However, head CT may not be ideal (Machado-Joseph disease), SCA6, SCA7,
for structural lesions in the cerebellum SCA12, SCA17, and dentatorubral-
or brainstem because of bone artifacts. pallidoluysian atrophy; CTG expansion
For that purpose, brain MRI is more associated with SCA8; GAA expansion
appropriate. Brain MRI is especially in Friedreich ataxia; pentanucleotide

FIGURE 9-4 Axial MRI of a 17-year-old girl with autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of
Charlevoix-Saguenay showing degeneration of the corticospinal tract in the
brainstem. The patient has had spasticity, ataxia, reduced fine motor function,
and abnormal plantar responses since she was 5 years old. The patient’s family history was
negative except for a cousin with spasticity. Consecutive axial T2-weighted MRI slices (A, B)
demonstrate linear hypointensity in the pons.
Reprinted with permission from Martin MH, et al, AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. B 2007 American Society of

Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2016;22(4):1208–1226 1221

Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


drial encephalomyopathy, lactic acido-

sis, and strokelike episodes (MELAS);
and neuropathy, ataxia, retinitis
pigmentosa (NARP) syndrome. Many
other recently defined gene mutations
can be tested for by selected lab-
oratories or research facilities.
Genetic tests are very accurate and
becoming less expensive. The choice of
tests can be made based on the
inheritance pattern, laboratory abnor-
malities, clinical characteristics, and
epidemiologic data. In autosomal dom-
inant and a handful of autosomal reces-
sive ataxias, genetic testing should be
done first, and if DNA testing is pos-
FIGURE 9-5 Joubert syndrome. Axial itive, conventional MRI and blood tests
MRI of a 5-year-old boy
with delayed milestones, become unnecessary for establishing
a prominent forehead and low-set ears, the diagnosis. For example, if siblings
and cerebellar ataxia, hypotonia, and
hyperreflexia, showing dysgenesis of the are affected with the typical clinical
isthmus (the part of the brainstem presentation of Friedreich ataxia (Sup-
between the pons and inferior colliculus),
thick superior cerebellar peduncles, and plemental Digital Content 9-2,
hypoplasia of the vermis. These MRI, a DNA
findings produce the molar tooth sign. test should be ordered first. If two
Reprinted with permission from Koshy B, et al, J GAA expansion alleles are identified,
Trop Pediatr.23 B 2009 The Authors. Published by
Oxford University Press. MRI, nerve conduction studies and
EMG, and many other tests add only
ATTCT repeat expansion in SCA10 and academic footnotes to the diagnosis.
TGGAA repeat expansion in SCA31; These tests would change neither diag-
hexanucleotide GGCCTG repeat expan- nosis nor management unless atypical
sion in SCA36; conventional mutations features suggest concomitant pathol-
in SCA5, SCA13, SCA14, and episodic ogy. Similarly, in autosomal dominant
ataxia type 2; and mutations in POLG disorders with an established geno-
(mitochondrial recessive ataxia syn- type in a relative, direct DNA testing
drome), APTX (ataxia with oculomotor should be ordered rather than order-
apraxia type 1), and SETX (ataxia with ing other laboratory tests or MRI. The
oculomotor apraxia type 2). Other website is an ex-
point mutations can also be commer- cellent resource for information re-
cially tested by specific mutation garding the evolving facts about such
analyses or whole exome sequencing, tests. A test panel without consider-
although interpretation of results be- ation of clinical features is not encour-
yond the well-characterized disease- aged because it is not cost effective.
causing mutations is challenging (eg, However, if the clinical features are
variants of unknown significance). Tests more typical for an inherited ataxia with
are also commercially available for a negative family history or if the family
the common mutations in mitochon- history is incomplete, the entire dom-
drial DNA that may be associated with inant ataxia panel should be per-
ataxias such as myoclonic epilepsy with formed. Whole exome sequencing,
ragged red fibers (MERRF); mitochon- whole genome sequencing, and whole
1222 August 2016

Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

h When sequence analysis
is done in a patient with
ataxia, polymorphisms
of unknown significance
may be reported. Such
alterations have not been
previously reported to be
pathogenic. Whether
such polymorphisms are
truly pathogenic will
have to be determined by
additional research.

FIGURE 9-6 Fragile X tremor-ataxia syndrome. Axial

T2-weighted MRI of a 76-year-old man showing
increased signal intensity in the middle cerebellar
peduncles. The patient presented to a movement disorders
clinic with progressive gait ataxia since the age of 68, with later
development of memory problems, occasional confusion, and
tremor in his left hand during walking. His family history revealed
developmental disability in his grandson through his daughter
and premature ovarian failure in one of his granddaughters.
Reprinted with permission from Hagerman PJ, Hagerman RJ, Nat Clin Pract
Neurol.24 B 2007 Nature Publishing Group.

mitochondrial sequencing are becom- reported to be pathogenic. Whether

ing more and more available for idio- such polymorphisms are truly patho-
pathic late-onset cerebellar ataxia and genic will have to be determined by
sporadic adult-onset ataxia.2,27,28 Whole additional research.
exome sequencing and whole genome
sequencing are especially useful in CONCLUSION
detecting genetic mutations known to Ataxia is a condition that can be easily
cause specific diseases. However, these recognized by the patient’s coordina-
technologies have technical limitations tion problems, gait disturbance, and
in diagnosing a repeat expansion dis- trouble speaking. However, the inves-
order. Whole exome sequencing and tigation of underlying causes requires
whole genome sequencing usually gen- systematic evaluation. Other neuro-
erate sequence variants of unknown logic disorders that can give rise to
significance. Advanced bioinformatics, similar problems with gait and dexter-
which may be unavailable or costly, ity (eg, nerve and muscle disorders,
would be necessary to analyze the spinal cord diseases, and basal ganglia
pathogenic significance of these vari- diseases) can usually be distinguished
ants, although some research protocols on the basis of physical signs alone. In
offer thorough whole exome sequenc- acute settings, the clinician’s main mis-
ing and whole genome sequencing sion is to recognize life-threatening
applications. When sequence analysis events. One common cause of acute
is done, polymorphisms of unknown ataxia in adults is stroke, which typically
significance may be reported. Such happens suddenly with headache, nau-
alterations have not been previously sea, and vomiting. In nonacute settings,

Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2016;22(4):1208–1226 1223

Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


FIGURE 9-7 Sensory ataxic neuropathy with dysarthria and

ophthalmoparesis (with POLG mutation). Axial
T2-weighted MRI of a 50-year-old man with
a 4-year history of cerebellar ataxia, numb feet, diplopia, and
slurred speech, showing well-defined symmetric signal
abnormality in the cerebellar white matter, lateral to and sparing
the dentate nuclei.
Reprinted with permission from van Gaalen J, van de Warrenburg BP, Pract
Neurol. B 2012, BMJ Publishing Group.

FIGURE 9-8 Atrophy of the cervical spinal cord in a patient with Friedreich ataxia shown on
T1-weighted sagittal section (A) and T2-weighted horizontal section (B) showing
the atrophic cervical spinal cord (arrow) on MRI.
Reprinted with permission from Mascalchi M, et al, AJR. B 1994 American Roentgen Ray

1224 August 2016

Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

no simple algorithm or guideline to over 15,000 genes and resources. A
follow exists. However, being familiar search for ataxia links to a large array
with ataxia disorders will help physi- of genetic resources and research
cians solicit related symptoms and related to various ataxias.
diagnostic signs on physical examina-
tion, which can often prompt appropri-
ate laboratory and diagnostic tests to VIDEO LEGENDS
confirm a clinical working diagnosis. In Supplemental Digital Content 9-1
certain situations, finding an etiology can Early-onset spinocerebellar ataxia
become a daunting task. For acquired type 2. This video shows a girl with
ataxias, after the offending factor is slow eye movements and ataxia due to
removed, the disease progression nor- early-onset spinocerebellar ataxia type 2.
mally stops and the patient will recover She also has brisk tendon reflexes (not
in 6 months to a year. With early shown), which is not usual in adult-
intervention, especially at a young age, onset spinocerebellar ataxia type 2.
most patients compensate well and will
only have very mild incoordination or B 2016 American Academy of Neurology.
none at all.
Supplemental Digital Content 9-2
USEFUL WEBSITES Friedreich ataxia. This video shows a
Ataxia Study Group. The Ataxia Study boy with Friedreich ataxia exhibiting gait
Group carries out clinical trials and other ataxia, proprioceptive loss, and dysarthria.
research to identify the causes of ataxia. B 2016 American Academy of Neurology.
Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance.
Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance is a ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
nonprofit organization engaged in sci- This work was supported by a grant
entific research dedicated to treating awarded to Dr Tetsuo Ashizawa from the
and curing Friedreich ataxia. National Institutes of Health (NS083564).
GeneTests. GeneTests provides informa- REFERENCES
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