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Zdani'a podrzędne ograniczayqce :rozpoczynaiq się tuz po.

rzecŻowniku ''zdania gtównego i dos.t'arczajq.'.kluczolłv!{Ćh . .

rzgczownika, dó którego się Ódnośzq


i..h y:YĆ na środilł gt6*n.s;.

-[ho ,ltho
ioni: !o.w :ł'nia
man toid ma about this placo,wat old
t mgi tl,'' 1ou*g *nń; ;ho * iour hair
podizędnY.l osraiiiżaiqlvctl
1żvwan: y =4u:iach
rozru q s|ę W zaleŻności:od tego''j caq mówimy o l.udżlach,.

Who \ub which ń,oże żbstqpiĆ podmiot [ub dop.gtńi'eńi:Ó W

ńqe'zd mek wio

l#ffiiil ;: :::::
tho'r 1110,;,gir[

Często za,mi.aśt ii',,,n''*;.*, ,i,i,, * ,.,,..fołma[n.ej

] '.

na ałm
;}?;lł'f*[ i#.fTl;Ęi;4e :t

nid lour sap,:tht gr ,thtt ri*

92,1 In this exercise you
Unir 92
have to expfain what
some words mean.
choose right meaning
. r diction ary ifth.
n eces sa ry.
steals from a shop
.t r

I buys somethi ng from a shop
he/she ) Pays renr to I ive in a house or flat

doesn't believe in God

is not brave breaks into a house
I to sreal things
I expects the w orst to happen


92.3 cgmplete the sentences.

choose the best ending
from the box and
he invented the telephone ange ;;
,:"^ a^ -,' ..
it into relative clause.
she runs away frorn- home
it gives you-the tueaning
they stole my car of words
it can support life
they were on rhe
wall it cannor be explained


1 Choose the correct words.
7 He's the man who I which interviewed me for the job.
2 That's the hospital where / whose my sister works.
3 she works as part of a team where I which is in paris.
4 Gina's the pianist who I whose accompanies the show.
5 They're the neighbours who I whose car was stolen.
6 That's the woman whose I who is in charge of paying the
sa la ries.
7 A taboratory is which I where scientists work.
8 Unskitled work is work wh ich lwho requires no

2 Complete the sentences with relatlve
clauses using the
phrases in the box.

they repair bicycles a lor of parks rhere

it makes furniture llnf..are
his job is similar to a doctor's
they play jazz his classes are so interesting
my brother works there

1 They work on the buitding Site.i':..:.i, :1' . r r., : ,,,,, , , ,,r,r 1.,,,,.

2 A paramedic is a person
3 Tom works for a design company
4 We live in a district
5 They're looking for musicians
6 Do you know any mechanics
7 He's the (ecturer
8 That's the bank
I Choose th* ."rr.ct words.
7 He's the police officer who / whose car was invotved in
an accident. \--
2 workl in the department where lwhich my aunt is
le rge of.
gn a

4 is the lr consultant who / whose fixed our

5 ńo*an who / which apptied for the cleaning
6 That's the building site where / whose my brother works.

2 complete the sentences with relative clauses. use the

information below.
,1...:,..ti *,i.. i,r,;..i.::r.,rj..t]..,,,...i.,11:t,,r.,.,:.':..,
:-.a1,, i, ,...,1.,1,,,, ::. ,,,:1.

I.. l.
.i l'', ," ii:'j,..''i i., i,., ,i: r . ., I ,

7 That's the theatre wh*.ro rrry *iaie.r worK*

2 She'sthedirector .

3 Heworks in a lanorarg
4 That's the buitding sit.' T'
5 Do you know any carpenters l
6 Tom worl<s for an lT company
7 A translator is a person
, Rewrite the two sentences as one sentence. Use whose.
I That's the man. His name
That,* tho młn rułh**r ilaffif' i* LarK.
2 | met a girl. Her sister is in my class.
3 What's tlre name of the girl? Her cat died tast:week. l'

4 | knoW a boy'.His.mum.wórks] in th.e lo:cal supermarl<et.

5 There's a..boy iń.rny claiś,His first tangńage is lta[ian. .

6 Do you know anybody? Their parents are very rich.

Choose the correct relative pronoun. lf both answers are Some of the sentences are incorrect. Rewrite them correctlv
correct, circle both. if necessary.
1 A telesales operatoi is a person who / that seLLs things 1 A supervisor is a person who is in charge of a team. n
over the phone.
A studio is the place where / that an artist works.
2 She's the person who she deals with the pubtic.
3 A salary is the money which / that you earn in your job.
4 A banl< clerl< is the person who / that serves you in a
3 A rewarding job is one which you enjoy. !
5 A building site is a ptace where / that construction

Unskitted work is worl< which / that doesn't require
4 That's the Lowest satarv where vou can earn here. !
A waiter is a person whose / that iob is to serve meals.
5 A factorv is a place where cars are made there. !
8 A fruit-picker is a person who / that works on a fruit farm.
6 She's the flight attendant who husband is a pilot. !
Complete the text with who, which, where or whose.

Join the two sentences with a relative clause. Use the

pronouns who, which, where or whose.
1 She's the manager. She runs the office.
ihe.'e tho managor who runs tho offico.
2 That's the man. His job is to do the paperworl<.

3 That's the office. Thev deal with the oublic there.

4 That's the computer. I got it for my birthday.

5 That's the job. My sister is applying for it.

ó That's the girl. I borrowed her phone'

7 He's the shoo assistant. He served me.

8 A [aboratory is a place. Scientists do experiments there.

The flight ottendont I- served us on the

clone is o cousin of mine. She works for on oirline Com plete the sentences.
t- operotes belween London ond New A receptionist is a person who
/ork. She lives in New York in o flot 3-
she shores with two friends 4- lhove
rever met. The one 5-
A uniform is something which
B room I usuolly
ś stoy in is often owoy' The bed ó- l s|eep
University is a place where
r is olwoys very comfortoble! My cousin hos got o
coyfriend 7-job is very well-poid. I con't
'emember the nome of the compony 8- When I leave school, I want to get a job which

're works, but ld quite like to work there myselfl

: r1 you rnet
these People at
a party:
unir 94

My wife is an
English teacher.

f/4& We've just
Ę rI
got rnarried. My parents used
work in a circus.

The next day

rl- 'LY
7 I rnet the sentences
using who or whose.
2 I rnet
3 Imet
5 Imet
sentences using
rt back ther
wi ;:;-"i:;ffi:;:J'
*u terr someone
ask a friend wher.
foo can do ,frir.

. i,3 Cornplete each

sentence usfng Sundays.
s3.1 In sorne of these se ntences
you need whm or that.

is a doctor.
Have you fou"d ,t* r.łil;" lost?
t^ people we last night were very nice.
Il.: lnet the ofł.. J;;;H;.
: TP
5 The people I work with
ro', don; with"r.the money
i 3::
Y|1: happened to the money
r gave
;;,';; ;ff ;;#,
: Il":,
8 $7hat's the worst firm you've ever
9 $'hat's the best thing it has ever
happened to you?
tiił.jo,.yl;ili:T:: Comp|ete each sentence
with a re|ative
IH *."'
.2 AHave you found "fi,..Tn ; ",,"j, "r *" r" r.".;,;
l"*:, .....fu.ę'..k.ęu.ę.'.s%.{";"i::^uuw ll ffiJ"lffi
ne nas #Tj::
tound them. :: ".
You say:
friend is wearing a dress.
dress. you like ir. you
like the dress ;"ll h;;, a)

3 A frie'"'.| i" rr...i'- * Łx

see a,film.
v.' *""|'" r.""* " - -
TThat's the :::9
.r,. name of the film. ;^:'
:: tne
n"me of the film ": ..:"""
You say:
4 Yon rxrantoj r^ ,-:^:- visit
The museum
a museum. rt was *rul wucn y;
,r,* ."r,." you got y; ;i ;;,:;;:
there. you tell a; friend:
........... ?

#m1'.".Tl,o..o'.. il;;i;r,.-."'ia";;J::;::,,]ł':::::ot
p",i;. uv'rs (, rnem couldn't come. You there.
...... '.'.
Some of the people tell to-aoara,

' IT:
Have i:Tl*:f":..f:.:::;
you finished the work
*";k t; i;; ;.n.
;;;; ;"'K'ow has n"i,r,.ol"Jj1".l;:*"
rr she r,", finished. You say:
"." ":: "::""
7 You hired a car.
It broke
hr^Lo A^,..^ ^r-,Cł
down-. .*ł9vl ,rril.r. y";
? ............
after few lllllcs.
The cAr
The Car ..'.
a ll-vv Iou teII iJ;r;,
;.ir a triend:
.;..^;^-^; ;rom had,..;;_.;;;;;;;;,;:
; ; .broke a rew mles.
We stayed at a hotel ;;, ,.1f: ?.1:::**

83"3 Complete each sentence

tt a pre pos ition, cho*se
f rnm the box.
we went to a party last night
you can rely on Gary
I work with we were invited to a weddirg
I applied for a job
you told me about a hotel
I saw you with a man


93,4 Fut (1r


of who when it is obiectof the verb in the rerative

,Y:n:: ff'J*ffi,,|ad the
crause (rike the
n The woman whom I wanted to
see was away. (I wanted to see her)
You can also use whom with
a preposition (to whom /
n The people with whom I work fromwhom / with whom etc.):
u.ry nice. (I work with them)
[::;i$il,':':: ffi"TłĘl" spoken English. We usually prefer who or that, or nothing
E The woman I wanted to see ...
or The woman who/thatl wanted to
n The people I work with ... or see ...
ih. p.opl. who/that I work with ...
s ls prenty of sunshine.
We say:

the d^y / the year / thetime t:*.thing

erc. { happens or
I that something happens
n Do you remember the
duy (that) we went
il The last time (th*u I sawher, to the zoo?
she looked fine.
il I haven't seen them since the
year (that) they got
*lwe say:

the reason { ,:*.thing happens or

I that/why something happens
f The reason Im phoning
you is to ask your
(or The reason that advice.
I'nrphoning / Thereason
why I'm phoning)
on Sundays.
E4'3 complete each sentence using wholw hamlwhose/where.
1 Vhatb the name of the man .....wlf:.p,ę.ę..... car you
2 A cemetery is a place ................ people borrowed?
are buried.
3 A pacifist is a person ............. believes that
all wars are wrong.
4 An orphan is a child ............. parents are dead.
5 !'hat was the name of the person ,o ...._.....-....._-._
you spoke on the phone?
6 The place ....................._.. .._....._.,... we spent our holidays
7 This school is only for children ._...... ............. _;.;Jry ;;autiful.
first language is not English.
8 The woman with .................. he fell in
love left him afrcr
94.4 Use your own ideas to complete these
sentences. They are like the examples
in sections D and E.
1 I'll always remember the
d^y ......|.....t.wah...n.ęk. sq.* .
2 I'll never forger the time


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