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Name: Nor- Esa M.

Comara Date: 10/01/21

Course/Yr&Sec: BTLed HE-4A Subject: BTLE R118

Module 2
Research Data Organization, Interpretation, and Discussion

Activity: Read this problem below and give your analysis on the analysis portion.

As a researcher, why is it important to know the ways in interpreting the

findings of the study?

Interpreting the findings of a certain research study is not simple as we thought. Perhaps,
it needs an ample of time through looking and understanding the ideas first that has been
presented or should I say the data analysis. As a researcher, yes, I am not good of interpreting the
data or the findings that is why, it is very important to determine the different ways of
interpreting the findings, as it helps me to make my interpretation easy and clearly
understandable by the readers. It basically serves as my guide to formulate and interpret the
findings smoothly. Generally speaking, this ways were gives as deep knowledge with regards to
interpreting the findings carefully.
Other than that, we also need to know that, interpreting the finding also depends on how
the researcher analyzes the data, if the data analyzed wrongly then the interpretation to be made
is wrong too. Therefore in order to also achieve the good interpretation the researcher must
analyzed first the data correctly.

1. As a researcher, in what ways did the interpretation of the findings cited in studies,
enhance your knowledge of presenting findings?
The interpretation of the findings in studies enhances my knowledge in presenting data in
such a way that, it gives me an additional knowledge and guidance and information to come up
good interpretation that could possibly make the readers understand. It helps me to create and
provide the information that the readers need to know with regards to the research study that I’ve

Develop your null hypotheses on the following:

a. Different educational attainment on teaching effectiveness
Null Hypothesis
There is no significant difference between the different educational attainments on
teaching effectiveness.
b. A group of college students on NSTP
Null Hypothesis
There is no significant difference in a group of college students on NSTP.

1. In a taste test conducted on new 3-in-1 coffee products being developed, the
hypothesis test yielded the following result. t-value = 1.372 with a corresponding p-
value = 1.013 at 0.05

Prepare an analysis and interpret.

The t-value of 1.372 with a computed p- value of 1.013 fail to rejects the null
hypothesis, since the p- value is greater than the level of significance which is 1.013. This
means that in the taste test conducted there is no significant difference between the new
and the existing 3-in-1 coffee products.

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